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Sonic Colors for Wii and DS

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Posts: 84
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Wow, I've always seemed to have that problem with subtitles in video games myself. Overall, I'm gonna say I enjoyed this game, and they did so much to make it what I, and many others have always wanted in a Sonic game. However, there were a few thing they could have done to make it even better, and hopefully, if they do a sequel to this game, they could put in.

First off, I was pretty disappointed to find out that there was no "final ending" when you got Super Sonic. I think that it was kind of due, seeing as the most difficult part of the game was actually getting all the red coins to unlock all the Special Stages. And the thing is, it would have been so rewarding too, because they actually did something great with this game. When you go back to the levels you already beat with all the abilities you unlocked, and search for all the red coins, it's just amazing how many alternate paths you discover, to the point where you're basically playing a completely different level with a completely different difficulty as well. But having no story to follow it kind of made it all pointless in my eyes. And to me, that was just a waste of such a great gameplay element that blew me away. In creating more story to follow the collection of all the Chaos Emeralds, they literally could have doubled the length the the main game, because the alternate paths are really that expansive.

That really is my biggest gripe about the game. That they had something great, but made it all kind of pointless in the end. I know there are a lot of people out there who are all about completing "everything" but for me, once the story is done, I find these things a bit pointless.

As for the little things that actually would have made the game more interesting... bring back the shields from Sonic 3. Also, Tails being playable or maybe even following Sonic, Sonic 2 style would have been cool. Overall though, I was very pleased with the lack of cast. Although, believe me, I am totally for Sonic having a big roster of characters. Many of them I like, and it makes for a good list of playables in racing games and such, but the way I see it is, if the character really has no reason to be in the game, don't just stick them there for the sake of having them there. I really believe that we had no need to see Knuckles since Sonic Adventure 2. And trust me, I love Knuckles.

I would hope to see other characters in later games, as long as we don't get a massive flood situation like in Sonic Heroes or Shadow the Hedgehog.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

I will go ahead and just say Reach For The Stars is a horrible song though.

Really? I liked Reach for the Stars really well, but I love Speak from the Heart even better!!

Posts: 328
Reputable Member

Out for less than a week and both versions reduced to less than £18 in ukland? utter madness

No, utter SPARTA.

Yes, i had to do that joke.

Posts: 220
Estimable Member

I'm incredibly in love with Sonic Colors. Great music, voice acting, level design, and gameplay. It's everything I wanted from a 3D Sonic titles. Also, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm in love with Aquarium Park. A water level that's... fun? I didn't think it were possible!

The only thing I don't like about this game, is it's a lingering reminder of how great Sonic Unleashed could've been.

Posts: 721
Prominent Member

Holy chili-dogs, Batman! I am SO in love with this game- just everything fits. The new VA's have grown on me, especially with the liveliness they give the cast. Sonic, Tails, Eggman, and even bit-players like Cubot and Orbot just feel... NATURAL in their roles. Like real people- even Eggman is more, err, well-rounded than he usually is, as Sonic Colors manages to fuse the hilarity AND the dangerous, world-threatening maniac sides into one villain you spend your time between laughing off your backside at and hating his guts. Which is a GREAT place for Eggman to occupy, actually, given that the humor has grown to be so much a part of his character that you expect it even when he's portrayed as more-than-somewhat competent. And besides which, this is my favorite game as an Eggman fan simply because of the PA announcements- they are so very, very Eggman, it's a great use of setting.

Seriously, these ARE the sorts of things Eggman would say over the PA if he ran an amusement park. They just got his character oh-so-right.

And for the DS version, one thing I have GOT to take the time to say here: I can't recall a time when I've found Special Stages actually... FUN before. I've always found them challenging (sometimes throw-your-controller-through-the-TV-level frustrating) but necessary, and I'll admit that I have yet to get all the Emeralds in the Advance or Rush games because of this.

But Sonic Colors has an intuitive Special Stage system that's easy to pick up and go, has a natural progression of difficulty, and best of all... you can retry them without leaving the Special Stage! If I had this option, it'd make the Advance and Rush games a LOT more fun to go on Emerald runs (still stuck on the last Chaos Emerald in basically every other handheld Sonic game outside of the Game Gear), so Sonic Colors EASILY has my favorite handheld Special Stages of all time. I can't praise them enough- the music, the gameplay, they're just PERFECT!

Finally... Aquarium Park Act 1 has entered my list of all-time favorite Sonic tracks. Given that I've been repeatedly told I listen to an inordinate amount of Sonic music, that is SAYING something.

Sonic is back, (and as Sonic Colors' take on Sonic would say) in a way as big as Eggman's backside.

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

This game... is impressive. The DS version is much more than a Rush clone. In fact it is nothing like it. I hate Rush and think it is one of the worst Sonic games ever, a culmination of everything SEGA has done with level design in the SA era. Sonic Colors DS has a boost bar, similar graphics, and Rush style bosses, but the levels are much more compatible with what Sonic is supposed to be. Besides the wisp abilities, how does it sound that I had not a single pit fall in any of the first 5 zones, other than mission stages, bosses, and that flying whale? In fact there may not even be any pits in most of the normal levels so far. Yes there are TONs of opportunities to fall... to a lower path, just as I have been asking. I do complain that most of the branching has more to do with wisp abilities than freeform whim, and the paths converge quickly so it is still more micro-branching than having multiple levels combined like Sonic 2 or 3&K, but it's probably the most branching in a Sonic game since Chaotix. The yellow wisp is annoying to control, but the cyan wisp is very fun. The entire heroes cast plus Blaze and Silver make cameos, which is nice for a shout to every fan base, and since their spoken lines are so short none of the voice acting gets annoying. No idea yet if Metal Sonic is in it. The special stages are like a combination of Sonic 2 and Sonic Heroes, and easily the best of the portable games. I repeat that my impressions so far are about Sonic CD level quality!

Posts: 1413
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Topic starter

And Sega Sammy best selling game of 2010 was ............ Sonic Colors. With a whopping 1,850,000 copies sold by the end of 2010. Not bad for a game that was only in one console and a handheld.

Posts: 880
Member Admin

Has anyone been able to get all 180 red rings? This is seemingly impossible for me

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Wow! Colors sold a bunch! When did that game come out again? Like November wasn't? Wow! That's like a 70th of Sonic's total game two months! I have no idea when I plan on picking this up. I'm more inclined to buy the DS version first, and that probably won't be bought til I buy a 3DS or a better DS, atleast. I do want though. Do want. Do want.

Posts: 149
Estimable Member

Has anyone been able to get all 180 red rings? This is seemingly impossible for me

Actually, I JUST got them all last weekend, and was gonna ask you guys here. I found 172 by myself, and looked up the rest on Youtube videos (at least 2 people made videos for all levels.) Yeah, some of VERY well-hidden, and when there's like 6 different paths through a stage, they're almost impossible to find.

For all your lightgun shooting needs and some other insanity too.

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