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Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood

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Posts: 1984
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Sonic 06 brings back the hub/exploration like Station-Square kinda thing. But Castle Town is a boring place and not worth exploring.

And from what I know Secret Rings is just like SA2 in terms of progression. Play the level, get score, move on to the next level.

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It's a Handheld game, there's only gonna be like, five lines per Character.

Beg to differ.

Unless you were specifically referring to SONIC DS games, in which case, carry on.

Posts: 2234
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Luminous Arc also has s**t loads of voice acting in it (decent ones, too) so DS games certainly do have potential for loads of voice acting. :O

Posts: 1984
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Slowly I realize that I really want a DS. And its not just because of this Sonic RPG. I've never been a hand held person but I'm seeing some games that are sparking my interest.

Posts: 899
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Does anyone think EA aqcuiring Bioware will affect this game's development at all?

Posts: 721
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I honestly HOPE not, though I'm not discounting the possibility outright.

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Posts: 146
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Wow, the love is gone. =(

Anyway, Nintendo Power is going to have a big article about the game in their next issue.

Posts: 1789
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Wow, the love is gone. =(

Nah. The thread hasn't been active in awhile is because we haven't seen any media for the game yet.

Posts: 2354
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It's a Handheld game, there's only gonna be like, five lines per Character.

You forget Sonic Battle (played like a RPG rather than a fighter). Then again, it was for the DS's predecessor so I wonder if that counts.

EDIT: Typing at late night == me no good :p

Posts: 1355
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if it had sonic battle style sound cutscenes complete with soundbites i would swoon

the first day or so after we get our first info/screens is going to be a riot

Posts: 419
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I syill have no idea how they plan on pulling this off. I'm curious to see what direction they'll go. For anyone who's played Bioshock or any of Bioware's other RPG's? What's the gameplay system on them and how do they work out to help us understand what we could (possibly?) be expecting?

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I syill have no idea how they plan on pulling this off. I'm curious to see what direction they'll go. For anyone who's played Bioshock or any of Bioware's other RPG's? What's the gameplay system on them and how do they work out to help us understand what we could (possibly?) be expecting?

I think you meant to say Mass Effect. Bioshock isn't an RPG and it was was developed by 2K Boston/2K Australia. Rumor has it that this game would take cues from JRPGs.

Posts: 419
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Yes - it WAS Mass Effect I was thinking of. My bad.

Posts: 981
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New info coming up?

That's from the current issue of Nintendo Power. Have to wait for next issue for any info.

Posts: 5772
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PC the Hedgehog:

Anyway, Nintendo Power is going to have a big article about the game in their next issue.

Well, we've got scans of it now. I suppose that's progress.

Posts: 1413
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Sonic Chronicles. Could this be the name of the Sonic RPG? Sounds RPG-ish to me.

Posts: 5035
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Sounds RPG-ish to me as well. We'll see I suppose.

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To be fair, with the name like "Chronicles" it also could sound like yet another compilation.

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I don't think so Ashide. It doesn't have the word collection at the end like the Sonic Gems Collection trademark did.

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Sonic Jam didn't have the Collection moniker either, but we'll see...

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The name has been confirmed as "Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood".


But I want to point you in the direction of Nintendo Powers February issue for a world exclusive story on the new Sonic role playing game. In a seven-page cover story full of information and screenshots, the magazine covers Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood with insight and depth.

Sonic Chronicles will be made by BioWare (Knights of the Old Republic) for the Nintendo DS, and it looks like a brand new era for the hedgehog, one full of engaging story, and one where the hedgehog slows things down a bit so you really get inside the narrative. Yes, you exchange eye-popping speed for an immersive experience. But why use the DS and not the Wii as the platform? Says BioWare co-founder Ray Muzyka, In some ways, we think that the DS is just more attuned to the style of the game we make at BioWare.With the two screens you can actually show RPG stats and the stuff thats appropriate for the genre. It enables different types of gameplay; the fact that you can touch the screen, the fact that it has all kinds of other cool capabilities. Cant wait.

I'm pretty sure we can trust this site.

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The Dark Brotherhood?

That doesn't sound like a light-hearted, non-serious title.

It sounds like something out of the Archie comics. Bleh. =(

Posts: 4607
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Meh, they'll probably all look like this anyway.

Posts: 1037
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The name sounds lame to me. :|

Posts: 1413
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I don't care what anyone says the name sounds cool to me. Oh and the game will be 4 party members at a time including Big.

Edit-Found this at Gamefaqs


Cover Story with nice artwork
-In game graphics have a water color look, all hand drawn
-4 party members at a time
-Each character can do certain things ex: Tails can float over things (standard stuff)
-11 party members total - 7 known are Sonic, Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Rouge, Shadow, Big the Cat
-Control done fully with stylus - think Hourglass
-Able to split party into teams at certain moments
-Rings are used as currency
-No random battles, see enemies on the field
-Turn based battles, choose commands for everyone in your party before they actually follow through. Want battles to be fast paced
-Elite Beat Agents style special attacks
-Team attacks (like Chrono Trigger)
-"Fatigue Points" instead of MP
-Choose which attributes to increase when you level up
-Purchase and level special attacks
-Bits of story - Sonic's on vacation from defeating Eggman 2 years ago. Gets a call from Tails that Knuckles has been kidnapped by a group called the Marauders, and that 6 chaos emeralds are missing. Eggman not the main villain. But Bioware wants to make him a creditable bad guy again. Something about a "twist" between Eggman and Sonic that goes back to the earlier games.
-2 acts - first takes place in standard Sonic areas. 2nd takes place in a darker world
-Remixed classic tunes
-"fully animated cut scenes"
-simple dialogue trees
-Side quests

2 years after Sonic defeated Eggman? In game graphics have a water color look, all hand drawn? Eggman finally becoming a creditable threat? Sound interesting. Very interesting.

Posts: 1789
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Scans please!

The battle system sound pretty cool.

Posts: 1355
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I'm not very comfortable with the name either, but it should all work out in the end regardless.

-11 party members total

Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Shadow, Big, Rouge, CreamBlazeSilver/VectorEspioCharmy, Eggman?

-Control done fully with stylus - think Hourglass

Haven't got around to buying Hourglass yet, so I'm not sure about this. Since Magical Starsign - though a completely different game - did this fine, I'm not worried.

-Team attacks (like Chrono Trigger)

Very good.

Eggman not the main villain. But Bioware wants to make him a creditable bad guy again. Something about a "twist" between Eggman and Sonic that goes back to the earlier games.

Sexy. I hope he's playable.

-2 acts - first takes place in standard Sonic areas. 2nd takes place in a darker world

I'm not sure about this dark world nonsense, but I can't make a valid complaint until we have a lot more info.

-Remixed classic tunes

Oooh yes.

-"Fatigue Points" instead of MP
-Choose which attributes to increase when you level up
-Purchase and level special attacks

Grouped these all together so I could just go "blarg" at them all at once. Blarg.

Posts: 1127
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Sounds like a terrible fanfic idea, but whatever.

Posts: 1201
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"Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood"? This calls for an Iron Maiden soundtrack.

Posts: 80
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The cover for the Nintendo Power featuring SC:TBD...

Posts: 1127
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Sonic looks so awkward, and disproportionate. Can't say I'm diggin this art style at first impression.

Posts: 5772
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EDIT: Hm, all I could find. Don't know who scanned them. First two look like in-game shots that utilize both screens, the last two appear to be concept art.

Posts: 2809
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-Remixed classic tunes

Oooh yes.

Seconded, this is perhaps the best news of all!


-2 acts - first takes place in standard Sonic areas. 2nd takes place in a darker world

So, in a way, this game sounds somewhat like Metroid Prime 2 and that Zelda game that had light and dark worlds; I just hope that going to a dark world won't cause damage like MP2.


Sonic looks so awkward, and disproportionate. Can't say I'm diggin this art style at first impression.

Sonic does look kinda odd, but I still think it looks pretty cool.

Posts: 2417
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Another game, and yet another slim chance for Nack/Fang to appear.

The problem is if they put a character in at the last minute it will come out horrible, ala Spiderman 3. If he is to appear he would have to have a place in the story from the get go.

Is comic relief lesser villian that you fight many times throught the game taken?

Posts: 80
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May I present to you...MORE SCANS!

This game keeps getting more and more awesome. And what's up the evil black hole above the equally evil-looking palace and city?

Posts: 439
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Disappointed at the stylus controls. Curse you touch generation, back in my days we used our thumbs to play games until the skin peeled off, young whipperwhatsits!!

Those screenshots look nice. The bottom picture confirms the game world will be filled with other animal inhabitants rather than humans like in Adventure and Next.

I wonder when this will come out? I'm guessing november/december, when Sonic games usually come out to capitalize on the season.

Posts: 216
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Playing Mass Effect and Jade Empire have made me a BioWare believer. I love the artwork. I like the the impressions I've read.

Sonic needed a fresh start, a fresh team. THIS is what we've been looking for. We just didn't know it.

Posts: 173
Estimable Member

YES! The Return of Big the Cat to active duty!

Also: The art looks beautiful. Hopefully the story won't be moronic and the gameplay will be fun.

Posts: 1758
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The battle systems sounds reasonably like what I proposed for a Sonic RPG.

However, the name is bleeping awful.

Posts: 1827
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BIG! <3

Is anyone else getting a Beyond Good and Evil vibe from it?

I'm just plain not sure about the game at the moment, but Bioware can poop out GotYs like anything.

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The battle screen looks kinda ugly. It reminds me of 32-bit era Camalot. After being eleated from hearing the EBA style of special moves, I reread the list and I'm sort of disappointed that it is similarity turn-based like a Final Fantasy game. I have no problems with turn-based RPGs, but I was expecting more of a fast-paced, interactive system when it came to making an RPG about the Sonic franchise. I would have liked it if the battle system was similar to the Grandia series if they wanted to make the game turn-based.

Other than that, the backgrounds are nice though for some reason it reminds me of Magical Starsign. The use of the Sonic X art makes it cheap though.

Posts: 1413
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Love the art. Very SatAM-ish. I wish the screenshots were better quality.

Posts: 622
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The use of the Sonic X art makes it cheap though.

I really wouldn't be surprised if the avatars were just placeholders. I've seen lots of games paste official art in before the final icons are made.

Posts: 1567
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Getting a Crash Bandicoot/Jak vibe going with some of those screenshots...the Dark Brotherhood tag makes me stick out my tongue but I'm always optimistic about another Sonic game...which ISN'T being made by Sonic Team (Whose track record has been spotty as of late).

Posts: 377
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This is definitely a different direction that the Sonic series is about to be headed here, but its a direction led by a very good team of developers, and an obvious desire to bring Sonic back up to speed (pun totally intended).

I welcome the change -- it would be very sad to see a legendary iconic character die off from a continuous amount of low-quality games.

And yeah, the style reminds me of a mix of Archie/SatAM. It's definitely unique.

Posts: 488
Honorable Member

I kinda like that NP cover art picture thing. Though, Sonic's pupil looks very, very awkwardly placed

Anyway, I'm not a fan of turnbased RPGs, so chances are I won't be picking this up

Here's hoping for the best, though

Posts: 981
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Somebody at Sonic Stadium ripped the entire Nintendo Power article:

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Posts: 378
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Shade looks a little to me like NiGHTS or Reala. Or a ram. And the name? Shade? I can't tell you how many Fan characters I've seen with that name who are a relative of Shadows'. Or maybe she is :crazy

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