<strong class="quote-title"
B Vulpix wrote:
I''m not asking for like....a certain musician to do it or anything.
I certainly would. I'll be waiting until the Greek Kalends* for the kind of composition team I wish they'd assemble, though: Naofumi Hataya, Fumie Kumatani, Masaru Setsumaru, Hideki Naganuma, Richard Jacques, and Masato Nakamura. If Unleashed got nothing else right, it was that they made Jun Senoue a sound producer instead of a composer and ditched the ear-splitting cacophony that is Crush 40.
*Never gonna happen.
sooo... is this game for real? Or is it fan made? o.o
It's a proposition.
sooo... is this game for real? Or is it fan made? o.o
Well, its definately not fan-made - I guess you're still confused what with the news that www.needlemouse.com turned out to be a fan-game promo-site, and the thing with the fan made Sonic stages that Psx posted a little while ago. But they are all unrelated to the official announcement from Sega of Project Needlemouse, due for release in 2010.
However, as Psx implies, just because its been announced doesn't mean its set in stone. I mean look at Sonic X-Treme. Constant redesigns and complacations led to its complete cancellation, so who knows what will become of it.
Maybe Sega will actally consider doing a Nintendo with their Zelda titles, and work on it way after its original projected release date and try to make it the best ever. However, track record suggests overwise. We can but hope.
On another note, I do find it funny that Zelda fans always know that when a new game is announced it'll be delayed, just like how us Sonic fans always know that when a new game is announced it'll be shite, and how Mario fans always know that when a new game is announced it won't be broken, and how Final Fantasy fans always know that when a new game is announced it'll be at least a week of their lives lost to random battles, and how Pokemon fans always know that when a new game is announced it'll be yet another chance to "catch 'em all"...
... feel free to continue...
... feel free to continue...
And how Street Fighter fans (like me) always know that when a new game is announced, it'll be another opportunity to unlock Akuma.
... feel free to continue...
And how Street Fighter fans (like me) always know that when a new game is announced, it'll be another opportunity to unlock Akuma.
Sonic 4 confirm then. If the game download, there better be a retail version. I don't have X-Box Live.
Yeah, I really do have the urge to call this upcoming game "Sonic 4". If they're gonna try going "back to the roots" I can't think of a better name.
Sonic 4 confirm then. If the game download, there better be a retail version. I don't have X-Box Live.
Yeah, I really do have the urge to call this upcoming game "Sonic 4". If they're gonna try going "back to the roots" I can't think of a betternameway to fail to an unrecoverable degree.Fix'd!
Sonic 4 confirm then. If the game download, there better be a retail version. I don't have X-Box Live.
Yeah, I really do have the urge to call this upcoming game "Sonic 4". If they're gonna try going "back to the roots" I can't think of a betternameway to fail to an unrecoverable degree.Fix'd!
Much as I'd wish that'd be the case, there are still enough kids who'll buy anything with Sonic on it, regardless of quality.
Den we must edumicate da chirrins!
<strong class="quote-title"
B Vulpix wrote:
Den we must edumicate da chirrins!
Gotta learn 'em somethin', eh?
I say we start by establishing rules:
Rule #1: Shadow the Hedgehog is not the best character ever.
Rule #2: Shadow the Hedgehog is not the resident "badass."
Rule #3: Shadow the Hedgehog is overrated.
Rule #4: If you're going to play a Sonic game, please play the old ones first, as they are infinitely better than the new ones and have less characters.
... unfortunately, I'm not one to talk. I decide to play Sonic Unleashed and I'm still complaining about it almost a year later.
it'd be groundbreaking to get across the first three points
Rule #1: Shadow the Hedgehog is not the best character ever.
Rule #2: Shadow the Hedgehog is not the resident "badass."
Rule #3: Shadow the Hedgehog is overrated.
Rule #4: If you're going to play a Sonic game, please play the old ones first, as they are infinitely better than the new ones and have less characters.
Rules to live by!
<strong class="quote-title"
B Vulpix wrote:
it'd be groundbreaking to get across the first three points
Luckily I did.
Really? With who?
Shadow. *hangs his head in shame* However...any posts of my ever overenthusiastic love for Shadow got erased back when ezboard went down due to some hacking incident. Thank God! I was like...a die-hard Shadow fan. Looking back now...I see I was played. lol
I played through SA2 just to see what the big deal partly to understand Shadow's character a bit better. That was probably the best his character's been. Anything after that to me was just "big deal, what're they gonna have him do next?" He's not a good enough character to warrant his own game. Even Tails' Adventure for Game Gear seemed better than that multiplatform failure.
... but I'm not one to talk. I played Sonic Heroes, which is a failure in itself.
Rule #5: Do not play Sonic Heroes.
Rule #6: Do not play Shadow the Hedgehog
Rule #7: Stay the hell away from Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 unless you want to torture yourself seeing a human making out with a hedgehog in the Final Story. No, I do not care if I spoiled it for you.
Rule #8: Unless you like to complain like an old codger almost a year after it gets released, do not play Sonic Unleashed.
Rule #9: Unless you're a kid at heart or whatever, Sonic is considered not cool if you're over the age of twelve.
Anyone else feel free to come up with rules, I've run out of ideas for now.
Hahahah! See I had to play Heroes due to my love for Shadow. The talk of clones and whatnot was too much to pass up. But yes...SA2 was no doubt the best SHtH's character has been. Do you understand...the justification for my obsession. lol As for rules...hmm...
Rule #10: Play through Sonic 2[and if you really feel the drive to...collect all CEs and beat it with every available character]
Rule #11: Play through the complete Sonic 3 game and have obtained atleast Super Sonic[or Super Knuckles if playing through as Knux] and complete the game with each available character.
Rule #12: Play Sonic CD and explore the intricate details and greatness of it.
Those are some of the "good rules" of Sonic.
Rule #10: Play through Sonic 2[and if you really feel the drive to...collect all CEs and beat it with every available character]
Rule #11: Play through the complete Sonic 3 game and have obtained atleast Super Sonic[or Super Knuckles if playing through as Knux] and complete the game with each available character.
Rule #12: Play Sonic CD and explore the intricate details and greatness of it.![]()
Those are some of the "good rules" of Sonic.
Yeah, those are definitely good rules of the Sonic franchise to abide by. I managed to attain Hyper Sonic in 3&K only about 5 years ago now, but it's worth the time and effort it takes. Hyper Sonic is a one-hedgehog drug rave.
Ha! Yep...Hyper is my boy. Hence my username. 😛 Super Tails is straight up ridiculous though. LOL
These are too many rules. If nothing else all you guys are really trying to say is "don't play any Sonic game past SA2"
and "Play all the classic games until you unlock everything"
There 2 rules that cover pretty much everything.
Haha! I guess you can say that D.B. yea. lol
Hahahah! See I had to play Heroes due to my love for Shadow. The talk of clones and whatnot was too much to pass up. But yes...SA2 was no doubt the best SHtH's character has been. Do you understand...the justification for my obsession.
My main reason was "maybe it isn't so bad after all, and why the heck would Shadow be brought back if he's dead?" I learned the answers to both the hard way, plus I got Team Rose's theme song stuck in my head for a while.
Learning about Shadow the Hedgehog had me wondering if SEGA was pulling my leg, and they weren't. I admit I was a bit stoked about Sonic 2k6 before it was released, but when I saw actual gameplay footage and played a demo I was appalled. Sonic Unleashed I really had fun playing, though now I'm complain about it like it's going out of style. Considering my sub-par track record on console Sonic games and Sonic Chronicles, I decided I wasn't going to get my hopes up about this one. There's no point getting excited now only to find out it to be craptacular mess when it gets released.
I can sort of understand though. My favorite thing about Sonic has pretty much always been the chao. My Gamecube's dusty, but I occasionally still turn it on just to mess with my chao in SA2B. ^-^
DB, I doubt that any kid getting into Sonic nowadays would be bothered to play the classics. I probably bet they'd consider Sonic Adventure to be "classic."
Then again, it depends on if the kid is even interested in Sonic or not. Which I kind of doubt to begin with. >.>;
Ha! Yep...Hyper is my boy. Hence my username. 😛 Super Tails is straight up ridiculous though. LOL
Super Tails and his birdies want a word with you...
Ha! Yep...Hyper is my boy. Hence my username. 😛 Super Tails is straight up ridiculous though. LOL
Super Tails and his birdies want a word with you...
Y'know this topic was making me sad until that thank you SS; it was truly hilarious!!
I remember pulling off the Super Tails bug in Sonic 2 all the time
Not to mention, Rishi, I got all 14 emeralds in S3&K when I was eight years old....
Was I just that good at Sonic games (Carnival Night barrel was easy for me to get past as a kid but everyone else hates it so much ) or were you guys that bad? XD
http://scottfalco.deviant...go-alone-Vol-8-139245338 even poor fans don't know what they're talking about...
The fan said that the game should focus on speed in the fourth panel. He DESERVED to stabbed! Funny part is that the guy looked much like Craig. XD
And why did woman look like Nastasia from SPM?
The black haired guy is supposed to be Jason Griffith oddly enough. And the fan got stabbed by Caliburn
xD! SS that is great. *Favorited* But you know...I meant ridiculous in a good way. Super Tails kicks "tail". ^_^
Not to mention, Rishi, I got all 14 emeralds in S3&K when I was eight years old....
I got the 7 chaos emeralds and, as a result, unlocked Super Sonic in S3&K back in 1998 when I was 10 years old. Good times. I never really cared about getting all 14 emeralds until about 5 years ago though.
Yea...I never even knew about the Super Emeralds until...6 years ago. So...yea, didn't even know I could ge them 'til then. But you better believe I went like...a whole year getting them with every character. lol
Not to mention, Rishi, I got all 14 emeralds in S3&K when I was eight years old....
I got the 7 chaos emeralds and, as a result, unlocked Super Sonic in S3&K back in 1998 when I was 10 years old. Good times. I never really cared about getting all 14 emeralds until about 5 years ago though.
Well I got the Chaos Emeralds before getting to Mushroom Hill before, and found the extra special stage locations so I got them and those stages weren't that hard either. That's how I found them, and oh god do I miss the days of blasting through levels with Hyper Sonic
Speaking of which, how longs does it take to complete the whole of S3&K as Hyper Sonic? Gotta be something like 20 minutes or something. I'm sooo gonna go find that out =D
You gotta be sure you can control his speed though.
I once played through Wing Fortress as Super Sonic and lost a lot of lives because I overshot several platforms.
Yeah, that level is hell as Supes. You either have to avoid too many rings as best as you can or use Super Sonic to abuse the clipping error shortcuts.
Hmmm...Hyper Sonic through the entirety of S3&K. That's a good question. Around 45 minutes or so i'd say. Because like SRD said...you gotta be able to control the speed. Sometimes you can die just from going to fast...being crushed by things not yet on the screen. LAME! 😛 But yea Wing Fortress as SS is crazy tricky. I too have died many many times going Super there. =/
Well I did just try it and it took me over 2 hours! Got caught in 5 Star Posts and up until the final boss (before Doomsday) I died 6 times. Once in Marble Garden, once in Carnival Night, THREE times in Flying Battery, twice in Lava Reef and once in Death Egg. I lost count the amount of times I died during the "Final Boss" because I had A.I. Tails with me who kept screwing me over with that "double-hit" glitch. I love Tails, but he does get on my nerves. To defend my massive time, I did die quite a lot in that Final Boss, I got caught for AGES in Carnival Night thanks to those nasty rotating bumpers and water traps, and there's that ever confusing Sandopolis Act 2 sand-slide puzzle. Also I managed to find a route through Death Egg Zone which I have NEVER EVER been through before so I had NO idea what was coming.
So yeah, 20 minutes was something of an exaggeration
Hahahaha! An exaggeration indeed. 😛 But yea...Sandopolis could be a problem...forgot about that endless loop. And Flying Battery outdoors could be a pain in the neck. I'll probably do a Hyper Sonic speed run over Christmas break or something. Also...anyone else kinda disappointed this isn't waiting til 2011 to come out. 20 year anniversary and all.
I was thinking the same thing. Most likely they have another game that will mess something up by them thinking its cool. Maybe a Wherehog only game. Ha, I would laugh at that... well maybe not laugh, that would suck.
EDIT: What the hell was I doing on page 6?
xD! Oh gosh...Abac be careful what you type around here. It might find a way to SoA. And yea...why were you on page 6 TTG. That was like...the most OT page of this whole discussion. Sonic Rules...lol
Looks like finally we are gonna get some info about the game in January issue of the Offical X-Box Magazine. It about time.
Nice find. Thanks for the heads up, Shadonic.
I am going to cry buckets if this is exclusive to XBox =(
Sega declares Project Needlemouse is going to be a downloadable game and is "smaller" (whatever that precisely means).
Oh wow. That's actually kinda good. I'm hoping they are taking a note from Megaman and doing a MM9 type deal. Which means the game will actually be good. 😛 Give me a nice SS and Super Sonic in the normal levels and it's all good. 😛 As for what smaller means...i'm guessing they're saying it'll be smaller than recent games[Unleashed, Sonic Rush Adventure, etc]
P.S. That link doesn't work for me, Rapidfire. Thanks for the info.
o hai, i fixed yur link
Cheers, Psx. As for what this news means, I can only presume that "smaller" here is relative to the last mainstream platformer (Unleashed) as HS said. Still, this information is ultimately inconsequential when one considers that the entirety of what is known about this enterprise is confined to this news blurb and that teaser.