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Sonic Rivals announced for the PSP.

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Original Sonic Game Offers Lively Head-to-Head Competition

SAN FRANCISCO & LONDON (May 3, 2006) -- SEGA of America, Inc. and SEGA Europe Ltd. today announced the development of Sonic Rivals exclusively for the PSP (PlayStationPortable) system. Sonic Rivals is a head-to-head competition between Sonic and his top rivals, where the gloves are off and winner takes all! Built from the ground-up, the engine allows gamers to rip through tracks in some high-spirited single player and wireless multiplayer action against friends as Sonic returns in a whole new racing-platformer with classic 2D gameplay in true 3D environments for gamers on the go.

What starts as a friendly competition between Sonic and Knuckles quickly intensifies as Shadow and other rivals jump into the action. Sonic Rivals allows gamers to utilize boost moves and power-ups to trip, shove, and vault over each other while hurtling towards the finish line at breakneck speeds. Players will negotiate wildly twisting 3D tracks while avoiding the insidious Dr. Eggman and his myriad of hazardous traps and contraptions.

"Sonic Rivals brings back the classic 2D platform gameplay that started it all, and douses it with vibrant three-dimensional environments," said Scott A. Steinberg, Vice President of Marketing, SEGA of America, Inc. "In this heated rivalry, gamers are tested to prove not only who's the fastest but who has the best head-to-head gameplay strategy."

In Sonic Rivals, gamers can play as one of four different characters from the Sonic Universe, each with separate fast and winding storylines. In addition, the extensive rewards system, which is based on collecting trading cards, allows players to customize their favorite characters. Connect via wireless to race against a friend, and put trading cards on the line for even more multiplayer challenges.

Debuting on the SEGA Genesis in 1991, Sonic The Hedgehog is one of the world's best-selling and most recognizable video game franchises and character. More than 44 million units later, the beloved blue hedgehog celebrates his 15th anniversary this year.

Sonic Rivals is slated for release in Fall 2006 and developed by the Vancouver-based studio of Backbone Entertainment, a division of Foundation 9 Entertainment. For more information on SEGA's Road to E3, please visit For screenshots and artwork, please visit the SEGA FTP site at:


Checkered landscapes, good.

Developed by the makers of Death Jr., bad.

Technical, I've seen the PSP do better via Daxter and Tekken.


Posts: 526
Honorable Member

Had Death Jr. had a bteer control scheme, it would have been very good. Besides, it's not like Sonic Teams been doing that great lately (outside of Sonic Rush).

It looks like it plays like a regular Sonic game, only the object is to get through the level before your oppenent. Like a wierd mix of the original Sonic and Sonic R.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

Crap. Now I have a reason to get a PSP.

From what we've seen so far, it looks quite good, actually. Those levels could almost pass for a full-on 3D Green Hill.

I'm curious as to who the fourth player will be, actually. Sonic, Knuckles, Shadow, and... Tails? Amy? Rouge? ...Mighty?

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

I'd go for Tails if it didn't specify rivals...I guess it's most likely to be Eggman in his eggmobile. Jet and Metal Sonic are also possibilities.

As for me, this just adds to the pile of reasons for me to get a PSP. I seriously do not want to own both a DS and PSP but it's looking more and more like I have no choice. I need PS2 ports, dammit.

Posts: 202
Estimable Member

I'm pretty sure that's Tails spin-attacking in the second screen, but I could be mistaken. Anyway, looks interesting. Could be good - nothing wrong with a little optimism.

Posts: 1044
Noble Member

Some more pictures including logo,

as from sega europe

and others:
large pic with sonic, knuckles and shadow
and a w/s one

Posts: 59
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I'm pretty sure that's Tails spin-attacking in the second screen, but I could be mistaken.

You're mistaken. That's Shadow.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

2D gameplay. Dang. I do think it looks nice. Theres a Tekken on PSP?

Tails should be the forth character seeing as Knuckles is there. Unless its like everyone has Sonic's skills only. for balance. Like classic Sonic 2 multiplayer. But there could be a surprise in there like Metal Sonic.

In theory then its everyone has Jump, Homing Attack, Spin Dash and Spin Attack. Maybe Advance style attacks.

I'm slightly interested. Maybe more so after gameplay movies. Or not. When I saw this at first I thought Sonic Riders port with online or something.

Posts: 68
Trusted Member

Just great now I have to get a PSP.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Hm. Well, looks nice enough. It better have a mean single player component, though.

Posts: 814
Prominent Member

I wonder whatever happened to Sonic DS? It was supposed to be a 3D game for the DS, and it was even previewed with screenshots... But is this supposed to be it?

Anyway, it looks a little like stripped-down Sonic Heroes graphics. But I don't have a PSP and don't plan to buy one. This must be SEGA's first steps to rival EA for world domination. After all, EA did buy the moon and put an EA supersoldier training facility there on April 2005.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

This sounds more like a multiplayer racing game than a "back to roots" platformer, as the article implies. Tis a shame, I doubt I'll bother buying something like that, with or without a storyline.

I hate to miss out on Sonic games, but they were on the right vibe with Rush. Why backtrack?

Posts: 859
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ahem, now that's out of my system.. :cuckoo
It looks like Heroes (which had dubious graphics on the top systems) downgraded horrible and it's all edgy and shiny and...

Besides that, I like the idea and premise and as long as it controls well I'll overlook the graphice, I have seen worce but...
It's a handheld, so I'll give it leeway for not having enough polygons, but I agree with Craig, step back from Rush...

Still, might be nice to have a 2D game with a bit of depth, if they add a bit more weight to the controls then I'll be interested...
unfortunately, this and Daxter are my only reasons to purchase a PSP, so, chances of me playing this are slimmer than Rush (still waiting for a enough reasons to get a DS, probably when FF3 comes out...)

Posts: 622
Honorable Member


Tails should be the forth character seeing as Knuckles is there. Unless its like everyone has Sonic's skills only. for balance. Like classic Sonic 2 multiplayer. But there could be a surprise in there like Metal Sonic.

Especially if the emphasis is rivalry. Metal would make more sense than Tails.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

The looks remind me of a N64 game, rather than what COULD be acheived with the PSP. Hopefully it will play well though, could be a lot of fun if it's anything like the Sonic the Hedgehog 2 vs mode, and not like the Advance series wasted effort.

Still, I knew there would be another Sonic title revealed this year, SEGA just can't be satisfied with one, sadly.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

I actually think its more of Online Multiplayer Sonic game rather than a full fleshed Sonic game with a good single player etc. Like the South Park FPS was really only a multiplayer game with swearing. And yellow snow.

Also the choice of Death Jr makers is probably more due to their expierence of the PSP rather than their past achievements.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Couldn't they come upe with a better name than Sonic Rivals?
Well the game looks like a portable version of Sonic R(with new characters). I might give the game a chance once I see the trailer.

Posts: 170
Estimable Member

I can't believe anyone hasn't made this comparison yet... This looks almost exactly like Sonic R! _R_ivals! Get it. Heh, heh... I'm so witty. Right up to how the characters have that little shield thing when they jump, to its graphics system. (Though that's not a real compliment... Graphics ARE overrated.) I already have a PSP (okay, it's my brother's...) and I'll be sure to get this game.

One question, though... How does one have a 2D-playability with 3D graphics system? Wouldn't you... bump into your opponents? And what? Phase through them? Bah. This hurts my brain.

Looks promising. Maybe a better version of Riders without the unneeded hoverboards.


Posts: 146
Estimable Member

Why PSP? Why oh WHY PSP??

Gah, I was hoping there would never be a PSP game to interest me, but there finally is. Of course, it's not worth buying the system,, I hate missing out on a new Sonic game.

Anyway, looks pretty cool to me. Classic-looking levels with checkerboard landscape...I wish Sonic games had more levels that looked like that. The trading card aspect sounds interesting, as well.

I hope it's not very good so I won't be missing out on much. :p

Posts: 1355
Noble Member


1. To be pedantic, the "spherical aura" thing while jumping that is featured in these screenshots started in SA2. In Sonic R, it was just the occasional flash of block colour like in most of the games before it.

2. I imagine it will work like Klonoa: 2.5D. Your surroundings are a 3D enviroment, but you can only move along two dimensions. You're on a fixed path all the way through. I won't mind it working via phasing through your oppenent so long as the AI doesn't get an automatic speed advantage.

Posts: 899
Prominent Member

Considering my PSP has been used for nothing but music since I got it, this is very welcome news. Looks interesting so far.

Posts: 526
Honorable Member


I can't believe anyone hasn't made this comparison yet... This looks almost exactly like Sonic R! _R_ivals! Get it. Heh, heh... I'm so witty.

I mentioned Sonic R in the second post on this thread. I said it looked like a cross btween the original Sonic and Sonic R.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Like most, this means I'm gonna have to get a PSP, and like HSW, I was really hoping I wouldn't have to get a DS and PSP especially considering the PSP's price. This will mark an end to a personal 2/3 yr. era of me having nothing but Nintendo Systems (GBA, GCN, & DS).

Also, when is the PSP supposed to have a price drop? I seem to remember hearing at IGN that it was going to get a price drop but I don't remember when. Plus, the internet browser is ready outta the box right? If it wasn't for Rivals having 4 storylines for each character, I may have not even consider getting it.

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

More info and screens:

Posts: 2016
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GS: What sonic characters will appear in the game? Which are playable?

TI: We currently have four playable characters, including Sonic, Knuckles, Shadow as well as introducing a brand new member of the Sonic family.


Posts: 526
Honorable Member

I know. THEY HAVE GOT TO STOP!!! WE don't need more Sonic characters, we need better Sonic games.

Posts: 1044
Noble Member

*thinks about all the characters that have been added*
Characters first appearances in Sonic games (ones that are/later become* playable)

Sonic 1- Sonic, Eggman
Sonic 2- Tails
Sonic 3&k- Knuckles, Eggrobo
Sonic cd- Amy, Metal
SegaSonic the Hedgehog- Mighty, Ray
Chaotix- Vector, Espio, Charmy, Heavy, Bomb
Spinball- er yeah.
Sonic R- Tails doll, Metal knuckles
Sonic advance 2- Cream
Sonic Battle- Emerl
Triple trouble- Fang the sniper
Sonic the fighters- Bean, Bark
Adventure- Big, Gamma, Tikal, Chaos
Adventure 2- Rouge, Shadow
Heroes- Omega
Riders- Jet, Storm, Wave, Ulala, NiGHTS, E-10000r, E-10000g
Rush- Blaze
Rivals- another soddding one :O

So, Sega do like to introduce at least one new character for each game :O (I hope i haven't left any out)

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

There's also in Advance 3 if you don't consider him to be Emerl remains recovered by Eggman, and don't forget the princess & "white hog" from StH - though the white guy could also be the new character in Rivals.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Don't forget Shadow had Black Doom and Crazy GUN Commander :3

I'm fed up with the new characters, infact. Sod it. I've had it with the Sonic franchise, Sega have no idea what they're doing with it anymore. Missing 2 games in a row, and I'm doubting on StH.

Me-thinks it's over.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

I'm less than impressed with the fact that the franchise seems to be playing systems off against each other again, rather than bearing in mind that the target demographic's most likely still on a pocket money income and can't afford multiple consoles.

And they wonder why their marketing's a mess... *rolls eyes*

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

I really hope this is a 2.5D game because otherwise that level design is the worst I have EVER seen, and I mean ever.

...Oh, and the graphics and concept suck too.

Posts: 2116
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Posts: 160
Estimable Member

It kind of reminds me of ye-olde platform game Pandemonium.

It looks alright. It's good that there's the Green Hill style-vibe going on, but i'm still going to be apathetic towards it. My patience has slowly been growing ever wearsome in the last few years, and once when a new Sonic game filled me with excitement, now I just go "meh".

Posts: 363
Reputable Member

This still doesn't give me reason to own a PSP. Especially since it just looks like a side-scrolling version of Sonic R. Hmmmm Sonic R, Sonic Riders, Sonic Rivals. I guess they're doing everything they can to avoid naming a game Sonic Racers, or Sonic Racing.

Posts: 173
Estimable Member

Constantly adding new characters is kind of annoying, but it serves a purpose: It constantly adds new blood to the series, usually with the intention to create new scenarios to play out.

Would Sonic 3 have been Sonic 3 without Knuckles? You could still have Angel Island but it wouldn't have had a mysterious and dangerous guardian on it. What would Sonic Adventure 2 have been without Shadow and Rouge? Answer: Another basic race to get the Chaos Emeralds to stop Robotnik.

Some of the new characters stick...(Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Cream, Shadow, Rouge) And some of them...don't. I won't go into that because every charachter has their fans. And besides, it's an off-console spin off game...That's usually a bad sign for character-returning-ness.

Posts: 2354
Noble Member


Riders- Jet, Storm, Wave, Ulala, NiGHTS, Aiai, E-10000r, E-10000g

With the exception of the mysterious three, they are all new characters.

Ulala, NiGHTS, and Aiai; in my humble opinion; are not new characters to the Sonic fandom. It's like saying that the whole Marvel hero cast in the Capcom Vs Marvel fighting game series are all brand new. Just because they were extras doesn't mean they are in the same league as Omega or Charmy or Vector.

Posts: 2417
Famed Member

large pic with sonic, knuckles and shadow

There's something distinctly creepy where you are close enough to see the felt on Sonic's glove. o_o;

AHH the Sonic in South Island's background is doing the same thing...! Make it stop!!! ;__:

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

If this is genuine, this is Iblis.

Posts: 3291
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"Please login to share your images and videos."

photobucket doesn't like me, sam. ;.;

Posts: 2116
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Give me a sec...

EDIT: Fixed! Sorry!

Posts: 4885
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Posts: 3291
Famed Member

..that's a surreal hairstyle he has going there. o.o; is it me, or is he the first gloveless sonic character?

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

I'm not sure. My PC's somehow stuck itself in 16 colour mode, so I can't make out if those metal wristbands're cuffs to a pair of blue gloves, or just bracelets.

Posts: 247
Reputable Member

Nah. I think his gloves are just colored similarly to his fur.

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

Wait a minute, so they're using the same new character from the new STH in Sonic Rivals as well?

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

That's not Iblis... In fact, we don't even know what Iblis IS, other than a reference to some Islamic Jinn (ie: devil). That's just a guy who says that Sonic is the "Iblis Trigger".

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

That's what some think. We just don't know yet.

Edit: HORRA HORRA @ SH jotting a post in before me. Above comment was directed at shig.

Posts: 931
Prominent Member

This could continue the good trend set by Advance 3 and Rush, but... the concept of a 2D racer doesn't look hopeful to me.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Apparently, the fourth character is Silver.

Drag and drop, you know how Sonic Stadium is about hotlinking.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

YES. SEGA saw my suggestion in the "What do you want to see as a new character" topic and brought Speedy the Porcuipine to LIFE!

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