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Sonic Riders (now w...
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Sonic Riders (now w/ possible spoilers)

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Posts: 1827
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Just realised something. Shadow hasn't had his board released by Sega. So what, you say? Neither has Eggman or Robo 1 or 2. Well Eggman is riding a scooter and who really cares about Robo 1 or 2. Anyway point is I reckon Shadow might be Skating. He runs on AIR blades doesn't he? We havent seen his shoes yet. Ahhhh. You see. So if Shadow is skating its possible NiGHTS will be flying. Just replace the air system with spangles and those crystals. Forgot what they are called.

Board o Rama. I have only just seen them. I dont know why either. But yes Rouge does have an unfortunent design.

Pink Rose
Engineer especially for Amy Rose, this screaming fast board was created to compliment her Speed Type Abilities by Robotnik, Inc.

Cream the Rabbit's Smile Board is specifically designed for Flight Type characters by Robotnik, Inc. When in need, she hurls her Cheese, her Chao friend, at rivals to ensure she stays in the lead.

Nothing temps Rouge the Bat like Chaos Emeralds. Her aptly titled board was created for female boarders with Flight Type Skills.

Reading Cream's and Rouge's board bios and I reckon you could select Sonic and pick Jet's board. Maybe. I was going to say that all flight type characters where female but I forgot about Tails.

Also draw Rouge's design with a Heart and an Emerald and the innuendo gets worse.
Edit: got the 400th post FTW! yes I am sad. 😀

Posts: 1789
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Ashide: Tell me when the GUN Commander and the President are running alongside Sonic the Hedgehog and not just sitting behind desks or in mechs (or in a car) telling people to do things.

Besides, those dudes are of the Cartoony proportions. The way they're done is closer resembling Sonic than anime. They're pretty fitting, Ulala, unless she gets redone into Sonic style proportions (which I'm sure we don't wanna end up seeing), she's more of an "anime" style.

Well in Shadow the Hedgehog,
Spoilers (Select To Read):Maria is a playable partner and she is less exaggerated proportions than Eggman. Well, she has the same basic design template as the other humans in the Sonic franchise thus, Ulala still fits--with the rest of the partly anime-inspired Sonic animals.

Posts: 286
Reputable Member

"AiAi? Hate the bugger, but at least he's fitting..."

He doesn't fit well for me, considering he's not a normal animal nor an anthropomorphic one with Sonic style dimensions. I might be able to accept him if I can manage to think of him like the 'original friends' (Flicky, Pocky, Rocky, etc) - whom don't look like Sonic and co, but they seem more sentient than the small animals we give to Chao. Not that he's that similar to Pocky and co, either.

As for Ulala, my gripe with her is that I don't want to have to accept Space Channel 5 and Sonic being based in the same universe. Blame it on the 'Michael Jackson' :p

I'm one of the people that likes the addition of humans in Sonic's world, I have to agree it's a bit weird having a normal human in the mix, playable and all, with Sonic and co. Worked okay in Shadow, feels out of place for me here. Dunno why. Gargh, just me being fussy. I don't think she's any less cartoony than the Prez, GUN Commander, Maria and SA1's Station Square citizens & Mystic Ruins explorers. She has pink hair and a Barbie doll face.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


As for Ulala, my gripe with her is that I don't want to have to accept Space Channel 5 and Sonic being based in the same universe. Blame it on the 'Michael Jackson'

This would have been a perfect time to post that Micheal Jacksome meets Sonic the Hedgehog(a person a in Sonic costume) in this thread had I actually remembered which topic from the GHZ I seen it from.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

*Evil grin* I have pictures of that lying in my Sonic Annual at home :D

and secret characters don't count as canon, surely this rule is engrained in society itself and is only ignored by weird people like Capcom who insist Hunk exists but not Tofu.

Posts: 286
Reputable Member

That's what I instinctively assumed, but then there was the interview, and when asked about it [the unlockable characters], the guy (I don't remember who it was. Wasn't Naka, wasn't Iizuka - he's the head guy on Riders, though) said that all the unlockable characters would have a part to play in the story. Thinking about it, 17 characters playing a part in the story sounds unrealistic, but yeah, that's what he said. Thinking logically, it probably is right to assume that only referred to the unlockable Sonic characters, not those from other game series.

Posts: 194
Estimable Member

He may have meant the kind that are unlocked in story mode. If AiAi, Ulala, and NiGHTS are playable, they are most likely no different than say, Tikal or Metal Sonic in SA2.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

That new trailer is now on the Sonic Riders site. Plus new screenshots. New screenshots that prove me right. Oh yes. Not about Shadow but about the characters being able to swap boards with each other. It gets a bit more eXtreme than only power characters swapping power character boards.

Jet. On. A. Scooter. Oh. Heck. Yes.

Looksies: Sega Sonic Riders Site

Posts: 68
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Actually AiAi, Ulala, and NiGHTS may actually play a part in story. Think about it they may have been somehow Chaos Controlled to Sonic's World and now must win the tourtament to get back to there worlds. At least that's how'd I'd put them in the story.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Why is it impossible to think of anything without using the WD-40 of Sonic plot holes: Chaos Control.
Ulala, a news reporter reporting on the World Extreme Gear Hoverboarding Championship thing. Up, Down, Shoot, Shoot, Shoot.
NiGHTS only exist in dreams right? (please correct me if i'm wrong) So they all are asleep in and they have the same dream where they are against NiGHTS.
AiAi. Heck I dont know. Dr Badboon and something to do with bananas.

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

The next issue of the official U.S. (Sorry Brits) Playstation magazine (March) will have a demo of Sonic Riders! Along with a very late demo of Shadow for that one person who hasn't played it yet. (I wish I was that one person.)

Not that big a deal though, as the full game will be out about two weeks later.

Posts: 68
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Has anyone heard the rumors of Billy Hatcher being in this game.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

The next issue of the official U.S. (Sorry Brits) Playstation magazine (March) will have a demo of Sonic Riders! Along with a very late demo of Shadow for that one person who hasn't played it yet. (I wish I was that one person.)

Oh, really? Since I collect OPM, I'll be sure to give those two a try (although my hopes for Shadow is still on the low side at the moment).

Posts: 1355
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Posts: 1827
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The Euro Site

Yeah. We have...a Bettter Font. *nods proudly* Apart from that its the same as the US one.

APART FROM THEY HAVE CONFIRMED ESPIO... >_> (They haven't really. I was joking. You know just in case you believed it)

So its out in March. Save those pennys.

Posts: 439
Reputable Member

Why haven't there been any in-game screenshots of Shadow and Rouge yet? Will they be involved in the story, or just some 2-player unlockable characters like Tikal and Chaos in SA2?

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

I seriously hope it's the latter. Haven't we had enough of Shadow recently?

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Well the fact that it says why Rouge is in the World Grand Prix on the site would lead you to suspect that she is in story mode.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

*looks at HSW link*

Sonic bike looks crappy compared to Jet. I hope Sonic get better Gear than that.

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

Sonic's is a scooter, Jet's is a rockin' motorbike. Doesn't seem fair.

But Storm pwns all of them with his huge Motorcycle. XP





The Mafia way. I suppose.

Posts: 194
Estimable Member

Mmmm... Harley....

I wanna Gamecube now. *cries*

Anyway, I wonder how tricks are going to be performed on those kinds of vehicles.

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

You know those bicycle tricks stuntment can do? Pretty much like that.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member


Haven't we had enough of Shadow recently?

Maybe "we" have, but as for me, I say bring on the black 'hog.:]

Posts: 68
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I can tell Sonic Riders is going to be great game and is going to have a few sequels.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

Well, the sequels are already confirmed. Meaning Sega is confident it will do well.

I won't call it great or lousy just yet. The idea has a lot of potential for a great game, but it also has potential for lousiness. We'll wait and see.

Posts: 68
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It's just too bad this game's multiplayer didn't have internet connection. Of course it wouldn't matter because I don't have Xbox nor PlayStation. I have a GameCube!

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Takashi Yuda speaks.


GameSpy: With the recent release of Shadow the Hedgehog, is Sega potentially trying to make Shadow the new platforming star while spinning Sonic off into these side projects?

Takashi Yuda: Oh you'll have to wait and see what we do; we've got some surprises coming.

Look like Shadow getting a sequel or something close to it. Maybe a PSP game.

Posts: 68
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I hope Shadow doesn't get a sequel on the PSP because I don't have a PSP!

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Look like Shadow getting a sequel or something close to it. Maybe a PSP game.

.......Excuse me. *goes and jumps off a cliff* WHY DID THEY CANCEL FUTURAMAAAAAAAA...I MEAN...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


Look like Shadow getting a sequel or something close to it. Maybe a PSP game.

That would be a hilarious slap in the face for some certain individuals who hoped to get an original Sonic game for the PSP. Even funnier if it turned out to be a port of the original Shadow the Hedgehog. :lol I can hear them cursing Sega right now.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member


I hope Shadow doesn't get a sequel on the PSP because I don't have a PSP!

Actually the interview doesnt said there will be Shadow game for the PSP. I just wrote that because the PSP is only game station without a Sonic game(except for the upcoming Riders port)So maybe they would make a Shadow game for PSP kinda like the Wario games are now GBA and DS only.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

I can imagine it...
Shadow the Hedgehog DX Deluxe Directors Cut: Bood Edition.
With a slightly improved camera. More swearing. Even Shinier characters. Plus all new endings which feature Sonic dying. Yes all this and possibly even less in:
Shadow the Hedgehog DX Deluxe Directors Cut: Bood Edition.


Most of the interview seems to be Iizuka stressing that Sonic Riders had has nothing from Sonic R except that the characters race each other. Also Hornet from Daytona. That would have been cool.

Posts: 194
Estimable Member

*Laughs at John* At least if Shadow get's his own franchise, we who don't like him can just not buy the games. And after hearing what everyone above has said, I want it to be a port just to tick people off and not like him anymore.

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

If they actually do make a Shadow sequel then Sega really should take away the Sonic license from Sonic team. Hell, at this point Travlers Tales could do a better job than them. Sonic games have been downhill since Sonic Adventure 1.

Posts: 1413
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Posts: 609
Honorable Member many bad decisions has Sonic Team made so far, as of right now? 1,000? Man, I figured that Shadow wouldn't be seeing a sequel ever, due to the feedback from the majority of the critics, but I guess they don't bother them. Heh.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

How does "you'll have to wait to see what we do" translate to definitely more Shadow? o_O

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Because it was a question about Shadow and any future projects.

Even though major overeaction of: "noooooooooooooo" on here though.

Posts: 286
Reputable Member

Hey you guys, I was thinking about something. You know how in the second-latest trailer (the one with tons of cutscenes that utilise in-game graphics), you see an ancient-looking mural depicting some kind of angel-like being, followed by a large flying structure (I'm guessing it's Babylon itself)? And you know Knuckles is out to prove himself, showing he can't be tricked by Eggman anymore?

Well.. wouldn't it be cool if in the course of the story, we found out that Knuckles had done his research (before the race tournament began) and had the additional motive of wanting to investigate the flying structure, thinking that as it's similar to Angel Island (it seems to be a floating island too, plus there's the angel motif seen in the mural), there may be some connection between these two places, and thus, perhaps some information about the history of Angel Island and Knuckles' ancestors? That'd be interesting if Knuckles' ancestors - the ancient echidnas, had a history (perhaps a violent one?) with Jet's ancestors - the Ancient Babylonians.
It'd be cool if we got to find out about when/why/how Angel Island separated itself from terra firma.

I'd also like if Knuckles were the one to be wise to the boards he and his friends are using - they're built by Robotnik Inc., so they're bound to be booby trapped or something. There appears to be board stealing going on in the game (even in the cutscenes we see Knux knocking Storm off, and Sonic speeding along on Storm's board), so it'd be cool if through swapping boards like this, Knux orchestrated it so Team Babylon wind up with the dodgy Robotnik Inc. boards just as Eggy's about to spring whatever trap he has in store :D

I'm not thinking we really will get any of this, but it'd be nice, as it'd not only give Knuckles back some credibility (and dignity), but also give him a reason to be away from guarding the Master Emerald, as well as have him contribute something to the team. Well... I can dream :)

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


How does "you'll have to wait to see what we do" translate to definitely more Shadow? o_O

Because it sounds like a threat? 🙂


.......Excuse me. *goes and jumps off a cliff* WHY DID THEY CANCEL FUTURAMAAAAAAAA...I MEAN...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Billy West (Fry) recently revealed that FOX has given the go-ahead for up to 4 Futurama movies. He and his fellow cast mates will start recording soon.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Dangit Cyber, your idea got me excited even though I know it probably won't happen that way.:fist (it would be cool) As far as Shadow 2 goes, I would like to see it as long as they don't have the Good, Evil aspect seeing as Shadow is definitely a good guy now.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Billy West (Fry) recently revealed that FOX has given the go-ahead for up to 4 Futurama movies. He and his fellow cast mates will start recording soon.

<3! my day is complete, more Zoidberg!

As for Shadow. The dang thing sold well, like Heroes did. Reviews slated it, fans felt betrayed and casual gamers didn't care much, but somehow it sold really well. Probably better on any one console than Rush did.

As long as there's money in it, Sega'll do anything.

Posts: 222
Estimable Member

"You've all been VERY bad... except for you, Dr.Zoidberg, here's your present."

"A new pogo-stick! *Starts bouncing*"

Hehehe... classic Zoidberg.

Um, but anyway. Yes, companies are all about money. They're going to continue making whatever sells. Even if it's crap that Yuji Naka won't even touch.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

And speaking of the devil

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

There's no place like home, there's no place like home, there's no fricken place like home! WHY ISN'T THIS WORKING *clicking heels as fast as I can* ;.;

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Billy West (Fry) recently revealed that FOX has given the go-ahead for up to 4 Futurama movies. He and his fellow cast mates will start recording soon.

Oh, I heard about a few days back. Naturally, I'm all a-happy. The quote I said above was from a Simpsons episode.

*sees link Shadonic posted*


Posts: 2354
Noble Member

@ Shadow the Hedgehog cellphone game.


Relax guys, it's only in Japan. 🙂

Posts: 439
Reputable Member

After the console Shadow, and the flash game on the official website, who's going to want to play that? :|

Posts: 39
Eminent Member

From Wikipedia


Potential Courses
There are also some possible courses indicated from particular sources.

Space Colony ARK?
In a recent trailer, a short and dark scene of Sonic falling through an ARK-like place can be seen. It isn't confirmed if this is ARK, but if it is, then it appears that Ark will be featured as one of the courses. A floating particle during the scene seems to indicate that this is in fact the space colony 'ARK.'

Now I know how Wikipedia can be freely edited, so that the info may not be true, but what Trailer are they refereing to? If someone knows, could they give me a link?
Also if it is true, maybe that is kind of how Shadow gets involved.

Posts: 439
Reputable Member

Sonic Riders Gamecube skin!

Gimme gimme.

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