http://www.escapistmagazi...k/1450-Black-Blue-Streak Omg wut why I'm not sure if this is funny or just....yeah.
It's good to know that others share our pain.....
.... and also sit alone in red rooms talking to figurines....
Am I the only one who actually liked the Werehog in Unleashed?
(Sure, the levels were way too long, but the Werehog itself was good.)
I liked the werehog too. but ditto on overly long levels
The Werehog does a pretty good impression of Kratos. Sure its Un-Sonic but I actually preferred the Werehog levels over the GOTTA GO FASTERRRRRRRRR Sonic daytime levels.
And so did Yahtzee. IIRC.
And they weren't that long, once you got good at it. But let us never speak of the Werehog again.
I felt the Werehog mechanics where perfectly servicable, so I didn't mind those parts of the game either. Although while playing them I did think, and still say, that had those stages been Knuckles it wouldn't be nearly as controversial, and would made more sence.
Btw, it's just a few hours until the Sonic 4 site gets updated with a new piece of concept art.
Man HS2K3, don't say that again or I'm defriending you on Facebook :O. You have been warned.
xDxDxD!!! My bad guys. I mean...we can't put it past them can we. Even if it doesn't fit, SEGA could do it. No other company. >.>
Anywho that link? What's going on? *clicks*
Btw, it's just a few hours until the Sonic 4 site gets updated with a new piece of concept art.
You mean non concept art don't you?
I don't think they can call it concept art when it's just a more detailed version of a concept somebody else made years ago. So far I have yet to hear a single concept in this entire game.
Yeah, that's Masher alright. And it looks like there's going to be a new piece of "concept" art (that's just for you Veckums) next week.
And I know what you mean. Its nice to see the old badniks all spruced up, but it'd would be nice to see something a bit fresh. A new badnik that keeps the same flavour of the old ones - afterall, each Sonic game had a new set of badniks before, so why not this time?
To quote Gin Rummy from The Boondocks, "The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence." There might be novel badniks in this game yet; I'm not of the opinion that there will be, but it's such a trivial point that I'm less worried about the enemies as much as how this thing will play.
I've just stumbled upon something actually. Has anyone noticed that there's a difference between the US Sonic 4 site and the UK and Australian sites? Have a look see if you can tell what it is...
Give up? Look at the bottom of each page. For some reason - and I don't know if there's any real signifcance to this - for some reason the Sonic Team logo is absent from the US version. Can anyone think of why?
ST logo, huh? That is odd. I have no idea why that would be absent. Hmmm...
Edit: Also...Motobug and Masher...they aren't from the same game, right? Masher is Sonic 2...and Motobug is Sonic 1 correct? Then again I could be wrong. Anyone help me out on this?
Yeah you're right. Motobug was in S1, and IIRC correctly Jaws was in S1 and replaced by Masher in S2.
Look at the bottom of each page. For some reason - and I don't know if there's any real signifcance to this - for some reason the Sonic Team logo is absent from the US version. Can anyone think of why?
The website designer is incompetent?
The game is going to be the same regardless of where it's sold, why would a missing logo be cause for alarm?
Because it gives Sonic fans something to talk about?
Look at the bottom of each page. For some reason - and I don't know if there's any real signifcance to this - for some reason the Sonic Team logo is absent from the US version. Can anyone think of why?
The website designer is incompetent?
Amen to that.
The game is going to be the same regardless of where it's sold, why would a missing logo be cause for alarm?
I guess so. I was kinda wondering if in certain territories prehaps its a marketing ploy. I have found that the general consensus in the videogame industry seems to be that Japanese style games tend to do better in the UK than in the US.
Take for example the Zelda spin-off, 'Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland', which was only released in JP and PAL editions, aparently because Tingle is unpopular in America.
And when you consider that Sonic Team is now just a Japanese company (as opposed to the now defunt Sonic Team USA/Sega Studio USA that produced all major Sonic games between SA2 and Shadow the Hedgehog), maybe its more of a concious decision on Sega's part.
But, I don't know. It's just a fought.
MattManic7325 wrote:
Yeah you're right. Motobug was in S1, and IIRC correctly Jaws was in S1 and replaced by Masher in S2.
In the interest of nitpickiness, Jaws in S1 was the Labyrinth Zone fishnik. Masher in S2 replaces the S1 fishnik, Chopper.
Shame on me for not having my naive faith in this series beaten out of me yet, but I am actually excited- the instant I heard the ol' "SEGA!" yell, I admit, I squealed.
Seeing the old-school end-Act sign at the end of the preview? I squealed HARDER.
And seeing these old badniks given a new lease on life....
Yeah, I'm getting hyped up about this game. Shame on me...
Anywho, as far as actual discussion goes, I sort of like the whole 'prequel' idea- IE, that this is a prequel to all post-S3&K games, due to its timeline placement. Then again, it could horribly backfire, but hey, I like to stay optimistic.
Apparently, the Japanese site went up on the 5th too:
Lacking in content, but it looks pretty (reminisant of the Sonic CD title screen with zooming clouds and a rippling sea) and has an extended (assumed) title theme.
EDIT: Just extracted the sound.mp3 file from the Japanese site. The metadata says the title of the piece is "XXX_S4EP1_title_screen_0202". Title theme confirm then.
And anyone who dares make a "XXX?! Is it pr0n?!" comment gets a personal slap from me. I'm looking at you, Rishi.
I'm looking at you, Rishi.
I find that unlikely, considering he was banned over a month ago.
He still lurks
Are you kidding me? Someone discovered my comparison of the Sonic series to an abusive relationship and is now getting worldwide internet LOLZ over it?!?! That's NO GOOD!!!!
But you know what is good? I finally have a confirmed name of the Death Egg Sonic robot on the Sonic 4 site. It really is Mecha Sonic! Wooh! Back in the day, some communities referred to him as "Silver Sonic" while not knowing his name, which is actually the reason for my name, "Silv." I just thought he was way more BA than Metal Sonic.
Get out of town! Rishi got band? I had no idea. What for?
But woah, woah, woah - hold the phone. Where's this Mecha Sonic information coming from. Is it even on the Sonic 4 site? I need specific information RIGHT NOW DAMMIT!
xD! Yep Silv...that's right. But i'm with Blue...where's this info coming from MAN!? Hahaha!
The third page of the intro:
"After destroying MECHA SONIC, Eggman flees and enters his new Eggman Robot attacking Sonic!"
Emphasis mine, of course.
Okay. I got ahead of myself. I thought it was NEW information stating that Mecha Sonic was the mystery "greatest creation" of Eggman's in this new game. I didn't realise it was merely an "official" label for the sub-boss of the Death Egg Zone from Sonic 2. I feel foolish. I'll skulk away now...
... by the way I use italics and inverted commas when addressing the official aspect, only becuase there's so many screw ups on this site (missing Sonic Team logo on the US site, bad grammar in the INTRO section, and misinformation regarding Knuckles' story in Sonic & Knuckles) - who know's if the the "official" name is genuine or another overlooked error. I know that in Japan he/she/it has always been known as Mecha Sonic, but back then the American continuity/mythology was always altered, so who knows.
(Although knowing my luck someone does know and is about to make me look like even more of a fool. TT_TT)
EDIT: Not a moment after posting this, I read the Sonic Stadium report (here) of the Sonic Spinball attraction and Sonic Room at Alton Towers (see this topic for additional information).
As you may find from reading the article and viewing the photos the room is decorated to look like the, as I like to call it, Green Hill-esqeue Zone from Sonic 4. Mostly resember the stuff seen the the teaser trailer, but some additional stuff is presented on the walls:
If this is based on development material then the speed-zippers from Sonic 2 could be making a come-back. Might not be though. Sonic seems too highly defined to be like the rather toonly Sonic seen in the game footage, suggesting its just for effect, so the pressence of the zipper might be too. Not very big news, I know, but it did excite me.
Heck. Yes.
If those ARE making a comeback, I will be one very, VERY happy Sonic fan.
What can I say? Sonic 2 on the Genesis is my all-time favorite video game- heck, before my old cell phone died, I had Emerald Hill Zone (1P) as my ringtone. Only reason I don't NOW is... well, I can't figure the dang thing out myself, and my brother in law's been too busy to help me.
I'm fine with the "zippers" coming back, so long as they keep 'em confined to one zone.
Not that I'm taking this as confirmation of their existence in the game. But I admit the background art definitely looks like it popped right out of the few shots of Sonic 4 we have.
Actually, I just noticed that if you look just to the right of the zipper, you can see what loks like the start of tunnel (the kind that Sonic used to roll through), so if they really are included its possible that they'll be limited to tunnel openings to help you wizz through them. In old games the player could potentially suffer really slow transit if Sonic wasn't moving fast enough, so this may be indication of the developers actually thinking about the game physics - assuming my assumptions are correct. What do we think? A good sign?
Forgetting about Spin Dash, are we? Sounds like you'd fit in well with Dimps.
Furthermore... from a design standpoint, those zippers don't even belong there. They look out of place in a tropical setting like Green Hill, they should be placed in a more urban-esque stage. But then, I'm not about to take a hotel room wallpaper as design philosophy.
Absolutely incredible, Hyper. I must check out this now...
Hahahah I know, right? A friend of mine sent it to me. So great! lol Others here have posted stuff from BitF before...don't think they've ever been Sonic centered though. Also...about that zipper and whatnot. Looking at the bottom of that doesn't look connected. Kinda like it's just floating there. Then again I suppose it could be a ledge. And if you look closely[behind Sonic] you can see a crease[almost like a corner]. Honestly though, his model looks more like the Sonic Rivals one than anything. If this is legit happy...if not...i'm happy.
Leak footage of Splash Hill Zone. Oh Sega you and your leaks.
Edit - From the Alpha footage there appera to be four zones (Splash Hill Zone, Lost Labyrinth Zone, Casino Street Zone, Mad Gear Zone) a Special Stage.
From the pic above look like Emeralds might unlock something
There better be more than four zones... seriously SEGA...
But on a brighter note, this IS lookin' mad pretty.
The GameSpot interview said there were 5 Zones. You probably unlock the 5th Zone when you collect the 7 Chaos Emeralds.
O_O! *applauds* Looking nice, looking nice. I want to see the SS. I wonder if they reuse a familiar formula or throw in something new completely. Like to see a CE counter.
How in the freak is this stuff leaked? I mean honestly what does Sega just have no security at all?
Lol I can think of a few forums that are going to be total ape **** over this footage for the next few weeks and analyzing and re-analyzing like its a strand of DNA
Forgetting about Spin Dash, are we? Sounds like you'd fit in well with Dimps.
Okay, I'll go sit in the corner now and think about what I did. But first:
Title screen looks delicious.
<strong class="quote-title"
B Vulpix wrote:
How in the freak is this stuff leaked? I mean honestly what does Sega just have no security at all?
Well it took them 6 months for something to get leak. You have to give them that. Also some think this leak might have been on purpose.
B Vulpix"]How in the freak is this stuff leaked? I mean honestly what does Sega just have no security at all?
Well it took them 6 months for something to get leak. You have to give them that. Also some think this leak might have been on purpose.
Considering Sega have historically leaked more than a broken spigot, it isn't hard to see why there is the conventional wisdom that these are purposefully done.
As for the video itself, I'm inclined to sit on the fence right now. This game looks, for all intents and purposes, like it's trying to emulate the feel of the very first game down to the nines, but from the way that player performed, it's hard to say what this game is really supposed to look like. Instances of Sonic appearing dubiously floaty and that very bit at the end where it appears he's moonwalking on a curve are worrisome, but only in the way that they were troubling in Sonic Rush (which is to say, not very if you are decent at the game). If, as I hear, this game is built on Rush's engine, that fits what we hear about Dimps being behind this venture. I don't consider it a calamity, though I doubt I'll be in the majority in this regard.
Also, let us all rejoice at the reemergence of zones once again. Furthermore, if you scrutinise the image of Mad Gear Zone, tell me if you see what I see. Are those the Asteron enemies from Metropolis Zone hanging about? Lastly, there wasn't too much in the way of music that I could discern, but I sincerely hope that Kumatani and Hataya are in on this. If not, at least give me some Richard Jacques and I'll be content.
At least this one was leaked AFTER they revealed the game themselves.
Anywho, this new vid puts me at ease, it looks really good, minus the glitches, though you expect that from alpha footage.
* runs in the Sonic cycle*
I must admit, I 'squee'd' at the sight of the Sonic 2 SEGA screen.
Loving the video... that level felt like the lovechild of Green Hill Zone and Emerald Hill Zone. Which is to say, quite frankly, PURE AWESOME.
Hahaha you run that cycle Robo! 😛 And yes most certaintly is pure awesome. Blue...i'm with ya...that title screen is just made of win.
Where can I get that video? I have to say that Splash Hill and Mad Gear are awesome zone names.
Heck. Yes.
If those ARE making a comeback, I will be one very, VERY happy Sonic fan.
Uh, where have you been? Every Sonic game since SA has been practically built with the damn things. That's one of the biggest problems with Sonic.
The Sonic 2 zippers were a 1 zone gimmick and very nicely spiced up the Chemical Plant Zone. But modern Sonic sucks largely because every level is continual catapulting rather than controlled momentum.
It's more the nostalgia factor in seeing Sonic 2-style zippers rather than the Dash Panels that, as you've mentioned, have littered the series. It may only be a minor, cosmetic difference, but seeing something like this lifted straight out of my all-time favorite video game... eh, it just gets the nostalgia flowin', what can I say?
It's like seeing the -cky animals popping out of badniks again- and having those badniks be revamped versions of classic designs. This game is just chock full of nostalgia as what appears to be the prevailing design aesthetic.
Besides, I never much cared for dash panels myself- they just don't make as much sense compared to the Sonic 2 zippers. Seriously, are they like conveyer belts recessed into the ground or what?
But I digress- I have a tendency to overthink things!
Seeing as Dimps have made all the Sonic games I love since 2001, I can't say this is a bad thing! Unless I remember Sonic Battle...
Would you rather the developer be Sonic Team? : P
Okay, forgive me for being a Negative Nancy here, but, does something seem incredibly wrong about this picture here? I'm not talking about trivial complaints here such as Sonic's eye-color, or the way his feet move. My message to those who really see that as a life-shattering factor need to get a grip.
I'm talking about the bigger picture here. Now don't get me wrong, the leaked footage and photos look mad NICE, and are getting me more nostalgic than any previous attempt by SEGA on that aspect since Sonic Adventure. The level design looks solid, and I'm saying from what I see, running through each level will definitely be entertaining.
That being said, all this hype, all this promotion, all this pompous,"Yeah! We did it!" attitude from SEGA, for what? A cheaply made, download-only 2D title consisting of only four zones and a bonus? This is all we get after the wait from Sonic Unleashed? I'm sorry, but this, AT BEST is a spin-off title best suited for a portable console. This could just as easily be a DS or PSP title.
I'm not saying that this is a bad thing, but seriously, all of this hype, and it's doesn't even seem like a full-fledged game. It's a 2D game that is seemingly gonna be shorter than Sonic Rush. A four-five level 2D game available as a download exclusive title seems more to me like a "mini game" than anything else. So what's with this BS and hype, playing it off like it's something more?
I mean come on SEGA, I know the last ten years were bad, but they still happened. Sonic Adventure was the sequel to Sonic and Knuckles. And SA2 was the sequel to that, and Heroes was the sequel to SA2, then Shadow, then Sonic 06... they each reference previous titles in some ways, subtle or not. So if we're just pretending the past ten years never happened, and replacing that with a mini-game collection... I just...
Y'know when people tell a critic, "you couldn't do it better yourself" as an argument against that critic? Well I, DO honestly believe that given the budget and staff, I could direct Sonic in a far better direction.
First off, I'd bring that co-op Sonic game into production, and not release it until it perfectly fits my vision... second, I'd let them go-ahead with Sonic 4. But instead of having "Episode 1" come out this summer, and pass it off as "ZOMG! MAJOR TITLE! GAME OF THE YEAR!" I would tell them to sit back down, FINISH the game, and release it on portable titles, possibly a year later, while we in fact work on a REAL Sonic game, where we prove that 3D Sonic actually CAN work. But before doing any of that, I'd first fire all of the current voice-actors, and seek out some real talent.
Four zones? Quality over quantity? Come on SEGA... is it too much to ask for both?
You have to remember this is just Episode 1
Which means you'll be paying Sega again for Episode 2 .....>.> But yeah. This is just an installment.
They are so going to nickel and dime this for all its worth....
Oy vey the voices.
I find it hilarious that the FIRST thing you'd do is fire the voice actors. As if the voices is what makes the game bad. Um. Shouldn't you be firing the guys who can't program a game worth a damn? That's a nice display of messed up priorities.