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Sonic Rush

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Posts: 456
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Well the joke would be on us Psx, because... This is the game that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started playing it, not knowing what it was, and they'll continue playing it forever just because... This is the game that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started playing it, not knowing what it was, and they'll continue playing it forever just because...This is the game that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started playing it, not knowing what it was, and they'll continue playing it forever just because...This is the game that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started playing it, not knowing what it was, and they'll continue playing it forever just because...This is the game that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started playing it, not knowing what it was, and they'll continue playing it forever just because...This is the game that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started playing it, not knowing what it was, and they'll continue playing it forever just because...This is the game that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started playing it, not knowing what it was, and they'll continue playing it forever just because...This is the game that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started playing it, not knowing what it was, and they'll continue playing it forever just because...This is the game that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started playing it, not knowing what it was, and they'll continue playing it forever just because...This is the game that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started playing it, not knowing what it was, and they'll continue playing it forever just because...This is the game that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started playing it, not knowing what it was, and they'll continue playing it forever just because...

Posts: 1381
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:lol :cackle :rotflol @VCP!!

Posts: 859
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>Useless and/or redundant characters is the problem.

In that case only Cream, and the return of Big and E123 in SH are a problem then.
Every other character affects the ongoing plot, or each stories individual plot in some way.

Posts: 456
Reputable Member

Most of the playable characters in Sonic Heroes are useless in the sense that they add nothing to the gameplay. How many characters were exact copies of Sonic, Tails or Knuckles? And how many came near enough to being?

The only character in Heroes that had any really noticable gameplay difference from Sonic, Tails or Knuckles was Espio, and even he played a little too much like Sonic.

And Sonic Adventure 2 of course had 3 playable characters and tried to pass it off as 6.

In Sonic Advance the general rule of thumb is that each character plays like Sonic, only better because they have a floating ability.

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

Except for Amy, who could not only not spindash, but also had only trigger attacks, and was also the slowest. She had that face slide, which looked pretty damn painful.

I've said it before - if the game is asier to complete with Tails or Cream, doesn't that mean they're better suited to save the world?

Posts: 35
Eminent Member

Those new Sonic rush screens show Blaze in gameplay. They arent hoaxes as they are featured on the official japanese Sonic rush page. What gets me is the Sonic life icon below the gauge on the let of the top screen. A beta mistake perhaps?

Posts: 1446
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Or perhaps Blaze is Sonic's cross-dressing alter-ego.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Stop ruining the story. :p That is odd though...having a Sonic icon. The only thing I could think of would be since they are from parallel universes Blaze is Sonic...basically.

Posts: 33
Eminent Member

Or they needed to get some press screenshots and hadn't put Blaze's icon in, or maybe there was a glitch.

Or they're press publicity fakes, made to be exactly like a real screenshot minus some mistakes, given to the press as an idea of what it would look like. That's always a possibility.

Posts: 32
Eminent Member

I have to say I'm very much looking forward to this game. The boost aspect (I'm sure most of you know about it) is exceptionally intresting. I'd say there will never be a slow moment! ^^ The 3D graphics in the boss battles are very good, and I'm intrigued.

This and Metroid prime:Hunters may have just convinced me to buy a DS.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Too hard to make out her model in any detail, but I can tell it'll become popular with the recolour crowd, especially those with female, non-fat kitty-cat avatars.

The scenary looks absoloutely GORGEOUS!

Posts: 512
Honorable Member

*Notices that they have game screen shoots with Blaze the Cat, but with Sonic's life icon*

Sega Europe

Posts: 33
Eminent Member

^I do believe that's already been pointed out.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

That scenery kicks major tail. I can't wait to see the standard lava and carnival stages...oh well, looks like I may be buying a sue me.

Posts: 859
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but I can tell it'll become popular with the recolour crowd

YOu're killing me...
No, to be honest, Blaze is all right but, well I want to know her backstory before I pronounce judgement on her character.

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

I've already made Blaze sprites.

I love that scenery, but it doesn't seem to be making a great deal of use of the Dual Screen - it looks like it could just as easily work on the Advance.

It looks like Sonic Advance with better background graphics and some sort of speed bar.

Posts: 171
Estimable Member

don't worry, Harley. they do. if you've seen the videos available, you'd see that from time to time Sonic ventures from the top to the bottom screen and vice versa.

....don't tell me that you're expecting that to happen every second? how'd you expect to get used to it?

-when he goes on a giant loop. sometimes he starts from the top and loops down to the bottom. other times he starts from the bottom and loops to the top.
-bouncers on the bottom screen shot him up to the top screen.
-that chunky spiral tan/brown vine stretched from the top to the bottom screen.
-when he goes down long hills, he starts from the top screen and dashes downward to the bottom. you can assume that it is the same the other way around.

and if you could think of anything from the Advance or classic series that seemed to make the screen move down/seemed like they'd take up both screens if they were in Sonic Rush, chances are they would take up both screens in this game if they are/were present.

the part right before the mini boss comes and sets the forest on fire where Sonic goes up inside what looks to be a tree trunk. that would most likely take up the two screens if it were in Rush.

the parts where you go down long poles would definately take up the two screens in Rush....either that or if you fall off the pole, you'd fall to the bottom screen.

....and of course, the one thing that you know that'd take up both screens if you started at the top: bottomless pits.:ohbrother there will probably be purposely long pits that will drop you from the top to bottom screen to you're death if you fall in just to abuse the two screen system....or just to get you ticked off.:">

don'tcha just love SEGA?:thumbsup

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

So it's a more important game...
You can see more, there's more going on so it's more impressive, and they dont have to compact everything...

Thats a good thing, the main problem with the Advance games definitely was they were too compact...

Posts: 79
Estimable Member

I guess that's the price for having it on such a tiny screen

Posts: 2610
Famed Member

After seeing the videos and the scenery, I'm definately looking into buying a DS along with this game.

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

Has anybody noticed that Blaze's cloths are a remarkable recolour and resizing of Robotnik's current suit?

We haven't heard about her having any special powers yet, either.

Posts: 308
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In general they've kept information pretty tight regarding Blaze. Maybe when we get closer to launch we'll get more info. (heh heh, not letting the cat out of the bag)

Posts: 171
Estimable Member

*reads what Questern put in parenthesis*.....:annoyed

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

I felt it was rather appropriate. Nice one, Questern. lol

Posts: 308
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Posts: 68
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Hey everyone new sonic rush preview here While it doesn't say much new stuff it does say it will have multiplayer.

The Robot King

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

just seen Sonic rushes 3d bosses. they look alright. the 3d cel shading works and it doesnt look nowhere near as bad as the New Mario Bros.

Sonic rush is looking ok. i need a DS first though.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Course it'll be easier to get a DS now since they are bringing down the price...or you can go to your local game stores and find piles of them...XD

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Wait, DS's are going down in price? When, by how much? I need to know nowwwwwww!!!! *shakes Torn to death*:cuckoo

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Oh the price goes down from 150 dollars to 130 dollars! What savings! Oh yeah and it takes place August 21.

Oh well...I don't care. I'll be buying the blue one this time around...:p

Posts: 308
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At this rate, I'll be able to pay off my games in three years.... T_T college.... Come on Nintendo!! Little help?!

Posts: 68
Trusted Member

A new sonic rush trailer has been released. I think this game will be really good after seeing this trailer.

The Robot King

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

Looks great...
And to be honest, although her clothing is a bit, iffy you cant really see it in Blazes side on view so I dont reckon it'll matter much.

But those screens do look good ">

The music on the other hand is weird, a LOT more challenging than anything in the advance series...

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Shiz...that game looks insanely confusing. Thats what I need for my DS though...a deep game like that. I haven't played Mario is sooo long. That scarab beetle[?] boss looks crazy fun, not to mention that water level. Oh yes...this game will own. BTW, that music was from the game? If Different but good.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

I rather like the music; some of it kind of reminds me of the style for the Japanese soundtrack of Sonic CD, though obviously this is a little more... I dunno, funky? Even if the game itself sucks, at least the soundtrack'll be nice.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Really? I felt no love for what I heard, though honestly I never really warm up to anything until I experience it first-hand.

Posts: 4607
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Well, I've heard other tunes in similar style, and have taken quite a liking to THEM, so I see no particular reason why I wouldn't like this, either.

I mean, sure, it's not the most typical music of Sonic games, but it has its charm; to me, at least.

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

The problem with the Advance games music was, although there was nothing really wrong about them, we'd heard it all before.
IT was almost exactly the same as what we'd heard in the old Genesis games, the only song I can remember is Egg Rocket...

You remember the music from the Adventure games as it was different and exciting, hopefully this will be different as well...

And, if the musics good and can put people in the mood to enjoy the game, well, it's not won the battle but it's a good start :p

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Man, after seeing that video (for about five times already), I'm glad I got my DS recently that means my purchase was well worth it. The new boss looks like it's fairly innovative, at least for a Sonic game, and looks like it will be fun to battle against. I just love my DS!:]

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

I figured out why the music's so good. Hideki Naganuma, who worked on Jet Set Radio, that's why. Makes sense, too - it DOES kind of fit together with said game's soundtrack pretty nicely...

BTW, incomplete MP3

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

I love the music. Now I really want a DS.. :'(

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

C+P from other thread: I got to play it at PAX and it was pretty cool. It's hauntingly similar to what Gabe suggested they do at last year's PAX -- the fun and elegance of 2D gameplay with the good looks and fluid animation of 3D graphics.

The problem was that it's on DS and doesn't use the touch screen at all, and honestly, I'd much rather have a really wide view than a really tall one. While I think it is better to put it on a handheld, it's still totally on the wrong platform -- put it on PSP, which with analog control and better hardware would accomodate it better.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Thats a bit harsh. I see Sonic Rush as two wide screens rather then one tall screen.
apprently the touch screen is used in the boss battles when it goes 3D and not every game uses the touch screen.

There is going to be a Sonic PSP though. and i would have thought that it would be 2D because:
a) loading times = none
b) backlash of the 3Dness of the PSP (i am basing this on Medievil and Spiderman 2 were poorly recieved.)

With some 3D elements i.e. graphics, special stages, some bosses.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

(done without caps lock. just a long time on shift)
You must be very proud.

Posts: 4607
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Anyway, while I'll agree that I'd prefer more horizontal view than vertical, and the fact they're not even BOTHERING to use the DS's capabilities to their fullest is lame, I still kinda want it on DS, simply because I see more on DS that I'll want in the near future (SM64DS, Castlevania:DoS, New SMB, Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time, Mario Kart, Sonic Rush, Metroid Prime: Hunters, Final Fantasy III, Meteos, the DS Katamari Damacy game, et. al.) than I do PSP (Lumines, Wipeout Pure, maybe Ape Escape, and I've no intention to touch the movies), so it'd be more convenient. Otherwise I see no reason why it WOULDN'T be better on PSP...

ED: M&L2 name fix.
ED 2: +Katamari.

Posts: 1446
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I'd just prefer it on the next Gameboy console. Wonder if it'll have backwards (GB/GBA/DS) compatibility?

Posts: 1827
Noble Member


(done without caps lock. just a long time on shift)You must be very proud.

Oh I am. 😛
Anyways, There is a Sonic PSP (said that)
I doubt it would be a 3D game becuase 3D games use battery life faster apprently.
But i'd also doubt it would be a port of Sonic Rush.
The game seems to be made for two screens.
Even though it probably could be done on one screen. I just dont think that they will port Sonic Rush onto PSP because they surely would have annonuced it when Sonic PSP was confirmed. I do think however it would be developed by the same team (is it Dimps or Sonic Team making Rush?).


I'd just prefer it on the next Gameboy console. Wonder if it'll have backwards (GB/GBA/DS) compatibility?

Game Boy Advance 2 proably backwards compatible with GB/GBA not DS. but maybe Nintendo DS 2? Heck its a success.

Posts: 22
Eminent Member

heh, I just saw this pic...

and now I'm expecting a ball with whirling missiles to drop from one side of the screen ^_^

and it seems that that bar at the side powers that blast attack of Sonic's

Posts: 4607
Famed Member


Anyways, There is a Sonic PSP (said that)

No, there isn't. It's a rumor, nothing more thus far.

Posts: 171
Estimable Member

Naka said that the reason why they pushed back the release date of Rush (originally set to come out this past June) is because they wanted to use the full potential of the DS.

it's been confirmed that this game will have touch screen mini games. it has also been said that this will also have touch screen bonus stages...unless those two are the same.

and besides, what we've seen was just a demo.

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