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Sonic CD JP VS US Music

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Hey has anyone ever noticed that the JP Sonic CD's music is different than the US's is? Why do you think that is?

Also if you've heard both versions which do you like more?

I certainly like the JP Sonic CD music more.

Please reply if you like.


Posts: 1355
Noble Member

The music was changed because SoA decided it would be a good idea. I, like most, prefer the JP version{see screenname :P}. I haven't bothered listening to all the US tracks, but I don't see the point in bothering. I've heard enough.

Posts: 679
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Have to admit I know very little on the subject. I have Sonic CD for PC, so whichever version that has is the one I've actually heard. I know I love Sonic Boom (which I *think* was US, right?) but equally I love Sonic Warrior, which I first heard on the Sonic 10th Anniversary CD (although obviously I had heard the tune in Sonic 2 Game Gear!).

I'd love to be able to hear them both and make my choice (without spending hours online!). Unfortunately, judging by the Sonic Gems discussion here, that's not going to be possible.


Posts: 127
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Well I used to prefer the US tracks until I actually took the time to play my Sonic CD pc version with the japanese tracks being played on Winamp. (XD I turned of the game's volume) And gosh those JPN tracks were great. I especially loved Palmtree Panic and Quartz Quadrant. I pretty much prefered every JPN track, though the US tidal tempest just seems better for the stage than the JP IMO. I also like Wacky Workbench bad future US, but prfer the JP. There are some good US tracks, but most just seem to odd for a Sonic game. I still like Sonic Boom more than toot too though, but COsmic Eternity is tied up with it. I think I'll probably write a review about each track in both versions eventually.

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I like some american tracks better than their japanese counterparts, vise versa, and I like some of them equally.

I'm importing Gems from Japan to get the japanese soundtrack for CD (among other reasons), only because I already have the PC version with the US soundtrack.

Posts: 17
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Make sure you are aware that you will have to go out of your way, and may not be able to get it to work in your American PS2/NGC, before spending 40-60 dollars on an imported SGC.

Posts: 4607
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How exactly are you not supposed to get it to work on a US GC when you have FreeLoaders/Action Replays that do all that jazz for you? Really, the only thing to worry about is loss of save data, which can be overcome by having a spare (preferably small) memory card handy.

PS2, though, I'm not experienced enough with to comment much.

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Sega GameCube?

Posts: 4607
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Sonic Gems Collection. I'll admit, though, the resemblance to NGC is uncanny.

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Sega GameCube?

Sega of America thinks so.

Posts: 261
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I'm all for the US tracks. I simply cannot stand most of the original music and it's not for a lack of trying. I had heard for years how bloody superior the original soundtrack is, and how the US version was awful compared to it. So I rip my SegaCD game as an ISO+MP3 set and use the non-US music. I was looking forward to some kind of amazing musical revelation. What I got was stupider for hearing it.

I've argued in Spencer Nielson's defense many times. Poor guy gets a bum rap. He did great on SonicCD and Echo The Dolphin CD, but there are folks out there that HATE the man for what he did to the AMAZING original soundtrack.
People seem to think that repetitive and generic techno dreck fits better. I'd prefer to sit through the short US tracks a hundred times before "Toot toot Sonic Warriah" and "W00t YAY!" at the start of Palmtree Panic. Most of the music has some kind of retarded gibberish being spoken throughout and greatly increases the suckatude.

All the music was so very similar. I understand having a motif and a common theme throughout a level but geez. I guess I going go out gay-club'n enough but I couldn't stand the music for very long. The Past tracks lose their punch and vibe since you've already been hearing pretty much the same, only slightly altered, music the whole level. I will say that the Final Boss music for the original versions is super. A lot better than the lame thing we got here in the US.

Posts: 33
Eminent Member

I actually like both of them a lot, possibly even the US version even better.

The JP one... meh... it has some really good tracks, but the US one definitely sticks out much, much more in my mind. Has so many tunes I can remember over the JP ones.

The Stardust Speedway themes stick out in my mind.

Posts: 127
Estimable Member

Meh. To me the US tunes, besides good ole SOnic Boom, are just too annoying. Those annoying guitar chords and chants really bug me. They even had terrible music for Quartz Quadrant... I honestly really enjoyed the JP and the US version just.. was reppetitive. Collision CHaos US didn't have enough bounce for a pinball stage and Stardust Speedway just wasn't the same. I admit that US Tidal Tempest was better along with Wacky Workbench, but that's about it. And I liked the "w00t yay" in palmtree panic. Note that this is entirely my opinion so please don't argue.

Posts: 17
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I have to say I liked both but perferred the JP music. It just had more of a Sonic-y feel to it, with the more piano-ey tracks, since that is what alot of Sonic music sounded like back then.

Posts: 2
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Personally, I think the soundtracks are more or less equal. While, in general, I think the Japanese soundtrack is pretty good, especially Stardust Speedway and Quartz Quadrant, the American soundtrack also has some really great tunes that either stick out or fit the level perfectly. Palmtree Panic Bad Future is a perfect example, as well as Metallic Madness. Rather than a load of metal and rock, the American soundtrack makes it sound a desolate abandoned ruin, just what it is. They both have their stellar songs, but the reason many people seem to like the Japanese music over the American music is because the Japanese music is more of the "classic style", pre -Adventure Sonic, while the American soundtrack is closer to the kind of music we get now.

Posts: 14
Eminent Member

I like both styles.

The Spencer Nielsen score is one of the best Sonic soundtracks there are, and I've found it's great instrumental music to study to. That is its problem as well - it is a little too relaxing for Sonic.

I prefer the original Japanese soundtrack a little more - it seems much more in character with Sonic (and yes I'm a big old-school fan). I also like techno in general. Am I the only one who really really likes the original Tidal Tempest??? I'm a sucker for that romantic/melancholy type music. Special Stage stands out too. I also liked some of the sound effects, especially the Bad Future version of (was it Wacky Workbench or Metallic Madness?) it sounded like an alarm is going off as Sonic runs through the complex. Quartz Quadrant, DA Garden - beautiful.

But I thought Spencer N. did a better job on Palmtree Panic. The YAY PARTY tone of the original was cute, but a little offbeat. The American version sounded better for the tropical theme. And as others have said, I'd pick "Sonic Boom" over "Toot toot..." any day 😛

The American music lends to what is supposed to be the Little Planet's mysterious aura. The Japanese music has more emotion and is better suited to Sonic on the whole. I'm glad to have both soundtracks. (If only I could figure out how to attach the Japanese sound files to the game on my computer without toggling back and forth between I-Tunes...)

Posts: 456
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The Japanese track is vastly superior. It's much more creative and daring - most of the tracks are fast paced and energetic and occassionally have fun use of voice samples. It matches the tone of the game perfectly.

The US track on the other hand is much slower and more subdued. There's some decent tunes, but more often than not they simply don't match what's on the screen and lack any individual character to make them stand well on their own merits. Much of it ends up blurring into one. With Quartz Quadrant in particular it just seemed that Nielson didn't really know what he was going for. The US Good Futures often don't even sound particularly happy as they should, rather slow and ominous, often sounding more suited to being "Past" tunes (listen to Palmtree Panic Good Future US to get a feel of what I mean). Speaking of which, that's another inherent flaw with the US soundtrack, for whatever reason (probably laziness) they kept the JP Past tracks intact because they were the only ones that weren't actual music tracks on the CD itself, creating a jarring difference in music stylings for the US edition of the game.

Nielson did flirt with greatness on a few tracks though. Tidal Tempest Present, Stardust Speedway Present, Stardust Speedway Bad Future are each fantastic, some of the best tracks in the entire Sonic series. All three of his Palmtree Panic tracks were great too, the Present mix is generic but fun, typical tropical level music, but both future mixes took a very interesting direction with the slow chanting. Sonic Boom was decent, but didn't match either of the animations at all.

On a whole the US track sucked a whole lot of energy out of the game. Try listening to a JP version of Metallic Madness followed by the corresponding US version.

As an aside, I'm thoroughly opposed to this kind of egotistical interfering in localisation. Sonic CD was started and completed in Japan. The only thing that needed changing was any Japanese options and credits text. Nobody changed the Mona @#%$ Lisa to appeal to foreign audiences.

Posts: 33
Eminent Member

I take back my vote. I loves them both.

Posts: 308
Reputable Member

For the intro and ending animations, I love the originals. But as far as the actual game, the US soundtrack fit with the game play, so I'm not complaining.

Now the composer for Sonic R's soundtrack...he should die. Now. As he should have years ago. Or have his composer licence revoked. I don't care.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

I only became aware of the Sonic R soundtrack's unpopularity after Gems came out. o.o I adore it. Every single BGM and SFX, down to Super Sonic Racing and even the 'screeching sneakers' sound.

Posts: 4607
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Richard Jacques > you

It's the lyrics that suck, and apparently even HE didn't want them on there. Just turn the lyrics off and adore the actual music, because it's awesome.

Posts: 165
Estimable Member

I like the US soundtrack better. The JP one os too hyper for me, though I like certain tracks for reasons. The US one fits some of the Zones/Rounds and I've liked it better.
