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Sonic Riders (now w...
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Sonic Riders (now w/ possible spoilers)

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I'm sorry everybody, if I had only knew. *continues crying* :o

Well, I'm still gonna get game. It'll still be good whether it has him or not.

Posts: 8
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I`ve tried contacting the Girl who wrote the review up, to let her know she got her wires crossed XD Shes not answering her PMs.*bless*

Just looked at the Black Market screens, it says exchange, so are we looking at a possible Rings for Equipment Thing going on?

Posts: 1195
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Psh. Wake me up when someone sees Big in Sonic Riders.

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Posts: 2191
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I know how you feel Wonderbat. It's bad enough other companies can create a character similiar to another and get away with it.

But on a brighter note, SONIC RIDERS IS RELEASED IN THE U.S! USA! USA! USA! US(*shot*)

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Sadly when I went to pick the game at EB yesterday they told me it gonna arrived either Wednesday(today) or Thursday. Anyone having this problems in their areas too? Hear it been going around in others areas.

Posts: 8
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Your lucky in a way, i have to wait another 3 weeks before i get the game. Anyone found out Who the 3 missing characters are yet?

Posts: 1355
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Nope, nobody. This is more or less the "play all day" day where the majority of the people who are able to play the game are playing it for the whole day so there's little to no "forum reports".

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


Sadly when I went to pick the game at EB yesterday they told me it gonna arrived either Wednesday(today) or Thursday. Anyone having this problems in their areas too? Hear it been going around in others areas.

Yeah, it's called the game companies are too paranoid to ship games a day or two earlier than the norm problem.

By Release Date, of course they mean the day they "release" it from their cold, dark warehouses. Wednesdays and Thursdays are hereby unofficially "Street Dates", except for the lucky few who can get them on "release" day.

Posts: 814
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Ha ha! I'm picking up my copy today! In approximately seven hours, I'll be playing it! Stupid school.

Posts: 526
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FIRST IMPRESSIONS!! (Here I go with the impressions again.)

This game's tougher than I thought. But not too tough. There seems to be alot of different modes which is great. The story mode is actually very well done, and the dialouge is well written. (I love the Reed Richards/Thing exchange between Tails and Knuckles)The graphics engine uses brand new models, and not the Sonic Heroes/Shadow models that Sega's been using for awhile. They look very good.

Posts: 526
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SECOND IMPRESSIONS: I'm in the last lap of story mode, and I can't beat it. THIS GAME IS KICKING MY BUTT!! Seriously, this has to be one of the hardest Sonic games I've played in a long time! I'm going to try some of the other modes for awhile before I get to that one.

Alot of little kids may have trouble with this game.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Are we talking Sonic Pinball Party difficulty? If we are, I think you may have sold the game to me!

Posts: 8
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A lot of people seem to say the game is taxing:^^ Finally Sega have got back on track since 'Heroes' Im really looking forward to the game now.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

I've done some scouting, and I thought I'd feed you guys some spoilers.

All of this is unconfirmed but quite likely. Spoilers get more intense the further down you highlight. You have been warned. O:

For beating the hero story, you unlock Shadow, Rouge, Cream, their gear, skates for all characters, mission mode, and the Babylon story..

For beating Babylon story, you unlock Eggman and can buy magic carpet gear for everyone.

Now here's something: Apparently, in the shop, the "question mark next to Wave" doesn't light up when you scroll past the gear, but the others do. Conclusion? This character doesn't use gear. This looks promising for NiGHTS.

Apparently, there is a "final story", consiting of a boss fight with...a genie.

All feedback I have seen so far is, overall, positive. Licky.

Edit: Apparently the "boss fight" takes place at the end of the Babylon story, and not in a "Last Story".

Posts: 222
Estimable Member

That sounds...interesting.

"Very interesting, Dr. Zin."

For the hundredth time! I am not Dr. Zin! GO HOME, KORCHEK.

Yes... *ahem* anyway. Any reports on what the story is like, is it simpler than heroes, more complex than Sonic Adventure 2, as good as Sonic Adventure's?

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

With a plot that centres on characterisation, just little scenes that highlight conflict between the characetrs and overall there IS a running story that develops slowly...

I'd be very surprised if there was a big adventure style involvement, but I would like a few plot twists...

Come on Sega, Surprise me.

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

I got Riders yesterday at EB Games. I find the steering rather stiff, but the controls are easy to grasp after maybe a few races. Plot seems fine, but I've only got past the first race - I suck at racing games, but I do find this one harder than usual. I do find parts of the cutscenes rather annoyingly kiddish, also, the new VA's are more noticeable than Shadow. More to come.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

From posts I've read across the board, I garner that the storyline is very minor storyline spoilers; masking just in case - fairly simplistic and humor-ridden with a plot twist or two.

Posts: 1437
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@ HSW's spoilers: I'm glad. Complexity doesn't make a story: coherency does. Case in point: Shadow the Hedgehog. I think a simple, humorous story with some surprising twists sounds just fine for a Sonic game.

Posts: 222
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Spoilers (Select To Read): You don't even know what the plot-twists are. For all we know the plot twists could be: Sonic is a woman, Knuckles loves him, and Rouge had the GUN commander's babies! Plus Shadow's wasn't really complex, there was just no continuity. Plus the characerizations sucked.

Posts: 526
Honorable Member


Yes!! Finally I beat the last track in hero story!! Man! That was hard! The story mode has some very funny moments this time.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

Okay, the character list "GHZ guy" gave us months ago has now been confirmed 99.99%. The profiles for Ulala, AiAi and NiGHTS have been found through the same basic hacking technique that got us Shadow etc early{URL trial & error XD}.

They all have Knuckles' description, but that doesn't matter{it's what's keeping the 9s recurring for me...}. I haven't found the supposed 17th character with this method yet, but I'm basically trying anything I can think of. Yup, "I have no life", as the mindless would say. Other people have been trying with no luck either.

We're quite a fandom, aren't we? Ripping mediocre/poor games that litter our precious franchise to shreads and pouncing upon the possibility of new information like bloodthristy hounds.

I'm not sure if they'll stay up for long, but 1 2 3

Posts: 2191
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And you all said Aiai wouldn't be able to fit in with the way he looks. :cuckoo

Posts: 3468
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Overall, I like it. Hard, not very much plot, but I like it. The plot, or what passes as a plot, does wrap up rather nicely. It's like Sonic Rush in that aspect, and Sonic Rush is the best Sonic '05 game.

Posts: 8
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This should please Nights fans then, and no doubt spark a wave of Eggman X Ulala fanfics -_-
Not that im complaining, the game is said to be really hard and as of yet i havnt found one Player review that hates it">

Posts: 378
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No Metal Sonic? Wow, I'm surprised, seeing as how many fans he has. Why not just put him in instead of Robot 1 or 2? And still no Fang. *sigh* But that was expected... I mean, he's more popular than some characters, and if they brought him back, he'd have even MORE fans than he does now.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

@ ShadowAldrius: I was just making a general statement. And Shadow's story aimeed for complexity and depth. but wound up simply lacking coherency.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

I got it yesterday at Toys'R'Us when Walmart and Rhino Games said they would not get it until today. For me, it's okay. It would be better if I was actually good at racing games as it took me about 5 or 6 times to beat the first race in story mode with Sonic, 2 times to beat the second race with Tails, and about 10 or so tries to beat the thrid race with Knuckles!:eek Even though, I stink out loud at racing games, this game is pretty cool; plus, I and my sister had some fun in multiplayer.

As far as story goes, it fairly good from what I seen and the first talking scene between Knux and Storm is pretty funny. I still prefer Shadow to this so far and I've been playing more of him even though I got the game.

Posts: 3756
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Question. Why is there still a "?" in the topic title? Someone hunt down janucheese or someone get a mod to edit it, please.

...Cuz I'm to lazy to do so myself.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

To anyone who is interested, IGN put up their review for Sonic Riders.

Posts: 526
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I've got a full review on IGN reader reviews. Check it out.

Posts: 8
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IGN are idiots, you dont spend months and months bringing screenshots and such, boosting the games appeal and saying how well you like it, then shoot it down in flames in your final review.

That whole review makes them look like two-faced morons, its like they have just got a sonic hater in to write it up.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member


That whole review makes them look like two-faced morons, its like they have just got a sonic hater in to write it up.

They always have been two faces morons. Got the game yesterday. So far I like it.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

17th character spoilers It is, indeed, Super Sonic. You choose the unlockable Chaos Emerald gear to use him, and he apparently consumes rings instead of air. Also, NiGHTS is able to use a board. This is set in stone. However, we can still hope that if he has skates as an equippable gear, then he flies like he does in his game while using them.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Cool. So how does he play like and what attacks does he have?

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


IGN are idiots, you dont spend months and months bringing screenshots and such, boosting the games appeal and saying how well you like it, then shoot it down in flames in your final review.

I hate to tell you this, but IGN is not the only gaming website and publication that does this.

Truthfully, I though it was a surprisingly low score myself. I thought it would get at least a 7 out of 10. Oh well, I wonder what will Gamespot have to say about it?

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

Well you can't spell 'ignorant' without IGN is what they say. Gamespot would probably give it a lower score because they seem to rate games after playing for only 20 minutes. And they also have a high bias against Shadow so that won't make it any better.

And boo to the 17th character. It should have been our dear love-to-hate guy.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


Gamespot would probably give it a lower score because they seem to rate games after playing for only 20 minutes. And they also have a high bias against Shadow so that won't make it any better.

Is this fact or an anti-Gamespot assumpsion? And as for that bias, it's not like Gamespot was the only gaming wesite who hated that game.

Posts: 2191
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Is this fact or an anti-Gamespot assumpsion?

I just said it SEEMED like they do that.

Posts: 2417
Famed Member

Its funny. First Sonic Riders is advertised to come out late Febuary, then that video claming Nack is in Riders shows up, and the game is advertised to be released sometime in March. But then after a couple days it is changed back to its original release time...and here we are. His profile is still on the Sonic Team's site. A sequel for riders was announced far before. Is this Sonic 2/Sonic 3 all over again?

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

Fang's profile isn't on Sonic Team's site. It's on Sega of America's Sonic site and it has been for years now.

Big difference.

Posts: 378
Reputable Member

Does anything know about the video containing Nack, or weather he is in the game? All I could find is this on Wikipedia:


GamerTV is said to have shown a picture of a character, of which someone described this way:Kinda hard to discribe, im guessing hes some sort of puple rat by looking at him (color coordination again) but he has a massive L-shaped tail and a pointy bucktooth (beaver?) and a western style hat and attire, kinda like a cowboy. He was also driving a bike of some kind which ive seen only eggman do.
This description matches Nack the Weasel/Fang the Sniper. However on Sonic HQ, someone else managed to record the episode. Apparently, there was a 3 second clip from a game called Crazy Frog Racer (based off the fad of the same name) that was meant to compare Sonic Riders with other games. The particular scenes they had shown must've simply contained a character who resembled Fang, while it wasn't actually him. Although, upon browsing through the Crazy Frog Racer website, no such character matches Fang's description. Possibly indicating that he is indeed in Sonic Riders.

Posts: 800
Prominent Member


IGN are idiots, you dont spend months and months bringing screenshots and such, boosting the games appeal and saying how well you like it, then shoot it down in flames in your final review.

theyd have to be a TERRIBLE gaming site to not bring screenshots that the fans want, or say what they think of how far they have played, because a game relies alot on depth, a demo doesnt have depth, so they have to rely on that and guess whether the rest might be good or not.

Posts: 222
Estimable Member

Fang isn't in the game. The person playing saw footage from another sonic game and thought it was from Riders.

or something.

Posts: 814
Prominent Member

So the older characters have died within the game series... That's a bit disappointing.

...But I do enjoy the Trap Gear. Heh heh.

Minor spoilers (Select to Read)
Limitless use of Tornadoes without the drawbacks of losing speed or air can keep your opponents behind you. In fact, using a Tornado helps to speed up your character, since you can't Boost normally. If only this board had a higher Limit rating than two.
Posts: 1355
Noble Member

I suppose I may as well dig up my old character table and complete it. Not putting it in spoilers cos even tho Fang and SS were discussed with spoiler tags, the list One Classy Bloke{I finally remembered the s/n! Yay! And I could be entirely wrong in my memory! Yay!!} has been discussed extensively with no spoilers in the past, so wooga.

speed flight power
sonic tails knuckles
jet wave storm
amy cream eggman
shadow rouge e-10000g
e-10000r nights aiai
ulala - -
super sonic - -

Edit: I just remembered, I think Super Sonic can do everything each type can, but I'm not sure. Oh well. 😯

Posts: 194
Estimable Member

So NiGHTS is on a board? If so, why!?

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

Because the developers weren't aware of what a crime it would appear to be?

Remember, though, if he has a pair of skates available, he may fly "properly" while equipping them. I suppose I should ask around about that.

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

Well, I never played NiGHTS so how fast can NiGHTS fly naturally? If he doesn't fly at almost 200 mph, he should be on a board.

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