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Sonic Rush

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Posts: 4607
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Where's Pimp Daddy Eggman when you need him?

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Throwing a sweet birthday bash for himself and all his pimp homies at his phat palatial estate.

EDIT: So, who is Berra Hudson anyway? Has she done any other VA work, she's a pretty good Blaze for what little lines she had.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

It moved.

I got it today. I was unimpressed at first, but I'm currently satisfied. Blaze has almost grown on me. What she did after the first boss fight made me think she was pretty badass, but the same thing being repeated for each one so far is cheesing it. I'm so redesigning her whenever I have the anti-laze to{might even post a pic of it}. I may give a more detailed shower of my views later, perhaps once I've finished it.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Just got to the last level as Sonic, the 7th Emerald is EVIL until you realise that it's full of distractions to kill the greedy player. Once you stop being greedy it's easy to overshoot the target with ease 🙂

7th boss has one of the coolest moments in Sonic history 😀 sadly it lasted 40 seconds of cool moment which drew it out 🙁

Final Boss is insanely difficult >.>

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


Well, anyway... yeah, that was nice. You can almost make out the Wind Scar when they collide. :3

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Leave me alone! Button bashing is my ONE gaming weakness, I have to get someone to help me do MGS torture scenes and haven't been able to beat Euro-Extreme MGS2 because of it... 🙁

Anywho. Finally beat that evil boss after working out what the electric attack is all about. I'll have the game beat within the hour. This game is my favourite Sonic experience since SA1, I still hate the fact that you need precognition to detect enemies while going full speed, but aside from that it's fun, fresh and will keep it's reply value for quite some time 😀

Spoilers (Select To Read): WTF?! SA1 styled Super Sonic?! Why?

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

Spoilahr I'm more concerned about Blaze turning COMPLETELY pink. Clothes and all. >_>

Edit: On closer inspection, I suppose the red dress and frilled endings are supposed to represent scorching, or something.

Posts: 2417
Famed Member

Eggman Nega = A beatnik Dr. Wily & Dr. Eggman fusion?

Still haven't played Sonic Rush, or own a DS ;_;

If they still used the english name translations, would Eggman Nega be called Dr. Robeatnik? Dadio...

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

He's not a beatnik. He's BRITISH Eggman 😀

Posts: 3756
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And he's more of a combination of old Eggy and New Eggy. And he's more....sofisticated....And whatever.

Posts: 27
Eminent Member

Can someone explain the Zone 7 Boss/Duel/etc. I've read mixed reactions from the bunch about it.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

It's great. I love it.

Boss spoiler :O It's Sonic v Blaze, as you probably know. It features your opponenet using attacks and moves that normally you just can't do, not even in this fight.

Once your opponenet has one hit left, the background darkens, both Sonic and Blaze get fields* flowing from the front of them, the music picks up, and they slam into eachother at full speed. From here you have to mash the A and B buttons to shove your opponenet off the platform and win the battle.

*They look like the things that appear when you dash in SA2's final boss outside Ark. Sonic's is blue and Blaze's is pinkish red.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Aura, chi, chakra... what have you.

Posts: 73
Trusted Member

So... does Eggman Nega(tive) do much in this game, or what? How does he compare to Original Recipe? I'm concerned, he looks like a wasp.

*wants a DS really really badly*

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Regarding Level 7: I'm probably bias because that battle rocked my socks off, the final hit flawed me in awesomeness and Vela Nova (both the slow and up-tempo versions) be my favourite track from the game. I am major thumbs up for Level 7 boss fight 😀

Regarding Nega: He doesn't really do much, he just offers some trash talk to Sonic in about 3 or 4 levels. He really shines in the final story when he and Eggman show their similarities and differences 🙂

Posts: 11
Active Member

I thouroughly enjoyed the Advance series, particularly the first, as they were the first Sonic games in quite a while to harken back to the Megadrive days of old. However, they didnt feel one hundred percent "right", for lack of a better word. They just sort of left something to be desired (Especially Advance 2).

Now we come to Sonic Rush, the first (and hopefully not last) installment of the series on the Nintendo DS. Does it fly or die? I am very happy to be able to say that it is _much_ more the former than the latter. Here are my views on why:

The Story:
Pretty original, albiet a tad on the flimsy side (Plotholes abound). Apparently Eggman has invaded another dimension and stolen said place's Sol Emeralds, the equivelent of Sonic's world's Chaos Emeralds. Subsequently, an alternate version of Eggman (aptly named Eggman Nega) appears in Sonic's world. Eggman Nega seems intent on possessing the Chaos Emeralds, while Blaze, gaurdian of her world's Sol Emeralds, sets out after Eggman to recover said gems. Of course, Sonic and Blaze run into each other at a few points. Whether or not they are friends or enemies, I'll let you find out. All in all, it's just an excuse to get even _more_ new characters out into the mix, and give you a reason to finess your spiky arse through zones filled to the brim with countless loops, slopes, badniks, and other obstacles.

The new charcters:
Blaze is actually one of the few new characters these days that i'm okay with, although her personality is _highly_ reminiscent of Knuckles. Forget Rouge. Blaze is practically an alternate dimensional Knuckles, perosnality, occupation and all (even though people will argue she is Sonic's counterpart). Eggman Nega is just a plot filler really. His gentleman speech and black clothes are all that really give him any distinction, and he is less than memorable. He is, howevre, tolerable for at least this game.

The Level Design:
This is a bit of a mixed bag, but it is definitley decent either way. They seem to be in the vein of Sonic Advance 2, but they just feel more fun to play. There are more alternate paths, more platforming, and your ass is gauranteed to be grass if all you do is hold right, which already sets it above SAvnc2. There are still rails, ramps, and long stretchs of slopes, but they arent nearly as redundant as SAvnc2. My one major gripe is the enemy placement. They are just randomly _right_ in the middle of what are usually long stretchs that you run in; places that you wouldnt even consider a badnik to reside in. While you can use the new rush mvoe to plow through them, its just an akward arrangement. Some would argue "It forces you to memorize the elvel layout". Well, I argue back that half of what made the Megadrive games so great was that you _didn't_ need to know a level inside out to speed through it flawlessly, but still have a challenge. A great step up from the advance series, but could still use some work. As for the actual level themes (such as BG's, tiles and palettes), they are excellent and are gauranteed to have you reminiscing about Sonic3/Knuckles. Excellent stuff, if not the tiniest bit cliche.

Now _this_ is how Sonic 2-D games should evolve. Excellent, excellent, and more excellent. The new trick buttons allow you to seamlessly fill up your Rush Meter without stopping your run through the level, and they flow great with gameplay. Its almsot like Jet Set Radio had a bastard child with Sonic (which is Ironic, considering the composer of this game ~_^). The main new feature is the afformentioned Rush Meter. By defeating badniks, doing tricks, and opening special capsules, you fill this meter up, and can unleash a huge burst of speed by holding down the Y button as long as the meter has some juice in it. It is useful for getting an extra boost (kind of like an instant spindash), plowing through enemies without having to jump/roll, and breaking through certain walls or pushing blocks. It works wonderfully. Two thumbs up. other than that, this is classic Sonic gameplay. Oh, and these are some of the best boss fights the series has seen since Sonic CD and Sonic 3.

Ah, now _this_ is a mixed bag, and definitley an aquired taste. I'll be blunt: If you like Jet Set Radio music, you'll like this. If you dont, chances are you wont like this either. If you think that style of music doesnt fit wiht this game (I think it does, extremely well) then you may not like it. One thing I can say is this is definitley the most fresh and original Sonic soundtrack since Sonic CD and Sonic 3. The vocals may annoy some, however. I personally love it.

Freakin excellent. The 3D character models
work _wonderfully_. Extremely fluid looking animation compliments the semaless pace of the game. the levels themselves are sharp as well (although one or two backgrounds can appear somewhat bland). Oh, and the Boss fights are an absolute beauty to behold.

Overall: 8.5/10
If you call yourself a Sonic Fan, you owe it to yourself to pick this one up, but I wouldnt buy a DS for it. Check it out. One of the better Sonic games in quite a while.

EDIT: Ah yes, i forgot to mention. The special stages were finally done right for a change. And let me tell you, its one helluva comeback. Its literally Sonic 2's specials stages with a stylus, updated grpahics, and a few trciks. Old school fans will be creaming themselves.

Posts: 513
Honorable Member


Sonic Advance 3 is still the best Sonic game I can fit in my pocket

Nah, GP32 + Dr.MD + Sonic 3 & Knuckles = Handheld Sonic Bliss.

That aside: I can't wait until I get a DS and Sonic Rush.

Posts: 143
Estimable Member

The music hurts my ears.
It's worse than Sadv2, for crying out loud.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

I take it you were never a Jet Set Radio fan, then. Frankly, I <3 it...

Posts: 286
Reputable Member

I love JGR's music but most of Rush's tracks don't appeal to me near as much. However I have to say that this is going by the online samples - I've not yet recieved my copy of the game (I preordered it from a store in anotehr city - it came out on the 2nd (yesterday), but now it's the 3rd - a Saturday - which means no mail until Monday gargh!). Perhaps I'll take more of shine to the music once I'm able to experience it more thoroughly, but for now, I only really like Back 2 Back and the boss music as much as anything from JGR.

Posts: 721
Prominent Member


Too......Impatient.....To.... Last....


Craziness and lack of patience aside, I envy you guys who have this game. Waiting for 15 minutes seems like an eternity to me, and I've got 22 days to go.

Guess reading these posts will have to do for now....

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

It's a shame there's no reward for A-Ranks. I finally managed to get a super dose of skill at this game (S Rank for 5 of the bosses and A's for 80% of the stages) and as nice as the pride is, I'd like a reward at the end of this =/

Posts: 229
Estimable Member


I'd like a reward at the end of this =/

something on par with gems?...


Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


It's a shame there's no reward for A-Ranks. I finally managed to get a super dose of skill at this game (S Rank for 5 of the bosses and A's for 80% of the stages) and as nice as the pride is, I'd like a reward at the end of this =/

Surely mastering a game's intricancies enough to achieve even A ranks... a reward in itself? Why, when I was your age... blah blah blah... all the way to 8-4 on one life... blah blah blah... last boss defeated using only basic equipment... WAH WAH WAH... and the horse it rode in on...

Posts: 721
Prominent Member

What can all you guys who HAVE the game tell me about it without massive spoilers (I'm okay with small ones, though)?

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Sooooo... can anyone make out what the small text says in the zone splash screens? Here's what I can make out:

Sonic- something something wind, Sonic is the something of something sound.

Blaze- something something fire, Blaze is the guardian of the Sol Emeralds.

Posts: 439
Reputable Member

What was the point of the 'Merging of Worlds" indicator on the Zone Map? I thought it might change the levels somehow as I remember reading in an interview that one of those SEGA guys said Sonic's game will affect Blaze's, and vice versa. But all it does is just warp the map a bit.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Got my S ranks and not even a "Well done" :(

What's the "Download Demo" feature for? As Nintendo aren't selling the USB WiFi Adapter without the Mario Kart pack I can't connect to wireless in order to test it, anyone used it? If so, what on Earth does it do?!

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

It's for 2P play when the other DSer doesn't have a Sonic Rush kart

They can also download a demo of the game from you I think

Posts: 721
Prominent Member

I'm serious about the info request. I'm getting it for Christmas, but I CAN'T STAND THE WAIT WITHOUT EVEN A LITTLE TIDBIT MORE THAN I KNOW!!!!!

And yes, I HAVE checked Sega's site.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

It's the most look-cool-for-points-y game since SA2 and the fastest one since Sadv2

Posts: 721
Prominent Member

That's it?:?

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

It's a finger flying fun game with 7 stages consisting of 2 acts and a boss, plus 2 extra boss stages. Both Sonic and Blaze run the same 7 stages in a slightly altered order. The game is mostly 2d, with boss arenas being 2d play in a fully 3d environment (characters/enemies are always 3d, action stage landscape is 2d) and involves Eggman or Eggman Nega attacking with machines and you waiting for the weakspot to appear.

Action stages consist of a forest stage, a water stage, a pyramid stage, a casino styled stage (no slot machines or extras), a fleet of GUN ships, a pitfall rail/handglider zone and the obligitory space one.

Moves are the same as Sonic Advance 2, with the addition of a dash feature, which makes you completely invicible and run faster while it's activated, but it drains the "Tension" meter, which is fueled by tricks. Tricks can be activated by tapping the b button after being launched into the air and using the R-Tricks.

Also new is a ranking system, which works SA2 style, time + tricks + speed + rings = Score. Anything below 60'000 is a C, anything below 80'000 is a B, anything below 100'000 is an A and anything above 100'000 is an S rank. In boss battle this is different in that time + rings, rings being worth 1'000 points each and the time bonus being a maximum of 45'000.

Ranks add up to nothing, even if you get all of them you get no reward, the only secrets in the game are time attack and sound test, unless you count the obligatory "final" story.

Levels are highly varied and include several different routes for completion, some focusing on speed and others focusing on springs and ramps for tricks.

The only real difference between Blaze and Sonic besides speed is that their R-Tricks do different things. With Blaze, R+Forward allows her to hover in the air for a while, whereas with Sonic it is a homing attack (annoying for some stages as it aims behind you far too often). After being launched into the air, Blaze's R-Trick boost will be much stronger, allowing her access to higher levels than Sonic and giving her trick bonus a nice booster.

Due to the tricks and tension gauge additions, your fingers will never be tired, as every time you're in the air, you need to do tricks and hit an R-Trick at the opportune moment to get the highest score and thusly Tension gauge boost. With the tension gauge maxed as often as possible it's easy to fly through a level without stopping, and get an S rank, however it is sheerly optional and if you'd like to play the game like Sonic Advance 2 you can, but that's like saying you'll play Shadow without guns. It comes in handy!

Game can last up to an hour and a half per completion, so you'll probably have the thing beat within your first sitting, but it's replay value is high, I've had mine for about a month now and I'm still obsessively playing it more than any other game.

To me, it's a good buy. Dunno if it'll appeal to others.

Posts: 721
Prominent Member

Once again: Craig, you rock!!!!!!!

Posts: 2
New Member

Thanks,, can explain any??

Also, how to get the chaos emerald?

I really wanna know~

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

You have to find the special generators in each zone. It's explained in the manual.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Okay, I know Amy and Knux are in this, so I gotta know what role to they play-the damesel and dupe in distress?

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

Their roles are humor only. Kinda like in Battle, but not as good.

Edit: After deleting my game data twice to go through the story again and again, I'm almost finished obtaining all S ranks, and I was wondering how many lives everyone has accumulated over time.

Sonic: 38

Blaze: 33

Once their lives combined break 100, I may just have to admit that this is the best Sonic game since S3K. *was probably the first UKian kid to discover that breaking 99 lives in S3K nets you a weird, big, O-looking 0 to represent 100*

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

I played it once, on display somewhere. This is awesome. Right up there with S3&K and Sonic CD. Really.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

*Laughs* I've 99 life'd both of them, got all S Ranks (including the bosses which aren't on the scoreboard), gone through Story twice and am currently having fun with Time Trial.

I'm actually astonished Time Trial is worth playing at all, but there's something so satisfying about racing your ghost to beat Leaf Storm Act 1 in less than 54 seconds.

I wish there was a website which had points/times which I could start fighting to beat. I am STILL not tired with this thing.

Posts: 3756
Famed Member


*was probably the first UKian kid to discover that breaking 99 lives in S3K nets you a weird, big, O-looking 0 to represent 100*

Can you say "Debug mode"?

Posts: 125
Estimable Member


beat Leaf Storm Act 1 in less than 54 seconds

...I hate you Craig. ;__;

I find it difficult to keep under 1:10. D:


I wish there was a website which had points/times which I could start fighting to beat. I am STILL not tired with this thing.

Hmm. Tell you what - I'll get right on that. Might take a couple of days. :O

EDIT: I couldn't find it on Google, SH, so methinks you are mistaken. Prove me wrong, though.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

I think one already exists, though.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Yeah, found it, and am pwning everyone, except on time attack, I'm getting good. But not that good. But in points mode I rule.

I hope to see you all there!

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

*submits his scores/times out of boredom*

Posts: 125
Estimable Member


Craig's high-score: 107450
My high score: 104950

EDIT 3: No fair. ;__;

How do I submit a high-score, for reference? :D

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Sign up an account and click "Submit record" on the page specific to the level you're doing.

I'm having fun doing this, but that Leaf Storm Act 1 time is driving me crazy. I've perfected every single bit of that level and he still has 5 seconds on me.

Posts: 125
Estimable Member

Thankoo Craig. I have two of your scores beaten and another equalled, so I'm eager to get them up there ASAP. I'll do so as soon as I actually have all S-Ranks. :D

EDIT: Which might be a while because I just can't do this damn Night Carnival boss! @__o

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Silly Velo. I just submitted every score I had. I've not begun to compete yet. That was my second playthrough where I just wanted to get S-Ranks first try.


Posts: 125
Estimable Member

...Craig, do you actually want people to bother competing against you or not? 😛


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