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Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member'd you reply to me before I posted? Anywho...that was awkward.

Posts: 620
Honorable Member

Although the "zones" thing could be a 5th one? Or maybe just the main page from where to access the detailed descriptions of the 4 zones.

If you know how to code HTML or any programming code, really, you'll realize that you were right on the money on that last one. The "btn" stands for "button", and probably clicking each one will lead you to a page giving you a description of the zone.

Good find, either way.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Someone's going to have to explain why we need a homing attack in a strictly 2D sidescroller. It was a superfluous addition in the Advance games and it will be one here, too.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

Haha it was almost as bad as the Nuts & Bolts reveal. Maybe worse? Depends on who you ask.

Nah Nuts and Bolts was definitely worse. They were evil people for teasing the heck out of us with that very first trailer. Then wait nearly a whole year later to show the next trailer, and have it be everything but what we wanted or expected. Curse you, Rare.

Posts: 1055
Noble Member

Someone's going to have to explain why we need a homing attack in a strictly 2D sidescroller.

 Oh, man I just noticed that on the site... Why not have the S3&K insta-shield or nothing happen at all? God damn it, the homing attack is useless in 2D.

Posts: 257
Reputable Member

Thank goodness for the news on Sonic's run cycle. I guess what we say in the trailer was akin to how Sonic starts running  in the original games, building up speadfrom a standing position. Gah.. but I hope they don't go the Sonic Advance route of having him start by walking >_< That always bothers be. I mean, people in real life don't start a run by walking, do they?

Btw, I can't figure out why everyone else is poo-pooing the Homing Attack. Sure, it sucked in Sonic Advance 2, but if you play the Sonic Megamix fan-game, you'll see that a Homing Attack can be implemented rather effectively into a 2D Sonic game. Likewise, that fan game includes the Light Speed Dash to send Sonic hurtling along a trail of rings, again, well implemented, but all the while optional. As long as the final game gives players the option just using the Spin Jump Attack, and of not using the Homing Attack at all (i.e. no large bottomless pits where the player must perform a manditory chain of homing attacks), then there's no reason to get all pissy. 

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

mega-mix fan game?

Posts: 565
Honorable Member

Guys, the homing attack was in the advance games and it wasn't useless or obtrusive.

Quit you're frackin' whining.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

It's mah party and I'll whine if I want to.

I just don't understand why it's there. I just have this bad feeling that it will be obtrusive. Time will tell.

Posts: 257
Reputable Member

<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote:

mega-mix fan game?

Sh'yaa! I mean its basically a advanced hack. And when I say adavnced, I mean ultra-super-mega advanced.
If you've got a Megadive emulator, then its well worth a download. I don't know if I'm allowed to link to it, but you can find it easy enough if you google "Sonic Megamix". It'l probably be the first link on there.

Posts: 980
Prominent Member

Homing dash is THERE because it's part of Sonics catalogue of standard moves now - Heck, to some degree it was in Sonic 3D, for crying out loud!

They won't ditch all of New Sonics moves JUST because he's gone 2D's essentially just them bringing him into a traditional perspective on a console, nothing more. Sure, I'm gonna buy it, but I'm not pretending they're reviving the old 90's formula right down to the letter...that's just not what this game is.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Yea...I mean...I enjoyed the homing attack in advance...2 was it? I can't remember which one it was exactly, but it worked in one of the advances I played. I think I can live with it though, so it's cool. anyone else thinking this game will come out on Sonic's 19th this summer? We know it's coming out in the summer...I say bringing it out on his birthday would be a pretty big event.

Posts: 880
Member Admin

July I think.

Posts: 125
Estimable Member

Every time the Homing Attack has shown up in a 2D Sonic game it's actually been more useful, balanced and fun to use than in its 3D iterations.

This is probably the single best thing they could have added.

Do you really want another Super Peel-Out scenario? (Awesome but made redundant and never used again even if it is more awesome than the spin dash and makes more sense from a mechanical standpoint?)

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

i admit using the homing attack is cool feeling but it also makes the game less challenging.
if this IS based on the old sonic they should at least make all of sonics new skills (homing attack for example) a temporary skill gotten from the item tvs or capsules.

and PLEASE bring back the electric shield that was way too cool when you do a double jump with it and that "tasheng" noise comes out  
or when you fall in water and the shield dissapears with a flash

Posts: 257
Reputable Member anyone else thinking this game will come out on Sonic's 19th this summer? We know it's coming out in the summer...I say bringing it out on his birthday would be a pretty big event.

Maybe. But maybe they're missing a trick by not waiting until next year when Sonic turns 20 - unless that's what they're planning when the next or final "episode" comes out. Like each episode of Sonic 4 being released over a year as a countdown to Sonic's 20th year. Kinda makes sence when you think about it.

Posts: 1702
Noble Member anyone else thinking this game will come out on Sonic's 19th this summer? We know it's coming out in the summer...I say bringing it out on his birthday would be a pretty big event.

Maybe. But maybe they're missing a trick by not waiting until next year when Sonic turns 20 - unless that's what they're planning when the next or final "episode" comes out. Like each episode of Sonic 4 being released over a year as a countdown to Sonic's 20th year. Kinda makes sence when you think about it.

That would entail actual time planning, and we know how well Sega / Sonic Team performs in that area.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Yea Blue, I too was thinking next year would be ideal as well. And your theory sounds like a good one. And why do you say July, Doc?

Boss...the Super Peel Out makes me so mad. It's only been used in like one other game since CD and it wasn't even in the same manner. It's such a cool and as you put it "mechanically more useful" move. D'oh!

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

it was cool looking but I always found it somewhat useless. Ooh, an instant burst in speed! I can get that with the spindash (though not in CD, the poor gimped move) and I'm not open to attack then.

Posts: 520
Honorable Member

It might work better with levels designed better in general.

I.e not Sonic CD

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

o snap

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

I like the fact that this place is so laid back (or inactive ) Other places I've been to are like hell on earth.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote:

I like the fact that this place is so laid back (or inactive ) Other places I've been to are like hell on earth.

It's because we're the MoFo, D.B. Always under control.  

And you tell 'em, kiddo. Will admit though that SPO did leave you pretty open to get slaughtered. Then again if your jumping/timing was keen it added a buttload of excitement. Not to mention the SPO should've not only been a burst of speed, but lasting speed considering he was running with his legs versus in the SD where he goes into ball mode and unless there's a decline or something you slow down somewhat. *shrugs*

Posts: 327
Reputable Member

it was cool looking but I always found it somewhat useless. Ooh, an instant burst in speed! I can get that with the spindash (though not in CD, the poor gimped move) and I'm not open to attack then.

I used to think it was useless too.

Then I found the fundamental charge-up time difference between it and the spin dash when playing against the Stardust Speedway boss, and I haven't bad-mouthed it since.

Posts: 899
Prominent Member

So... can I assume that once all the episodes come out and (if they have Special Stages) we collect the Chaos Emeralds, we'll be able to go Super Sonic in any level once more? Pretty please?

And if they really want to go retro, they should totally put in a debug mode code.

Posts: 520
Honorable Member

If they really want to go retro, they'll allow it that you can hold some buttons down during the demo and cause Sonic to screw up.

...actually my memory about that is a bit sketchy. I need to see if you can do that.

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

Didn´t the super peel out give you invincibility in the first few steps? Or am I thinking of the Master System version? (Or am I totally off-track?)

Posts: 257
Reputable Member

Aye, the Super Peel-Out, whislt the coolest thing ever in Sonic, is unlikely to comeback, at least not in its original form.
See, the peel-out, with its figure-8 red ribbon look (  ), was (apart from being an instant on-the-spot speed boost) another technique used to make Sonic look even faster than normal - just like how previously (and in later games) Sonic's run animation made his feet look like a blurry wheel ( ), and was only last used in Sonic Advance. Its a neat trick if your hardware can only achieve a certain frame-rate. Of course since then things have changed and it's now possible to show Sonic's feet moving rapidly in real time making such tricks redundent.
Of course there's no reason that such effects can't be brought back. Super Smash Bros. Brawl emulates the peel-out move somewhat, with some blurry overlay effects, so maybe it will come back in one form or another.
As for the issue of the move making Sonic vulnerable, maybe it should combine attributes with the Strike Dash in Sonic Chaos/Triple Trouble, where Sonic is invincible for a split second after the move is performed.

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

<See, the peel-out, with its figure-8 red ribbon look (  ), was (apart from being an instant on-the-spot speed boost) another technique used to make Sonic look even faster than normal>

that 8 thing you're talking about, it was in the opening animation of sonic CD
so the idea kinda works if drawn the right attractive way.... but that figure you put up well it sucks they could've made the figure 8 thingy a lot smoother for the eye.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

Wat? I think that figure 8 looks fine and smooth. What in the world are you talking about?

Posts: 257
Reputable Member

<See, the peel-out, with its figure-8 red ribbon look (  ), was (apart from being an instant on-the-spot speed boost) another technique used to make Sonic look even faster than normal>

that 8 thing you're talking about, it was in the opening animation of sonic CD
so the idea kinda works if drawn the right attractive way.... but that figure you put up well it sucks they could've made the figure 8 thingy a lot smoother for the eye.

... it was 1993. They only had 16-bit in-game graphics... The opening animation was hand-drawn top quality animation from the illustrious Toei animation studio... Of course there's going to be a differenence in quality. How could you even consider comparing? Plus, that sprite is pefectly servicable and is as smooth as it ever could have been for its time. 


Anywho, to those that are currently up, there's less than an hour until the Time Lock under the CHARACTERS section of the Sonic 4 website breaks, so I'll be back then to update this thread with the news.


And the newest addition to the site is...


As I write this, after half an hour since the time lock was removed, and half an hour of refreshing the page.... theres nothing....
Its not just me either. Other forums are saying the same thing.
What, did Sega forget to cough up the goods? Good grief, the person in charge of this site is a TOTAL morron.

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

I guess Sonic´s running animation is all a matter of taste. The figure 8 thing is ok to my mind, but I really have no preference between this and the blurry red circle.

The characters section hasn´t been updated yet. My guess? It´s just a profile for Eggman. 😛

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Actually Blue, the time lock appear to be 5 hours away from unlocking. I guess the time lock is connected to the location the person access the website from.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Oh, that happens all the time with these internet countdowns. Time Zones are fun, huh guys?

Would have been symbolic to have the timer count down to zero and then have nothing to reveal... implying that this time Sonic really is going it alone, as even the series villain won't be making an appearance. Naturally, this would just be seen as another bad move on Sega's part...

Posts: 520
Honorable Member

Sega can do no right.

Posts: 220
Estimable Member

Sonic 4 looks right now set to be an epic disaster if they don't start making with the good stuff soon


Maybe Sonic fans should count their blessings? If ALL you've got to complain about is the inclusion of a homing attack and the color of his eyes, I'd say we're off to a good start, huh?

Start being a Sonic fan, instead of a whiny, entitled brat.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

To be fair, the Sonic Cycle has been proven true on enough occassions that going instantly to cynacism just means the fandom is finally starting to learn their lesson from previous times we've been hurt.

Personally I have given it a lot of thought and I don't care either way. I will buy episode 1 when it comes out and I will play and see if it lives up to the expectations. If it does, I'll buy episode 2. If not then I wont.

I assume the rest of the guys are about the same, but we've had nothing to talk about in the fandom since ---Sonic 2006. Let us have our fun for a little while.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

The Badniks section is now open in the official website. It feature Motobug as the first Badnik. I am curious why there are only 9 slots?

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

I´m curious as to why I can´t access that part of the site but my boyfriend and Shadonic can. :<

I´ve refreshed several times too..

Messed up site is messed up.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Delete your cookies. After that you can access the Badniks section.

Reading Motobug description it seem the old Badnik got A.I. upgrade. If they are doing this to all the Badniks, it mean Shellcracker is gonna be a bigger pain than before .

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

The Badniks section is now open in the official website. It feature Motobug as the first Badnik. I am curious why there are only 9 slots?

Well if there are only 4 zones...I could see this. Still 9 is a bit low. I assume we'll see these in more than just one zone. *shrugs*

Posts: 257
Reputable Member

Actually Blue, the time lock appear to be 5 hours away from unlocking. I guess the time lock is connected to the location the person access the website from.

Ah, I see. Strange though, since the first time lock for the INTRO page, opened for me as soon as it reached zero. I can only assume it had different settings.

Psxphile wrote:

Would have been symbolic to have the timer count down to zero and then have nothing to reveal... implying that this time Sonic really is going it alone, as even the series villain won't be making an appearance. Naturally, this would just be seen as another bad move on Sega's part...

Dude, I was totally thinking thats the @%%+ they were pulling.

Either way, it'll be nice to see the classic badniks be less passive, and more challenging to defeat. And as for the lack of badniks, it'd make sence. Most zones in Sonic 2 only had 2 badniks per zone afterall. Besides, who says there's going to be four Zones in the first episode?

Erika the Ocelot wrote:

Rumor: Sonic 4 to have 4 levels

According to some spanish site.

preorderBtn1 = new preorderBtn();

Además, al seguir examinando, nos encontramos con el siguiente extracto:






If we're going by this, then whos to say that one of those numbered zone button codes doesn't belong to a Special Zone, or a Bonus Stage a la Sonic 3's gumball bonus? Its worth thinking about. No point making baseless assumptions.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Blue the Echidna wrote:

Erika the Ocelot wrote:

Rumor: Sonic 4 to have 4 levels

According to some spanish site.

preorderBtn1 = new preorderBtn();

Además, al seguir examinando, nos encontramos con el siguiente extracto:






If we're going by this, then whos to say that one of those numbered zone button codes doesn't belong to a Special Zone, or a Bonus Stage a la Sonic 3's gumball bonus? Its worth thinking about. No point making baseless assumptions.


Welcome to the gaming community! But I gotta say that coding does look to be pointing in that direction[4 zones]. If anything zonesBtn might have the special/bonus stages. It's fun to try and figure it out beforehand...especially when you're constantly thinking about it. We'll see in due time though.

Posts: 257
Reputable Member

 Sorry if I sounded like a dick. I just meant like, you know, its annoying when you assume one thing and the opposite happens (sonic cycle anyone?). I was just theorizing how Sega could short change us.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Hahaha nah dude. I knew what you meant. It's totally cool. And yea it is quite the trip when you think you've got it figured out, then something comes outta left field. And you know this is SEGA...that other character for all we know...could be the Werehog. :O  

Posts: 980
Prominent Member

-SLAPS HyperSonic- D< WE NEVER...EVER...Discuss the werehog.


Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Man HS2K3, don't say that again or I'm defriending you on Facebook :O. You have been warned.

So glad there's no other interference. However, I do kinda wish that after you play-beat the game as Sonic, you can play through as Tails, Knux and Sonic&Tails. That made S3/K alot of fun. But NO! I'M DOWN FOR SOLO SONIC! Tails could never catch up to him! But I did love killing tails XD.

Original badnix forever, and some of the redesigns are damned good. Good going fans.

edit: That gameplay wasn't full speed right? Right? It looks like he's walking again, but then again you could get through looprails like that in Sonic 3 without going full speed. Im still holing my breath...cause yeah I want the wheel and or the Figure 8 back in my life.  Whenever I saw that red circle get more and mroe blurred back then, I KNEW speed was at my fingertips and I KNEW what I had to do to KEEP that. No 10000 battles to get enough points to unlock boost shoes or agility or crap. You had to dodge, and run. Spin dash jump, hope you make it to the side of the hill and then go for it. Loop de loop-grab some rungs, go skyward (still running mind you, none of that that stupid super flip snowboard x games crap) land and take off again. Crazy alertness, not  now where its just "Oh boost stripe kills things for me." or rando powerup thats too hard to get.

O wait no shields? I want lightning and Fire Hadoken creation shield. MY GOD that was awesome.

Site looks nice though, and I like the video showing the old games. But where was that story that shows how S4 connects to S3, i read Sonic's Bio but I didn't get the whole thing.

Posts: 257
Reputable Member

That gameplay wasn't full speed right? Right? It looks like he's walking again...

Site looks nice though, and I like the video showing the old games. But where was that story that shows how S4 connects to S3, i read Sonic's Bio but I didn't get the whole thing.

Firstly, yeah, a SEGA spokesperson has already come out and said that the trailer didn't show Sonic at full speed. It probably was just his inital walk/light jog before he steps on the gas.
Secondly, the full story thing can be found  by either a) clicking on the INTRO link in the INFORMATION box in the top left corner of the site, or b) I already copy and pasted the whole text in this topic. You can find it at the bottom of page 16, or click here.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

http://www.escapistmagazi...k/1450-Black-Blue-Streak Omg wut why I'm not sure if this is funny or just....yeah.

Posts: 880
Member Admin

Can we rule out no werehog in this game? 😮

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