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Posts: 3756
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I think we confirmed that earlier from the achievement list. Is that real, Lighthead? Seems kinda shoppish to me; I coulda swore I've seen those emeralds before.

Posts: 800
Prominent Member

Looks it's really confirmed to have Super Sonic throughout all the levels.

WAAAAAAAAIT A MINUTE. How is that going to work with episodes then...? Are we only allowed the first 2 or 3 emeralds with Episode 1 then? :/

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Looks it's really confirmed to have Super Sonic throughout all the levels.

WAAAAAAAAIT A MINUTE. How is that going to work with episodes then...? Are we only allowed the first 2 or 3 emeralds with Episode 1 then? :/

Well obviously when Knux appears in Episode 2 he'll "knock" them out of you and blah blah know the rest. But no seriously...what will they do I wonder. If Hyper Sonic made a return i'd honestly...go to San Fran and throw money at SoA. Yes...I would. As for that video of SHZ. Watching 

Edit: *claps hands together* Nice! You know...that new invincibility music is really going to have to grow on me. 😛 But no...that looks like a ton of fun. Wow...i'm shocked. Truly shocked. The homing attack most certaintly does seem to work rather well and I saw many Emerald Hill Zone-esque shortcuts in that act 2 video. Yays! Sonic! Are you really back?

Edit Zwei: Lost gosh. Straight up lovechild of Labyrinth Zone and Tidal Tempest. The latter of which I love. But LLZ definitely looks like one of those levels you dread going through. Still though...I don't mind it. Might be harder than the scenic green lush first level...but it's part of what makes the Sonic series, the Sonic series. Which reminds the first 3 games the first level is always above ground and green which we all know. But the second seems to go underground or involve water something(Marble Zone, Chemical Plant, Hydrocity). They're sticking to the trend. YAY!

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

The only complaint I have after watching the leaked videos is that sonic appears to accelerate too fast and have a very high top speed.

Posts: 44
Eminent Member

My only complaint is that I watched it without thinking, haha. I want this to feel fresh for me.

I'll keep reading the updates, but I'll resist hitting that play button from this day forth.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Hahah nice Scotty. But for real...i'm definitely not watching anymore videoes. I've seen all I need to see. And I hear you on he acceration thing Erika. Ad his top speed is way faster than in the genesis games. He'll be tough to control at high speed now. But...I don't mind that challenge.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Casino Street Zone footage. Seems Act 2 of every zone will be different from the other Acts ( LLZ had mine cart, CSZ you must collect lot of points to continue). I like the variation of Sonic 2 Casino Night Zone boss.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

So like...we haven't been told where this game takes place have we? It's like South Side Island or something. *rimshot*

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

*just watched Act 1 of Casino Night*

*er... Casino Street. Not that you can tell the difference*

Well, one quick thing, the "JESUS SONIC SLOW DOWN YOU'RE MISSING THE LEVEL" element of that first video is virtually gone, and he's much more reasonably paced there.

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Posts: 520
Honorable Member

It's Vegas Baby! I don't care much for the music but I'm sure it'll grow on me. I like it (the game). Just realized it had elements like Spring

Darn was that bottomless pit neccesary Sega?

I can see the comparisons to Casino Night but I feel there are enough little changes that it doesn't seem like a total rehash. *shrug*

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

I've just seen Lost Labyrinth Act 2. I never want to see Sonic Rush 3. This is almost as bad as when they had James the red engine voiced by a girl in the Thomas movie.

Just wow. I wondered how they could make this bad and now I'm wondering how they can make it good? I mean the level art and enemies are pretty much recycled from the old games, the music needs work and they've got the people who made one maybe two good Sonic games making it and failing in amazing style.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

It looks like a decently fun level. But that music isn't hooking me at all.(In that first video) It feels like 5 notes droning over and over. The Thomas the Tank Engine theme is catchier XD

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

xD! So JT...what exactly is so bad about this game that isn't bad about the others?

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

Lol why are there so many remixes of Splash Hill Zone already?

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote:

Lol why are there so many remixes of Splash Hill Zone already?

Because the HYPE train has pulled into town. 😛

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

xD! So JT...what exactly is so bad about this game that isn't bad about the others?

Because it has the name Sonic the Hedgehog 4. If it was Sonic Advance 4: cool beans. Has to be said though that Splash Hill rock remix are good. Irony there somewhere...

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Mad Gear has been leak as well. From watching the first act it look similar to Metropolis Zone. It even has the same annoying Badniks (curse you Slicer). 

Edit: Well this surprise. It seems Mad Gear Act 2 doesn't have gimmick like the Act 2 of Lost Labyrinth and Casino Street Zones. Also in Act 3, "he" finally appears . Oddly he seems a bit slower than when he appear in the Genesis games.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

xD! So JT...what exactly is so bad about this game that isn't bad about the others?

Because it has the name Sonic the Hedgehog 4. If it was Sonic Advance 4: cool beans. Has to be said though that Splash Hill rock remix are good. Irony there somewhere...

So I see, so I see. Your reasoning is quite just and deserving. However, we've yet to play if i could somehow "feel" like a Sonic the Hedgehog game...i'd be beyond joyous.


Posts: 1984
Noble Member

I find it sad that most of those remixes....hell all of the ones I posted. I think sound better than the one in the game.

Posts: 800
Prominent Member

My problem with this game is that it's having a massive identity crisis. I can't recall seeing any new badniks or any new style of levels from any of the footage, they are relying HEAVILY on nostalgia here. Then everything else is "new" Sonic, with his green eyes, homing attack and emphasis on speed, is just thrown in there because they can't seem to be able to ever go properly go back to old Sonic.

The game will probably be good, but it's still going to suck in so many places where it SHOULD be good.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Haha, identity crisis? You sure? I mean we could possibly argue the same thing bout the older Sonic games too you know. Some badniks were reused from game to game then. And just throwing this out there...Sonic[1-3] sucked in some places too why wouldn't this one? It has to follow the trend. lol

Posts: 800
Prominent Member

Haha, it's not going to suck in the ways of 1-3... it's going to suck in the ways of Sonic Rush 😛

And come on, on the badnik thing, SURE they reused some from time to time, but they'd at least PRETEND they're different through design changes.

Posts: 5772
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Posts: 1827
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God damn it Sega. Game still looks bad but then you give us:

Posts: 520
Honorable Member

Is there any company worse about leaks than Sega? Alas.

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

Well from what I understand this isn´t really Sega´s fault but Microsoft´s for their poor security with downloadable games.

Posts: 880
Member Admin

So I guess it's off to leak all of Episode 2 and 3 now?

Posts: 1044
Noble Member

At best this will be a mediocre episode with Sega managing to achieve broken physics in a "2.5D" game =/ Hopefully these "leaks" might kick Sega into gear into make some improvements before release or patches there after.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Haha, it's not going to suck in the ways of 1-3... it's going to suck in the ways of Sonic Rush 😛
And come on, on the badnik thing, SURE they reused some from time to time, but they'd at least PRETEND they're different through design changes.

So no barrel room of death[that everyone here talk about, yet I never had a problem with]!! But yea...I suppose it'll have the Sonic Rush suckage. However...gotta admit...I don't remember very many instances where that game sucked. And it won't be on a handheld so my[might just be a personal thing] control of the game should be better. So even if it does have needless amounts of will only be one screen of it. 😛 As for badniks of old...pretend, pretend, pretend. 😛 I remember when I pretended I liked Sonic Heroes. :O

Posts: 520
Honorable Member

What's wrong with Sonic Rush?

Posts: 800
Prominent Member

i cant be bothered to go too far into specifics, but basically they emphasised too much on speed and the styles of levels were altered to suit this, causing more of the smaller details of earlier sonic games non-existent in post-sonic advance 2 handheld games.

they were still alright though...

i mean seriously, compare the pacing of Sonic Advance 1 to Sonic Advance 2 and that pretty much sums up what went wrong

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

The thought that comes to mind from comparing Sonic Advance 1 (which I disliked) to 2 (which I enjoyed) is "there were annoying platform leaps going in the opposite direction and sometimes over bottomless pits", the level design just required a bit more skill to navigate, and sometimes that's a good thing, but I adore the Sonic Rush level design.

It's open enough for multiple routes in every stage, even if it is just "up route" and "down route" (though in many stages this is not so), shortcuts are abundant and skill and understanding of the R-Tricks can lead to a real fun time. I speed-run Rush simply because it's level design and control scheme are friendly enough to push myself with. Plus it has time attack ghosts.

To be honest, Sonic 2's level design was kind of crummy, given most stages are easy to beat within 45 seconds and at most offer 3 routes. Sonic 3 & Knuckles was the one that went crazy with the badass level design which utilizes all 3 character play styles... alas, Sonic 4 is based off of 2, not 3. So I'd take Rush design over 2 any day of the week.

Posts: 800
Prominent Member

in many ways I agree with you, but the problem is that the majority don't want Sonic Rush for console, Sonic 2 has always been seen as Sonic at his peak (I disagree and yes I think Sonic3&K is far better). But Sonic Rush came way after most of us fell in love with the blue critter and considering this is meant to be part of the original series of games, it seems very weird that it would be more closely related to Rush than 1-3...

Like I said, it's not like I have deep issues in my life involving being mentally scarred by Sonic Rush and I totally know Sonic 2 has faults of its own. But I want a game with faults similar to that of Sonic 2 rather than Rush... or else this should just be Sonic Rush Super Adventure or something.

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

To be honest, Sonic 2's level design was kind of crummy, given most stages are easy to beat within 45 seconds and at most offer 3 routes. Sonic 3 & Knuckles was the one that went crazy with the badass level design which utilizes all 3 character play styles... alas, Sonic 4 is based off of 2, not 3. So I'd take Rush design over 2 any day of the week.

That's EXACTLY why it was so good! You could finish it fast or do everything, and each branch intersected with other branches at multiple points.

Some badniks were reused from game to game then.

No, not even once was a badnik reused in S1-3K. Even clones got redesigns and new behaviors.

Hopefully these "leaks" might kick Sega into gear

It never has. They just get tons of leaks, people complaining before it releases, and then do absolutely nothing to polish it.

Posts: 800
Prominent Member

Okay let's be honest here... new behaviours...?

Posts: 980
Prominent Member

Yeah - if there was any real difference in behaviour, I never saw it myself...

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Buzzbomber was fast, Buzzer was slow.

Grounder came through walls, Burrbot came through the floor.

You have me on Chopper and Masher though.

Also, Sonic Retro has melted down. I mean, no matter how they put it, it still seems they are complaining that no one bolted the gate after the horse has managed to go on a booze up that make the average premireship footie player look decent.

Posts: 800
Prominent Member

ahaha despite whether or not you think the badniks have the same behaviour patterns or not, it seemed fine because they were redesigned so it felt like a progression of the same enemy, rather than the same enemy being recycled

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Okay let's be honest here... new behaviours...?

Buzzer ftw! 😛 But yea...I mean...if new behaviors and redesigns counted back then, let them count now. We don't exactly know these badniks' actions do we? That "new" motobug for all we know could shoot lasers. 😛

Posts: 800
Prominent Member

even if the motobug fired lasers, it'd be nice if sega would stop parading it (and the other ones) as "THOSE COOL OLD BADNIKS FROM EARLIER SONIC GAMES... REMEMBER THEM?!?!"

P.S. Dear Sega, please let the motobugs fire lasers

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Hahaha true that man, true that. Poor old badniks...always getting used as some old trick to lure us old-timers back in. 😛

On a total side-note though...i'm watching my friend play SA2 and it's just so refreshing.

I'm really hoping I can add Sonic 4 to my collection of good/fun Sonic games. I really miss playing Sonic games. =/ This summer i'm planning on playing Sonic 1-3 and CD in preparation for Sonic 4.

Posts: 800
Prominent Member

Here's a bunch of things I hope are included:

I hope Episode 2 adds a Tails and Episode 3 adds a Knuckles... because that would be awesome and make the following Episodes seem more valuable (rather than just being a level pack).

The Episodes... combine. So when Episode 3 is released, I can play from Level 1 to Level 12 without having to go through menus and the like.

Sonic 5 happens.

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

Okay let's be honest here... new behaviours...?

Grounder was obviously inspired by Burrobot, but one jumps out of the ground in an arc and moves slow while the other comes from walls in the background and charges. If they were not similarly designed you might not even think of them together. Buzzer and Masher are probably the most similar, but even Buzzer has a very different flight pattern, and, yeah, Masher is the same. It's the only one, but at least they made its design better. Like you said it was like a progression instead of an awkward 3D render of a previous concept. The SA badniks were actually very compatible with the MD badniks, and did not give you the idea that SEGA was being desperate.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

Lol the Sonic 4 Badniks look like Pimp My Ride versions. Maybe in the next two installments they'll at least try to make up some new ones.

Posts: 327
Reputable Member

<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote:

Lol the Sonic 4 Badniks look like Pimp My Ride versions. Maybe in the next two installments they'll at least try to make up some new ones.

Allow me to ask: why is "new" such a fixation?

So they're redeploying old badniks; I don't feel one way or another about it. I find that how they will be placed in the level to be of far greater significance than what they are. For instance, Emerald Hill Zone Act 1 can be cleared in 29 seconds if you effectively bounce off the right enemies and item monitors. Does it matter to me what they are? No, not at all. With the possible exception of Metropolis Zone, it's hardly ever been the case in the Sonic franchise that enemies posed a legitimate threat unless you were consciously ignoring them.

Posts: 800
Prominent Member

"new" is such a fixation because some of us actually look at what we're bouncing on.

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

It's not that. Whether the badniks are new is irrelevant, but it's just part of the larger issue. SEGA is acting as if such things are supposed to be impressive, or that they will make the game similar to the MD series. They demonstrate desperation and an obsession with superficiality. Similarly, they claim that the game has momentum, but it's pointless because it's full of speed boosters and Sonic runs up walls without even running first.

Posts: 257
Reputable Member

Just read the ONM Issue 55 preview article on Sonic 4 - there's like no new information. It does actually mention the momentum thing although its kinda vague:

"[Momentum] is another policy that's been brought back, and while it's not the most obvious change when you look at the screens on this page, it's by far the most important."

Now, their terminology of choice with "policy" sounds a bit iffy. There's a difference between a policy and a working physical rule. The whole article is filled with this kind of stuff - its just recycled soundbites from Sega's press releases. In fact, it doesn't read like the writers have even been anywhere near the game.

On a "humorous" note, the article does have a "fun" box-out section where they say "Sonic has too many friends. We're glad these ones got the chop" and then proceed to "critique" Vector, Charmy, Nack and Rouge.

Wait, what?

NACK?! You're glad they dropped NACK from this game?! He's been practically dead since Sonic the Fighters. Laying into him now is just cruelty, right? Was he ever really on the cards in the first place? I reckon there are far more reasonable exclusions in Sonic's Facebook Fiends List, here's a couple:

Jet the Hawk - Maybe its just me, but every time I see him (and the other two Babylon losers) I want to smack his birdy beaky face.
Marine the Racoon - Since when did an accent/dialect make for an aimable character trait. And when did it stop being annoying. Plus who in their right mind thought that "you buggers" would be even the slightest bit appropiete for Sonic game dialogue - did anyone even check to see what is meant?! (Made me laugh though, so it's not all bad.)
Silver the Hedgehog - I know he has his fans, but I just can't stick him. Plus, since he comes from the future, if he appears in a game that means that you've got to include some lame plot element that acts as a reason for his being there involving time travel or a magic nacho or something.
Eggman Nega - Unfortunate, ill-advised name.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

I believe John Taylor was wondering about the Avatar Rewards. Well here they are. They seems kind of easy to get .

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