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Haven't had time to download it yet. Is it the full game, or is it only the first three stages?

The whole game[episode 1 mind you] is 4 zones[12 stages in all]. >.> Plus an extra stage I've heard.


Posts: 1631
Noble Member

Haven't had time to download it yet. Is it the full game, or is it only the first three stages?

Four zones (with three acts and a boss each), a final megaboss zone, and special stages.

I just picked this up myself, and I'd have to say, I'm dissapointed. Is it better than some of the later Sonic games? Yes, yes it is. But is it good in itself? No, not really.

It's not all bad. I'll admit the visuals are nice to look at, particularly the badniks (the new Slicer looks awesome!), the scenery and the backgrounds. And the homing attack is a great feature in this context. I also love how it can be used to give you a small speed boost when you're running, adding a tiny bit of momentum to your speed each time you hit it.

There are some serious, major flaws though:~

First of all, the level design is clunky and awkward, with no real long run sections (a-la Chemical Plant slopes and loops) where you can really let the speed go without fear of falling off a cliff. It's too stilted, requiring you to stop and jump every few seconds. Don't get me wrong, I'm not asking for the whole game to be flat and swift, some technical bits are good. But entirely technical just isn't fun when Sonic is involved...he's about speed, and it'd be nice to use that once in a while. This element is excentuated by Sonic's speed problems (more on that below).

Also the fast stages make the same mistake as the 3D games in that you
have to know precisely what is coming up ahead of you in order to make
it through. Several times I've fallen down bottomless pits simply
because I didn't know I had to do a homing attack onto the badnik that hadn't even yet appeared on the screen! I'm used to being able to see where I'm going in the old Sonic levels, I don't like having to die several times a level just to see what is ahead of me in the zone, and have to memorise it so I can do it with my eyes closed just to make any headway. The visibillity is really bad in someone mentioned above, if the camera were zommed out a little it might help somewhat in that regard.

The music is terrible. Sorry SEGA, but there's no other way to say it. Every single track sounds almost exactly the same, an uninspired, harsh, raspy synth affair that would have even die-hard 70s electro fans cringing and squirming in their seats. The synth voice doesn't even change between zones...what happened to each zone soundtrack having it's own atmosphere and range of musical voices to give it a unique feel?!? Even the 3D Sonics got that one right, but this hasn't!

Is it just me, or do the zones also feel rediculously small? Yes, when going back to the older Sonic game style I'm all for trying to recapture the spirit and feel of those titles, but surely it'd be reasonable to make a few minor adjustments to bring them into the modern age, like level size and length? As it is, each act feels about as long as a Sonic1 level too, or at best one of the longer S2 levels. What happened to the huge, long, absorbing marathon levels of S3&K, like Mushroom Hill, Sandopolis and Lava Reef?

And, finally and most importantly, there's the point that many others have mentioned - the speed. Actually it's not so much speed as acceleration - if Sonic just got going a little quicker from a standing start it'd make things a whole lot better. As it stands, it feels like the old games did when you were submersed in water - slow, hesitant, and unresponsive.

Another thing that's really irritating me: has anyone else noticed that Sonic's spin attack in this game is actually slower than his running pace? You're struggling to get up the speed to run up a vertical wall, so you duck down and spin as you would in an old Sonic game, but even though you charge it up fully before letting go, you actually travel less distance than you do while running! And when running down a slope, if you duck down into a roll to smash any badniks that may be in your path, you suddenly slow to a crawl (effectivley) and have to regain all your momentum once again. And yet if you don't duck down, you leave yourself open to running straight into a robot and getting yourself killed, so you have to duck down and lose all your speed simply to stay alive!

Even aside from these practical issues the problem creates, this really niggles me on an intelectual level as well, as it seems to go against the very ethos of what Sonic's character was about. He was an exceptionally fast runner, and then when things got really tough he had his spin attack, which was kinda like his 'ultimate' move, his most powerful and effective attribute. To have that weakened to the point of being subpar to his normal running abillity feels like some kind of betrayal to the character and his older games.

So yeah, after all that rant - Yeah, I'll admit it has good points, and it's definitely better than some of Sonic's more recent outings. But to be honest, it's really not captured what it set out to acchive, and neither has it caught my imagination either. In terms of enjoyment and excitement, I can only really put it on a par with Sonic Heroes, the best of the 3D era (bar Sonic 3D Flicky Island, which was great). And is it worth the £10 I spent buying it? I must be absolutely honest and say no, I don't think it is. Had I known what it would be like beforehand, I wouldn't have bought it.

EDIT: I will say one more good thing about this though - I'm really loving the new Super Sonic, and his transformation sequence! They got that absolutely spot on. Also like how his glowing skin lights up the shadow maze act all around you, negating the need of a torch to see where you're going

Posts: 1984
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BrainScratchComms plays Sonic 4  Basically some random dudes talking over Sonic 4 (They play the whole thing)  and give their comments about it.  

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

So I can certainly see where all the complaining was coming from. It doesn't feel at all like Sonic 1-3&K. Or the advances. Or the Rushes. 😛 It's a new type of Sonic. In terms of "feel". I'm up to Mad Gear...taking time to collect CEs at the moment and I enjoy it. I'm having lots of fun in the Casino Street acts and to my surprise...enjoy Lost Labyrinth. The homing attack definitely needs some tweaking...i'm not a fan of how if you don't use it the minute it targets goes away. Very...troublesome. And yes...the camera is way close. Never noticed how zoomed out it was in the classics.

The speed of the game is quite remarkable[once learning the levels and getting the timing right, etc]. I, for one, like the dust trails. 😛 But the idea of Sonic's acceleration is pretty awkward and how you can appear to walk up those pathways that attach Sonic to a ceiling[not exactly sure how to describe, but you know what i'm talking about lol] where in the older games if you weren't buzzing near top speed you wouldn't make it all the way along the path. *shrugs* So far i'm definitely enjoying it. SSs are nice and abit of a give me though. While they are somewhat just seems way too easy to come about collecting CEs as opposed to how it was in the classics. But this is new wouldn't be very popular for CE collecting to be like it was in older games. With save systems and level selects and whatnot[kinda do wish level select wasn't unlocked until you atleast...beat the first 4 zones, ya know?].

The level design is pretty decent. Splash Hill is definitely more Emerald Hill than Green Hill in my opinion atleast. Which im totally fine with. Personally i'm digging some of the music. Lost Labyrinth's was cool. And the intro music[totally a reworked version of Sonic 2's?] as well as act cleared music are catchy. The new invinvibility[and Super Sonic im going to assume] music will take some getting used to. That old Sonic 2 SS/Inv. music is just so iconic...hard to forget it. While i've not gotten SS yet, I have seen the transformation and I approve[much like you Wraith]. I still say Sonic Advance 2 had the most epic transformation of all. So all in all...I can see where they can easily improve with Episodes II and III, and while I won't say it's worthy of all the's certainly fun once you adapt to the changes. And really...isn't that what it's about. Comparing it to something that was 16 years abit foolish and I think I learned that fairly quickly. I'm hoping others will give it a sincere try and come into the experience with an open mind. Because...we can make ourselves perceive things a particular way. Hoping to have SS by the end of the day. ^_^

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

^ Actually the SS music is different to sparklers,'s got a sort of quirky note change in it similar to S2's SS music. I'm still not too keen, as it still sounds like pretty much every other music track on the game, but at least they took the time to do something different rather than just use the same music track as invunerabillity...that's a plus I guess.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Oh yea? Nice. I'm up to my 7th CE. Should have it pretty soon. Mad Gear Act 1. My lord. Loooove that level! This game has really grown on me...I'm starting to play it like I did 2...but with that Homing attack...i've got some new tricks. I like, I like. And ummm...that final stage. How many times xD! Can't wait to see the good ending.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

I thought that the game was a bit too zoomed in as well (ie. Sonic was "too big" on the screen), but I threw on Mega Collection to compare and it's really about the same. I think it might just feel bigger cause most of us are playing on big HDTVs instead of the smaller TVs we were playing the classics on.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Oh yea? I still say he's abit larger. Anyway...I finally got Super. My gosh. And the music...ha, very neat. I see what they did there. =P But it seems i've grown quite fond of Sonic 4. long til Episode II. I feel 1 will not last me nnear as long as 3&K or even 2 did. I want more...give me more!

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

He's a bit larger because of the size of the sprite, but in terms of screen layout there's hardly even different to S1-3&K.

And yeah, my only real complaint about the game is how quickly I finished. Passed it 100% in less than a day. Here's hoping Sega aren't too backwards in being forwards with some info about Episode II.

(Assuming this is a three-part game, I think the third part would be saved for June 2011 for Sonic's 20th, which would hopefully mean E.II in Feburary or so).

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Indeed, indeed layout is pretty much the same. But yea, i'm hoping it'll be a 3 parter as well and finishing the episodes on Sonic's 20th would be pretty awesome. We shall see.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

I'm afraid they'd have to do something pretty special to make me buy ep2, myself. Lowering the price a little would be ideal...the game is good in some respects, but it's not quite that good. Or perhaps improving the physics so Sonic accelerates a little faster. That would solve a few of the game's problems in one move, and might actually make it just about worth the cash.

Alternatively, they could put Tails or Knuckles in - that may catch my curiosity enough to give it a bash...

Posts: 520
Honorable Member

...I kind of hope they not mess with the physics too much because too much variance between episodes would be grating. They could just fix it as one big massive patch...or maybe not. Dunno how costly that would be and would it be worth it...?

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Improving the acceleration would do away with a lot of the annoyance for me - or at least lessen a lot of the minor niggles.

But for all Sega made a big deal out of taking Sonic back to his roots, I think that they completely missed a trick in not including any kind of two-player mode, even if they'd have to add Tails to do it.

Multiplayer was seen as a big deal even back in 1992. And we've had online gaming become standard since then.

As far as patching goes, I'm looking at SADX for XBL and keeping my fingers crossed that something similar might work out.

Posts: 1982
Noble Member

...The Special Stages are kind of hard...

I got, like, 43 lives replaying Casino Street Act 1 just to get the 4th Emerald.


Posts: 1631
Noble Member

Hmm, the little completion sequence at the end of the credits when you've collected all emeralds is...interesting... 

Although I'll say no more for the sakes of spoilers.

Posts: 1008
Noble Member

Well, here's my 2p on it all.

The Good

  • Very similar gameplay to the 16-bit games[*]Some very catchy music[*]Very pretty graphics[*]Some excellent level design here and there[*]Sonic 1 style special stages but with far less annoyance factor[*]SUPER SONIC! 8D
  • [/list:u:e80d503f1c]The Bad

    • Above-noted acceleration issues[*]WHY IS SPIN SLOWER THAN RUN[*]WHY DOES SPIN HAVE SO MUCH FRICTION
    • Quite short[*]Very little reward ending wise, with or without all the Emeralds[/list:u:e80d503f1c]Verdict
    • Sonic 4 can be and is, for me, a lot of fun. Playing it feels very similar to the 16-bit games. The experience is marred only by the small physics issues - Sonic will stop a little bit too quickly IMO, and the game seems to not adhere to the concepts of momentum in certain key areas. Example, Lost Labyrinth 2 I believe it is, whereby if you aren't holding right at the end of the minecart section, you just plummet to your death. Also, as others have noted, the spin attack has way too much friction applied to it. Spinning while running should not cause you to slow down so quickly. And it especially shouldn't cause slow down when rolling down a hill - even the original Sonic 1 on the Master System managed this.
      With that all said, it is still undeniably a lot of fun once you get used to the quirks. Playing as Super Sonic is especially ludicrous in terms of hilarity, seeing as he's WAY faster than regular Sonic and has a number of special effects applied to him. However, at only four zones long plus a final boss rush, it's still a bit too short. Even Sonic 1 at 6 levels plus final boss gave us more than this (though granted that was 3 acts and act 3 had the boss as opposed to Sonic 4's 3 acts AND boss confrontation).

      All in all then? It's not perfect, but it's certainly worth playing. Here's hoping the issues are patched soon, or failing that, that Episode II is an overall improvement.

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

To be, or nonbeing who is the question:

If ' tis more noble in the mind
to undergo the slings and you shoot with an arrow of the indignante

or to take the arms against a sea from hardships and, being
against, to finish them.

In order to die, to sleep

That's Shakespeare, right? It's undoubtedly "To be or not to be", but like someone has taken it through a translator to another language and back again. Similar, but off enough to make it feel not quite right. That's what Sonic 4 is to me. All the right elements are there, but it's just a little off, and I don't think I can fully enjoy it because of that.

Graphically, it's a nice looking game. Splash Hill and Casino Street are nice and colourful. Wish I could say the same for Lost Labyrinth and Egg Station. I'm not sure I like the smile that Sonic has. A smirk would be more appropriate if Sega wished to keep with the Sonic reborn theme they were going for. The cel-shading just looks a little off, like it isn't quite finished.

Audio wise, I enjoy hearing a good mix of old and new sound effects, some classic, some Dreamcast onwards. The actual music itself though is completely unmemorable. I'll have music from countless Sonic games stuck in my head for the rest of my life, but I can guarentee that none of it will be from Sonic 4.

Gameplay is a mixed bag. I love the addition of the homing attack and using it for a quick burst of speed from a stand still, but hate the seemingly random time frame of when you can use it against enemies. I hate the afformentioned issues with rolling, momentum, ect. Re-using an old boss but giving it a new trick was cool the first time, but got old quickly. Reusing level items and even whole parts of levels from previous games reeks of absolute laziness, no matter how much you want to pass it off as appealing to the old fans.

Overall, I did enjoy Sonic 4, even if it has in no way lived up to the originals like Sega claimed it would. But for the price charged vs time spent, it feels like quite a rip off, especially knowing that in a few months time, I'll have to buy the next part as well.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

I'm in two minds about the music. Splash Hill is as dull as dishwater, I couldn't even recall that music if I tried. But without realizing it I've been humming Lost Labyrinth to myself since I came into this thread, and I think Mad Gear is up there with some of the best Genesis stuff. It's a mixed bag, which granted is sub-par from a series that has always had fantastic and memorable music.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Whoo, I finally got the 7th Emerald; Super Sonic is awesome!

Posts: 880
Member Admin

I'm having a hard time getting the last emerald 🙁

One thing I've learned tho is that you can do a restart on the special stages 😀

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

All right, I really avoided posting in this topic because I had been keeping myself in the dark about this game and such. I recently got the WiiWare version of this, so my opinions are reflecting that.

The game is pretty to look at, which is the first thing I always notice about the newer games these days. At least the ones I've bothered to play.

I know it's been mentioned, but acceleration is a bit of an issue. It's sad when I actually have to jump and/or use an air dash to get a nice speedy start because otherwise it'd take me ten seconds to get some speed going.

It feels like a slightly awkward mix of the classic games and something else I can't quite pinpoint just yet. And the homing attack doesn't really help any sometimes, especially when I end up dying because I miss the target and I end up losing my rings and falling to my death (though it might be fail on my part). Homing attack also makes a few boss battles a bit too easy, which I'm not sure I like.

After a couple of runs through the levels, they actually don't seem very long, making this game feel shorter than it is. On the upside, Lost Labyrinth and Mad Gear both remind me of Labyrinth from StH1 and Metropolis from StH2, respectively. The beginning of Splash Hill is almost like Green Hill, but quickly becomes something all its own.

None of the music has really grown on me yet, but it sounds almost like the 16-bit titles. Almost. I like my classic tunes better, after all. None of it really stands out to me.

All in all, it seems almost solid, there's just a thing or two missing, but I can easily overlook it. It's something I've been waiting for, so I'm not really disappointed with it.

... I really hate the special stages, though. >>;

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

I'm having a hard time getting the last emerald

One thing I've learned tho is that you can do a restart on the special stages

The last Special Stage is tricky, but it's actually kinda easy once you get the hang of it!

Posts: 520
Honorable Member

Am I the only person who would have been happy with a return to the Sonic 3 stages for emeralds?

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

Am I the only person who would have been happy with a return to the Sonic 3 stages for emeralds?

Definitely not the only one, no. S3&K's special stages were the best of any Sonic game so far.

And while we're on the subject, they should have included S3&K's gravity sphere bonus stage too lol

Posts: 880
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Once you get used to it...

I feel like I'll have played the stage 100 times and still not get the emerald. Do you need to get ALL the rings? There are way too many bumpers that propel you into the goal thingers.

Edit: n/m I got it

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

I wonder how much less praise AND hate this game would be getting with a different title.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

I wonder how much less praise AND hate this game would be getting with a different title.

What, like: 'Sonic 4 - Pre-Release Demo'?

Posts: 520
Honorable Member

Maybe if it were called Sonic Rush 3 or Sonic Advance 4? I mean when the name is Sonic 4, you're expecting something in line like with the original trilogy. And then when you change the physics of it, release it in episodic format and the like...

(Not my suggestion, just what I've been hearing)

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

Sonic 3 had different physics to S1/S2 and was released in an episodic format...

Posts: 520
Honorable Member

I know, that's just a detail people seemed to miss!

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Sonic 1 had different physics to S2/S3

I saw you made a mistake, so I fixed it. No thanks are necessary.

(Sonic 3) was released in an episodic format...

Admittedly, it was pretty awesome to LOCK-ON and get the full Sonic 3 experience... but people in general don't appreciate having their allegedly self-contained entertainment spread out into separate chapters with you having to spring for each successive chunk of the whole.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

(Sonic 3) was released in an episodic format...

Admittedly, it was pretty awesome to LOCK-ON and get the full Sonic 3 experience... but people in general don't appreciate having their allegedly self-contained entertainment spread out into separate chapters with you having to spring for each successive chunk of the whole.

I'm not against paying for seperate episodes, provided those episodes either contain sufficient content to justify the price, or are priced sufficiently low as to reflect their content. Sonic 4 doesn't really fill either of these aspects.

Sonic 3 did. Six zones, all of them a decent length, and with quality game physics and innovative, carefully designed level content (including music). So yes, it was an episode of the full game S3&K, but it was worth the cash on it's own.

S4's somewhat flawed physics, however, are not particularly fun to play with. There are only 4 zones (plus a final boss stage which is extremely simple in design), all of which are very stilted and do not show the innovation and care of the old games, and it's price is somewhat high for the ammount of gameplay you actually get, let alone the quality of such gameplay.

If S4 had been released at £6 or even £7, then it would have been worth buying in it's current state. Alternatively if it had had another zone or two, or the physics had been fixed, then it likely would have been worth the £10 it's on sale for. But it's the high price coupled with the lack of quality content that makes it not worth buying.


Psxphile wrote:

Sonic 1 had different physics to S2/S3

I saw you made a mistake, so I fixed it. No thanks are necessary.

Actually yeah, that's a really good point now that I think about it. Sonic 1's physics were very different to S2 and 3, and in that game his acceleration was a lot slower than in the following titles...

...hmm, that sounds familliar somehow.

Is it possible that Sonic 4's physics are actually baised on those of Sonic 1, not 2, 3 and Knux? And we were expecting the later physics style, so that's why we're saying it feels slow?


Okay, I've found something else I dislike about this game. The save file on my PS3 is copy prohibited, meaning that I cannot backup my game progress. So basically, if my console should die or the data should corrupt for any reason, I'll lose everything and have to start the game right from the beginning again.

Considering how small the game is, that's perhaps not as bad a thing as some larger, longer games out there, but it's still irritating. This game doesn't keep me coming back over and over like the other Sonic games did, I dont particularly want to do all that work of collecting chaos emeralds etc. again, even if it's considerably less than previous titles like S3&K.

Seriously SEGA, why copy-protect a save file, which could be lost at any moment? It's not like a piracy thing where people could gopy the actual game data itself, it's just a progress chart to unlock the later parts of the game. If I lose my save data now, I doubt I'll be bothering to complete the thing again.

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

Sonic's acceleration is the same according to a Sonic physics programming guide I read at Sonic Retro. You're probably thinking of how he handles hills.

And none of the Sonic 1 physics involved standing on walls or nonexistent momentum. Sega needs to read that page.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member


Okay, I've found something else I dislike about this game. The save file on my PS3 is copy prohibited, meaning that I cannot backup my game progress. So basically, if my console should die or the data should corrupt for any reason, I'll lose everything and have to start the game right from the beginning again.

Considering how small the game is, that's perhaps not as bad a thing as some larger, longer games out there, but it's still irritating. This game doesn't keep me coming back over and over like the other Sonic games did, I dont particularly want to do all that work of collecting chaos emeralds etc. again, even if it's considerably less than previous titles like S3&K.

Seriously SEGA, why copy-protect a save file, which could be lost at any moment? It's not like a piracy thing where people could gopy the actual game data itself, it's just a progress chart to unlock the later parts of the game. If I lose my save data now, I doubt I'll be bothering to complete the thing again.

Sonic 1, 2 and Knuckles didn't even allow saving. So if corruption/loss would be a good thing. 😛 Anywho...interesting thought on Sonic 1's physics versus later titles. If Dimps intentionally made did that[which I know they didn't] I'd tip my hat to them. 

Posts: 880
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Does anyone know if Sega could tweak Sonic's physics with episode 2 to basically act as a patch to episode 1?

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

I guess it depends on how they intend to have both games interact, if at all. Have we heard anything concrete in that regard?

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Nothing, although backwards compatibility would go with the whole faux retro they are trying to do.

The hope is that because the first game is 1200 points, that it actually serves as the hub game and the other episodes are DLC and cheaper.

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

This is what I have to ask about Sonic 4. What exactly does it accomplish? How is it any more significant than the Advances and Rushes?

As I suggested above, the whole hype about this game was its name and derivative zones and badniks. It doesn't actually get back to the genesis games in any substantive way. In fact it is the opposite, getting the most fundamental physics more wrong than any 2D Sonic game yet.

Everything about the marketing made me suspect that this game was a product of SEGA believing it could toss some superficial fanservice at people and get positive reviews, and not only has there been nothing to challenge that, but they were right, as some of the early "professional" reviews fell for it.

Even the graphics, which are the whole point of an HD remake/homage, don't work. The genesis games, especially Sonic 2, are artistic masterpieces. They STILL look better than Sonic 4, with its sterile HD.

Imagine Nintendo releasing a game like new super mario bros, but giving it the terrible Mario 2 / Lost Levels controls. That's actually a great comparison to make, because Nintendo's wildly successful retro remake / homage took the opposite method. There's very little of the superficial retro in that game, but its core gameplay evokes SMB1 with a bunch of enhancements learned from the rest of the series. Meanwhile the Sonic 4 blog desperately tried to "justify" adding a map screen, an obvious enhancement, by reminding people that Tails' Adventure had it too.

Much of the blame must be assigned to idiot fans who are obsessed with the superficial, I.E. Sonic's eyes, number of characters, NO GIMMICKS, etc. These people are just yelling at obvious features of newer games without trying to understand WHY those games didn't work. It's entirely about the basic controls and gameplay.

I will praise some of Sonic 4 though... the level design and the special stages. First, level design is pretty much the primary question that determines how good a Sonic game is. I pretty much coined the phrase branching paths for internet discussion of Sonic level design back when Sonic Adventure was being previewed (and fulfilled its previews by being virtually devoid of them). My initial reaction is that the levels succeed at offering lots of options, though they could be better, especially with less speed pads and more momentum opportunities. I also like how they remixed the Sonic 1 special stage, as I was just playing Sonic 1 a while ago and wondering why its special stage type was not used more, rather than the ring pipe special stage scheme that's been remixed a ton.

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

i forgot about sonic 4, so i'm guessing its out huh? but i didnt see it is it on the xbox? i'm sorry i got lost tracked in gaming so i lost all the news ... any info guys?

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

You just missed a chance to get the game for 800 Microsoft! Money.

Overall, I personally think its not a true sequel to the Mega Drive games (Which is what its saying by putting a giant 4 by the side of "Sonic The Hedgehog".) Several reasons now:

1) The feel of controlling Sonic. In the old games Sonic had momentum. For example the faster Sonic went the further he would jump, the harder it was to stop and turn around etc. This is replaced by a system where Sonic will loose speed instantly if you are not holding right/left. It feels horrible. It feels like Sonic Rush without the go faster button.

2) Pretty much everything is based on an old idea in the Sonic games. Robots. Bosses. Level Art. Granted there are a few examples of using their own ideas (Torch in Lost Labyrinth...) but it never feels like you are playing a new game. It feels like you are playing botch hack of Sonic 1 and 2.

3) The music is bad. I mean very bad. Nothing really seems to fit. (Like Sonic Rush, but the soundtrack is at least ok in that one)

4) The special stages while good, need to have the left and right controls inverted.

5) The graphics are rendered in $+++@$ plastic-o-vision with only Mad Gear looking ok really.

6) Weirdly Sonic never seems to move all that fast. It feels like he's constantly running against a moving wall. This is until you hit one of the many dash pads. And Sonic seems to kick up dust clouds. Even though it makes no sense.

7) Sonic and Eggman are in their Adventure designs. A minor niggle but the effort could have been there.

There are good segments. I mean the whole of Mad Gear was very fun with the final act really getting the adrenaline going. But overall its just not what I was hoping it to be.

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

i see thanks taylor..  i can picture how the game is going to be ... that is bad about the speed thing   sonic's winning point is his speed if i cant feel like he's the fastest thing alive than playing a racer game is more enjoyable.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

My general opinion is that you should try it or youtube it. Forgot to add that.

Posts: 1656
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i'd like to try it if just one level how can i get it?

Posts: 1827
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Have you got your xbox online - if so just go to sonic 4 and go to download free trial. it'll give you a level.

Posts: 1656
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i'm not in america so i guess that wont work -__- its okay i'll just look for it harder, its hard to catch games over here, they only bring a few if you dont buy it first you will never find it again.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

It should work anyway if your country has Xbox Live and you have an internet connection that can be hooked into the 360. John boy's from the UK in case you didn't know and they have Xbox Live so you should too.

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

i dont think my country does even if the UK does. its okay i havent been able to get much of any sonic games but if life taught me something, i'll get it eventually XD thanks though super and you too taylor.

Posts: 1866
Noble Member

All you need is internet. They sell vouchers at a few stores I've seen. Like Microsoft Point Cards, they now sell games on those too.

Posts: 980
Prominent Member

recently bought Sonic 4 on the PS3, and I'm enjoying's not perfect and there's a lot of cheap hits in places, but for my own tastes it works well enough. 

It was only about £5 so it was a steal for the price anyway! 😛

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