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Sonic Gems Collection

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Posts: 456
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Sonic Schoolhouse (Pico) (was that the other one?)

It was Sonic Gameworld. Schoolhouse was that disturbing PC edutainment thing that had the Sonic name and character shoved in at the last minute.

Posts: 270
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As evidenced by the fact that there's a video with a CLOCK character as the guide... it was a very different beast at one point in time. Maybe it should've stayed that way.

Posts: 15
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If you think about it logically, there's only really about nine games they can include (I'm not counting any of the ride-on games like Wake Waku or the Pico games). All of the other games have been rereleased in some format or are so recent that they don't need a new release. The old games are on Mega Collection, the Game Gear games are on SADX/Mega Collection Plus (although the six remaining games could be put on this collection, perhaps). All that leaves us with is:

- Sonic CD
- Chaotix
- Sonic Eraser
- Sonic the Fighters
- Sonic Arcade
- Sonic Pocket Adventure
- Sonic R
- Sonic 3D (Saturn version)
- Sonic Shuffle

Every other Sonic game is available on either Gamecube, PS2, or X-Box.

Those nine games could easily be put onto a single collection - the main question is, will Sega be willing to do it?

Posts: 527
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I can only hope they will. I would love to have a collection of the more rarer Sonic games like this that are hard to find, if this does turn out to be a collection of sorts.

Posts: 456
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1UP: Will we ever see Sonic CD or Knuckles Chaotix on a compilation at some point?

EE: We recognize the popularity of titles that have not yet been released -- especially Sonic CD -- and we're always interested in satisfying our fan base.

Things are looking bright. Let's just hope that both soundtracks are included if Sonic CD is ported, I'd say it's pretty much the most important thing for a new Sonic collection.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member


What catches my eye more in that interview is the fact that Shadow isn't the only Sonic release and that they are interested in 2d platforming, still.

Would love to get my hands on a proper full speed copy of CD though, I've not played it properly in years.

Posts: 931
Prominent Member


What catches my eye more in that interview is the fact that Shadow isn't the only Sonic release and that they are interested in 2d platforming, still.

And yet have confirmed that Sonic DS will be a 3D platformer, for some reason...

Posts: 527
Honorable Member


And yet have confirmed that Sonic DS will be a 3D platformer, for some reason...

Basically, what I got out of that article was there's still going to be plenty of other 3D platformers like Sonic DS, while a 2D platformer on a home console still isn't out of the question. In other words, there might be a chance to see a 2D Sonic title on a console. However slim it may be.

Posts: 76
Trusted Member

that or sega was dodging questions they dont want to answer...

?; Will we see a 2D platformer on a console?

A: Well, we love the nostalgics of 2d platformers, thats why we put out the advance games....

?: but you didnt answer the question?

A: :^^; look at the pretty aliens and guns!

?: ooooh

Posts: 527
Honorable Member

Which is why I said there was a slim chance. They may like the idea of another 2D Sonic title on a console, considering that some of Sonic's best games were 2D and very successful but it doesn't mean they would make one right away or at all. It's only a possibility, but having a little hope never hurts. ;p

Sort of like this collection, merely just a possibility considering the name. Not to mention it would be awesome if it had all those rare, hard to find Sonic games like Sonic CD or Chaotix in one compilation. Just wishful thinking in a sense. We're doing the same here.

Posts: 270
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We held out hope that Heroes would be amazing. It wasn't. It was okay, but not amazing at all.

We then held out hope that we'd get a return to roots with the next Sonic game. We get a game that deviates so far from the Sonic formula it amazes me they even think it can work.

Wouldn't it be fair to say that recent times do not lend themselves well to hope?

Posts: 104
Estimable Member

Hmm.....From the looks of it another complation title can be possible, but from the looks of it there may be a problem with emulation Particaully with the Gamecube's hardware.

Here's the problem, first with the SEGA CD emulator it's not very easy to run, remember the trouble that Sonic team went through trying to get it to run?They couldn't work it because the emulator would not run well on GC's hardware, now SegaSonic arcade would probably never be re-released because of two reasons 1. Ray is a long dead character,Miles has already been on the games for 12 years and is more popluar than he ever was before. 2. SegaSonic was intended for a Japanese only release if you go to there's a warning label on the arcade cabinet saying that the game was to be sold only in Japan. 3. Mode 32 hardware was very hard to program an emulation would be a hassle.

SEGA CD emuation is easier on the X-box and PS2 because of the PC engine and the PS2's readable backwards format that reads emulation codes wheras with the GC there's limted emuation to work with, this is Nintendo's fault because they give thier programmers very little to work with. Sonic CD is more popluar than any other Sonic game because the short lived SEGA CD console is an underrated system that should have gotten more respect.

As for Sonic The Fighters that would take work. Because the model 3 hardware has never been emulated before, but it can be done, because the Model 3 hardware resembles the Saturn's hardware!The Saturn could do more than alot of people believe, it could definelty outpreform the PSone!It's just that that moron Bernie refused to show programmers how to work the Saturn. Cost of emulation of Model 3 which is 64-bit would be high for SEGA, Nintendo will charge alot of money to have that much emulation done because they force 3rd party programmers to pay alot of money for licensing.

Sonic 3D Blast and Sonic R will never ever be emulated, why? Because many of you british people don't realize that we Americans hated these games and consider these the worse of Sonic, sure the soundtrack is good, I like the music from the Saturn version of Sonic 3DBlast, and the music from Sonic R is cool(the lyrics suck.)but in gameplay and popluarity terms these titles fail because they just aren't popluar enough.

As for Sonic Pocket Adventure,Sonic Jam and Nights Into Dreams is very likely, SEGA is seriously focused on the western market and hopes that it will fare strongly by stopping the evil EA with smarter more honest marketing ploys of squeezing out money from thier franchise character the right way. These games have all enojyed moderate success but not blockbuster status.

Posts: 22
Eminent Member


Americans hated these games and consider these the worse of Sonic

is that the general American opinion, or just yours?

Personally, I liked Sonic R, and 3D, Sonic R is a brilliant premise, and should probably be given an update, fixing the graphics


Posts: 270
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Frankly, I don't listen to Pat; I've found he just takes every opportunity he can to bash the Gamecube, valid or invalid.

Posts: 104
Estimable Member

Marverick is an accusser.

alot of people don't like Sonic 3DBlast and Sonic R.

Just read the overviews at and

Posts: 22
Eminent Member

ummm, Pat. Green Gibbon over at GHZ seems to like Sonic R, but he does seem to think that Sonic 3D is sonic's 'Darkes Era'

anyway, I was kinda only pointing out that you seemed to be suggesting that your opinion was that of the general American populus.


Posts: 527
Honorable Member

Except that's their opinion. They don't count for everyone else and they don't have to like Sonic R or Sonic 3D Blast if that's how they feel about the titles. That's merely their opinion. However, that shouldn't stop people from enjoying those games.

Posts: 22
Eminent Member

uh, shin, Pat said read the overviews, so I did.


Posts: 527
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Actually, I was talking to Pat. You just posted a minute after me.

Posts: 456
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Sonic the Fighters ran on Model 2B.

Posts: 150
Estimable Member

Poorly received or not, they would add them anyway to pad the package. I mean, did anyone actually buy Sonic Mega Collection for a crack at Mean Bean Machine? Nah. Most people bought it for the first three (and a half) games, and the other stuff only sweetened the deal.

To put it another way, people would come for the Sonic CD, but they would stay for the Sonic R.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

It says 1993, 1996. Referring to the... PC VERSION OF DOOM.

Posts: 270
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Which, naturally, was the best version of DOOM that exists.

Except Final DOOM came out in 1995, not 1996. Maybe it's also referring to the PC version of Quake? 😛

Posts: 15
Active Member

It looks like CD is the only non-GG game that doesn't have 2005 on it. Fighters and R both do, but I've heard that the models in those have been updated a little bit - nothing major, like GreenEyes!Sonic or anything - but just to work properly with the Gamecube.

Posts: 33
Eminent Member

Although I must admit, I don't think I'd mind an unlockable mode with updated models/designs. It'd be interesting at least.

Posts: 160
Estimable Member

Oh! Sorry - my mistake, that was the Sonic R port. It was a few days since i saw the pictures, and I forgot which was which. My mistake *shot*

OK - my theory was blown out of the water and prodded with a stick. Nevermind ~!

Posts: 270
Reputable Member


Sega is currently trying to iron out licensing issues so that it can get the original Japanese soundtrack in for Sonic CD in addition to the redone U.S. tunes (and yeah, the Japanese soundtrack is far better).

They're tryin', ya have to give them THAT much credit.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

They're not trying hard enough! *Shakes fist* They've been using music from Sonic CD ever since the game came out (SA1 and NiGHTS in particular include updated/remixed CD music).

Ah vell. *Crosses fingers, as he does not want to lose Stardust Speedway, the greatest Sonic song ever*

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

I hope all you naysayers out there are paying attention...

They ARE trying ">

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Yep they are. *Applauds*

Posts: 527
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Sega is currently trying to iron out licensing issues so that it can get the original Japanese soundtrack in for Sonic CD in addition to the redone U.S. tunes (and yeah, the Japanese soundtrack is far better).

Redone US soundtrack? If that's true, I hope they improve the tunes, though I did like some of the music.

The Japanese soundtrack was still superior, and I hope it gets included with Sonic CD, if the licensing agenda gets ironed out.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I assume by "redone American soundtrack" they meant that it was redone from original Japanese. IE the Spencer Neilson tracks.

Posts: 527
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Either way, as long as they include the Japanese soundtrack I'll be pleased.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Just the fact that they considered giving us a choice tells us how willing they are to make this, their first Sonic CD port since the PC debacle, the best ever.

This is Sonic Jam 2.

Now watch months from now as this thread is swamped with cries "ARGH LOAD TIMES!111!" and "MONO SOUNDTRACK!? CRAIG SMASH!!!".

Posts: 456
Reputable Member

*crosses fingers that all goes well*

Sonic CD NEEDS the original sound track, it's the number one issue as far as I'm concerned.

It'd be nice if they used the hi-res versions of the intro and ending movies (as seen in Jam) as well, and restore the few seconds of the intro where we get a close up of the Eggman carving and the chain, that was only on the Mega CD original (I can't remember it on the PC version anyway) and not Sonic Jam (or Mega Collection as I'm told).

Sega are certainly trying to go all out with this though. It's almost like the whole thing is an apology for Sonic Mega Collection.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

No, Mt. Eggman doesn't appear anywhere but the original Mega/Sega CD version, as that one used a modified video that took advantage of the system's low graphical specs to achieve the best overall picture (something Sonic titles were known for back then). Hell, both opening and ending cinemas were basically elaborate .GIF animations, long before such things existed.

The mountain, I feel, was inserted to pad the animation so that it syched better with the soundtrack. It doesn't exist in the original FMV animation.

And if it does, let tiny Becca clones tenderize my eardrums with the croonings of a dying ardvark, for all eternity.

EDIT: I don't doubt that they'll use the hi-res opening and ending as depicted in SMC, I just wish they can do something with the nasty interlacing in the ending.

Above and beyond, for them, is to include an option to allow you to view the Sega CD videos, as they were. Respect will be given if it were so.

Posts: 456
Reputable Member

Padding or not I'd be surprised if there isn't some higher quality version of the mountain and chain clip (and furthermore, the scattering flowers and the metal covered Little Planet clips that occur after the credits depending on whether you got the good or bad ending).

Ideally there should be a choice between whether you view Mega CD version movies or hi-res movies within the game.

I expect that we'll just get the PC versions though, with maybe Jam/SMC versions in the Extras section but not within Sonic CD itself.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


the scattering flowers

That one does exist, it's tagged at the end of SMC's version of the ending.

Hm, I might have to rethink my stance on that.


I expect that we'll just get the PC versions though, with maybe Jam/SMC versions in the Extras section but not within Sonic CD itself.

The thing about the PC version (or any game's PC version) was that it's pretty easy to modify. If they go the emulation route as I seem to believe everyone thinks they are, it's not like it's impossible to replace video files with better quality.

But since they're going to the trouble of actually porting Sonic the Fighters to native code, I'd like to hope that they'd do the same for CD and R.

Posts: 270
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Well, actually, SonicTeam isn't, AM2 is.

Posts: 456
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He just said "they", not in reference to Sonic Team.

Posts: 363
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Well, actually, SonicTeam isn't, AM2 is.

This brings something to mind as an unlockable game: Fighters Megamix. Or even Fighting Vipers. I only say this because AM2 was involved in those games, and Comix Zone wasn't exactly related to Sonic, but was unlockable on SMC. Who knows what games will be unlockable?

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

The only issue with that is, with the addition of Fighting Vipers (Or Fighters Megamix for that matter), would bump the rating up a fair whack (as they are indeed fighting games), thus probably eliminating a lot of the small children that would potentially buy this game.

While one could argue that Sonic Championship could also follow this trend, Soccer Mums (Sorry. I'm Australian, and spelling it with an O just feels wrong.) will find that cute stuffed animals duking it out, is ok compared to actual humans slapping each other about.

EDIT: And now that I think about it, if AM2 include a hidden game on here, it sure as hell better be the original Daytona USA for the Saturn.


Posts: 270
Reputable Member

You mean the port that was horribly stilted? It was fun, sure, but wouldn't an Arcade port be better?

Anyway, it's very, very unlikely it's an AM2 game. Most likely it's Chaotix, TBH...

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Anyway, it's very, very unlikely it's an AM2 game. Most likely it's Chaotix, TBH...

You type that as if it's a bad thing.

Posts: 270
Reputable Member

It is and isn't all at once. It's not a BAD game, but all at once it's not really stellar; WAY too easy to complete.

But then it's stunning graphically. That game is AMAZING for a Genesis one. All those effects... *drool*

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I doubt the Gems collection is being released for the quality or difficulty of the games, though. Sonic R's inclusion is proof enough. It's just the rare ones, which little to no Sonic fans will legitimately own.

The game already has a "Not a single person owns this, unless they have the arcade" game, so sure selling on that point isn't the best idea, but Chaotix and CD are always the two asked about in interviews.

I don't really mind if it's easy, not fun or an annoying/unfun copy of the little known, or respected, Amiga game Bubble & Squeak; it's still something I (and Sonic fans in general, I'd assume) want. Bad.

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

The problem is if chaotix doesnt make it onto this, I cant see ANY chance of a "Ultra rare Sonic collection," with ONLY Chaotix and, maybe SegasSonic Arcade (if they can get it to work????)

Posts: 527
Honorable Member

Actually, all Sonic Team will have to do is throw in the other 6 GG titles, maybe even include the Tiger handheld games, and add a few Sonic Cafe games as a bonus. Then they're set for such another collection. ;)

Unless otherwise stated, I believe Chaotix will be included, perhaps as an unlockable title, except it just hasn't been announced yet at the moment (this could possibly be the same for SegaSonic Arcade too).

Posts: 512
Honorable Member


Tiger handheld games,

Are you joking!

That was the worst version of Sonic I have ever played in my life. It seems to run at less than 10 fps. The games gravity is constant, you can only just manage to walk up hills of the slightest incline. And to call it Sonic Jam makes a mockery of the Saturn version.

However the only other handheld game i would like to see would be Sonic the Hedgehog Pocket Adventure.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

At least consider the possibility that Chaotix may, now, be where Sonic CD was a year or two back. They're probably trying to emulate it, but are having problems with it, like before with CD, and are just being tactful not to announce anything, seeings as we all know what happened to the idea of CD being on Mega Collection.

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