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Sonic the Hedgehog CONFIRMED for Smash Brothers Brawl!

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Capcom and Hudson are the forerunners yes, but what everyone seems to forget is the poll that was conducted earlier on Sakurai's site.

In it - shortly after Snake was announced - Sonic placed as the character everyone most wanted to see with Megaman and Bomberman placing a close second and third respectively.

This is why everyone is saying megaman - the poll I think had a lot to do with it. hell - to further reinforce this rumor, Nintendo PUBLISHED Megaman 6 for Capcom he was so synonymous with the company at one point. Don't expect to see anymore characters from third party companies that are already there like Konami and Sega unless Sakurai decides to renege on his word of only two or three. Any other character from here on out will most likely be an assist trophy is my guess. Knuckles, Tails, Amy MAAAAAAAAYBE would be the first to be AT's. the only other way any other character could get on at this point outside of that third slot is as an unlockable, and there are FAR other Nintendo characters of whom that focus would go to beyond third party ones.

Thats why I dont forsee Rayman or Klonoa - or sadly Simon Belmont as much as I'd like him - anytime soon.:cookies

to expect master Chief or Alex Kidd or anything would be silly. Priority is given ONLY to characters whom have appeared on a Nintendo console and have a large history with it. This can be said of Snake, Sonic, Megaman, Bomberman, Pacman - but not characters like Crash, Spyro (this won't happen), and ESPECIALLY not Master Chief who has never appeared on a Ninty console AT ALL.

This is a Nintendo game ultimately - so I forsee more Nintendo characters, their subcharacters, and cahracters often associated with them at some point given more priority thanany third parties which are more like nice happy (and very well welcome) bonuses.

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knuckles appears in the new vid. he's seen breifly in the fight with mario, sonic, donkey kong, and pit.. and he disappears in the ground. assist trophy?

Posts: 2097
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I think that was Torchic, not Knuckles.

Posts: 16
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it was torchic

Posts: 363
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So I woke up today and checked the Brawl site to find the Sonic video/confirmation and smiled with joy as this totally made my day. I put it in the back of my mind as I went through classes. When I returned to the internets I find 52 responces for this topic already. The hype has gotten to me and I am geeking out more than ever now.

Not to be greedy, but if they had a Green Hill Zone level, it would make this game the most-desired in my library since probably SA.

Today is a good day.

Posts: 1984
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So lets just all say the last slot belongs to Megaman and leave it at that.

Posts: 1789
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Oh snapplecakes! Nintendo to make the best Sonic game in years CONFIRMED! Funny to think that Nintendo might be the company to make me care about Sonic again. :lol

Also, the only Sonic characters that deserve AT status in this game are Tails and Eggman since they are arguably the most important characters in the series other than Sonic. In addition, Sonic should be the only playable character representative of his franchise. I mean it is a Nintendo fan-wank game first, and potential characters such as Little Mac and Olimar are much more deserving to be in this game than Shadow.

That said, I hope we get a GHZ stage with a GHZ musical rearragement.

The news of potential co-op online Subspace Emissionary play is also freakin' swell!

Posts: 1376
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Mega. Bomber. Pac Man. Yes, bring the Pac-meister on this. I want him to chomp Kirbs up :O!

Posts: 981
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Megaman and Bomberman were my second and third choice respectevely, after Sonic. This news is awesome win. But was there any doubt?
Out of all the other characters, Tails would have the highest chance of becoming an AT. Though, for some reason I highly doubt that. I wonder what the Sonic World item would be. Maybe the speed shoes or something like the item boxes, which would work equivalently to the crates. Still hoping for Green Hill Zone stage.

Posts: 1789
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If Megaman is in this, then it has to be CLASSIC Megaman! It's the most iconic.

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I've heard rumors of Zero from Mega Man Zero... but my source isn't even particularly sure it's true, just heard further rumors from those in-the-know.

Well, we'll see when we see, y'know?

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Posts: 1241
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lolz. Silly Sakurai.

And now, for the first time, we can finally answer the question that has plagued us all since the early ninties.

Who would win in a fight between Sonic....

...and Snake. :crazy

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Well I can see who the most used character at tournaments is going to be...

Posts: 363
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I thought I heard that distinct *boing* sound in the video.

Posts: 1789
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Well I can see who the most used character at tournaments is going to be...


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I love the way Sonic gets up from the ground by tornado spinning.

Would have been funny if he went "no!" when he fell into the bottomless pit, but that's a Drummond thing.

Also. Super Sonic looks like he'll be devestating, but suicidal.

Posts: 4607
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Yeah, I'm pretty pumped that the old "character intros" for the battles are returning from the N64 game... the other video confirms that Samus comes out of a Save Chamber and that Mario comes in via pipe, the latter of which at least is exactly like the original Smash Bros. Rawk.

Posts: 931
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There is a cult on the PA boards wishing to see Phoenix Wright in Brawl.
I like them.

Posts: 432
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But phoenix does'nt have any super-powers or anything...
*wonders what his special would be...*

*Big, dark, silhouette Judge in the background with red glowing eyes (like in PW2 Case 1) raises hammer and... POUND*

Of course, they might have to be paralyzed in place or something. lol

Posts: 4336
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All of the enemy characters would be represented by Edgeworth. The person who picked up the PW AT would have Phoenix behind him.

Edgeworth: These people are clearly the true victors!

Phoenix: OBJECTION!!! *fingerpoint*

Edgeworth and the other characters get blown off the stage.


Posts: 216
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My demands are simple:

1) A Metal Sonic skin for his character model
2) The Green Hill Zone becomes his home stage, Death Egg stage welcomed, but not manditory

Posts: 273
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Figures an announcement like this would happen after I take a hiatus from the Internet. It's just my luck, Now it's too late to say anything relevant. I guess all I can say now is that this announcement both does and does not surprise me. It's just too bad Jason Griffith is still doing his voice.

Posts: 322
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Yeah... I miss Ryan Drummond. The change of voice actors in Sonic Heroes nearly broke my heart.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and if Phoenix Wright were in Brawl, you KNOW he'd have a KILLER finger point for his smash attack. He would charge it up, and then release the attack while being backed by an OBJECTION image. His opponent would fly off the screen.

Phoenix's B attack would be his little paper flick thing. XD For his down-A, a desk would appear, and he would slam his hands on it.

Ideas are coming to me way too quickly. @_@ One of my actual pastimes is coming up with Smash Bros. moves that my friends would perform if they were characters.

Posts: 2016
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One of my actual pastimes is coming up with Smash Bros. moves that my friends would perform if they were characters.

...That's some pastime. oo

Posts: 432
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EDIT AGAIN: lolz sorry guyz. I dun kno how 2 do spoler tags. ^^ Sorz. srsly

<i><b>SH Ed:</b> Placing this back in here for reference; Major Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations spoilers were once here, outside of proper spoiler tags. A warning was handed out for this error.</i>

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Ok, seriously? Explaining the Super Objection is fine...

Ruining the damned final twist of the game before the US release date in the middle of one of the most important threads is not.

Please remove the stuff referring to the outcome?

Posts: 1789
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Phoenix Wright sounds like an AT type more than a fighter.

I would like see the Ouendan and/or the Elite Beat Agents as ATs.

Posts: 322
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Dude! That's an awesome idea! The Elite Beat Agents would be choice.

Posts: 2354
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We won't know the answer to the fight until you click on this link.

Spoilers (Select To Read): Delayed

I'm also calling that Sonic's final slash is transformation to Super Sonic.

Posts: 1446
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Spoilers (Select To Read): Do you mean his Final Smash? Cause we already know that it is.

Posts: 216
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I want a Metal Sonic skin, but it's likely that Shadow ( ;_; ) will be the skin if there is one. I say this because one of Link's costumes is Dark Link.

Anyway, I was thinking that Amy Rose would make a decent Assist Trophy. She could appear with her Piko Piko Hammer and pound the snot out of anyone in her way.

Posts: 721
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Huh... that could actually work... kinda like a berserk AT with the Hammer or Golden Hammer.

Posts: 1241
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Since old blue boy is now in and confirmed, have we all put some thought into what SEGA related stuff might make it into Brawl now? It's obvious we have Sonic. We will undoubtedly have some of the Sonic characters as ATs, but what about SEGA characters?

NiGHTS on Nintendo system? Check.
Project Rub on Nintendo system? Check.
Billy Hatcher on Nintendo system? Check.
Phantasy Star Online on Nintendo system? Check.
Crazy Taxi on Nintendo system? Check.
Chu Chu Rocket on Nintendo System? Check.

Even if they're not playable, who's betting on at least a few SEGA based ATs or even just plain old trophies?

Posts: 363
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I don't think they're going to have any trophies very far beyond the Genesis days as far as items and misc things go. But I'm sure they'll have trophies for certain characters from recent games.

They haven't shown much for Snake other than his own level, so I'm assuming they won't have that much more for Sonic. But then again, when you assume it just makes an @ss out of "u" and "me."

Posts: 1446
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I don't think they'll feature any other Sega franchises in any way apart from Sonic, nor do I want them to. It's a Nintendo feature - I'm fine with Sonic and Snake being in it, and having their levels and music and trophies and such, but they really should just limit it to those particular franchises (and the third, whoever it is). Project Rub, Crazy Taxi, Billy Hatcher, etc. - it just wouldn't fit the style of the game to have them all in there. The only thing I can see is a NiGHTS trophy, and even that's pretty doubtful.

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You know you want it. :crazy

Posts: 1984
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grrrr... Rayman would so kick ass in a Smash Brothers game. Ubisoft needs to get friendly with Nintendo >>

Posts: 3756
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But. o.o How would it happen? Is Tails in the game?

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Posts: 526
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He scalped him.

Posts: 3756
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lmao I thought it was real. I can't see the site at school.

Posts: 322
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This brings to mind just how cute Kirby is going to be when he copies Sonic. o_o Blue ears and spikes!

Posts: 419
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This brings to mind just how cute Kirby is going to be when he copies Sonic. o_o Blue ears and spikes!


Photoshop says otherwise.

But let's put it to the test, shall we? What say you Megakirby?


And you Zerokirby?


And you Nighty Kirby?

Raykirby, GO!

Bomberkirby, GO!

Genokirby, GO!

So many Kirbies! But what does the real Kirby have to say about such a predicament you ask?


Posts: 4336
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We missed you so.

Posts: 322
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There's my fill of incredible for the day. o_O

Posts: 4885
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I've got nothing.

*Applauds the Dub* Great job sir, amazing.

Posts: 216
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