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Sonic Riders 2: Zer...
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Sonic Riders 2: Zero Gravity ?

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Sonic Riders 2: Zero Beauty

Posts: 1037
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The last pic has a board without an owner floating about... I wonder if you can snatch them and change your board mid-race?

Or maybe steal them from your opponents.

Posts: 1827
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The second set of screens Adamis posted up look nicer than the first set. I presume they are the Wii? Everything just looks a bit sharper and more detailed.

Still looks quite ugly though.

Posts: 77
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Aaaaaaaaaaaand the trailer:

Posts: 1355
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As usual the screens released are with filters disabled and as before the lack of detail doesn't matter while you're racing because of how fast you're going.

The trailer actually excited me, which I can't say I expected. I haven't got much to say outside of the obvious, though, like how we now know what the bracelets are for. Objects being affected by the gravity changes was pretty cool and what little we know of the plot interests me.

Posts: 1789
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I think I would have liked the trailer if I was 10. It was pretty-groan inducing.

Posts: 2016
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The CGI, is well, pretty. <3 That pleases me.

And the overall feel I got from the game was pretty Phantasy Star-ish. So I like.

Posts: 622
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The trailer actually excited me, which I can't say I expected.

Same here. If it plays a bit tighter than the original, I think I'd actually be quite pleased with this. In some ways it reminds me of SA2 and F-Zero GX visually.

Posts: 2809
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Sorry, Ashide, I have to agree with HSW and CCL, that was totally awesome!!

Posts: 1984
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I thought the trailor was cool. Yeah the models and levels still look blocky but I am forgiving of that.

Posts: 1413
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Whoa! That trailer was pretty sweet. The Gravity Control move look like a great addition to the game. The CG cinemas look great too.

Posts: 1789
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Sorry, Ashide, I have to agree with HSW and CCL, that was totally awesome!!

You and the others can like the trailer as much as you want, but for me I find it as irritating as a Sat. morning cartoon that adds a dash of "eXtreme" and taking things seriously to appear cool to ten year olds--complete with terrible music.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

Thats nice, Ashide. Now go hide in your lair up in mount.DoomyDoom and look down on us happy smurfs in disgust and anger. Plotting your next plan of vauge revenge on our happy.

But I have to admit that although I thought the trailor looked really cool, I'm far from ready to say that this game will have the answers to the problems the first game had. It might still be just as glitchy as before. And thats a definate turn-away.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

The game did look better while moving, like the first Riders. The Anti Gravity gimmick looks quite cool.

But still the track just looked ugly. Does appear to be more going on in the background though.

Plus Best Runblebee song ever! Though its a bit like saying "I have syphilis, the BEST of the sexually transmitted diseases!"
/Big Jezza

Posts: 1758
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The trailer isn't that overdramatic. Sure it's not trying to be funny, but it doesn't have Shadow syndrome. The only Sonic game to have much funny so far is Sonic Battle anyway. Some comedy would be nice, but not a prerequisite.

The Chaotix better be in this one.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

I would be very surprised if the Chaotix, Blaze, Omega and Silver were not available in the game. Doubt they'll be in the storyline though.

The Babylon Garden collapsing did look stupid really. Considering this is a party racer.

Posts: 1789
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Thats nice, Ashide. Now go hide in your lair up in mount.DoomyDoom and look down on us happy smurfs in disgust and anger. Plotting your next plan of vauge revenge on our happy.

Actually, I'm busy playing this to be even considered to be a gloomy gus.

Sonic Riders 2 isn't doing any thing for me that's all.

Also, I was under the impression that the Chaotix was in Sonic Limbo, however the preview for Rivals 2 surprised me when Espio showed up.

Posts: 1037
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The trailer said 6 Riders, so I guess story mode will have only the Babylon Rogues and Sonic, Tails and Knuckles.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

Most likely (I guess they're the only ones using the gravity-band-thingy for the purpose of story). I doubt they'd only have those six for multiplayer.

Amy's visible in one of the cutscenes...

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

"Hey Amy."
"Hi Tails. What's the rush?"
"Something big is happening over at the Babylon Gardens. We gotta go check it out!"
"We? Nuts to that. It's really got nothing to do with me. I'm not really the hero type and I'd rather not get involved in another one of Eggman's crazy schemes, thank you very much. I think I'll just go home and watch some CSI or maybe hit the mall..."
"Uh, okay. C'ya! Oh, I hope I get there before Sonic do--"

Posts: 721
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*whistles* That's some pretty CGI work. The music was a bit blah, though.

Posts: 889
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I would like to know where my 360 version is! If I do decide on buying than I guesse sega is making me actually buy a game for my wii. But yeah, the trailer wasn't that bad.

Posts: 5035
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Well early 2008...for Wii, and I am lacking on Wii games. I think I might actually get this game. *cringes* The trailer wasn't the best, but was rather enjoyable. The demo of the first Riders I played at Target showed my inexperience with the game. Still wonder if I should get the first one sometimes...

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

Both me and my brother liked the first Riders, so I'm looking forward to this one. :)
Also, for each Wii game you buy you get a GC game for free at my GameStop, so I might get Sonic Mega Collection or something... I still have to get Secret Rings though. >>

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

A free GC game!!! AHHH! The wonders that could lead to. Buy Nights and get Viewtiful Joe. Buy Smash and get Ikaruga, Buy Mario and Sonic and get Sonic Riders. O_0

Posts: 1037
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Yes, but unfortunately most of the GC games are Nicktoon games. :(
Though they do have Viewtiful Joe. I should have a look at that.

Posts: 2097
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I swear they'd better tone down the difficulty in the story mode for this. (I haven't been able to do Jet's race in the desert on the original). 🙁

Posts: 1376
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Eh. I guess it'll be good. Lemme know how it is.

Posts: 1984
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Sonic Shuffle 2 is on the horizon.

Posts: 2016
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Sonic Shuffle 2 is on the horizon.

Where? I can't see it. **Squints eyes**

Posts: 1446
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It's over there, between Sonic Labyrinth DX and Mean Bean Machine II.

Posts: 120
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Yeah, just underneath Fang Adventure.

*Runs for cover to avoid the vengeful tirade of the unholy Fang-ian Armada*


Posts: 1037
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Mean Bean Machine II.

You mean Puyo Pop Fever?

Posts: 5035
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Posts: 3756
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In retrospect, I admire Sonic Rider's difficulty. My opinion while I was playing, whoever was conciderably different. Something resembling "ARHRHGYOUMOTHER@##$INGCHEAT" and subsequent controller damage.

Posts: 39
Eminent Member

Mini site finally up:

16 courses, 18 characters... it sounds pretty good, we'll see how it turns out.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

The amount of courses is good, but it makes it more likely that they're going to do the cloning thing again. If they keep everyone from the last game, they'll be adding 1 or 2 new characters. Dibs on it being an original one created just for this game.*

So you can switch boards mid-race after all. I wonder if they actually mean it with each one being different this time, as all the last gears were practically identical apart from a few subtle** differences and a few extreme*** differences.

*i guess eventually someone won't realize, so, i'm not serious. it's unlikely.

**darkness has low air use, most of the bikes have high air use, etc

***hovercraft has crazy handling, heavy bike ignores turbulence, there's that green board with no boosts but abusable turning ability, etc

Characters I want dropped to make space for Espio, Vector, Metal Sonic and whoever: Aiai, Rouge, Cream. The robos are part of the list by default, of course.

Too much * nonsense...I think I'll just stick to braces.

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

I.. there's.. I don't want to believe it.

There's no 360 version.

I feel so left out, because my PS2 is collecting a lot of dust to the point where it'll become unusable, and I won't be getting a Wii until sometime whenever. =(

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

Interesting trailer. The gravity moves remind me of the motorcycle sequence in UltraViolet. Looks like Babylon Garden is back, and it apparently explodes. Everybody's chasing a shooting star. o.o Also, I see that when flying the board with Tails and Wave, they grab onto it with their hands and the board splits open with wings as opposed to just riding it thru the rings. Looks more functional to me.

Posts: 114
Estimable Member

so.. what are the guesses for new characters?.. id like to see more.. diverse characters.. like well.. i dunno but i just can imagine some like desert themed characters.. like a scorpion... or a Jackal?.. im rambling idiotically again..

Posts: 1446
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Nah. It'll just be Shadow/Cream/etc. all over again.

Posts: 2016
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Chaotix plz.

Posts: 1827
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There are 18 confirmed characters. There were only 16 characters in Riders.
Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Jet, Wave, Storm, Eggman, Shadow, Cream, Rouge, E-10000-G, E-10000-R, NiGHTS, Ulala and Aiai.
That is 2 spots open now.

I doubt that the Robots will be playable again.

4 Possible spots.

I'd say Ulala and Aiai could be dropped. Not NiGHTs though.

6 possible spots.

So yeah. Chaotix = possible.

Posts: 981
Noble Member


I'd say Ulala and Aiai could be dropped. Not NiGHTs though.

I doubt that they will be in the new one, including NiGHTS. Probably be doing the same thing and add three new SEGA characters.

There might also will be a new character in the game. >.> Although, chances are that this will be the first recent Sonic game that won't have a new character. OH JOY!

Silver and Blaze might come along as extras as well. And I doubt that Chaotix will be in the game (no matter how much people will want them).

But all of this is just probability.

Posts: 2417
Famed Member


Plot: Sonic hears of a legend regarding an odd artifact known as the "Shooting Star," an item that can control gravity itself. However, the Babylon Rogues, Sonic's well known rivals, are also after the legendary artifact. This sets off a war between who gets the artifact, now leading them to settle their dispute by having an Extreme Gear Competition.

Taken from Wikipedia taken from Sonic Stadium. The japanese name for the game is "Sonic Riders: Shooting Star Story"

If that doesn't scream Ristar reference I don't know what does. He was absent from the first one.

Posts: 2809
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Surprisingly SR2 is rated already, but unsurprisingly it's rated E.

Posts: 1984
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>.> I want a Jet Set Radio Future level. And you get points for GRAFITTI!!

Posts: 981
Noble Member

New info from Nintendo Power magazine article, page 4 of 4: link

Sorry. No other pages :(

-The new air is replaced with the gravity gauge (GP). They also say that it will be "...more generous this time around. Combined with the option to activate stunts, via motion control...."

-Characters will be classifed as Speed, Power, and Flight again. Although, they will also have attributes to differentiate from the others. "...speed characters have the best top speed, for example, while flying characters usually have faster acceleration) and the ability to use Exclusive Extreme Gear that specifically designed for each type...."

-Each gear also has a total of three gear change powers. Some will cause the gear to change into another type. Bikes, for example. "Some abilities are as simple as increasing your GP gauge, while others bestow class-specific like grinding (for speed characters) or boosting through hovering air rings (for flying characters)...."

-40 different boards total
-Wi-Fi confirmed
-Two new battle modes (Survival Battle & Survival Ball)
-A total of 18 characters. 6 of them are new.

Posts: 2417
Famed Member

Define new. New to the Sonic Riders series (as in reusing characters that have appeared in other games) or new like all new, as in alien invasion that have seperate rival characters with all the same stats as Sonic, Tails, Knuckles. Oh and Jet, Wave, and Storm get rival clones with the same stats, although they themselves are pretty much stat clones of the STK. Up, that's 6 already!

About the rating, that means Sega couldn't pull the Hell trick again.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Team Atlantis is in. A group of aquatic bums who only want to show the world their amazing skills. A Barracuda, Dolphin and a Shark make up this team.

In all seriousness something tells me that they are going to use characters that are new to the Riders series. Blaze, Silver, Metal Sonic etc.

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