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Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood

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Posts: 2809
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I can so totally see that happening, and I hope it does too!!^_^

Posts: 1827
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Vote to name an enemy race in Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood


SEGA Announce Competition To Name An Enemy Race In Forthcoming RPG

LONDON (19th February,2008) - SEGA Europe today revealed that they are to allow fans the chance to help name one of the all new enemy races in the highly anticipated Sonic the Hedgehog RPG adventure, Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood.

Developed by industry admired story-telling specialists, BioWare, Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood will appear on the Nintendo DS system during Autumn 2008.

Between March 3rd and March 14th fans will be able to visit the Sonic City website ( to cast their vote in naming the new race.

After the votes have been counted the winner will be announced on March 15th and then appear in Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood when the game launches in Autumn 2008.

For more information about SEGA please visit
For more information about BioWare please visit

Yeah. At first I thought you'd be able to throw in any name and hope it'll be chosen.

Its much less interesting than that though. Oh well.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Nice. Also the pic that acompanies the article, I wonder if that going to be race we get to name?

Posts: 377
Reputable Member

A contest to name a race? That's something I'd usually do if I couldn't choose for a name myself. 😛

Posts: 1413
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Amy:"Rouge,you're a TRAMP"

Wait, what?
Oh,Bioware. You and you crazy dialogue.
Remind me when Rouge call Eggman a bastard in Sonic Battle.

Can't wait to see Sonic's moves in action.

Posts: 1413
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Remember the name the enemy race contest.. Here are names from Bioware:


So far Dusk seem to be winning.

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To be fair, I would choose Dusk too over the alternatives.

Posts: 2232
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Yeah, the rest are kinda lame. Except maybe Gravitos, but that sounds more like a character name than a race name. Though I could live with the Skuros.

Also, these names don't suggest the race is going to be related to darkness at all, nosiree

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Hey, at least those KOTOR3 names didn't go to waste. Eh?

Plus I think most people would be voting for the one they can pronounce. And Krax and Braxx are terrible.

Posts: 2234
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I'd vote Nascent just because it sounds like they have a really really bad, blocked up cold.

Posts: 24
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Possible spoiler contained in this article that some people may not be too pleased with

Posts: 1355
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There's no way they'd kill Tails off; Bioware was talking about how the second act takes place in the dark world and CVG somehow managed to take the "promise," run with it, and end up in an entirely different universe. Regardless, the rest of the article sounds really good.

Posts: 173
Estimable Member

It could be a bad ending sort of thing. Or maybe Tails could get revived over the course of the game. Like Sonic. Remember that one time Sonic died?

Posts: 2723
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That was in Sonic 2k6, right? Didn't everything get reset after that whole final-final boss fight in that game and all the events in the game were erased?

Posts: 1827
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Yes, and with good reason.

Bloody reverse furrys stealing our virtual women. >=(

Posts: 24
Eminent Member

Yes, and with good reason.

Bloody reverse furrys stealing our virtual women. >=(

You coud just imagine the virtual offspring, wouldnt know whether to go to a GP or veternarian if they became ill

Posts: 1446
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Eggman's doctorate suddenly explained.

Posts: 1758
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This game sounds like ass or at best derivative. Would anybody be this positive about anything revealed so far if it wasn't Bioware? A dark race?

Where is the screenshot that shows Sonic's moves?

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[Would anybody be this positive about anything revealed so far if it wasn't Bioware?]

I guarentee that people would be a lot more #+$$%%*# if Sonic Team were the ones who were making this game.

Also my main concern is that this will be a Bioware RPG with a Sonic skin, instead of a Sonic RPG that happens to be created by Bioware. The former idea is comparable to Square rendition of a Mario RPG when it turned out to be easy-type FF game with their interperation of Mario. For example, the use of turn-based battles instead of real-time battles seems sort of odd for this franchise which one of its emphasis is speed.

Posts: 1413
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Btw the winner of Bioware's name of the race poll was Dusk.

Remenber Monday is when the name of race contest begins.

Posts: 931
Prominent Member

Since Bioware have never made a genuinely bad game, even a typical RPG of theirs with a Sonic skin would still be an enormous improvment over everything we've seen lately.
I'm predicting, however, something a little better than that.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

The polls are open ( plus a pic of the enemy race).

The Bluchaos
The Crushers
The Darknood
The Dusk
The Gravitus
The Guardian
The Icebo
The Psykore
The Zoah

I voted for Zoah. Sounds better compare to the others(Bluchaos? WTF?). Also the enemy look pretty cool.

Posts: 2354
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I voted for The Darknood. Sounds easier to pronounce.

Posts: 173
Estimable Member

I was torn between the Guardians and the Zoah. In the end I ended up picking the Guardians because they seem to be cybernetic in nature whether that be full machine or cyborgish. The Guardians has a sort of solidarity and a rigidness to it. I really thought that the Zoah was a cool name but I felt it would be a better name for a species of fleshy/furry aleins. Also, Zoah makes me think of beards. Like Dusty Hill of ZZ Tops length beards.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Sega Nerds have some info on the enemy race(also they were the ones behind the name Zoah)

  • It is an Alien Race (Not a robot, nor from Earth) [*]It is a major enemy of Sonic's in the game [*]The race appears to be energy based [*]The right arm is a weapon that fires an energy blast (possibly electricity) [*]The left shoulder has a bit that sticks out and rotates, possibly to charge up the weapon on the other arm [*]The race is covered in a thick armour [*]The race is three times taller than Sonic and chums [*]Where the nose should roughly be is a single blue light - possibly a sensor, or a single eye [*]They appear to be a very advanced Alien race [*]On its back (you can't see here) the shoulders have a crystal each, pointing downwards [*]The heels (again you can't see) have a crystal each pointing upwards [/list:u:e81cccbd63]


Posts: 1984
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oh so the winner wasn't Dusk Oo? I thought the poll had already closed.

Posts: 1789
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I just figured out that Zoah was a Panzer Dragoon reference. Thus, I voted for it just for that principle.

Posts: 1827
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Oh bugger. =( I went for Darknood. I don't why.

Posts: 3756
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  • The race appears to be energy based [/list:u:8c190de216]

Posts: 1127
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Simon Jeffery talks about Sonic Chronicles (From Next Generation)

Jeffery said that going into the partnership with BioWare, Sega knew that it couldn't be "dictatory" about how the franchise would be treated. But nevertheless, Sega had to find the right creative balance, as Sega, after all, is the license holder.

"As it turns out the BioWare guys, Ray and Greg in particular, are big fans of Sonic--they've met Yuji Naka and even have an autographed Genesis. They were very open to a collaboration in which they have creative freedom, but they still run stuff through us just to make sure we're okay with it, that none of the hard-and-fast rules of the Sonic universe have been broken.

"We're pretty much allowing them to build a game that needs to be built. We trust those guys."

"It's a bit of a reboot for Sonic, contemporizing Sonic and making him a little bit more appealing to a wider, Western audience. And just putting that BioWare touch of class on that product is going to be pretty cool."

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

Wow, this sounds great. Though, I've been one of the few who has had very little problems with the latest Sonic games, this sounds great for my disgruntled, fellow Sonic fans because I know how much they hate Sega's writing and Sega is admitting their taking a kind of laissez-faire attitude to BioWare's story which I'm sure is cause for much jubilations!^_^ Of course, this is provided that BioWare does a good job and with all the praise they get from others (I've never played a BioWare game before), I don't see why they wouldn't.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

"It's a bit of a reboot for Sonic, contemporizing Sonic and making him a little bit more appealing to a wider, Western audience. And just putting that BioWare touch of class on that product is going to be pretty cool."

Alarms bells are quietly ringing...

Posts: 419
Honorable Member

honestly - why complain?

If Sega tried this - and we know they did through 2K6 - we all know they'd just screw it up beyond repair. =

I'm curious to see what Bioware will do.

Posts: 2398
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How bad could it be?

... :3


Posts: 2116
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I'm with Dub on this. Bioware have a track record of producing decent games - which is more than Sega've managed for a considerable while now

I'm willing to wait and see.

Posts: 2234
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I have no doubts that it'll be a good game because bioware are developing it. Hence why I said alarm bells are QUIETLY ringing. If it was sega developing it, then they'd be ringing full blast instead. Their past attempts at saying games will be a reboot have ended up producing nothing but crap.

Posts: 5772
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It's a bit of a reboot for Sonic

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

hehe. Rouge is a tramp.

And if anything did happen to Tails he'd just be resurrected Disney Style.

Posts: 1127
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Awakened by a kiss from Knuckles?

Posts: 2417
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Hey has anyone heard of "Sonic Unleashed?" Apparently Sega has recently copyrighted it. And with the track record so far...

Posts: 1789
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If it was sega developing it, then they'd be ringing full blast instead.

But what if it was made by Nagoshi's team(Yakuza, Super Money Ball series) or the former Overworks team(Skies of Arcadia, Valkryia Chronicles)?

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Why not ask why they haven't done so yet?

I'm not sure SEGA would be willing to compromise their other dev teams by pulling away talent for what, to them, is clearly just a side project (as was Sonic Rivals, which has yet to be announced for release in Japan).

Posts: 2354
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Awakened by a kiss from Knuckles?

Yaoi flicks may start from that.

Posts: 2232
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Nah, Knuckles is saving his kiss to turn Froggy into a handsome prince, possibly Elias from the Archieverse.

Then we shall get the yaoi flicks.

Posts: 1413
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New screenshots courtesy of Sonic_Freak from the Sonic Stadium.

Shadow with Sonic.

Look like they got rid of Sonic X artwork.

Posts: 981
Noble Member

The winner of the contest has been chosen.

I'm not sure if favoritism took a part of the poll, because of SEGA Nerds coming up with the name "Zoah." I don't really like it because it reminds my of Zora from the Zelda series. =(

But at least it wasn't one of the weirder ones.
lol Darknood

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

I'm not sure if favoritism took a part of the poll, because of SEGA Nerds coming up with the name "Zoah." I don't really like it because it reminds my of Zora from the Zelda series. =(


Posts: 1789
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I'm not sure if favoritism took a part of the poll, because of SEGA Nerds coming up with the name "Zoah." I don't really like it because it reminds my of Zora from the Zelda series. =(

See post 327 of this thread.

Posts: 24
Eminent Member

CVG have new pics up of the game:

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