Okay, so major love for Sega @ the co-op videos being in all 2.5D!
Second, the spike ability in co-op reminds me of Knuckles' Chaotix so much it hurts.
OMG. Multiplayer in a Sonic game that actually looks like its worth playing!?
lol Still wish there wasn't a different color Sonic. I know...i'm being nitpicky. lol But one of my friends is at PAX East and he tried out Colors...haven't heard his impressions other than. "Colors is awesome." lol He did tell me it's set up with 3 acts per zone though.
Well, I've been neglecting updates so might as well play catch up now.
Hey, apparently a Sonic Colours manga has been released! And I'm really happy. Do you know why? It gives us our first look at SA-55/Orbot's new paint job and his new counterpart!
So... Orbot's colours have been changed, and it's looking like "Cubot" is going to be the dumber of the duo. Methinks there are going to some hilarious scenes.
Thanks to R@qH1eL of SSMB for this info!
Here is some previews. Finally, here is artwork for Cubot and Orbot and a blog from Sega. Appearantly, white Whisp's name is Yacker and Amy is not in this game. Whew, thank you and good night!
According to GameStop the game is now Street-Dated for a November 16th release. Same date as Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.
I have a little Yacker plushie thing from Pax East. be jealous. 😛 But wow, thanks for those updates, Ray. *thumbs up*
And November 16th you say, Beardo? So it got pushed back a week?
Hasn't it always been the 16th? Anyway, some new links, here's a few words from Iizuka including that Colors was somewhat inspired by the fun of Mario and Sonic. Also, three new videos are up! The second one has a little bit of Tails' new voice, and listen closely to what Eggman says about 34 to 40 seconds into the video; if you can't understand, he says, "I know they look delicious, but please refrain from licking the rides. That would be disgusting!"
Edit: More videos, including DS ones, and screenshots, too!
The Japanese site for Sonic Colours has been updated, and some profiles are now on it. Thanks to Core of SSMB for translating these!
Alien called White Wisp.
He has been saved by Sonic when he was chased by Eggman's robots.
He's different from the other White Wisps,
because one long hair-like thing grows on his head.
Dr. Eggman
Self-proclaimed evil genius scientist, selfish and self-centered.
He seems to have build a space amusement park "Egg Planet Park"
as a present to everyone he has bothered so far,
but really, the truth...?
Eggman's assistant robot. With Cubot,
he has been built to handle Eggman's chores.
He obeys faithfully Eggman's orders,
but in fact, he doesn't like Eggman that much.
Eggman's assistant robot. He likes Eggman,
but basically he's a lazy person who doesn't act until he's scolded.
By switching his internal chip,
he can become cast of various attractions.
Wow. A long time ago I had a dream about a Sonic zone that was remarkably like that, underwater, giant eel, coral trees, but with ancient greek instead of japanese architecture.
Dont worry you'll be able to burst past all 2 seconds of it with the Rush Meter.
xD! @ JT. But yea Rayzor...I thought it was originally slated for a Nov. 9th release. I may be wrong though.
Underwater level! Woo hoo! I love underwater levels. They're more challenging and have a good sense of fear/urgency to them. I say bring 'em on. Thanks for the updates y'all.
lada lada dooooo
lada lada dooooo
yeah eh ay ay eh yeah
By jove multiple exits.
Well that has tons of potential.
Which is precisely why we should be cautious and not get our hopes too high.
... heck, when was the last time a platformer (3D or otherwise) employed multiple exits as well as Super Mario World? I can't think of a single one.
Mario 64. Not that this will do it the way Mario 64 did.
Nice. Sonic vs Giant Motobug.
Also new gameplay trailer. It feature Wisps we already seen but it also show some cutscenes as well.
Yays! Racing! Give me a Sonic R2 damn it!
Yays! Racing! Give me a Sonic R2 damn it!
Great, now I have Living In the City stuck in my head!
^_^! You're welcome!
While americans are getting a hat, europeans are getting an action figure of Sonic with Wisps. Lucky europeans .
I'd take the toys over the hat, but the hat sure would make an interesting conversation piece.
!@#$%^&* Sega how could you do this to us North Americans?!!!!
I would NOT pay for a toy that ugly...I'd prefer the hat.
I'd buy it just for the sake of Sega actually making a Sonic game with a collector's edition...
I'd buy it just for the sake of Sega actually making a Sonic game with a collector's edition...
Ha! I was thinking the exact same thing!
I would NOT pay for a toy that ugly...I'd prefer the hat.
i just knew about this special eddition thing, i think the toy is ugly too though. espacially the square wisp thing >_< is there a square wisp in the game for real?
i really wish they gave out keychains instead XD i love keychains
While americans are getting a hat, europeans are getting an action figure of Sonic with Wisps. Lucky europeans Americans
Edited because that toy is @!%$ Ugly! XD;;
The little alien toy seems cool but yuck on the Sonic one.
Well, well...this is something i've not seen done for a Sonic game...in ages.
Hyper = beating me to the link.
It was nice to read a good interview for the game, though. I honestly have high hopes for Colors.
That. Is. AWESOME!
@ Beardo. And yes it is very nice to read a good interview. Maybe things are turning around for Sonic. Just when everything else I like begins taking a turn for the worse[Crimson Tide, Cowboys, etc] the true blue hero returns. ^_^
from that link trailer i see the square wisp is one of the wisps... eh...... i dont know its weird.... can a lifeform be a square? that's an odd shape.
as for the trailer it looks good and i saw this cooperation similatuion side game in sonic colors http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMdwLrry2MM its fun and all i just wish it didnt look like sonic, maybe if it was robot sonics that would've been more fun.
all in all sonic colors does look like the path back for sonic's glory.
Uhm, does actually look pretty funky, mezmerising and enchanting and all the rest. Perhaps putting Sonic back in a 'lighter' genre as someone mentioned earlier is a good move and perhaps needed.
However, I do want the other characters involved as well. I miss being able to play, at the very least, Knux and Tails. In an ideal world I want Shadow too (even though his dark aura would probably be TOO much for this game).
So yeah, it has been lots and lots of 'Sonic' lately ¬_¬. Name of the game, I get the drift. I still want Sonic's other furry friends featured as playable characters though!
Official Sonic Colors site up! Has level descriptions and music, new screenshots, and a Wisp collecting game to get the different wallpapers! Also, I'm I the only one that thinks Sweet Mountain's theme sounds like something out of Billy Hatcher? Anyway, love most of the music especially Starlight Carnival's!!!
Also, I have a backlog of updates: Knux and Amy confirmed for DS version, and apparently, it helps you understand the entire Colors "story."
Tropical Resort Act 1 and Act 2!
Info about levels, characters, etc., and the Wisps calls Eggman “Baldy Noisehairâ€!
Finally, Video of the water level!
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i was planning on getting colors in the DS i soooooo love amy! i'm really happy to know she's gonna be in sonic colors! i dont have a wii anyways.
New trailer featuring Purple Frenzy, Blue Cube, Green Hover and Pink Spikes as well a new level Starlight Carnival. That Purple Frenzy made me LOL.
Have to give in, it is looking freaking funky now actually. Even the music gave me a buzz!
Ah man. I don't have a Wii, damn. Oh well.
Here's a video of a cutscene between Tails, Sonic, and Yacker!!! I like Tails' new voice pretty well, but I'm not so sure about Smith's Sonic; still pretty awesome to finally here them in a cutscene!
I think I like. XD
Here's a video of a cutscene between Tails, Sonic, and Yacker!!! I like Tails' new voice pretty well, but I'm not so sure about Smith's Sonic; still pretty awesome to finally here them in a cutscene!
OMG. Sonic Sounds like a JERK! D: I really don't like Smith's voice acting.
Smith's Sonic sounds older that previous versions. It will get take some time to get use to it though. Tails sound fine thought.
At last, Tails sounds like a boy! As for RC Smith, I expect it'll take time to adjust, but he has a far better range of acting than his predecessor. More importantly, the visual characterisation was terrific. Honestly, Sega should just have the VE studio make one-offs a la the "Meet the Team" series from Valve and that would brush off a modicum of the negative reception to the franchise.
Watched it a second time a few minutes ago, and something I didn't notice is that Sonic moonwalks towards Tails at the first, and I love it!!!
dat moonwalk
Tails sounds like Sakura with a gruff voice. I don't really mind though.
Tails is excellent. Some humor that is at least not stupid is refreshing after some of the final fantasy wannabe plots.
Smith at least can act as Sonic, which is an improvement over the inappropriate acting we've heard, but his voice is totally unsuitable.
At last, Tails sounds like a boy!
Yes, now that his voice is a woman instead of a boy as it was in the cartoons and games prior to Sonic X. 😛