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Sonic Gems Collection

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Silv hasn't unlocked any of the Bare Knuckle series yet, but he has confirmed that Bare Knuckle 1 - 3 is advertised on the back of the Gamecube box. So, if they're not there, you can sue Sega under the trades description act or something.

The Sonic CD PC port with inserted Japanese music sounds really haphazard and all over the place from what he was telling me. The single end movie (no distinction between the Good End and the Bad End) has Cosmic Eternity shoved into it, which promptly cuts out when the animation finishes... quite annoying really. I was hoping they'd restore the quirks that the Japanese Mega CD version had. For example, having the "B" Mix of Stardust Speedway be the "theme" of Metal Sonic during the race, no matter what time zone you were in... Sigh.

And yes, the game stays in Japanese mode when using a Freeloader. Although, Silv said he was using a mod switch, he explained the effect was very much the same.

Posts: 363
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Any word on how you unlock further things? Is it through a certain amount of play time or anything like that?

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Well, from what I gathered from the two Gamefaq boards, things are unlocked either by playing certain games, beating them or just leaving the games to run for a certain amount of hours.

Two Sonic CD remixes get unlocked after beating Sonic CD on the PS2 version. However, Silv has beaten the game with the Time Stones on the Gamecube, and received nothing for his trouble.

As seen earlier in the thread, various pictures are unlocked just for playing the game or doing certain things in it.

Silv actually unlocked Vectorman as soon as he booted up the Games menu because he has a Sonic Heroes memory block on the memory card he was using.

It's funny I'm answering so many questions about this game, yet my import doesn't arrive for another 3 weeks (maximum). Damn you, Play Asia.

Posts: 165
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Does this game come out tomorrow or on Thursday.

Posts: 33
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Apparently you can force an American or European PS2 console to play the game in Japanese (And therfor the Japanese Sonic CD soundtrack) by holding down select on bootup, but I'll have to try it myself before I believe it. (Should be arriving this week)

EDIT: Looks like a hoax judging by the amount of people claiming it doesn't work.

EDIT 2: Not a hoax, but it only works with certain modchips.

Posts: 165
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Due to my school's censor, I can't view the board. My monitor at home is also broken so can you tell me specifically? If I could go to the mentioned url, I would.

Posts: 33
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^ - I covered what was in that GameFAQS post in my previous post, about how holding down Select forces the console to play the game in Japanese.

Anyways, apparently some of the museum unlockables feature the final levels of Sonic 1, 2, 3, Knuckles, 3D Blast and Sonic 1 (GG Version) with a 5 minute time limit. Again, I'll have to see this to believe it.

Posts: 456
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The single end movie (no distinction between the Good End and the Bad End) has Cosmic Eternity shoved into it, which promptly cuts out when the animation finishes... quite annoying really. I was hoping they'd restore the quirks that the Japanese Mega CD version had. For example, having the "B" Mix of Stardust Speedway be the "theme" of Metal Sonic during the race, no matter what time zone you were in... Sigh.

HUGELY disappointing. Do the hidden pictures (from entering codes in sound test) have the correct BGMs?

Posts: 2
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Thank you, I'm glad the game uses the JPN soundtrack when using the Freeloader. *Dances*:cackle

Posts: 363
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Does this game come out tomorrow or on Thursday.

Tuesday. All DVDs, CDs, video games, etc. come out on Tuesdays in the US. As in freaking tomorrow!! Haha, I am pumped!:cackle

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A friend of mine has just sent me ADX rips of the remixes from the PS2 version. I shall now list a tracklisting and give a description on each remix:

1) "Sonic Gems Collection" Remix - A remix of the Gems Collection theme. Pretty tranquil and mellow electronica. Nothing special.

2) "KIYO - Get Into The Groove" Remix - An acid-ish remix of the opening theme to Sonic the Fighters. A personal favourite.

3) "Aurora Icefield" Remix - A vocal remix of Aurora Icefield, Bark's stage in Sonic the Fighters. Involves an Engrish singer bleating stuff like "LIKE A FIELD OF ICE" over and over.

4) "Future Stage Special" Remix - One of the first two large-ish remixes that I think is culled from the "Sonic the Hedgehog Remix" CD by Masafumi Ogata and Naofumi Hataya. My friend who sent this to me reported seeing this on Kazaa long before Gems was even announced. Intriguing.

Features elements of most of the "B" mixes (with a few "G" mix bits) featured in the Japanese Sonic CD score. Including Collision Chaos, Tidal Tempest, Wacky Workbench, Stardust Speedway and Metallic Madness. Also, features a ton of full length samples only half-used in the actual score. I love this stuff, so this is a personal fave.

5) "Good Future" Remix - See above. This one is focused mainly on the "G" mix side of the Sonic CD Japanese score. Includes elements from Collision Chaos, Tidal Tempest, Wacky Workbench, and some bizarre clipped "Sonic - You Can Do Anything" voice samples. Personal fave.

6) "Sonic Boom" Remix - A very fuzzy, sampled-to-all-hell remix of Sonic Boom. Samples the "If you're strong" portion of the song over and over, until it becomes indistinguishable. Not for the weak of ear.

7) "Can You Feel The Sunshine" Remix - Well. I guess, this is what it'd be like if Resort Island had a Bad Future, I guess. Heavy, bleak electronica, with the singer sounding almost depressed in the song samples, due to how slow the mix goes.

8) "Living In The City" Remix - Words fail me. A very jazzy, up-beat version of this urban pop song. Good for dancing and very weird.

9) "Underground Zone" Remix - A steady, thumping electronica version of this Game Gear BGM. Nothing special.

10) "Sonic 3 - Data Select" Remix - Possibly my favourite remix on the whole disc. A total must have. The original song is sampled behind some very up-beat latino drums and synth, complete with sound effects. Very catchy and a personal fave.

11) "Open Your Heart" Remix - Horrid. Avoid if at all possible. An R'n'B remix of this rock theme for the original Sonic Adventure. As bad as it sounds.

12) "Sonic Heroes" Remix - Fantastic. An up-beat electronica version of the theme with the original vocals in-tact. Why couldn't the real theme be this good and fitting with the background music of the game? Personal fave.

All names are made up by my friend and/or me. May not be the order they appear in the museum. Yadda yadda.

Posts: 68
Trusted Member has a review here.It got a decent score so thats cool.

The Robot King

Posts: 165
Estimable Member

Thanks, D32x. Today's my lucky day!:spin I'm still waiting for my mom to buy me a new monitor 'cause I'll be using my
@$# to buy Gems today.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

I've just read the review and the guy must have forgot about Sonic Mega Collection Plus. I know it was for the gamecube version of the game but surely he must look outside of the cube? *snigger* see what i did there?

Posts: 363
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Alright, I just went to EB Games to pick up the game and they told me today is the SHIPPING DATE, and that the game will be out tomorrow. I was ready to burn the building down.:"> Sorry I told you otherwise, Miles Per Hour. Nevertheless, tomorrow will rock.:jester

Posts: 33
Eminent Member

Well, it turns out that ALL of the Sonic games from SMC+ are unlockables, although you can only play the final stage of each of them, and with a 5 minute time limit.

Apparently, one is unlocked every 24 hours.

Interesting fact, the games are the full versions, so with an Action Replay code, it may be possible to remove the 5 minute limit which would turn this into Sonic Mega Gems Collection +, or something.

Posts: 4607
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It lacks the lock-ons, however, which I find irritating. Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles should never, ever, remain separate.

Posts: 363
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No love for the cartridges.

Posts: 456
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Alright, I just went to EB Games to pick up the game and they told me today is the SHIPPING DATE, and that the game will be out tomorrow. I was ready to burn the building down. >:


Posts: 363
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Posts: 456
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Posts: 4607
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Alright, I just went to EB Games to pick up the game and they told me today is the SHIPPING DATE, and that the game will be out tomorrow. I was ready to burn the building down. >:


Nah, Milton Waddams.

Posts: 5772
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**whips Pengy with a wet noodle**

Gems sounds like a hacker's amusement park.

Posts: 99
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Gems sounds like a hacker's amusement park.

*shudders at the thought of hackers possibly discovering a "Hot Chili Dog" Mod*

Posts: 5
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From where do you begin the roms of Genesis and GG?From the Last Zone,Act,or Boss?Can you cut the credits?

Posts: 36
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The Terrorist

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Posts: 160
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The "U" rating worries me. I don't think Streets of Rage would pass a U rating surely? The Gamecube version has the same rating. Comix Zone, which is kinda similar got a "12+" rating.

The word "Bugger" comes to mind.

Posts: 17
Eminent Member

I've heard that you can infact play with the Japanese soundtrack on the PS2 version by changing the console settings to Japan, but don't quote me on that.

Posts: 33
Eminent Member

That's true, but unfortunately only Japanese consoles have the Japanese language feature.

And as for the "U" certificate, if a videogame contains something previously rated by the BBFC, then that videogame must feature the rating given to the original material. (For example, Hyper Street Fighter 2 would have gotten a PEGI 12+ rating, but because it featured the previously rated Street Fighter 2 anime as a bonus, the game got a BBFC 15 rating)

I initially thought this might mean that some kind of Sonic cartoon would be on the disc, but looking at the BBFC's archive reveals that a Jetix promo featuring a Shadow the Hedgehog trailer was recently given a "U" certificate, so that's probably what it is.

An interesting point to note is that a BBFC rating cancels out a PEGI rating (Due to the BBFC being law) so it means that they can put in Streets of Rage without fear of the game getting a PEGI 12+ rating.

Posts: 378
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I'm getting my copy tosay ^^

Posts: 150
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I got it. It's like a dream come true! I finally have my own copy of Sonic the Fighters! Woohoo! And Sonic CD is nothing to sneeze at either. Sonic R, however, now that I play it on a console, seems shabbier then ever. I beat the first run through in about 15 minutes, and the controls are almost inexcusably faulty. They are on foot, yet have the toughest time turning around....
To break my feelings down into an easy to read format:
- Slicker Menus then SMC.
- Faster Load times?
- More Segasonic stuff in museum, rather then Archie.
- Instructions call him Eggman in ALL of the game descriptions.
- Quicksave on GG games.
- 4 player Sonic R.
- Hey, It's Sonic CD, Sonic R, Fighters, and a good smattering of some of the better GG games on one disc, at near budget price. Hooray!
-Why only some GGs? Seriously, if they were going to cheep out and add them, they should have added them all again.
- All games should have the Z button bring up the menu screen. It's confusing when some games let you, and others don't.
- They included the "Sally" Sonic CD instruction manual.
- Eggman is still called "Robotnic" in Fighters.
- The call him "Eggman" in the Sonic Spinball instructions.
- While I will defend the quality of the American soundtrack of SCD, I really wish I could try the japanese.
Now, some purists are going to skin me for saying this, but why didn't they get a little more creative with the ports and extras? There are already several noticeable alterations to the main games, so why not add a few "bonus" modes. Perhaps use "Knuckles in Sonic 2" style Sprite Switching to allow Shadow to blaze through Sonic CD. Why not have a bonus version of Sonic R with improved handling, a new course, or added characters like Cream or the Chaotix. If they could use the updated Travelers tales logo, they could update the game itself. Heck, even Sonic the Fighters could have had Emeral or Shadow tossed in there for 2 player battles.

An even easier way to tie these games in with the Modern Canon would be to have Ryan Drummond and the rest of the crew read Brief synopses of each title at some point.

Amy: This is Sonic CD, an adventure to save "Little Planet," where the Timestones can alter Time itself. This is when I first fell in love with my darling Sonic.
Sonic: (Embarrassed) Amy!
Oh well. Hindsight is 20/20, I suppose. All in all, It's a good game for a sonic fan. I'm not sure I could recommend this to anyone else, though.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Mmm, I'm surprised you didn't raise the question of SoR missing being either a Pro OR a Con...

Shadow in Sonic CD? Ew. Just ew. There are some things that just don't make any sense. That's one of them.

Improved handling in Sonic R'd be GREAT, but the extra cast of characters would hurt more than help. One of R's problems is the fact that there are 10 characters, and they're anything but balanced. Why make a bad problem worse?

Why on Earth would we want Shadow and Emerl in the Fighters? That'd kind of unbalance things, wouldn't it? That and they'd be VERY out-of-place.

And , well, having the characters read the game descriptions might be okay at first, but horribly grating/embarrassing later on...

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

I'd rather have improved visuals in Fighters than more characters.

What's the SCD port like? I heard it was s**t. I'm actually interested in the title now, but the UK release is more than a month away. pah.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

I'd heard it was okay, but:

  • The water in Tidal Tempest is CLEAR, not colored
  • They didn't fix the music locations for the Japanese version (ie: the race with Metal always plays whatever time zone you're in instead of Bad Future, Little Planet in the Time Attack menu)
  • The ending video, and apparently there's only ONE now, has Cosmic Eternity tossed on improperly, and it cuts out at the end of the credits.
  • Harder Special Stages?
  • Stuff like that.

    Posts: 1355
    Noble Member

    That's no good.

    References I'm bordering on overusing aside...I guess it won't matter too much. I have the ISO with the Jpn tracks and I've grown used to using a keyboard. I'll probably only buy it for Fighters and 2P Sonic R/3K/2/etc on console instead of Gens. ...And the art. And Streets of Rage if, like I assume, is in the PS2 EU version. And maybe the Vectormans. An--...Yeah.

    Thanks for the info.

    Posts: 150
    Estimable Member

    I've never been a fan of SoR, so it's no skin off my back. Still, I wish the added something else rather then simply taking it all away.


    Shadow in Sonic CD? Ew. Just ew. There are some things that just don't make any sense. That's one of them.

    Not in the main game, but as a bonus. I only mentioned Shadow, since his abilities, size and shape are equal to Sonic. Metal sonic would work just as well, or even Amy for argument sake. I'm just saying that it would be a crazy little bonus, rather then a bunch of box art we've already seen. Anyways, are you saying that Knux made sense in Sonic 2?


    Improved handling in Sonic R'd be GREAT, but the extra cast of characters would hurt more than help. One of R's problems is the fact that there are 10 characters, and they're anything but balanced. Why make a bad problem worse?

    IMHO, they should have improved a lot on Sonic R before rereleasing it, but once again, I'm just listing off "simple" things they could have done to make it better. Further more, I was only suggesting "exclusive" bonuses to this game.


    Why on Earth would we want Shadow and Emerl in the Fighters? That'd kind of unbalance things, wouldn't it? That and they'd be VERY out-of-place.

    I was talking about 2-player exclusives. Fun additions for the new audience, Like Link and Spawn in Soul Caliber II. they wouldn't have to be unbalanced either. You're only assuming they would be. They could easily be programed to be around the same specs as the other characters. And I wouldn't worry about it being out of place, because as of now, the game contains a load of characters no one gives two figs about. Bark? Bean? And I hate to say it, but Fang? This game contains an heap of dated characters and concepts that modern audiences won't really be all that interested in. You and I are, Shadow Hog, because we are hardcore Sonic fans, but the average player is going to say "I spent 30 bucks for this?"


    And , well, having the characters read the game descriptions might be okay at first, but horribly grating/embarrassing later on...

    That's why it would be in the Museum section, or somewhere out of the way.

    My main problem is that Most of these games (save for Sonic CD), felt shoddy and out-of continuity when they came out. Eight emeralds? Tails Doll? Whaaa? Sure it's good to have them, but the package could have been definitely sweetened. While the Modern Sonic continuity is a direct descendent of Sonic 1 through Knuckles, these games feel more like an offshoot. A different direction for the series that never was. Bonus appearances by familiar faces, locations and sounds would help tie things together, and make it feel more complete.

    I mean, look at the Mario Advance series and Mario 64 DS. They play almost exactly like the originals, but with enhanced game-play options, and added sound effects and graphics that help bridge the series.

    Posts: 363
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    I got the game yesterday, hence my reason for not yet updating...:p

    I beat Sonic the Fighters in 15 minutes, but half of that was just figting Metal Sonic alone. That match is so cheap, and then you have to beat "Robotnic" in 17 seconds? :insane Anyway, it's a neat game.

    Having only played Sonic R on Sega Saturn, it was really cool to see the different weather conditions for all the levels. Four player races is a neat bonus, but I don't know that I will find three other people to play, heh.

    I only played Sonic CD through the first level, but the bonus level definately seemed harder than I remember.

    I left my system on in Fighters all night to unlock some stuff. I mostly obtained pictures from the Sonic screen saver, and some more Fighters character shots. I also obtained a new song called "Are you Brave," which sounds like a remix of the SGC's title screen. So far, my favorite unlocked photos are the helicopter view of Sonic R race tracks. You seem to get a new one each time you beat the game. Good stuff. :thumbsup I'll add more later.

    Posts: 1827
    Noble Member

    4 player Sonic R. 4 Player Sonic R Tag? cant remember if that was multiplayer. it doesnt help the fact that i've only played Sonic R multiplayer once. on a saturn. with a sneering graphics worshipping freak. I could say something worse but i think of the 9 year olds that broke the rules. because im that darn nice. But is Sonic R tag is multiplayer that could be the most fun thing in videogaming since ENGERY SWORD.

    Sonic the Fighters is like Mortal Kombat. Come on they gush out rings. Also when they die to they face the screen and make the vum boom sound? Also, I could see Emerl being used in the game as the Charade/ Edge Master/ Mokujin etc... of the game

    Sonic CD...well i've played the EU version on the Mega CD so lets play the "Mega CD isnt emulated for the cube/ps2 yet version" I dont mind.

    GG games, its going to be nice to read the manuals for the games. You are looking at someone who owns both Sonic Mega Collection for gamecube and Sonic Mega Collection Plus on Xbox. and Sonic Adventure DX. *sigh* Im a idiot. Oh well :D

    Streets Of Rage and Vectorman should be fun.

    Roll on September the 30th

    Posts: 1567
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    Harder special stages? What posessed them to do that?

    Posts: 2354
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    Apparently the same thing that made them do "Heroes" ;p

    ** shot **

    Posts: 363
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    *catches bullet with kevlar baseball mitt*

    *pats Dreamer of Nights on back*


    Posts: 98
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    The majority of those images can be found all over the net. XD The rest of the images however like the Chaotix and ones that you really need to work for are quite nice. There are the playable demos for the older games as well as the rumor that if you beat them quick enough you get to play the full game. I do like the new remixes they give to a lot of the old songs and they do try to make the effort to improve this collection over the last one. However, the reviews on the game made one good point. If they were going to include hard-to-find Sonic games then SEGASonic and Chaotix should have also been included. Now I personally own Chaotix and the game is hard to find and since SEGASonic was only ever arcade it would be nice to get it onto home console too. I think once I have everything unlocked I don't think I'll play anymore.

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    To further on Acrio's post:
    The Pleh?

    An Xbox version would be great for me as i like continuity. I got Sonic Mega Collection Plus on the Xbox.

    Probably because SMC+ on Xbox was quite popular over here.

    Posts: 1355
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    No other sites have it, and I've never heard of that site before, so I'd hazard a guess at that being an error. Dunno where they got the boxart from though...

    Posts: 1446
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    IT'S A HOAX!

    Posts: 2097
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    While that Xbox version appears to be rated U, the PS2 version shown there is rated 3+ also have the GC and PS2 versions rated as U.


    Posts: 1355
    Noble Member

    U? That means the SoRs might not be on it, or that SoR3 will be the butchered version. Grr...Meh. I'm not getting it for much other than Fighters anyway...

    Posts: 859
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    Small question...

    In which music version of Sonic CD does THIS play in the bad future of Stardust Speedway:

    I dont care about the REST of the soundtrack, but THAT song is just perfect... Isit japanese or American soundtrack, and which one is the UK confirmed to get?

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