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Sonic fans at their proudest

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Posts: 146
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We're all well aware that Sonic ain't what he used to be. But we've all had our moments where we were just plain proud to be a Sonic fan. So, the question is, when did your pride at a Sonic fan reach its peak?

Personally, mine was between 1993-94. I came home every day from school to Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, and watched Sonic SatAM on saturday mornings. Sonic 3 was released, with Sonic and Knuckles coming a while later (thus creating arguably the best Sonic game, S3&K). The Sonic comic was also beginning to really take off. And few things were more enjoyable for me than finding a piece of Sonic merchandise in a store.

Sound off!

Posts: 261
Reputable Member

same here around that exact time period. My heart skipped when I first saw Sonic #0... My two favorite things, comics and Sonic...IN ONE

ah the days of naked, pink and blond Sally

Posts: 37
Eminent Member

When I got an A grade for GCSE Art (they are exams you take when you're 16 in England. Some people leave school after taking them, so they're quite important.)

You see my final project which really counted for the exam consisted mostly of pictures of Sonic the Hedgehog. My exam piece was a picture of my room, when the walls were covered in Sonic posters I collected from Sonic the Comic.

I got away with painting such a non academic subject by making the project "offically" one about portraits of artists bedrooms, and I studied a few famous artists who'd painted their own. But I got to paint a lot of Sonic pictures, had the most fun painting my exam piece, and got one of the best grades of my class. ^^

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

At my proudest?

Hell, it was just the other night, when me and my buddies were talking about Sonic in general, and I wouldn't even consider them half the fan I am.

I was proud of being a fan of Sonic, and of sharing those same feelings with my friends, because I didn't know they were Sonic fans at heart.

It was just one of those times where it was just, "wow".

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

When I phoned and went to Fleetway offices one day after work to ask why they cancelled Sonic the Comic, a good 5 years ago ^^; SA2 was freshly out and I hadn't started disliking it yet, my plushie collection was growing and I still had every issue of the comic.

I was pretty insane back then...

Posts: 377
Reputable Member

I would say the Genesis days, but, for some reason, I think I was most at my obsessive peak when the Sega Saturn was in town.

Sonic Jam is a very memorable game for me, and with Archie and the Sonic cartoons and all that going on, those were some definite good years.

Why do things change? =(

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

Like my grandpappy used to say "The more things change, the more they start to suck!"

Posts: 2191
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And we all know that conserativism never gets old. =/

Posts: 955
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Before I continue, I want to say that until this point, I have never beaten a game on my own. I'd play through games and get really far, but I'd always need my brother to help me with certain parts and whatnot.

I found myself at the Final Hazard in SA2:B. And naturally, I panic, as it's the final boss and my brother's not around and I was gonna fail and blah blah blah blah.... WTF?! I did it?! That's it?! I beat it?! OMGWTF! **shrieks, dances, and - yes, I admit it - cries like the little baby I am**

On top of that, I got the most emblems in my house on that game. 174, baby. And then some punks had to steal all my progress. But I still have the memories!

Okay, so it's not the proudest moment of the series... but darn it, I was proud to be a Sonic fan for that cheesy moment, watching the credits roll..... XD I was 13 and a sap for stories like that.

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

The Sonic 2 hype and the Sonic Heroes hype. I was so blown away by the previews for both. Sonic 2 with the screenshots in magazines (I'd buy magazines just for those screenshots) and Sonic Heroes with the online videos and fan hype. I had dreams avout going into a store and finding Sonic 2 early before it released and I got to play a store demo about a month before it came out (there was even a guy in a Sonic suit outside the store hamming it up to the mall crowd).

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

I guess my proudest moment was when I finally was able to get past the barrel with Sonic alone and Tails alone and beat both. I also felt pretty proud when I beat everything in Shadow the Hedgehog, currently the only 3D game I completed 100%.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

When I got all the emblems in Sa2 and went into the fabled "Green Hill Zone". The summer of 2004, I believe.

I remember being so effin happy that I didn't have to worry about @#%$ chao anymore!
