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Sonic Gems Collection

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Actually, the JPN Sonic CD tracks are hidden in the disk itself. What you do is go to sound recorder or Windows Media Player and under the D drive click under sonic screensaver and select sound.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

Sorry if there's already a topic for this floating around somewhere.

Anyway, IGN has pretty much confirmed that one of the unlockable games for SGC is going to be Streets of Rage, from the Genesis/Mega Drive. While it's sure not the Chaotix or SegaSonic that we've been hoping for news about, I think this is still pretty great - the Streets of Rage saga was probably my favourite set of Mega Drive games after Sonic. I just wonder which of the three they'll be including...

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member


Craigey, for one, welcomes the idea of old skool 2 player Streets of Rage. I've not played it since waaaay back when I had it on the Mega CD.

I played the sequels (especially 3, which is perhaps the greatest Mega-Drive game of them all) several times, but rarely the original.

Craig happy.

Posts: 2116
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Since our main Sonic Gems thread was lost in the EZBoard attack, this one won't do any harm. 🙂

Posts: 4607
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Not Streets of Rage 2? Bummer.

I'd been emulating THAT one recently, and I'd sure as all heck be willing to have it in the game. It's, like, gold. Pure gold.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Really? I'd have said that Streets of Rage 2 is the furthest of the three from the feel. It's way way too easy, everything just doesn't feel right when playing it, plus it has that SUPER annoying pick-up bug (I think SoR had it too though), the graphics were too cartoony, and using specials off of your life meter was kind of annoying.

Not to say SoR2 was a bad game, I love all 3 as much, or more, than my Sonic games, but I always felt #2 was the weakest of the very very strong series.

I wish SoR3 was on there, at least. It'd be interesting to see if SoA keep it cut and editted. Bareknuckle 3 >>>>>> SoR3.

Posts: 4607
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*shrugs* I've yet to try all three, really; I tried SoR2 since most every site I've seen says it's the best of the lot (with SoR3 after and the original in last).

Speaking of which, I intend to play BK3 instead of SoR3 given that I've seen all the edits that've been made (I mean, they changed a story about preventing a nuclear war and assassination of a popular general into a story about stopping a city bombing and assassination of the cheif of police; WTF? That and white & blue > orange & black), but for now, SoR2 works for me.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

That's the tip of the iceberg, man. They removed the intro. They had a fully animated intro, and they removed it! Oh, and there's a playable character called Ash, who is a Village People reject, he's not in SoR3 at all. Then you've got the dominatrix women with poorly recoloured sprites, nonsensical name/colour changes (Seriously, what the hell is wrong with Sammy? It's MUCH better than Skate), and the good ending has the scenes regarding Blaze either editted or removed.

Bloody SoA...

Anywho, this is off-topic. SoR1 is the order of business, and with Sega Ages coming out soon, aswell, I can tell they are really trying to drive the old games for all they're worth with revamps and rereleases, which fans like me will lap up...

Our nightmares have been realised. Sega have become Capcom!

Posts: 512
Honorable Member

I find it more insulting that they didn't fully implement the level that would have had a cameo from that blue hedgehog!

The below website details SOR and for Craig has the Blaze picture that is a bit more revealing ;)
sor online

Posts: 75
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Great news. Streets of Rage was and still is one of the better Mega Drive games. I have some great memories of playing that at various friends' houses (never completed it though, but I remember getting really close). I'm glad a new generation'll get the chance to discover it.
I need to get SoR2, I've only played that once in like 10 years. And it looks like I'll have to check out Bareknuckle 3 rather than its western counterpart.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

The original Streets of Rage is indeed one of the games in the game, so don't worry about that going anywhere.

Instead, think about this: ALL THREE ARE IN THE GAME. Yes, I mean it, ALL THREE.

This is just... just... *salivate*

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member


Posts: 2097
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Woah. Awesome. The Streets of Rage games are some of the best games on the Mega Drive, I don't have to dig out my MD to play them either, this is a win-win situation.

I wonder if there will eventually be more non Sonic games on Gems than actual Sonic games, it certainly looks that way. o.o

This is looking extremely promising elready.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Well, supposedly Bonanza Brothers is on there, but I've no idea what it's like.

Also, that is only the tip of the iceberg, if what IGN is saying. This is less Sonic Gems Collection and more Sega Gems Collection, but I'm not arguing.

Posts: 160
Estimable Member

Good gravy!!! This is brilliant news. Streets of Rage was a defining moment in my childhood (i also enjoyed the few comic stories that were around in the olden days of STC), and Bonanza Brothers? Man i haven't played that for YEARS, but i remember enjoying it immensly.

This collection is getting better and better by the minute...I especially like the fact that there is more yet to come! I'm not sure what else i'd like on there but a Mega Drive game i remember immensly enjoying was a game called "Alissa Dragoon" (i think that's what it was called), though i think it was a Data East game so that's not likely to happen. That aside - i'm very, very happy about this!

Posts: 75
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All three Streets of Bonanza Bros?
Have Sega been visited by the Magic Kindness Fairy or something? Is this their way of making up for their past mistakes? And there's more to come?
This isn't just great...this is like great times 10^23 and 1/2.

Posts: 202
Estimable Member

Awesome. Be wary though, as Gamespot says it's only confirmed for the Japanese version of the game so far.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Bonanza Bros was scheduled to be on the Sega Ages compilation, though.

My, my, what an interesting turn of events...

I'm not complaining though Bonanza was a helluva fun game, and I got a kick out of the obsenities they shouted when they died. Sure it's primative, but it's a great 2 player game and challanging without being impossible.

The twist ending would be better if it hadn't have been pulled off so dang often, Bubsy did it aswell if I remember rightly.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

I've never heard of Bonanza Brothers, but if I could only pick three non-Sonic games to go in here, then they would have been the three Streets of Rage games (although Ecco comes pretty close...)

Not to sound unappreciative for what we've got so far, because this game looks like it's going to be the best thing I've bought for Gamecube so far, but I really hope all these extra games aren't Sega's way of saying "sorry, this means no Chaotix/SegaSonic/Saturn 3D/Pocket Adventure/whatever". (Although that being said, Sonic CD, Sonic Championship, and Sonic R are certainly the Big Three games I would have wanted on there).

How cool would a Sega Classics Collection be, though? All those old school Sega games in a collection - they'd be able to fit like fifty of them on there. Or maybe Nintendo will buy the rights to Sega's old games and have them available on the Revolution...

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

How cool would a Sega Classics Collection be, though?

Again, Sega have announced they're releasing the Sega Ages collection for the new gen consoles. For those not familiar, it's upgraded versions of Mega Drive games, originally released in Japan for the Saturn.

I can't remember the full list, but I do remember an updated Golden Axe and Outrun were among the candidates.

If Revenge of Shinobi is on there, it's sold!

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

Ah, I've heard of Sega Ages. There was a link to them on the messageboard of the Streets of Rage site that someone posted a while back, but last I looked, they were individual games for the PS2. Nice to see they're getting all lumped together (as much as I like Golden Axe, I wouldn't fork out $70 for a slightly updated version of it).

Anyone remember Space Harrier (I think it was called)? That game used to own.

Posts: 363
Reputable Member

All they need to add next in the unlockables would be Gunstar Heroes. It would only fit since the sequel is coming out the same month to GBA.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

I don't know if it's been mentioned yet or not, but here's the boxart:

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Sexy! I love the way they're whoring Metal Sonic to sell this. New art of my favourite robotic duplicate is always nice.

*Curses his love of robots conflicting with his hatred of dooplegangers, excluding Reilly*

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

If Sonic Adventure 2 had turned out differently and Shadow had been revealed to be a souped up Metal Sonic with some kind of Latex over his metal exterior to make him look real...


Then Metal Sonic, calling himself Shadow and Sonic had gone head to head in the Ark generator, an epix battle. No Biolizard, just Metal Sonic vs Sonic, no Chaos Control, no Professor Gerald apart from the fact he built the ark...

All of the recent games would be so different...

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

Wasn't the original plan for SA2 to be Metal instead of Shadow, but they had to change it for some reason? That would have been awesome - Metal, Eggman, and perhaps Nack, instead of Shadow and Rouge. It'd cut down on all the unnecessary characters, too.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

No, that was never the goal, aim or ambition. SA2 was always there to introduce a new Sonic character for the new generation, while celebrating the 10th anniversary of Sonic by showing that there's a new guy in town, but Sonic's still #1


3 years later, Sonic is relegated to #2.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member


Again, Sega have announced they're releasing the Sega Ages collection for the new gen consoles.

Yes, but Craig, consensus is that [url= ]Sega Ages sucks (yes, that is a compilation of all the "Sega Ages" games released in Japan).

Posts: 527
Honorable Member

I rented Sega Classics Collection and was completely disappointed. It was a disgrace to Golden Axe, among with Sega's other classic franchises.

Seriously, the game lost everything that was good about it in the first place with Sega Ages. Now with mediocre, first generation PSX-style graphics all the magic effects that were amazing back in the day now look like utter crap, the game just looked ugly. Hell, they look much better on the Genesis than they do now.

Add that with crappy, unenjoyable gameplay and you have one terrible remake. The levels were completely redone, though they were dull and long. Those neat little cutscenes from the original were completely torn apart, now with in-game scenes that you can't skip.

You know, I would've preferred the original games unchanged than this compilation.

Posts: 59
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Chaotix better be in this aswell.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

I've heard that Chaotix and SegaSonic apparently aren't allowed to be included because Sega doesn't have exclusive rights to Mighty and Ray. The guy who created them for SegaSonic doesn't want Sega to use them anymore (which would also explain why Mighty and Ray haven't appeared in a game in the last decade).

I'm not sure if that's definitely true, but it sure is disappointing if it is.

Posts: 456
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Where did you hear that?

Posts: 1446
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From a few places - the messageboard, the SGC messageboard at GameFAQs, the SonicStuff LiveJournal community. Like I said, I don't know if it's true or not, but it'd explain quite a lot.

Although then again, if that's the case, then Archie wouldn't be able to continue using Mighty in the comic...

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Having posted at the SGC messageboard at GameFAQs/GameSpot, I swear the first mention of it came from me, after having read what YOU had posted (and I made extra sure it was noted to be a RUMOR), so...

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

Yeah, but there's posts at SonicStadium dating back to last year that are talking about the Mighty copyright issue. Take a look at this thread[/url], for example.

Posts: 1818
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Doppelgangers, Craig, doppelgangers.

Posts: 59
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Bah. If that thing about Mighty and Ray were true, they wouldn't be in the ArchieComic.

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

Hmm...The cover say's they'll be be 6 bonus games...

We know four of them: Streets of Rage 1,2, and 3 and Bonanza Brothers, I wonder what the other two could be?

...Or maybe that refers to the six Game gear games. Are those even confirmed to be on the disc?

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Uh, yeah. The Japanese page lists them all.

I'm assuming by "bonus games" they mean "bonus games unlocked from the start", not "bonus games as a whole". After all, the US Mega Collection proudly touted 7 games being in there, but we all know there were 12 (well, 9 + the 3 lock-on games).

Posts: 622
Honorable Member


I've heard that Chaotix and SegaSonic apparently aren't allowed to be included because Sega doesn't have exclusive rights to Mighty and Ray. The guy who created them for SegaSonic doesn't want Sega to use them anymore (which would also explain why Mighty and Ray haven't appeared in a game in the last decade).

I really hope that's not true either.
It shouldn't be that much of a problem, anyway, seeing as Amy didn't start off as a SegaSonic character.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Schick! All three SoR games. Seems i'll be playing SGC for reasons other than Sonic. Odd. And what Craig was saying about the 10th Anniversary thing on SA2...the 15th is coming up next year...wonder if they'll introduce anyone else? Sorry guys, but someone has to face the facts and ask the important questions. :p

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

Bad news, guys.

For the US version, there's no Streets of Rage or Japanese Sonic CD soundtrack. Instead, there's Vectorman and the US soundtrack.

Japan's still getting Streets of Rage, as well as the Japanese soundtrack. It hasn't been stated whether they'll be getting the US soundtrack and Vectorman.

Europe hasn't been mentioned at all, although here's hoping it'll be the same as the Japanese. Australia's most likely getting the European release, so I'm holding out for that...

Importing is starting to look pretty good. Anyone know if Gamecube discs fall under regions like PS2 or XBox?

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Well, I've lost interest in the title. I'd wanted Sonic CD with the Japanese soundtrack FINALLY, but no, Sega has to say "you're American, you get THE BETTER SOUNDTRACK!!!!1!!!1". I want Streets of Rage, I get Vectorman.

Damnit, it's like they were George Lucas and the US version of Gems Collection was the Special Edition of Star Wars or something.

Given this announcement, I can also say there's very, very little chance of Chaotix or anything that can sway my opinion on this appearing, either.

Posts: 363
Reputable Member

I'm still anxious to play Sonic Championship, especially with the new team battle aspect they have added.

Posts: 5035
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Thats some messed up schick. I'm still getting it though. :]

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

SoR isnt on the Amercan version beause if they included it it wouldnt get an E in the american rating system...



I THINK the UK has a lighter controls over such games, please please please let us have SoR :annoyed

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

You expect me to pay forty dollars for this?! Sorry but I'll waste my money in Texas this August not a crummy collection of games that are hardly worth 20 all together...

Posts: 5772
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Not that Vectorman is a bad game or anything, far from it... but it's a poor replacement for what is still considered side-scroll beat 'em up perfection.

But forget that, as it's small potatoes. The complete banishment of the Sonic CD JPN soundtrack hurts like gangbusters.

@#%$ bastards.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

I can find Vectorman in my gaming stores right now so that's a bad choice to put on there...unless some of you have failed Sega Genesis systems (I do but my Nomad serves just fine)

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

Here's the Japanese full cover:

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