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Sonic Colors for Wii and DS

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Posts: 1381
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I said it before and I'll say it again: I.WANT.THIS.GAME.NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! And I hate Sega as I'll probably buy both versions!

Posts: 1656
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the gameplay looks hard 

Posts: 1381
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the gameplay looks hard 

What, are you joking? Looks no harder than any other 3D Sonic game to me.

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

that's just it i've been lied to!  i thought sonic colors was aimed at younger consumers, how am i gonna beat this if its as hard as the other sonic games  sonic team is so mean.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

In all honesty the other games aren't that difficult; and it is aimed at kids but alot of kids are good at games. Er, not saying your not good that is.

Posts: 1984
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I thiiiink this is a new trailer. Its just a little bit more gameplay.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Nice! Thanks D.B. Must say i've become quite the fan of his running style. It actually looks like he's really applying a force to propel himself forward...versus kinda just moving and his body doing stuff. o.o lol I'll keep an eye on this to see how it comes. Kinda sucks it releases at the end of the year[or early next] though. There's no way they've given it nearly enough time. But we'll see.

Posts: 32
Eminent Member

Havn't posted here in ages, but thought I'd give my impressions.

This game was a huge surprise to everyone playing on the show floor. Unleashed Sonic felt more like a car to me
than running around as someone well running, so that bugged me just a tiny bit last game. This game feels much more
like SA1 and 2, and nothing like the running physics of Heroes or any other jibberish that came afterward. When he jumps
he is actually a ball again, tap jump again and he will do a small double jump to hopefully save yourself during certain platforming
moments. If near something to lock on to, the homing attack will kick in, so that was pretty awesome. When running at high speed
Sonic does not lose major speed like he did in SA2, the momentum is carried on which I thought was awesome. Pressing B in the air
will cause a jump dash, and pressing something else will cause him to shoot straight into the ground like a classic ground pound.

The stages were pretty big, and pretty well connected. I could see branching paths everywhere, how grand they are I am not very sure,
but much grander than heroes were thats for sure. I didn't quite understand the mechanics for that ricochet thing that sends him ultra fast all over
the place so I wont comment. The game was very solild, from the graphics, to the actual control,and over all gameplay. There were actually portions
of real platforming. And because Sonic has a bit more weight to him, he doesn't float any more and it feels so much better jumping from place to place.

Oh and the boss I played was pretty creative. it felt very galazy like in that Sonic was in a giant ring and could run all the way through it and tried to attack
the enemie in the center, it was pretty fun, but I don't remember much of it.

I told all this to the rep because they love the hear the feed back, and I let him know if you could get Tails and Knuckles in this game doing almost exactly
what Sonic is doing right now, with maybe a bit of flying and climbing thrown in you will have satisfied almost all needs and wants.

It was a blast

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Ahh so you actually played it Catakiller? Sweet! Thanks for that write up. You noticed the running thing too? Nice! *thumbs up* And about your Tails comment...he's in the game[probably not playable] but I saw he's a good addition. Knuckles...doesn't necessarily have to be in, and if so not playable. I wonder what role Tails will play though. Intel? Co-op assistance from time to time.

P.S. Did you happen to get one of those Dreamcast shirts? lol

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

In all honesty the other games aren't that difficult; and it is aimed at kids but alot of kids are good at games. Er, not saying your not good that is.

hey i beat doom3 in nightmare setting, i'm not that bad of a gamer... its just sonic games are too flashy and fast now, when it requires quick action i get confused and my eye's hurt from trailing the screen looking where sonic's gonna go.
sonic is too fast and hard now.... and honestly i dont think its healthy for kid gamers, wasnt there a japanese cartoon that caused kids epilepsy.

Posts: 1413
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Topic starter

I recognize a Metal Sonic Planet, a satellite and Eggman Ship. The others planets I don't know what they can be about.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

God damn it Sega, why do you do this. I should hate it, its going to be Sonic Unleashed Daytime with some minor gimmicks, but it has charm. So much charm. And a Metal Sonic planet.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

I really can't get hyped for this game for some reason (or for the old reasons), but credit where credit's due, it looks much more fun than Sonic Heroes and the demos of StH 06 and Unleashed.

But I don't know really. I think I'm just happier pretending Sonic never had another home console release between SA2 and Sonic the Hedgehog 4. In fact that might be why I've got so little care for Colours, Sonic 4 looks much more of what I want, and this doesn't.

Posts: 30
Eminent Member

I'm more interested in the DS version. I loved Sonic Rush and seeing as it's being deveopled by the same team makes me happy! And I agree with you Sonicsfan, these new Sonic games are way too flashy. I gave up on Sonic Unleashed after lighting up the 2nd Chaos Emerald as the game got way too hard from there!

Posts: 633
Honorable Member

I agree the DS version looks just like the rush games (would'nt it be awsome if blaze was an unlockable character..LOL..I doubt it though since colors is a sonic ONLY game..and personally, I am just fine with that.)

I think this may be the best sonic title to come out on the Wii. (& another fun addition to Sonics DS run as well!)

also...I finally got around to joining SEGA's forums..I really need to stop joining forums though..I'm on like 8 or 10 now..good lord..I think I have a problem!

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

Setting and art are absolutely spectacular. Not a hint of the Shadow-era grimdark or the post-SA serious RPG wannabe business.

Level design is mediocre so far. There isn't much in the way of branching paths or challenge other than some hidden bonuses you can dig to, but at least it's not constantly guided by speed pads. The fans are a welcome 'slow' level object. The only speed pads I saw were in the still-cutscene-mode loops.

This is about what I said. Not a revival of Sonic, but at least a possible return to decentness.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

Holy crap why do you join so many forums o_o

Oh well. I'm probably up that number myself. Only I've forgotten most of them.  And a lot of them were back when EZ was still around so they probably no longer exist anyway.

And also. It seems all the interest I had in Sonic 4 has nearly been sucked out and deposited onto this game.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote:

Holy crap why do you join so many forums o_o

Oh well. I'm probably up that number myself. Only I've forgotten most of them.  And a lot of them were back when EZ was still around so they probably no longer exist anyway.

And also. It seems all the interest I had in Sonic 4 has nearly been sucked out and deposited onto this game.

Funny...I wonder if that was SEGA's plan. To suck out all of our expectations so we'd be pleased with their "above decent" reentry into the canon of Sonic. Because now that I sit and think about it, yea i'm atleast equally excited for Colors than I am for 4. Hmmmm

Also i'm a member of like 8 or so forums as well. SEGA being one of them[RVR-42]. I promise, i'm more virtual than I am flesh and bones. o.o

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

I'm not even going to call it good, decent, or sucky until I get to play it. I've learned my lesson and I've stopped making predictions. I also don't like being overly negative because heck I might as well not be a Sonic fan.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Hahah, notice my air quotes. But i'm with you there D.B. I try and be as objective as possible. Also Happy 19th Sonic!

Posts: 30
Eminent Member

I remeber being extremely excited for Sonic Heroes before it came out, but after playing it I felt very disappointed. Still though this game looks way better than Sonic Heroes, and the food themed world is reason enough for me to give it a whirl!

Posts: 1381
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Posts: 1758
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What are these? Is that what they call those terrible quick time events?

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

i'm trying to remember...what was quick stepping in unleashed?  wasn't that just the side step move?

Posts: 327
Reputable Member

Yeah, it's just a lateral shift while moving forward. Not really a quick time event unless you acknowledge everything in video gaming is a quick time event in practise.

Posts: 721
Prominent Member

This is starting to look like an improved, more polished version of Sonic Unleashed minus any trace of Werehog whatsoever. Throwing in Tails and Amy, my second and third favorite Sonic characters, respectively, just sweetens the pot.

"Color" me optimistic, since this is looking good so far!

Posts: 30
Eminent Member

I'm looking at all these gameplay screens and whatnot, seeing all these colorful outrageous environments, and it got me thinking; Just what is the story to this game? Eggman's building an amusement park I know, but are there any other specifics on the story?

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

This is starting to look like an improved, more polished version of Sonic Unleashed minus any trace of Werehog whatsoever. Throwing in Tails and Amy, my second and third favorite Sonic characters, respectively, just sweetens the pot.

"Color" me optimistic, since this is looking good so far!

Ohhhh you! 😛 But yea Amy in is a nice touch. Looking to me like Sonic CD 2. 😛 Now to check out these screens/etc.

Posts: 220
Estimable Member

God damn it Sega, why do you do this. I should hate it, its going to be
Sonic Unleashed Daytime
with some minor gimmicks, but it has charm. So
much charm. And a Metal Sonic planet.


Why no 360 version Sega? WHY?! ;_;

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

God damn it Sega, why do you do this. I should hate it, its going to be
Sonic Unleashed Daytime
with some minor gimmicks, but it has charm. So
much charm. And a Metal Sonic planet.


Why no 360 version Sega? WHY?! ;_;

Because there is a doings-ah-transpirin' with a New Crush 40 song...

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

maybe if the game sells well they'll port it.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member
Posts: 1381
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That's kinda awesome but at the same time it looks kinda silly and I doubt I would wear it outside. Oh, well, I can still keep it for a collectible.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

I'd have plenty of opportunities to wear it. Cons at my university, cons outside my university and Halloween.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Unfortunately, I don't have any cons in my area, that I know of, and I don't celebrate Halloween, so... If I did go to a con, I would dress as Mario since I've been told I look like him and I can impersonate him.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Ahh ok, I see. Hmmm....well I thought there was one con in Nashville. I've got a friend from there and she said something about some con or something. Maybe it wasn't in Nasville though. I can't remember. *shrugs* But mario, eh? How...DARE YOU!? lol

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Hey, what can I say? I'm short, pudgy, and mustachioed and can make my voice sound like Mario. Of course, I can make my voice sound like an evil Elmo do so...

Edit: Apparently, Jason Griffith is not voicing Sonic in Colors.

Posts: 252
Reputable Member

Woah. @ New theme. We haven't changed it in forever.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

I'm surprised this hasn't been posted yet. Pretty cool.

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

Too linear, speed pads, otherwise good.

Posts: 44
Eminent Member

Plus the aliens kind of look like a cute mix between Nightopians and Chao.

Ah ha! I knew there was something that seemed familiar about them, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Good.. um... good pointing!

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

What Veckums said. Why in the world is it sooo dang fast. Geez! I understand it's Sonic...but get rid of these speed pads for crying outloud.

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

that's what makes sonic too hard for me now, the speed is too much, i wish they'd put difficulty settings.. or better yet speed settings.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

I don't know if that makes it difficult, it just...seems like a bit much.

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

it does. i only get sonic killed from the speed, and he moves like butter or something a simple tap to the right and he goes waaaaaaaaaaaay too much to the right, you dont feel like he's walking or running like with other game charcters, they make his movement too unnatural. and those quick time or whatever events are too fast, sonic 2006 had lots of them and i got dizzy redoing them and trying to focus on sonic.

its funny but that online flashgame robot unicorn had better speed control than sonic did in my opinion.

Posts: 980
Prominent Member

its funny but that online flashgame robot unicorn had better speed control than sonic did in my opinion.

ALLLLWAYS, I wanna BE with you, and make believe with you, and live in harmony, Harmony, oh Loooove!

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

 YOU DEMON BOY!!!  <pinches mobius's cheeks till they hurt him very much> 

i told you to never ever sing that song its forbidden!

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

pinches mobius's cheeks till they hurt him very much

  Wow...that's cruel. >.> Hahaha news on this game for awhile. I'm surprised. When does itn release again? Winter?

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Late 2010 is all that Wikipedia says.

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

  Wow...that's cruel. >.> Hahaha news on this game for awhile. I'm surprised. When does itn release again? Winter?

<hugs hyper> ha ha dont get scared i never did hurt anyone physically in my life, its an empty threat .... i just really hate that song so much -_- 
and rayzor you're amazing your like the info super high way or something. you'd make a cool ninja one day.

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