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Sonic Classic Collection - Another compilation coming 2010!

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Posts: 899
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Let's hope they actually try with this one. *Glares at Sonic The Hedgehog Genesis* >_>

I will admit, it is awesome that it seems Sonic and Knuckles can actually be played together as a team in this one.

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

Do I see some three player co-op there? I think I do. The Sonic & Tails gameplay was pretty weak in Sonic 2 and 3 because both characters move too fast and the camera can only center on one. But, with DS multiplayer, it may actually be fun.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

So Sega finally confirm what we already known for weeks. Better late than never I guess. Btw you can find the box art for the game here.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Before anyone claims this belongs in the other thread, this is for the DS one and is of an announcement rather than a rumor. I deem it suitable for it's own topic.

And on that topic, I'm quite perplexed as to how they'll utilize a second screen or have any other DS features, but heavens if I give a damn. I want two copies on the day of release. I'm not going to judge the screenshots as anything more than Genesis screens with mock up, if the article doesn't mention the picture of Sonic in Knuckles' boss area, I wont either.

Also that seems to be the contents, not much in the way of extra features (97's Jam had more), but hey, it's a portable version of the first three games. What do I care?

Posts: 899
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Before anyone claims this belongs in the other thread, this is for the DS one and is of an announcement rather than a rumor. I deem it suitable for it's own topic.

Other thread? Oopsie. I looked around first before posting and everything.

EDIT: Oh, wait, now I see it. But the thread title said PS3, so I had no clue this was being discussed in there. lol Carry on.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Btw for wondering if the game has S3&K lock on the BFFC rating leak indicate a "Knuckles in Sonic 3" to be part of the collection. Since Knuckles didn't have a ending (or was playable) in Sonic 3, I take this must be the lock on version of the game.

Posts: 1044
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With PEGI being the de facto standard for game ratings now in the uk and much of euroland, the need for the game to have been given a BBFC rating does seem quite strange, suggesting that perhaps it might contain features that might've otherwise pushed the PEGI to a higher rating?

Posts: 3756
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Hot Chili Dog minigame?

Posts: 1789
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Seeing that the PR comes from Sega West instead of Sega of Japan tells that this will be another shoddy port job from Backbone or even worse the company who was responsible for Sega Genesis. =^X Why do they keep hiring Backbone as opposed to the M2 who was responsible fro the various Sega Ages collection and Virtual Console releases?

Posts: 1413
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Posts: 3756
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HELL yes. It's amazing how a little bit of Green Hill makes the cover go from blah to FAAAABULOUS.

Posts: 899
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Ha. I love the box art even more now. GHZ really makes it stand out more.

Posts: 1789
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Seems like one of those rare instances where a U.S. box art is superior to a PAL one.

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(bah ignore this post)

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Nifty American box art is nifty. Also, I'm diggin' the Green Hill background. Takes me back!

Posts: 84
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Okay... but what about the multi-player? Will we be able to play the 2P modes in Sonic 2 and 3 via wireless? And what about a second player picking up Tails, co op style? How would they implement DS Wireless connectivity if these are direct ports?

I hope they modify the games a bit to make this possible. Ooooooh. *crosses fingers*

Posts: 44
Eminent Member

Do I see some three player co-op there? I think I do.

That's just the intro scene in Sonic 3 when Tails drops Sonic off on Angel Island and Knux steals all the emeralds from Sonic, TG. Though 3-player co-op would be awesome.

I'm not sure any kind of co-op would be possible simply because of the bonus stages. Would both players be transported to the bonus stage? Would the game pause for the player outside of the bonus stage and show only the player in the bonus stage? Or would the other player be free to roam the level, and even finish it while their teammate tries to score an emerald? If the third option occurred, then the game wouldn't really be co-op since players would end up progressing through different levels.

I hope they modify the games a bit to make this possible. Ooooooh. *crosses fingers*

The only way I could see co-op working, Silv, would be if one could control Tails and aid Sonic in collecting rings on their own screen.

Seeing that the PR comes from Sega West instead of Sega of Japan tells that this will be another shoddy port job from Backbone or even worse the company who was responsible for Sega Genesis. =^X Why do they keep hiring Backbone as opposed to the M2 who was responsible fro the various Sega Ages collection and Virtual Console releases?

I agree completely, and share your pain, haha.

I'm anxious to hear more on this game either way. I don't think a trailer of Sonic Chronicles is going to sell anymore copies of that game, but I'm not in marketing. The bonus Sonic history video sounds sweet even if it is the only exclusive treat.

Posts: 257
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Its out in March, in case anyone's interested in getting it.
As long as its a budget title, I'll definately get it. Hell, even if it isn't, I still might.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

My initial reaction was to groan at the prospect of another compilation, but then I reconsidered. With the newly-announced Sonic 4 on the way, this will be a great way to introduce these games to to folks who've never played them before.

There's some interesting marketing potential here, and any good will that Sega can build up toward the franchise at this point would be a plus.

Know what? Now that I'm feeling good about this, I might even get it myself. Sure, I have the games already, several times, but having them on the DS would be even better.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Look like Spain is getting a special edition .

Posts: 44
Eminent Member

Look like Spain is getting a special edition .

Dude!! Bring that to the US and I will snag it right up. It will go nicely with my Alien Vs. Predator Special Hunter Edition.

Face-hugger, meet Sonic statue. Play nice now.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

Apparently Australia is getting it too and it'll cost $10 more than the standad version. Good deal I reckon.

Posts: 257
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The Limited Special Edition sounds nice, but all you get is art cards, a measly 5cm figure and a tin box? Nah. I've already got a 5cm Sonic (AND Tails), and it wizzes round a slot-car track, so I'd rather import the US version, at least then the box art is better.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

New screenshots.

Looks a little stretched but could be okay. Not sure about this "Knuckles in Sonic 3" stuff though, if there's no actual Sonic 3 & Knuckles then they've lost my sale =

Posts: 44
Eminent Member

New screenshots.

Looks a little stretched but could be okay. Not sure about this "Knuckles in Sonic 3" stuff though, if there's no actual Sonic 3 & Knuckles then they've lost my sale =

I would take the last screenshot to be a confirmation of Sonic 3 & Knuckles being included in this game as the lock-on version.

Although I'm honestly surprised they don't stretch the marketing to say "5 Games in 1" on the cover.

Either way, this game will have to wait since Christmas takes place from February thru March in the gaming world this year.

Posts: 44
Eminent Member

Sorry to double-post, but Gamestop's website confirms the "lock-on" modes with S&K:


Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

There were early impressions posted somewhere that suggested there might be a bit of slowdown in the game. That does not bode well.

EDIT: Here it is.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Looks a little ugly and I don't like the bottom screen being on advertizing mode, but the fact it looks enough like the original product is tolerable. If I can play Sonic 2 on 2 player, I can play it stretched out a little.

But of course, it all depends on if there's lolGBASonic bugs or not. I'm hoping not, I want this to be good.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

Christ, this looks awful. I'm predicting this will be Sonic 1 GBA part Deux.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

I kinda like it. >.>

Posts: 44
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I do think it's just way too busy on the bottom screen. And if that screen changes as you go through the level, I'll end up looking down suddenly and probably falling into a bottomless pit.

This won't prevent me from buying the game, but they could have probably put something else there such as a giant button to hit for jumping, haha. I know it would have been too much reprogramming to make the game work like Sonic Rush, but that would have been cool.

Or a crazy first person view a-la Mirror's Edge!! *shot*

Posts: 257
Reputable Member

I admit, the state of those screens have put me off somewhat. Would it really have been too hard to extend the parameters of vision? The stretched screens make it look kinda cheap to me. Cant Sega actually have some pride and put a little effort in their work for once?
I guess best wait for a definitive review of it before deciding whether to by it.

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

I honestly don't know what y'all are on about; it doesn't look bad to me the only screenshot I see with serious stretch is the title screen of S3&K. Honestly, sometimes I think some of you complain for complaining sakes. I will say that the bottom screen ain't that great but meh.

Posts: 488
Honorable Member
The screen's not being stretched;  it's being
squished. The Genesis runs at a resolution of 320x224. The DS runs at a
resolution of 256x192.

Posts: 2809
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Still either way, I don't really see a problem with it other than the one I talked about.

Posts: 257
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How about this one?

Focus on the bumpers. The original sprites were perfect circles. These have obviously been squashed (thanks for that, Rabid Rodent). Its not until I stretch it vertically that it looks somewhat right again:


Posts: 44
Eminent Member

That's interesting. Not really a big deal or a deal breaker for that matter, but interesting nonetheless.

Posts: 488
Honorable Member

Here's another comparison (Classic Collection on the left):


The screen appears to be cropped along with being squashed as well.

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

That's interesting. Not really a big deal or a deal breaker for that matter, but interesting nonetheless.

Exactly, so their a little squashed, blah, blah, blah, who cares?!

Posts: 257
Reputable Member

Me~! I do~! Like, if you where an art collector, would you want the Mona Lisa as much if you knew that it was a little stretched/squashed/whatever? I know I wouldn't.
I don't really mind the cropping so much. I'd honestly prefer it if it was cropped more to maintain the original pixel size/ratio.

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

Did...did they seriously cut off part of the zone title for Chemical Plant?

Posts: 513
Honorable Member

They did a less than optimal job of adjusting the graphics to fit the DS's low res screen. This alone would not prevent me from buying this collection.

Posts: 721
Prominent Member

I'm definitely torn...

On the one hand, as I've recently said in the Sonic 4 thread, Sonic 2 on the Genesis is my all-time favorite video game, so getting a version I could play on the road is INCREDIBLY tempting.

On the other hand, those squashed graphics just don't LOOK right- even before I saw the side-by-side comparison, they just looked OFF enough to be slightly disorienting to someone so used to how things looked in the Genesis version... who knows if that'll actually be enough to throw my game off, or if I'll actually learn to adjust?

And that bottom screen... yeesh.

I'll be waiting to see what else they reveal, though we ALL know I'll probably end up buying it ANYWAYS- I always DO.

Posts: 257
Reputable Member

Did...did they seriously cut off part of the zone title for Chemical Plant?

If you mean "did they crop off part of the zone title?" then no not quite, although its a VERY tight squeeze. ( )
If you examine the zone title though in that image you'll notice that whole pixels are missing, mainly the horizontal lines in the 'E' and 'L' in CHEMICAL' and the 'P' in 'PLANT'.

I've also noticed that the only parts of the original graphics that remain the same are the Score/Time/Rings display and the Extra Lives display - they've just been moved a bit to avoid being cropped. So why can't that have been the case with the rest of the graphics?

I was really looking forward to this handheld collection, but the shoddy treatment of these otherwise great games has put me off. And to think we haven't seen any footage yet. We have no idea how much slow down there is or how glitchy it is - and its released in March.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

Exactly, so their a little squashed, blah, blah, blah, who cares?!

They did a less than optimal job of adjusting the graphics to fit the DS's low res screen. This alone would not prevent me from buying this collection.

The above quotes illustrates why we will never get a collection as good as Sonic Jam anymore.

I can't see why Sega didn't properly format this collection for the DS without cutting pixels other than the fact that they are lazy and this is a cheap cash-in. I mean Nintendo's and Square-Enix's SNES-to-GBA ports looks much better than this, and the GBA have an even smaller resolution than the DS.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

So the game is out, anyone pick it up? From what I hear the games is not so bad (it not Sonic Genesis bad). The only complain I hear the graphics were squash a bit and there some slowdown.

Posts: 257
Reputable Member

lol You're a bit late to the party with regards to the squashed resolution - we've been debating it for a while XD
Anyway, I'll wait until I recieve my Nintendo magazine subscription before considering buying it. I just bought 'Miles Edgeworth: Ace Attorney Investigations' on its release day, so I won't be rushing out to buy Sonic Classic Collection - but I may get it depending on its review, and on how badly I want to be able to Sonic 3 & Knuckles on my DS...
Funny. You say it out loud, and it suddenly sounds a bit pointless XD

Posts: 513
Honorable Member

I will not be getting this, not due to any subpar conversion, but due to the simple fact that Sega is several years late on bring the Classic Trilogy to handhelds.

Posts: 488
Honorable Member

Apparently, they decided to take out the options menu in Sonic 2. I guess it was because of the versus mode options being in there with no versus mode being available in the collection. So pretty much none of the codes work in that game anymore because there's no sound test. You can still select which characters you want to play as though. And the codes Knuckles in Sonic 2 apparently still work.

Posts: 257
Reputable Member

No codes = No sale.

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