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Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie

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Y'know, maybe a THEATRICAL Sonic movie wouldn't be the best option, but I'd still be up for a TV movie.

Posts: 40
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Y'know, maybe a THEATRICAL Sonic movie wouldn't be the best option, but I'd still be up for a TV movie.

Same here. I love the idea of a Sonic movie, but without the gigantic budget and Hollywood directors to screw it all up.Keep it simple, folks...
QUOTE: " I shall rule you all with an iron fist! YOU! Obey the fist!!"

Posts: 6
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Alright then. Just to clarify something, your accusing of ReccaAccorn as being Richard Kuta is quite harsh and undeserved as she is innocent. Have you ever considered that some of us actually support Rich's efforts?

I am GREG THE CAT, not Richard Kuta, and I support his projects. I support them WILLINGLY.

And yes I know about the ED page. Who cares? It's an over exxageration of the truth just to make Rich look bad. As faar as I know, he is a freelancing graphic artist in the music industry who wants to branch off into the movie industry. What's so bad about that?

The movie is not about being an attention hog but making Sonic acceptable to the ENTIRE fanbase again. I believe his project is on the right track despite what others think.

Posts: 633
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I have a question, One ove been wanting to ask for a LOOONG TIME! Why the He*$ Does sonic have To put Up with So MUCH BS all the Time, I mean between People Bashing The games, Arguing over a Movie, Love/hating the comics, & Don't even get me started on the Furries! Ya Know I don't Think Bugs Bunny Or Micky Had to put up with this kinda $*@%t in there day, It just goes to show you, not Even Cartoon Characters are safe anymore. God Bless you sonic for putting up with your fans, If I were you I would have Spin Attacked em to death by now!!!!

BOT: Again Personally would love to see sonic have a DTV series like Marvel & DC have been doing. But Whatever, Im fine with the Comics being the only sonic media for now.

Disclaimer: Please Don't Nuke me for stating my openions!

PS: Why's everybody Arguing again?

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PS: Why's everybody Arguing again?

For the lulz!

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The reason Sonic doesn't have to put up with this "$@@!" and Bugs and Mickey dont, is because WB and Disney actually give a crap about their mascots. Sega, well, doesn't. Right now, Sonic sucks. If Sega STARTED giving a crap, we wouldn't HAVE to bash their games, argue over movies, and hate/love the comics to knock some sense into those wads! Sega/Sonic DOESN'T put up with their fans. They don't do crap! They ignore us and keep spawning crap games.


You know, i think you ARE Kuta. Because, everybody knows he sucks and that his movie will be crap, so those people who would make an entire account JUST for the purpose of defending that wad, like you have done (see post count) AND recca has done. So you know what Rich, why don't you just get lost, because that's what a ban from a site is.

Posts: 6
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@LWSrocks: I've been posting on other sites... Here! Have a look!

Look! See... I'm not Rich. And mind me tell you I would NOT lie about my identity.

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Is this Rich Kuta dude 'Sonmanic' by any chance? I MUST KNOW FOR SURE OTHERWISE MY LIFE WILL BE INCOMPLETE.

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Yes. He used to be Sonmanic. But he goes by A Knothole Resident now.

I should know.... I talk to him.

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^ Thanks for the info, Greggles!

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It's just I think we identified Recca as being Rich, and she, like you, made their account for the purpose of posting here, AND to defend Rich...

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<<The movie is not about being an attention hog but making Sonic acceptable to the ENTIRE fanbase again. I believe his project is on the right track despite what others think.>>

Oh yeah! Getting letter from Sega accusing him of harrassment and threating him with legal action is definately an indication that he's on the right track.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Thanks, Acid.

Socks, please stop stirring things up. I was speculating over Recca's identity for a reason, and you don't know what that reason is - there's no call to go randomly accusing anyone who walks in defending Rich's delusions of being the guy himself, because believe me when I say that Rich has fooled a lot of people for a long time.

Greg, I appreciate your sincerity and your willingness to defend and believe in your friend, but I've known Rich since he was sixteen and I've seen a lot of what you're trying to pass off as so-called exaggerations for myself. So have a lot of the people here. As I said to Recca: please appreciate that you don't know us before you come running in with guns blazing, and maybe you don't know Rich as well as you think you do.

Posts: 4885
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Regardless of who is making a movie and why, having a feature based off of a spin-off older than the target demographic is just a stupid idea, regardless of quality (PS: SatAM is overhyped, a lot more childish than it's fans care to admit, treats the series characters as tools for Sally's story and simply not remembered fondly enough outside of the fandom for any largescale action).

I mean, Gargoyles, despite it's immense quality and popularity (a similarly "not as adult as people wish to remember" show. I am a hardcore fan of the show, but you really can't watch Lexington build a damn helicopter in a cave with a box of scraps to fight off the American Gladiators who are world class thieves and say "this is adult literature") could not even get enough off a fanbase for the last 26 episodes to be released on DVD. Independant comic book or no.

And I already know what any SatAM fan is thinking. "We have fans! We have over 50'000 people on a forum all clammering for this thing, they can't ignore us forever", and that right there is one of the most terrifying flaws of the internet. It allows likeminded people from across the world to gather, surround themselves with one another and offer mass dellusion via proxy.

I mean, if I was surrounded by over 9,000 *break's scouter* people who agreed with my ideas, I would be inclined to think not only that my ideas were truth, but the popular opinion.

Whereas 50'000 people, which for the internet is like a behemoth community that could rip out stars... is not many people at all, very few in the grand scheme of things, especially as the hardcore fanbase of an audience. And unless you can financially utilize each of those people for say $50-$100 a head, change wont happen, only a prevailant idea that you as a collective are right and that your numbers prove this fact.

Also, and most importantly, if you're pitching a children's cartoon, then we as 20 somethings and the occassional late teen are WAY TOO OLD to be the demographic. No advertizer will touch it.

So the best SatAM fans can hope for is a glorified flash video, and if a team to prepare it exists, I am sure it can be done. Flash videos are made every day, few garner any true care or interest on a mass scale, but they exist.

As for a regular not-steeped-in-nostalgia-even-Nostalgia-critic-wont-wake-from movie, less likely. SoJ dropped Sonic X even after it's interational success required a second season and SoA has shown no interest in animating Sonic since the 90's and even still, given their (/SoJ's) editorial mandates, it would be more of Sonic X which I am sure the average fan (*Not me. Love's Sonic X*) would hate just as much.

Then you have Night of the Werehog which had no fanfare. It's possible they may commission their CGI peoples to do another animated feature that way. But it wont exactly break the world in two.

If you're expecting Hollywood... well, 80's nostalgia is in cinema's now. Wait for 90's nostalgia to hit. Wont be another 6 or 7 years.

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If you're expecting Hollywood... well, 80's nostalgia is in cinema's now.

Yeah, that's true s**t. TMNT, GI Joe and Transformers to name but a few.....

Posts: 1789
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SoJ dropped Sonic X even after it's interational success required a second season and SoA has shown no interest in animating Sonic since the 90's and even still, given their (/SoJ's) editorial mandates, it would be more of Sonic X which I am sure the average fan (*Not me. Love's Sonic X*) would hate just as much.

I know this is off-topic, but SoJ just announced that they will be finally airing episodes 53-78 of Sonic X. No doubt it is to promote Sonic Chronicles which will be released this week in Japan. I guess they didn't drop the series that much.

Hmm...maybe I should have made a seperate thread, but this comment reminded me of this.

Posts: 5772
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I was about to mention the same thing but Acid beat me to it. And I don't really think it deserves its own thread, anymore than Sonic Unleashed DLC deserves its own thread.

EDIT: You forgot to mention that by "airing", you mean it's going to be available to download/stream for PC and cellphones for about a buck an episode. They've only put up 01-52 as of now.

Posts: 6
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EDIT: Alright then, you guys now know that I'm a different person. THANK YOU.

Posts: 1191
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Off Topic: Your art is really good, Greg.

Posts: 1044
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EDIT: Alright then, you guys now know that I'm a different person. THANK YOU.

Rich was Recca, and now I'm Rich...?

And yes, I'm talking about Kuta. 3">[link]

What the...? I am NOT Richard Kuta, morons! If you want his fricking dA then go here: [link]

Are you people really that paranoid that people are supporting his projects? Then go screw yourselves, because I'm a fluent Rich supporter and friend and mind you he is MORE DAMN REASONABLE THAN YOU MORONS!!

Clarification for the guys at Sonic HQ:
I AM NOT RICH! Heck, watch my You tube videoss! I">[link] There. There's your proof... I'm not Rich.
Mood: Anger

Only one person said that and we tend to take that person's opinions with pint of salt, but lulz at having the need to super vent.

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OFF TOPIC: I love your artwork, Greg! Especially the one entitled " I don't bite... much". Evil Tails, what a notion.

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You know what, that's fine that you support Kuta. But we don't. :/

Posts: 2723
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That's enough, Socks. That point has already been established many times and it doesn't need to be mentioned again.

Considering that the original purpose of this topic caused this whole argument in the first place, I would suggest discussing ideas for one like I saw in earlier posts (I don't have any, by the way) or something else. I'll keep an eye on this one for a bit. If it devolves into another argument about the same crap, it's getting locked.

- Kaze

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Welll I had a great Sonic movie idea but I'm not going to post it for various reasons...

(There is nothing innappropriate about it, its just that thares some other reason that involves the creation of the moveh)

Posts: 5772
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Welll I had a great Sonic movie idea but I'm not going to post it for various reasons...

original creation plz dont steal?

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^ ha lolz

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uh, no actually. In fact i'm going to post it. It depends what happens in the future whether or not it'll matter. i will probably even delete it eventually so dont quote it or save this post in any way.

(This isn't completely Archie Sonic, but has the Archie freedom fighters.)

Dr. Kintobor, an Earth scientist, creates an invention that would erase all evil on earth and turn it into a peaceful planet. This creation: The Seven Chaos Emeralds.

The Emeralds will absorb the evil and then the emeralds would be destroyed, forever turning Earth into a peaceful utopia.

In front of an audience, Kintobor absorbs the evil, and moves on to destroy the emeralds. But Kintobor has made a mistake. The Emerald he destroys sends the evil into his body, turning him into the evil Dr. Robotnik (Kintobor backwards).

Robotnik flees and builds a factory where he constructs armies of Swatbots and Badniks- then unleashes them to destroy his city, and take it over, then to destroy other cities to eventually take over the world. But the military is too strong and Robotnik's baddies are destroyed. Robotnik constructs the Egg Fortress and leaves the planet in search of weaker planets to destroy.

Robotnik's kidnapped nephew who shares ambition for world domination after being kidnapped by robotnik and exposed to shattered Chaos Emerald on purpose to recieve the "Chaos Infection" which is the same thing Kintobor fell victim to turning him into Robotnik goes with him, and assists him on his journey.

Then Robotnik finds Mobius, swoops down, and tries to declare himself ruler of Mobius to be held back by King Acorn and his friend Chuck the Hedgehog. But Chuck and King Acorn fall victim to Robotnik when that happens, becoming the first Mobians to be roboticized and turned into Robot slaves.

Chuck's nephew, Sonic the Hedghog, has been friends with King Acorn's daughter for some time (Sonic's parents are dead) and both Sonic and Princess Sally Acorn vow that together with the band of Freedom Fighters they will assemble, they will destroy Robotnik and avenge the roboticization of their guardians.

Their team: A walrus named Rotor whose family was attacked by Swatbots and roboticized, another Freedom Fighter avenging roboticization.

A bunny who is half robot half bunny because of being half roboticized by Robotnik, before Sonic got the chance to save her. (He then saved her halfway through the process, of course) She now fights against Robotnik alongside Sally, Sonic, and Rotor.

She uses her robot half to get revenge at Robotnik for half-roboticizing her and ruining her life as a peaceful, southern gardener. Her name is Bunnie Rabbot.

Then there is a guy who used to live in Mobotropolis, but took refuge when Robotnik took over the city and roboticized the majority of it's inhabitants. He now tries to look fancy in his naval uniform and defeat Robotnik to take back the city of Mobotropolis (Or now, Robotropolis.)

Finally, a ten year old genius yellow fox with two tails. His name is Miles Prower, or as the freedom fighters call him, Tails because of his two tails. He holds a grudge against Robotnik because Tails' old plane, The Tornado, crashed into one of the parts of the Egg Fortress and Tails had been working on it for two years. He's also a HUGE fan of Sonic because of Sonic's abnormal power to run faster than the speed of light.

That group of Freedom Fighters must now fight against Robotnik to save Mobius and all of Robotnik's roboticized victims, especially Uncle Chuck, the Boomer family, and King Acorn.

I still cant tell you the reason. Discuss because this post will be deleted soon

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uh, no actually. In fact i'm going to post it. It depends what happens in the future whether or not it'll matter. i will probably even delete it eventually so dont quote it or save this post in any way.

(This isn't completely Archie Sonic, but has the Archie freedom fighters.)

Dr. Kintobor, an Earth scientist, creates an invention that would erase all evil on earth and turn it into a peaceful planet. This creation: The Seven Chaos Emeralds.

The Emeralds will absorb the evil and then the emeralds would be destroyed, forever turning Earth into a peaceful utopia.

In front of an audience, Kintobor absorbs the evil, and moves on to destroy the emeralds. But Kintobor has made a mistake. The Emerald he destroys sends the evil into his body, turning him into the evil Dr. Robotnik (Kintobor backwards).

Robotnik flees and builds a factory where he constructs armies of Swatbots and Badniks- then unleashes them to destroy his city, and take it over, then to destroy other cities to eventually take over the world. But the military is too strong and Robotnik's baddies are destroyed. Robotnik constructs the Egg Fortress and leaves the planet in search of weaker planets to destroy.

Robotnik's kidnapped nephew who shares ambition for world domination after being kidnapped by robotnik and exposed to shattered Chaos Emerald on purpose to recieve the "Chaos Infection" which is the same thing Kintobor fell victim to turning him into Robotnik goes with him, and assists him on his journey.

Then Robotnik finds Mobius, swoops down, and tries to declare himself ruler of Mobius to be held back by King Acorn and his friend Chuck the Hedgehog. But Chuck and King Acorn fall victim to Robotnik when that happens, becoming the first Mobians to be roboticized and turned into Robot slaves.

Chuck's nephew, Sonic the Hedghog, has been friends with King Acorn's daughter for some time (Sonic's parents are dead) and both Sonic and Princess Sally Acorn vow that together with the band of Freedom Fighters they will assemble, they will destroy Robotnik and avenge the roboticization of their guardians.

Their team: A walrus named Rotor whose family was attacked by Swatbots and roboticized, another Freedom Fighter avenging roboticization.

A bunny who is half robot half bunny because of being half roboticized by Robotnik, before Sonic got the chance to save her. (He then saved her halfway through the process, of course) She now fights against Robotnik alongside Sally, Sonic, and Rotor.

She uses her robot half to get revenge at Robotnik for half-roboticizing her and ruining her life as a peaceful, southern gardener. Her name is Bunnie Rabbot.

Then there is a guy who used to live in Mobotropolis, but took refuge when Robotnik took over the city and roboticized the majority of it's inhabitants. He now tries to look fancy in his naval uniform and defeat Robotnik to take back the city of Mobotropolis (Or now, Robotropolis.)

Finally, a ten year old genius yellow fox with two tails. His name is Miles Prower, or as the freedom fighters call him, Tails because of his two tails. He holds a grudge against Robotnik because Tails' old plane, The Tornado, crashed into one of the parts of the Egg Fortress and Tails had been working on it for two years. He's also a HUGE fan of Sonic because of Sonic's abnormal power to run faster than the speed of light.

That group of Freedom Fighters must now fight against Robotnik to save Mobius and all of Robotnik's roboticized victims, especially Uncle Chuck, the Boomer family, and King Acorn.

I still cant tell you the reason. Discuss because this post will be deleted soon

Cool story, bro.

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Haha, thanks. I know it doesn't compleeetely follow Archie's storyline, because I tried to have a little SegaSonic elements in there.

Posts: 6
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You know what, that's fine that you support Kuta. But we don't. :/

Fine, then as I will make of it, the argument is over with.

Posts: 509
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Ok. That doesn't mean the topic is over though, we can still discuss the Sonic movie thing. (Hints at my written plot)

Posts: 3
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uh, no actually. In fact i'm going to post it. It depends what happens in the future whether or not it'll matter. i will probably even delete it eventually so dont quote it or save this post in any way.

(This isn't completely Archie Sonic, but has the Archie freedom fighters.)

Dr. Kintobor, an Earth scientist, creates an invention that would erase all evil on earth and turn it into a peaceful planet. This creation: The Seven Chaos Emeralds.

The Emeralds will absorb the evil and then the emeralds would be destroyed, forever turning Earth into a peaceful utopia.

In front of an audience, Kintobor absorbs the evil, and moves on to destroy the emeralds. But Kintobor has made a mistake. The Emerald he destroys sends the evil into his body, turning him into the evil Dr. Robotnik (Kintobor backwards).

Robotnik flees and builds a factory where he constructs armies of Swatbots and Badniks- then unleashes them to destroy his city, and take it over, then to destroy other cities to eventually take over the world. But the military is too strong and Robotnik's baddies are destroyed. Robotnik constructs the Egg Fortress and leaves the planet in search of weaker planets to destroy.

Robotnik's kidnapped nephew who shares ambition for world domination after being kidnapped by robotnik and exposed to shattered Chaos Emerald on purpose to recieve the "Chaos Infection" which is the same thing Kintobor fell victim to turning him into Robotnik goes with him, and assists him on his journey.

Then Robotnik finds Mobius, swoops down, and tries to declare himself ruler of Mobius to be held back by King Acorn and his friend Chuck the Hedgehog. But Chuck and King Acorn fall victim to Robotnik when that happens, becoming the first Mobians to be roboticized and turned into Robot slaves.

Chuck's nephew, Sonic the Hedghog, has been friends with King Acorn's daughter for some time (Sonic's parents are dead) and both Sonic and Princess Sally Acorn vow that together with the band of Freedom Fighters they will assemble, they will destroy Robotnik and avenge the roboticization of their guardians.

Their team: A walrus named Rotor whose family was attacked by Swatbots and roboticized, another Freedom Fighter avenging roboticization.

A bunny who is half robot half bunny because of being half roboticized by Robotnik, before Sonic got the chance to save her. (He then saved her halfway through the process, of course) She now fights against Robotnik alongside Sally, Sonic, and Rotor.

She uses her robot half to get revenge at Robotnik for half-roboticizing her and ruining her life as a peaceful, southern gardener. Her name is Bunnie Rabbot.

Then there is a guy who used to live in Mobotropolis, but took refuge when Robotnik took over the city and roboticized the majority of it's inhabitants. He now tries to look fancy in his naval uniform and defeat Robotnik to take back the city of Mobotropolis (Or now, Robotropolis.)

Finally, a ten year old genius yellow fox with two tails. His name is Miles Prower, or as the freedom fighters call him, Tails because of his two tails. He holds a grudge against Robotnik because Tails' old plane, The Tornado, crashed into one of the parts of the Egg Fortress and Tails had been working on it for two years. He's also a HUGE fan of Sonic because of Sonic's abnormal power to run faster than the speed of light.

That group of Freedom Fighters must now fight against Robotnik to save Mobius and all of Robotnik's roboticized victims, especially Uncle Chuck, the Boomer family, and King Acorn.

I still cant tell you the reason. Discuss because this post will be deleted soon

That's a wonderful idea. After that, you will be on top of the list next to Carlos Mencia. ^_^

Posts: 6
Active Member

uh, no actually. In fact i'm going to post it. It depends what happens in the future whether or not it'll matter. i will probably even delete it eventually so dont quote it or save this post in any way.

(This isn't completely Archie Sonic, but has the Archie freedom fighters.)

Dr. Kintobor, an Earth scientist, creates an invention that would erase all evil on earth and turn it into a peaceful planet. This creation: The Seven Chaos Emeralds.

The Emeralds will absorb the evil and then the emeralds would be destroyed, forever turning Earth into a peaceful utopia.

In front of an audience, Kintobor absorbs the evil, and moves on to destroy the emeralds. But Kintobor has made a mistake. The Emerald he destroys sends the evil into his body, turning him into the evil Dr. Robotnik (Kintobor backwards).

Robotnik flees and builds a factory where he constructs armies of Swatbots and Badniks- then unleashes them to destroy his city, and take it over, then to destroy other cities to eventually take over the world. But the military is too strong and Robotnik's baddies are destroyed. Robotnik constructs the Egg Fortress and leaves the planet in search of weaker planets to destroy.

Robotnik's kidnapped nephew who shares ambition for world domination after being kidnapped by robotnik and exposed to shattered Chaos Emerald on purpose to recieve the "Chaos Infection" which is the same thing Kintobor fell victim to turning him into Robotnik goes with him, and assists him on his journey.

Then Robotnik finds Mobius, swoops down, and tries to declare himself ruler of Mobius to be held back by King Acorn and his friend Chuck the Hedgehog. But Chuck and King Acorn fall victim to Robotnik when that happens, becoming the first Mobians to be roboticized and turned into Robot slaves.

Chuck's nephew, Sonic the Hedghog, has been friends with King Acorn's daughter for some time (Sonic's parents are dead) and both Sonic and Princess Sally Acorn vow that together with the band of Freedom Fighters they will assemble, they will destroy Robotnik and avenge the roboticization of their guardians.

Their team: A walrus named Rotor whose family was attacked by Swatbots and roboticized, another Freedom Fighter avenging roboticization.

A bunny who is half robot half bunny because of being half roboticized by Robotnik, before Sonic got the chance to save her. (He then saved her halfway through the process, of course) She now fights against Robotnik alongside Sally, Sonic, and Rotor.

She uses her robot half to get revenge at Robotnik for half-roboticizing her and ruining her life as a peaceful, southern gardener. Her name is Bunnie Rabbot.

Then there is a guy who used to live in Mobotropolis, but took refuge when Robotnik took over the city and roboticized the majority of it's inhabitants. He now tries to look fancy in his naval uniform and defeat Robotnik to take back the city of Mobotropolis (Or now, Robotropolis.)

Finally, a ten year old genius yellow fox with two tails. His name is Miles Prower, or as the freedom fighters call him, Tails because of his two tails. He holds a grudge against Robotnik because Tails' old plane, The Tornado, crashed into one of the parts of the Egg Fortress and Tails had been working on it for two years. He's also a HUGE fan of Sonic because of Sonic's abnormal power to run faster than the speed of light.

That group of Freedom Fighters must now fight against Robotnik to save Mobius and all of Robotnik's roboticized victims, especially Uncle Chuck, the Boomer family, and King Acorn.

I still cant tell you the reason. Discuss because this post will be deleted soon

Is it me or does this sound an awful lot like what Rich's script was?

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

Is it just me or does it sound an awful lot like SatAM's plot? Oh wait, it is. So was Rich's.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Okay, new guys, I think it's time to leave Socksie alone. I know he's copping an attitude and offending you and generally being a bit of an ignorant pest towards you both and you have the right to be annoyed by him... but he's a 9 year old kid, from our general understanding (and a recent google check of the last time he announced his age), and he's just trying to fit in with the big boys. It's not really fair to kick him through the dirt and get so annoyed with him, when his understanding of the situation is from what he reads other people saying.

I don't mean to offend Socks by standing up for him like this, but hanging about the forum to prove a point to a 9 year old is a bit counter-productive.

If you want to reply to my large post about why a Sonic movie would be a bad idea, rather than making fun of him, I'd be glad to turn this into a civillized discussion.

Posts: 1789
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9? I thought you had to be at least 13 to join this forum?

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According to the Yuku terms and conditions, you have to be at least 13 to register (if I remember correctly). Srocks is engaging in an illegal activity, the punishment of which is TORTURE - the torture of him possibly reading this crappy post of mine. kthxbye

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

His age (10, not 9. My apologies) was spoken about in this topic it was mostly breezed over, but being an EVC the staff should be aware. So we should stop all discussion of it in this thread and continue with the Sonic movie.

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I dont really understand how I'm "copping an additude, generally offending them, and gennarally being an ignorant pest"....

Posts: 4885
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Socks. If you don't see how this post:

"You know, i think you ARE Kuta. Because, everybody knows he sucks and that his movie will be crap, so those people who would make an entire account JUST for the purpose of defending that wad, like you have done (see post count) AND recca has done. So you know what Rich, why don't you just get lost, because that's what a ban from a site is."

Is being rude and offensive, then you really need to review your stance on nettiquite. The ignorance comes from the baseless accusations. You'll notice you're the only one who accused Greg of being Kuta, and anyone with the slightest bit of context on things would have known right away that he was not.

I'm doing my best to stop all of this from causing any off-board tension, so please, let's just forgive and forget on this, move on and discuss the topic at hand.

Posts: 2723
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I still cant tell you the reason. Discuss because this post will be deleted soon

No one's going to delete your post, Socks.

Getting the topic back on track, I think it would just be a short film with a pretty simplistic plot. I honestly don't think anything feature-length would work when it comes to Sonic. Heck, if it were somewhat comedic like Night of the Werehog it'd probably be fine. The movie was better than the game anyway.

Posts: 3756
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You know, i think you ARE Kuta.

Srocks is L.

Posts: 1191
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Does this make Rishi Kira?

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I did have a base for my accusations: Everyone else also accused ReccaAcorn of being Rich because she was defending him, and had just made the account. Those are two things Greg did too: Defend Rich, and seemingly make the account for the purpose of doing that.

Posts: 2723
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Obviously, no one seems to getting the message here. Even after I've said to squash the crap and at least try to make some sort of discussion about the original topic, no one listened. Even when it veered off to a talk about a poster's age, Craig said to drop it and keep moving. Now this happens.

Topic over, folks. I'm locking this one down. I'm tired of repeating myself to those who don't listen, joking or not. If anybody else thinks it should be reopened, well, then by all means do so.

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