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Sonic the Hedgehog CONFIRMED for Smash Brothers Brawl!

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Posts: 1037
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That was awesome.

Posts: 2191
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Hey guys, according to the info on Smashboards, there are some things about Sonic.

Appearantly, he wasn't as 'god tiered' of a character as people made him out to be. (His moves were considered too loose) And they also say that he'll have a rather steep learning curve compared to other characters

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Unsuprising. His specials are all speed based spins, sort like the Yoshi egg attack. Powerful, yes, but you need damned good reactions to stop it from being fatal to yourself.

My only concern is he may be Fox style weak. I like my characters to have a bit of hit to them and if I have Sonic's speed with a mid-character's strength then it'll be amazing. If he's light then... yeah. I'll use Ganondorf or his equivalent.

Posts: 1984
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Lol. Little Mac from Punch Out is going to be an AT in Brawl. What an obscure addition.

Posts: 4607
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Yeah, 'kay, discuss random updates like that in the Gaming Academy thread, y'hear? This thread is about SONIC, not Little Mac.

Posts: 1789
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Appearantly, he wasn't as 'god tiered' of a character as people made him out to be. (His moves were considered too loose) And they also say that he'll have a rather steep learning curve compared to other characters


My only concern is he may be Fox style weak. I like my characters to have a bit of hit to them and if I have Sonic's speed with a mid-character's strength then it'll be amazing. If he's light then... yeah. I'll use Ganondorf or his equivalent.

Wasn't Fox the highest-tiered character and Melee and was also hard to master for beginners?

Sonic's Super Sonic final smash attack looks similar to Pikachu's which, I assume, will be just as a double-edge attack as Pika's.

Oh and reguarding Dub's post

Sakurai Kirby is the bestest of them all!

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I didn't mean "weak" as in all around, I meant as in physical attack strength.

Fox's regular attacks don't have much of a pack to them, his smashes need to be fully charged to be powerful and when using him you have to rely heavily on the specials.

I'm just hoping Sonic's regular attacks have more to them.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

Heard that Fox has been nerfed based on some impressions from the E for All demo. Also from the Smash Boards--list of Assist Trophies supposedly seen from the demo:


Assist Trophies:
Little Mac (Punchout!!!) - Dashes, jabs, and uppercuts
Excite Bikes (ExciteBike) - Run over everybody
Pokey (EarthBound) - Fires Lasers
Tails (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Follows you and if you fall of the stage, he flies you back up saving you
Dr Wright (Sim City) - Makes buildings rise from underneath
Lyn (Fire Emblem) - Slashes
Devil (Devil World) - Makes screen move
Knuckle Joe (Kirby) - Vulcan jab (A ton of punches)
Samurai Goroh (F-Zero) - Slashes
Andross (Starfox) - Spits out tiles
Advance War Army (Advance Wars) - Walks around firing guns and tanks
Mr Resseti (Animal Crossing) - Lectures you
Jill (Drill Dozer) - drills across stage, hurting anyone in her way
Saki (Sin and Punishment) - Follows and shoots; if you get too close, he swings his sword (I played this game, and it's amazingly epic)
Nintendog (Nintendogs) - Covers Screen
Hammer Bros (Mario) - Throws hammers
Lakitu - Throws spikey koopa things (names escape me at the moment)
Metroid (Metroid) - Latches onto players and attacks

Posts: 1413
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Sonic vs Ike video.
Hey look like Sonic can do Figure 8 Super Peel move from Sonic CD.

Posts: 3756
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Tails (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Follows you and if you fall of the stage, he flies you back up saving you

Like The Marble Garden Boss. <3


Lakitu - Throws spikey koopa things (names escape me at the moment


Posts: 1376
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Super Peel out 4tw.

No Kirbytails is a reality? ::D ies:: Wait, can Kirby eat At's?

Posts: 419
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Jeez, they haven't used or referenced the Super Peel-Out manuever in ages. That's freaking awesome.

Posts: 273
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Sonic vs Ike video.
Hey look like Sonic can do Figure 8 Super Peel move from Sonic CD.

Yes to the cool throwback maneuvers for to the inebriated schoolgirls.

Posts: 721
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It's kind of sad that Nintendo's the one who does this fanservice RIGHT, isn't it?

Posts: 1567
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I don't mind that Sonic is a bit tough to use...when you have that much speed, controlling him should be about as fun as stopping a racecar on black ice. I do think he'll still pack quite a punch. Fox's smashes were powerful enough and even if you aren't the strongest, you can lay on the damage in no time flat. I don't mind if he's light but if he can bring out the pain like Kirby could do in the original Smash, I'd be pleased.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Wonder what the peel-out does. Seems to be the same as Spin Dash but without it being an attack, unless it's a barge...

Posts: 1355
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iirc it's just a taunt

i also wouldn't call it a peel out. even though if they did a proper peel out it would look hella weird, it wouldn't be much weirder than his running/taunting animation as is

Posts: 363
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And the video where Sonic uses it.

Why wouldn't you call that the peel out?

Posts: 1376
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Cuz we cant SEE the HOLYOS where they R in DA PICTURE! Right Girls!


My lord those girls need to get ... ... >> I'm gonna stop there...

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Posts: 1446
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Waaaaaay too blurry to make out - although I think I saw a Shadow alt?

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Hard to tell... might just be a black version of Sonic. When the match is over and it shows the 4 next to eachother they're all blue =/

Posts: 526
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I was at E for All. As I mentioned there, he's just four different shades of blue.

Posts: 1355
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Oh, I see it now. Before it looked identical to his run animation.

Posts: 286
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The different player Sonics have differently colored wrist cuffs. You can only really notice this at the end when the screen moves past the winning Sonic - he has green parts on his gloves and I think maybe also his shoes (socks?). Kinda reminds me of the Crystal Ring from SA1.

An alternate coloration that would've been quite cool was if they made him resemble Darkspine[s?] Sonic.


iirc it's just a taunt

I would've expected the classic finger-waving pose for his taunt.

Posts: 1127
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Each character has three different taunts, depending on which direction you press on the directional pad.

Posts: 721
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Sounds pretty nifty. So I guess we CAN expect/hope for the finger-wagging pose as a taunt yet?

Posts: 1355
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it's evident that the wag and the SA1 foldarm1fingerout pose are both taunts from the dojo vid

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Given how much ATTITUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE!!!!!! Sonic has, he will be the best character for taunting in the game.

Hell, even if Wario dropped his jeans and flashed his tighty whiteys, Sonic would still be the best.

This is why ATITUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE!!!!! can still be awesome, 15 years after it went out of style.

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

I know there's some here who have been waiting for him.

King Dedede makes the Brawl. Let's see if he keeps his southern dialect.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

That's the topic for Smash Bros Brawl. This one's just for Sonic's participation.

Posts: 3756
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Hey, here's an idea, Mini-Angel Island area with elements form S3&K and SA1. SA1 master emerald to play with, Ice place, lava place, sand place, Tornado or (level after Hidden Palace, names escaped me) floating by every once in a while, it'd be awesome. =D

Posts: 216
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Holy Crap! Best idea for an Assist Trophy ever!

Posts: 721
Prominent Member

Yeah! Always DID want to see that boss done in 3D. Sure, it'd be on a 2D field, but it's probably gonna be the closest I'll get.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


Holy Crap! Best idea for an Assist Trophy ever!


Actually, I could see him as a boss from the Subspace Emissionary.

Posts: 432
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In Melee characters seemed to have other characters that they were weak against. Ando ther characters they were good against...

...I think Sonics probably effective against Donkey Kong, Bowser or any other unwieldly, slow characters who might pop up. I think this because of those moves I saw in the game... a slow character might have some trouble getting out of the way on time. Especially bowser since all his moves have LAAAAAAAAAG. Like he could be doing a forward+A and sonic would just spin dash, maybe stunning him or knocking him up in the air and wailing on him.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

I can't wait to start juggling my cousin's beloved Link with Sonic over and over again. He thinks he's so good.... I'll show him! I'll show him! I'll whip him all day long. And he hates Sonic.

Posts: 1201
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Given how much ATTITUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE!!!!!! Sonic has, he will be the best character for taunting in the game.

no one will ever beat captain falcon when it comes to taunting

Posts: 432
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You hear that, Deck?

Those are the winds of change...

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


I can't wait to start juggling my cousin's beloved Link with Sonic over and over again. He thinks he's so good.... I'll show him! I'll show him! I'll whip him all day long. And he hates Sonic.

But what if it turns out that Link is in a higher tier than Sonic?

Posts: 432
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Then she'll just have to master Sonic to the point where noone can stop her. :lol

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

With practice and strategy you can beat anybody with anybody.

Posts: 432
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Yeah, I can beat my cousin`s Bowser with Pichu.

Skill matters a lot.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

But Bowser sucked in that game, anyway.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

So apparenlty Silver is also in the game. That what the Expectator Mode update had revealed(he next to Toad in sticker form).

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

But stickers are just stickers, right? It's not like they would be 100% AT(which would be lame in Silver's case--I would like them to stick to the OS popular characters)

I do see Sothe also so maybe there will be a...FE:Radiant Dawn playable character(other than Ike)? Someone like Micaiah?

Posts: 1413
Noble Member


But stickers are just stickers, right? It's not like they would be 100% AT

I do see a Nintedog and Gray Fox in the stickers and they are both AT. I can' see very well who the other guy is thought. For the moment it hard to say if Silver will join as a AT or just a sticker.

Posts: 3756
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It'd be odd if they acknowledge Silver but not Knuckles and Shadow. I'd be looking for them.

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

It would be very odd considering Silver has only appeared in Sonic 06 and Sonic Rivals, both of which aren't even on Nintendo consoles. o.o

Posts: 4607
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He was in Secret Rings' multiplayer mode, as I recall.


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