Well, do you think the rumor is true?
Sonic the Hedgehog may have a theatrical movie released in the near future...
Any link to where you heard this rumor? Because I haven't heard any such thing.
There is definitely a movie in the works. It's a fan film, but was considered for a theatrical release by Warner Bros. Sega of America was even on board, but Sega of Japan wasn't. Go on youtube and search for the user AKnotholeResident. He's the guy responsible, and he's even posted some clips.
There is definitely a movie in the works. It's a fan film, but was considered for a theatrical release by Warner Bros. Sega of America was even on board, but Sega of Japan wasn't. Go on youtube and search for the user AKnotholeResident. He's the guy responsible, and he's even posted some clips.
Isn't that just Richard Kuta, though?
That sucks. I was all excited
I dont see any clips can you list the names?
I'm not sure about the name, actually. But according to both his posts and screwattack.com, not only will the movie be made, but the trailer will be posted sometime this August, which is definitely something worth checking out.
I'm not sure about the name, actually. But according to both his posts and screwattack.com, not only will the movie be made, but the trailer will be posted sometime this August, which is definitely something worth checking out.
If it's Kuta, don't count on it. He's infamous within the Sonic community for exaggerating and lying about his movie. He's even received letters from Sega telling him to quit telling people that they had agreed to make a movie with him, because all they told him was basically they would "think about it". This has been going on for years.
I dont see any clips can you list the names?
When you go to youtube search for AKnotholeResident. That's the guy's handle, but the clips are the first things he's got listed. The names are: mototbug explosion text; finished robotnik shot; and sonic animation speed test. There was also some info on screwattack.com. I think someone on this forum posted a link to the specific video.
Sonic the Hedgehog may have a theatrical movie released in the near future...
AHA!!! It IS Rich Kuta!!! Oh poo, now I'm sad...-_-
(XD Home Improvement) Yea, I was kind of excited of a Sonic theatrical movie. Now I'm disappointed.
Did anyone else see the "Sonic 2010 Movie" Wikipedia hoax? There is like, obvious evidence it was a hoax...
Also, some idiot edited the Sega logo onto the front and the Sonic logo onto the back of the Jumper trailer, trying to pass it off as a Sonic the Hedgehog movie trailer -_-
No offence but you people are taking this too seriously...What if he's telling the truth...? I mean, how do you people keep judging someone that you don't know about...I mean you're gathering information off a parody site...let me repeat my self. PARODY SITE, means don't take it too seriously...The reason why I said all of this is because I know this person personally, and he's a nice and generous guy...get your facts straight...he's a freelancer and a hard working person who wants to fulfill a childhood dream while you people are not doing a thing...I'm sorry that I'm being to harsh but it's the truth.
P.S. If you think about respond negatively to this comment, then it will prove your immaturity and your hypocrisy. Have a nice day.
No offence but you people are taking this too seriously.
I think most people here see the idea of a sonic movie as being mentally hilarious.
What if he's telling the truth...? I mean, how do you people keep judging someone that you don't know about...
What if he's not?! Information be be based upon collected evidence and judgments based upon their track records.
The reason why I said all of this is because I know this person personally, and he's a nice and generous guy...get your facts straight...he's a freelancer and a hard working person who wants to fulfill a childhood dream while you people are not doing a thing...I'm sorry that I'm being to harsh but it's the truth.
Good for him and you @ being a nice and generous guy. "fulfilling childhood dream" also delusional to some extent in your own words, and i doubt any of us would want to touch such a project with a 10.5M bargepole.
P.S. If you think about respond negatively to this comment, then it will prove your immaturity and your hypocrisy. Have a nice day.
Discussion based forums don't work like that. And it shows your immaturity and hypocrisy for the need to say such things.
Also we shall all wait eagerly in anticipation for statements from soa/soj or soe.
No, actually, the initial disappointment for me was that Sega of Japan turned it down and it wont be in theaters. I really don't know what they're talking about, I'm just gonna wait and see whats gonna happen with this movie as I'm doing Eddie Lebron's Megaman.
What if he's telling the truth...? I mean, how do you people keep judging someone that you don't know about...
But that's just the thing, Recca... We do.
We've known him since he was in high school and posting on this forum, until he got banned.
We've seen him try to get money out of us to pay for his college fees because he's going to pay us all back for a movie when he's done.
We've seen him ban jump in double figures.
We've seen him pull this same movie stunt once or twice a year on average, and frantically go around changing his username and/or getting IMDB to delete the evidence when he gets busted.
We've seen him steal character designs, deny it and get caught out.
We've seen him be so unprofessional that he thought that Sega would pay him to make the movie, and suddenly lose all of his enthusiasm when he finds he has to finance it himself.
We've seen the cease and desist letters from Sega telling him to stop talking out of the orifice it's been obvious he's been talking out of for years, and dragging their name along with it.
We've seen him get booted off forum after forum for the same old crap time after time.
I could go on.
If you know him "personally" (whatever that means), then that's your business. But I find it ironic that you leap in with both feet and defend him on the grounds that we mustn't know him, without even considering that the fact that you don't know us - and the fact we know him far too well may be the issue here...
There's also this little tid-bit I've just found...
Pretty much means Sega will never ever give him permission to make one. He can't even contact them any more to ask.
That's the letter I was referring to. I'd link to the motherlode of surviving content debunking the whole sorry mess (I suspect you've been to the same place), but it'd break several content rules to do so.
I'm a long way from convinced that Recca isn't just yet another alt anyway. The typing style's a good match.
Wasn't there a movie for years ago?
Sorry, is my PC slow or what?
[Ari Edit: Deleted the extra copies of the previous post - If you're not sure whether or not something got posted, try opening the topic in a new window to check first before hitting the "post" button again. Hopefully that will help^^; ]
Honetly guys who are you kidding...? that is the fact that you guys are taking the whole Sonmanic thing way too seriously. First of all, I am not who you think you are. Second, I wasn't being too mean on my first post, I was dishing out the facts. Again, ED isn't serious business. It's another good website went down the $%%@%%! next to 4chan thanks to the same newfags who using the site for hate and anger. Despite the fact that gathering information over some site that suppose to be a joke site but turns out the n00bs destroyed it with their aids and fail. It's not funny anymore. Now calling me immature and a hypocrite because I have told the exact truth...? Wow, I got nothing to say on that. Have a nice day.
Wibble, Wibble, Wibble, Wibble, Wibble, Wibble, Wibble, Wibble, Wibble, Wibble, Wibble, Wibble, Wibble, Wibble, Wibble, Wibble, Wibble, Wibble, Wibble, Wibble, Wibble, Wibble, Wibble, Wibble, Wibble, Wibble, Wibble, Wibble, Wibble, Wibble, Wibble, Wibble, Wibble, Wibble, Wibble.
Yeah, mature... "aids" "newfags" "hob-nobs." You seem to be responding to things that have yet to be said, 4chan, ED.... nothing of the likes have yet to be said.
"Now calling me immature and a hypocrite because I have told the exact truth...?"
Nope, it's based upon your arsey attitude on the forums.
"Have a nice day."
Oh the ironing.
What language was they using exactly? I have a feeling it is just another alt, Sam!
What language was they using exactly? I have a feeling it is just another alt, Sam!
Language? What language? An alt? An alt of who? What? Where? When? How? Why? *is completely lost*
What language was they using exactly? I have a feeling it is just another alt, Sam!
Language? What language? An alt? An alt of who? What? Where? When? How? Why? *is completely lost*
I thought they meant that that was an alt of Rich Kuta pretending to be someone in order to defend himself... possibly again. Oh well.
Honetly guys who are you kidding...? that is the fact that you guys are taking the whole Sonmanic thing way too seriously. First of all...blah blah blah....
Whatever you say, Rich.
Yeah, I think that it's pretty obvious it's Rich... I think
Richard Kuta A.K.A. ReccaAcorn: Now calling me immature and a hypocrite because I have told the exact truth...? Wow, I got nothing to say on that.
What truth? You said that Rich (you) was a good person AND that you WEREN'T Rich Kuta. Neither of those or truthful comments.
Rich (you) is someone who OBVIOUSLY gets into alot of trouble and just cuz even good people get into trouble sometimes doesnt mean they are bad people, but you have just gotten in WAY too much trouble...
I think you get what I'm saying.
*tries to relax with shades on. ReccaAcorn makes noise. Tries to tune him out but he's making louder noises*
*angrily takes off shades*
Sorry for the triple posts
What the hell?
What the?
And the award for "Most Random Post Made In A Serious Business Discussion Thread" goes to Flowerskunk.mcstrangename for his... er, her... uh... its best rendition of I Don't Know How To Contribute To This Thread So I'll Just Post A Picture Of A Rusty Signpost.
*hands Flower a 5 ton anvil and watches as the power of gravity takes its toll*
So long Quirky, see you in Albuquerque.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled troll lynching, already in progress.
Gee, Flowerskunk, thanks for that rusty signpost that TOTALLY relates to the topic!
And thank you Socks for creating a summary of Psxphile's post =)
BTW, SonicV2, why wouldn't that be a scene of the movie with the worst catchphrase ever, Sonic the Hedgehog OVA?
(BTW, the catchphrase is: Scrape your knuckles, catch some tails for those who didn't know)
BTW, SonicV2,
whythat wouldn't that be a scene of the movie with the worst catchphrase ever, Sonic the Hedgehog OVA?
fixed for clarity
Yeah, that picture is hilarious (sarcasm)
Actually Flower has made an excellent point, if you can see the double meaning contain within his/her picture.
When directed towards reccaacorn:
i. Showing that their views are completely misdirected/misguided and should try to get on track by...
ii. Throwing their crap opinions into the dog s***e bin.
iii. "barrow hospital" clearly a reference to kula and that they should seek some medical help for their issues.
iv. "research university" i.e carrying out research before opening their mouth and looking like a fool.
Seriously, I can't see how no one can understand the double meanings within this picture dubbed by most as being "random"
Actually, it looks like YOU defined that... it's not something someone would put there without explaining, most people would know that most OTHER people wouldn't get it... who else here agrees that those sound like definitions Nukeallthewhales put himself and that Flower didn't purposefully post that picture because it had a point?
yayz, I look cool in that picture
Actually Flower has made an excellent point, if you can see the double meaning contain within his/her picture.
When directed towards reccaacorn:
i. Showing that their views are completely misdirected/misguided and should try to get on track by...
ii. Throwing their crap opinions into the dog s***e bin.
iii. "barrow hospital" clearly a reference to kula and that they should seek some medical help for their issues.
iv. "research university" i.e carrying out research before opening their mouth and looking like a fool.Seriously, I can't see how no one can understand the double meanings within this picture dubbed by most as being "random"
"Its a Brit thing, you wouldn't understand."
Actually Flower has made an excellent point, if you can see the double meaning contain within his/her picture.
When directed towards reccaacorn:
i. Showing that their views are completely misdirected/misguided and should try to get on track by...
ii. Throwing their crap opinions into the dog s***e bin.
iii. "barrow hospital" clearly a reference to kula and that they should seek some medical help for their issues.
iv. "research university" i.e carrying out research before opening their mouth and looking like a fool.Seriously, I can't see how no one can understand the double meanings within this picture dubbed by most as being "random"
"Its a Brit thing, you wouldn't understand."
Neither do I understand THAT, or what it has to do with anything.
Neither do I understand THAT, or what it has to do with anything.
Here's a suggestion: if you don't understand something, you can just skip past it and move on.
I think I live relatively near that signpost. Barrow Gurney?
I think I live relatively near that signpost. Barrow Gurney?
So...yeah about that Sonic movie. *Is clearly trying to get the topic back on track*
Given that the original topic was what people're frantically trying to distract themselves from - since the alternative is giving Rich Kuta the time and oxygen of publicity that he so painfully craves - this is one case where I'd let topic drift do as it will or just lock the topic.
Not that I have any say in the matter, but that's how I'd look at it. For once, I'd say that the original topic is the last thing we need, since that's likely to get a lot more unpleasant than this is.
Good point, Sam. So....uh....how about them Mets.