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Sonic the hedgehog video game ideas.

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If you could make a Sonic the hedgehog game what would the plot be?

My idea would be this.

Sonic Time Clash

Dr. Robotnik has successfully stolen the master emerald and he's using the master emerald to power his time machine. He's using the time machine to go to the year 2050 so he can take over the world in the future where Sonic and friends can't get him. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Cream, and Cheese come up and try and stop Robotink from going in the time machine. But it's too late Robotink has already jumped in the time machine. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Cream, and Cheese also jump in the time machine. But as soon as Dr. Robotink, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Cream, and Cheese leave Metal Sonic comes up because he has sneaking into Robotnik's base and is setting the time machine to the year 1991 so he can take control of the world and change history.

Posts: 1396
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Okay, firstly I'd like to say that I don't think Sonic should be set to a specific year, for all we know, a year hasn't past since Sonic the Hedgehog on the Megadrive back in 1991 in the time line. This way Sonic will always be in the present, never aging.

The only way I'd like to see time travel happen is like how it was used in Sonic CD and kind of in Sonic Adventure, Ancient Past, Past, Present, Future, Distant Future. This was the world isn't stappled to a year but and era.

Also when coming up with a story for a game you have to think of how the gameplay will actually run, simply having Sonic in futuristic levels does nothing if the gameplay is the same, especially as Sonic levels have always been able to fit in either futuristic or even fantasy styles.

Anyway, my idea for a Sonic game would be a duck button. This would bring back rolling and control over the spin dash.

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Didn't like it huh well I hope you like my new idea.

Sonic Heroes 2: Team up of the century

Metal Sonic has paid Fang the Sniper a chaos emerald to help him destroy Sonic the hedgehog and his friends. Fang then sets off to destroy Sonic and his friends. Dr. Eggman is also planning a new evil plan. His new evil plan is to build a new city named Egg-City and hes building in it on Greenhill. So Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails have to rush to Greenhill to destroy Egg-City but they encounter obstacles on the way too Greenhill. Meanwhile The Chaotix and The Babylon are in a all out fight because Jet the Hawk stole The Chaotixs chaos emerald. Meanwhile The Black Arms have returned and Shadow seeks out to destroy them but this time Rouge and Omega help him because Shadow has helped them in the past. Meanwhile Fang the Sniper for his personal gain has stolen Cheese, Chocola, and Froggy for a ransom of 6 chaos emeralds since he already has 1. So Amy, Big, and Cream have to steal Chaos Emerald from Dr. Eggman, The Babylon, and sadly there friends. Meanwhile Dr. Eggman has send out his troops to destory his past creations that have betrayed him in the past starting with Gemerl, Heavy, and Bomb. Gemerl, Heavy, and Bomb team up to stop Eggman from destroying them! Meanwhile Mighty and Ray are running away from a bunch of Eggman Robots. Blaze shows up trashes the robots. Blaze says that shes in this universe because Sonic showed up in her universe yesterday and stole the Sol Emeralds so now she must get the Sol Emeralds back and giving Sonic a trashing. Mighty and Ray wonder why there old friend would do this so they Team up with Blaze to talk with Sonic. Little does Blaze, Mighty, or Ray know it was Metal Sonic who stole the Sol Emeralds who just disguised himself as Sonic by using his shape shifting powers. Meanwhile Bean and Bark are practicing there fighting moves when Gamma jumps out the bushes. At first they all fight but then Gamma stops the fight. Gamma then tells them that Eggman has a price on there heads and explains to them that he just broke out of Eggmans control again and has not set out to destroy Eggman. So Bean and Bark team up with Gamma to destroy Eggman. So the adventure begins for all of our heroes.

Here two other things that would happen.

We have four new teams.
Team Babylon= Jet the Hawk (Speed), Wave the Swallow (Flight), and Storm Albatross (Power).
Team Robo= Bomb (Speed), Gemerl (Flight), and Heavy (Power).
Team Mighty= Mighty (Speed), Ray (Flight), and Blaze (Power).
Team Bean= Bean (Speed), Gamma (Flight), and Bark (Power).
Metal Sonic and Black Doom team up in last story mode.
Metal Overlord and Devil Doom fuse together in last story mode.

Posts: 2915
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*Imagines having to play through the game and the 'special' stages with all 8 teams...BANG*

Way-past too many teams dude...Plus your story is going way too many directions... Why in the world would they try to cram all their past characters in to one game!?! (You left out Tikal...she needs a you forgot about having Perfect Chaos and the Biohazard join up with Metal Overlord and Devil Doom...:P)

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Everybody here is so nit picky. In my idea I tried to bring back a lot of old characters in one game which is not impossible. Oh and by the way Perfect Chaos couldn't fuse together with Devil Doom and Metal Overlord because he's a good guy.

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wayt oo man yteams isn't a minor problem, and major issues with the story are not insignifigant details. Nitpicking is hwining about little things people barely notice, And bringing back every old character is possible but not a good idea. How are you going to make them all different?

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New Idea!

Sonic the hedgehog/Mario crossover

Sonic and Dr. Eggman are fighting over the chaos emeralds. Sonic eventually gets them but Eggman hits the chaos emeralds with a beam which makes the chaos emeralds active and since the chaos emeralds are active this sends Sonic and the emeralds to a different world. Meanwhile in Mario's world Mario and Bowser are battling but then a porthole opens and Sonic and the chaos emeralds come out of it. Mario picks up three of the chaos emerald but the chaos emeralds are still active and then the three chaos emeralds send Mario and the three emeralds to Sonic's world. But there are still four chaos emeralds in Mario's world and Bowser gets them. Sonic runs after Bowser but he's too late Bowser has got away. Sonic eventually encounters Yoshi, Lugi, Daisy, and Peach. Sonic explains how he got to there world and what happened to there friend. Sonic, Yoshi, Lugi, Peach, and Daisy team up to get the four chaos emeralds back but they encounter obstacles a long the way. Meanwhile back in Sonic's world Mario has three of the chaos emeralds but Eggman steals them. Mario encounters Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Cream, and Cheese. Mario tells how he got to this world and what happened to Sonic. So Mario, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and Cream team up to get the three chaos emeralds back but they encounter obstacles on the way. Eventually Sonic, Yoshi, Lugi, Peach, and Daisy get the four chaos emeralds back. And eventually Mario, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and Cream get the three chaos emeralds back. So Mario, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and Cream chaos control to Mario's world. Sonic, Yoshi, Lugi, Peach, and Daisy encounter Bowser but Mario, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Cream, and Cheese chaos control just in time for the party. But back in Sonic's world Eggman uses the power of the Master Emerald to chaos control to Mario's world. Eggman and Bowser meet and team up to crush there enemies. Eggman uses the power of the master emerald to power his new robot the Egg-Crusher and Bowser is using the power of the master emerald to power himself. But Sonic and Mario are using the power of the chaos emeralds to go super and defeat Bowser and Eggman. The question is who will win this fight Sonic and Mario or Eggman and Bowser?

Posts: 1827
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I suppose what would be better for a story would be going a bit deeper in most characters personalities. Understanding what motivates and demotivates each character to complete their goals. Actually the profiles in the European Sonic Heroes manual was quite good (I assume it was the same in the US and JPN manuals) but it doesn't come across well in the games. I'm not asking for a good story. Just something nice.

As for my suggestion for a storyline in a future game... Why not have a game that doesn't have each and every character intertwine with each other to complete the same basic goal. Why not have as the main storyline Sonic, Tails, Amy and Cream Vs Eggman. Eggman wants to launch the Egg Star from his underwater base, Needs the Chaos Emeralds to get the thing in the air and orbiting Earth. Thus in a dastardly plot to have Sonic hand the Chaos Emeralds to him he kidnaps Cream. So Sonic, Tails and Amy go off to try and save Cream.

As a separate Story you have Knuckles and Rouge fight for the Master Emerald without leaving Angel Island. They end up having to work together against old traps on Angel Island. Exploring into the Echidna downfall and how Knuckles is the last echidna.

That way you keep the rabid Knuckles fans happy two times actually. He is in the game and he's seems to be more in character than he has been since Adventure 2. (even though invading alien forces would be a good reason off the island)

As for game design and structure. I dont think Sonic actually makes a good 3D character. He is too fast really for precision platforming. Whereas slower characters (Tails, Knuckles, Rouge >_>) would be better for well designed 3D stages.
So: Sonic (2D Platforming), Tails (3D Gadget Based Platforming*1), Amy (3D Puzzle Based Dungeons*2), Knuckles (3D Objective Based Platforming*3), Rouge (3D Objective Based Platforming).
*1) Bit like Racthet and Clank with better flying. Or Tails Adventure in 3D with upgradable gadgets.
*2) Bit like Legend of Zelda without equipment. Just hit it with piko piko hammer!
*3) Knuckles and Rouge would go though the same level in storyline alone. But you will pick what character to be. Knuckles: More Power, Smash, Throw. Still Glide, Punch and Climb but some areas will be inaccessable due to him being unable to perform the action to get to it.
Rouge: Flies and Ceiling climb as well as Kick and Wall Climb. Will be able to scale ceilings and access areas with stealth. yeah stealth. Wont be able to get to Knuckles's areas due to lack of strength.

Posts: 2915
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*raises hand* oh, oh Beardie99, I've got a "New Idea" too!

-Work on story skills...No one wants a story that goes on a straight linear path...BORING! People want plot twists! Start with two seemingly separate incidents and have them come together in some unexpected way!

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New Idea!

Sonic the hedgehog: Egg City.

Sonic, Tails, Amy, Cream, and Cheese are running through a field when they see a giant city ahead of them. They all go in it and see tons of Eggman Robots. Sonic then sees a blimp. The blimp flies over the city and the blimp says Egg City. They all realize this is Eggmans city. Sonic then says they have to destroy this city. Tails, Amy, Cream, and Cheese agree. But as they were talking Gamma ran by real fast and grabbed Cream and Cheese. Sonic, Tails, and Amy run after Gamma but tons of Eggman robots stop Sonic, Tails, and Amy. Sonic, Tails, and Amy then destroy all of the robots but there too late Gamma has gotten away with Cream and Cheese. Tails says hell go find Cream and Cheese you guys just focus on destroying this place. So Tails runs off. Sonic and Amy walk around some more. Amy then sees a plane fly by in the sky and sees a robot on top of the plane. One she thought she got rid of along time ago. Zero! Amy says to Sonic shell catch up with him later she has some unfinished business to take care of. Amy then dashes of. So its just Sonic. Meanwhile in Egg City Knuckles is in the city looking for Rouge because she stole half of the master emerald and hes looking for Dr. Eggman too because he stole half of the master emerald. Meanwhile elsewhere in Egg City Shadow is trying to get back a secret file Eggman stole from The ARK! Rouge is helping Shadow so she can get to Eggman and steal his half of the emerald. Meanwhile in Egg Citys prison Gamma is about to put Cream and Cheese in the prison. But Cheese escapes out of Gammas hands and bonks Gamma in the head so hard that he falls over and drops Cream out of his hands. Cream and Cheese then run off. But as Cream and Cheese were running and Gamma got up and started to remember all of his memories. Apparently that bonk on the head gave him all of his memories back. Gamma then decides to find Eggman and destroy him. Meanwhile Cream and Cheese have to try and find there friends. So the adventure begins for everybody. But what is Eggman planning with the secret file from The ARK?

Posts: 2
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Okay, this idea's kinda stupid,but here goes:

Sonic was enjoying a bt of a break, since Dr. Eggman had been on hiatus for a few months, when the news hit him. Dr. Eggman not only resurfaced, but had taken a city practically overnight. Confused as to how Eggman could not only manage to conquer a city so fast, but to do so under his nose, he sped right to the newly named "Eggman Land". He managed to sneak into the city, where he caught sight of a television broadcast from Eggman. The point of the broadcast was not only to proclaim himself as the ruler of the city, but also to announce a very big event. During his hiatus, he had actually been at a distant land, searching for a great power. While there, he met a native woman who served as his guide at the island. Upon leaving the island, the native woman wanted to go with him, so they both left, and they've since made plans to be married, and attendance was mandatory for all the citizens of Eggman Land. So Sonic speeds off to free the city of Eggman's control, but he had a gut feeling that something wasn't right. Something about Eggman's behavior on the broadcast seemed he was a mere shell of his former self (pun half-intended)He felt he would need to investigate the situation further, becuase his gut told him that there is more going on than is obvious.

So much of the game would be Sonic fighting through Eggman Land, while piecing together what exectly is occuring,

Crappy eh?

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Good idea!

Posts: 194
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Wow... talk about incredible! Rather than having an entire game idea, here's what my dream Sonic game would have.

*First off, put in on all current platforms.
*Eggman won't convert to the good side.
*If a new character is introduced, make a villian, a good well developed villian that doesn't convert to the good side like all the others have. (coughshadowcough)
*Focus on Sonic mostly but give his closest friends (Tails, Knuckles, Amy) the attention they need. Cameos of others won't hurt.
*More fantasy based levels.
*Actually, more levels, period. Lately they've been slacking in this respect. And make them creative and replayable!
*Give each level a boss.
*Great graphics.
*Don't make the camera the player's worst enemy.
*Super Sonic playable in normal play rather than only in the final battle, like in the old 2D games.
*Expand on Sonic's personality and give him a back story.
*If emblems are included, give rewards after collecting every ten or so and make the final reward for getting them all really big. (Rewards could be like unlocking other characters playable in certain levels, behind the scenes goodies, extra scenes with certain characters, more updated levels like Green Hill, or downgrade new ones to 2D. O.O Imagine SA's Lost World in 2D...)
*New and enjoyable special stages for collecting the Chaos Emeralds.
*Perhaps have certain actions ingame affect the story (like they tried with Shadow).
*Have rewarding and fun minigames, like in SA.
*Make Chao a part of the game, but only for those who want them, so no emblems need to be rewarded solely through Chao. (I like them, but many others don't.) Make raising them an option.
*And most of all... HYPER SONIC! All glittery and colorful and disturbingly powerful.

If all that could be shoe-horned into a Sonic game, ah, the perfection and joy would be great...

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Remove bottomless pits and I'll be at least semi-happy, as long as they're not replaced with Mystic Cave-style inescapable pits of Doom.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

Here's what my ideal game would be:

Playable character: Just Sonic.
Tagalong: Tails (Optional). AI would be substantially improved over recent games.
NPC characters (plot-related or Boss Battles): Tails Knuckles, Fang, Metal Sonic, Amy, Rouge.
Plot: Eggman is trying to take over the world using the seven Chaos Emeralds. Sonic must stop him.
Special stages: Easily accessed. Challenging, but not frustrating.
Semi-final boss: Sonic vs. Eggman
Final Battle (with all emeralds): Super Sonic vs. Super Eggman.

After beating the final boss, you would unlock a "secret" mode. It would be the same game, with these few differences:
Playable character: Shadow (he would NOT appear in the main story).
Tagalong: Fang, also optional and with improved AI
NPC: The same, with Tails taking Fang's spot and Rogue and Amy switching roles.
Plot: Eggman is trying to take over the world using the seven Chaos Emeralds. Shadow must stop him. The stages remain the same and the cutscenes would feature rewritten dialogue and minor plot changes to reflect the difference between Sonic and Shadow.
Special stages: same as above.
Semi-Final battle: Shadow vs. Eggman
Final: Super Shadow vs. Super Sonic.

Beating the Shadow Story would allow you to select Fang as Sonic's Tagalong, or Tails as Shadow's tagalong, but only in the level select and not when playing the story. Some emblems would only be accessable while using the switched tagalongs.

Getting all Emblems would unlock the ability to achieve the super form during the regular stages.

Posts: 89
Estimable Member

shadow the hedgehog: mysterey of the ARK
characters: shadow maria(unlockable flashbacks only) gerald(same as maria) black doom (unlockable)
story: shadow is guarding the ARK when a tv screen has geralds face on it then shadow regains concienseness and wakes up in a room now he must find the true pourpuse of the ARK

Posts: 139
Estimable Member

What wonderful ideas, beardie if your stories arent game material they sure would be fun cartoons to watch.
I have an idea too:
Story: eggman turned all the sonic characters (except sonic) into super robots using their special powers and data. Sonic has to go and rescue his friends from eggman (I got this idea from the original sonic, just instead of little animals eggman uses the big ones) and since sonic has a lot of friends that means a lot of levels and bosses.

Playable characters: only sonic. and after he saves tails in the first stage <green hill zone> tails becomes a tagalong character (or a playable player 2).

Metal could be the kidnapper and eggman of course is the master mind behind the plot.

Posts: 30
Eminent Member

I would like to see a speed meter in the game so you can see how fast Sonic and friends are going. And with Sonic, Shadow, and Metal, I would like to see a Sonic Boom with sound and effects of what it is like to be in a boom when reaching 700 MPH.

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Good ideas everyone I have a new but nobody well like it.

I have a new one.

It's called Sonic the hedgehog in Metal team up.

Metal Sonic and Tails Doll have teamed up and have sneaking into Eggman's base to get Mecha Sonic, Metal Knuckles, and Mecha Knuckles. They escape with them and then they give them artificial intelligence. After that they come up with a plan to team up with each other and destroy Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails. Meanwhile Amy and Cream have to stop Rouge from robbing the chaos emeralds.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

I think Shadow might be on to something...I remember watching the Sonic CD intro and saying "Dude, that's sweet!" when Sonic left a trail of blowing dust behind him... maybe in this generation of VG's the companies will be able to throw those minute, little details into the games...

Posts: 194
Estimable Member

That would be cool, but with the way the levels are being designed in the current games, I don't think we would have the chance to reach such speeds. However, Sega could think of something.

Posts: 1269
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Sonic Tennis

The Chaos Emeralds have been lost. We have to get them back by playing tennis! What deeper story do you need?

As per usual, everybody joins in, no matter how pointless their participation may be. And somehow, characters like Big are able to compete with characters like Rouge.

And when Robotnik wins, he's tested positive for drugs, and the game defaults to Sonic.

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

Harley's idea, hands down, rocks my socks.

But, seriously, if anything, I'd after to design a game different from most mainstream Sonic games. RPG! =D

C'mon, turn-based fighting, using elements from Final Fantasy X which allow you to switch members during battle, or having the battle be played out like in Star Ocean: Til the End of Time, still being able to switch character in battle.

Having stats individual for each of the unique characters is something I want to add to the scene.

STAT - Translation - Effect
IQ - Intelligence - Adds bonuses to skills.
ME - Mental Endurance - How well you can take energy-based attacks, like Shadow's Chaos Blast.
MA - Mental Affinity (sort of like a Charisma) - N/A
PS - Physical Strength - Used in conjunction with (weapon?) to determine damage dealt to enemy.
PE - Physical Endurance - Used to determine Hit Points.
PP - Physical Prowess - Combat skills and bonuses.
SPD - Speed - Initiative and speed for battle, possibly movement in battle if possible.
HP - Hit Points
MP - Magic/Mana/Mental Points

I'm pretty sure there could be more, or they could be changed into different things, but this is only a base non-worked on version. =p

Sonic, naturally, would have a pretty high PP, SPD, and MA. Whereas he'd have an average IQ and PS, and low ME and PE. His body isn't that remarkable strong, and a good hit would be able to knock him out, that was if his SPD and PP didn't compensate for that, his enemy would have to catch up to him first.

Knuckles would have a high PS, PE, PP, and ME, he'd have just under average IQ, and his SPD and MA wouldn't be all that great (c'mon, you don't seem him being known for being the world's fastest echidna).

Tails, the fuzzy kitsune. High IQ, PP, and SPD, average ME (he's an inventor, he's got to have some patience when he's trying to make things work), average PS, low endurance (he's flight don't last too long, don't it?), and a just above average MA.

The rest goes on. QUICK STATS!

IQ - Average
ME - High
MA - Low
PS - High
PE - Average
PP - High
SPD - High

IQ - Average
ME - High (Special training to keep calm under stress)
MA - Average
PS - Average
PE - Average
PP - High
SPD - Average

IQ - Just under low (she ain't that bright)
ME - Low
MA - Average
PS - Average
PE - Low
PP - Average (From practise and Boxercising)
SPD - Average (Getting higher, might have to reconsider)

IQ - Average
ME - Low
MA - High
PS - Low
PE - Low
PP - Average
SPD - Average

Okay, now for a bit more explanation on some of the things used for the battle system.

HP - Used in conjunction with PE to determine how many HPs the character has.
MP - Used to pull off special attacks a character might have, such as Sonic's Sonic Wind, or Shadow's Chaos Blast, and various other abilities unique to the characters.

Three members of the party can be used in battle at a time, and switching characters while the battle is happening adds a different element to the system, making battles as easy or as hard as you want them to be.

If the battles were to be like Star Ocean: TTEOT, there'd be light attacks and heavy attacks. Example! Sonic:
Light Attack - Homing Attack
Heavy Attack - Spin Dash
If it were to be turn-based:
Normal Attack - Homing Attack
Critical Hit - Spin Dash

In either case, using skills, abilities, items, etc, would be able to be accessed through means of a window.

The monetary value would have to be the Power Ring, or just plain old Ring.

As for the storyline - Hah! Who has time for that? Maybe, some other time, perhaps. For now, it is getting too late, and I must rest my weary eyes. *snore*

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

Mario's had some pretty good RPG adventures...why not Sonic... I wish it would be a Satam/Archie based RPG...but I also wish I had one million that's going to come true...

RPG?!? I'm game!

Posts: 2
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Title: Sonic Exodus
Gameplay: Shadow The Hedgehog
On some uncharted island, Blaze the Cat awakens. Unaware of how she came to be there, she goes off in search of Sonic, as she can just 'sense' that he is around. Meanwhile, in the desert, archeologists uncover the tomb of Aza Mar; warlord of some forgotten time. One of the explorers runs in and exclaims that he's found a Chaos Emerald. The power somehow regenerates Aza Mar and he breaks free: eager to collect the 7 Chaos Emeralds.

Posts: 270
Reputable Member

I'd like to point out that a lot of these aren't video game ideas whatsoever. All they have are stories... and frankly, that just makes them fanfiction ideas, not video game ones. If they're going to be video game ideas, you have to actually consider how the game is going to work, not just the plot.

Is it going to be a traditional Sonic game, and if so, what will the pacing be? Will the pace be closer to the Genesis games or the Advance ones (including Rush)? Will there be a gimmick, like time travel? Will the core gameplay see adjustments, like turning the game into a Metroid-y Sonic game instead of the traditional "finish a level, then move to the next" style? Will there be gunplay, or do you consider that a taboo? What kinds of levels will there be? Can you provide any details other than the plot?

I'll admit, some people have made attempts to crack at the surface of that, and I applaud that much. But seriously, guys, games are a lot more than just story ideas.

And I really don't see a Sonic RPG working if it's turn-based; not very in-tune with the Sonic universe, that. Now, if it starred, say, Tails or Knuckles or Amy instead of Sonic, it could work since they're not as fast, but Sonic? Speed or bust.

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

Original Sonic the Hedgehog video game idea: dynamic duo teamplay. Allow me to explain:

Chaotix, SAdv 3, and Heroes brought teams to defend the world in their own way. At any rate, I suggest a game like Chaotix where you begin at the main world. The game brings you to your partner selection screen where the process is randomized. The amount of partners available for selection would become an unlockable. Your partners will probably be divided with the speed - flight - power scheme. You'll probably start with simply Tails, Knuckles, Heavy, Bomb, or empty space. If the game selects the empty space, you'll go on your adventure by your lonesome.

Then, your character would choose how your partner and your main character would interact. The choice? ring cord or tag team action.

If you choose the ring cord, the game will give your character one part of the cord. You'll have to get it for some areas and bosses. If you choose team action, you get charged with some energy, most useful at the beginning and in areas where one's enough.

Regardless of having a partner or not and how your character interacts with your partner, the game brings you to a level select where the process is again randomized. Once that happens, you begin a stage.

In the stage, you'll have areas where a specific partner would be the most useful: if there's a pit of doomness between you and your shortcut, you can only use a flight character; a rock in your path would be cleared with a power character; a speed character would aim to get to use those elevators (like the ones in Sonic 3D). The item boxes from Chaotix would return in this game. The springs would return also but in a different way: red springs for power, yellow springs for flight, and blue springs for speed. That's my idea in a nutshell.

Original Sonic the Hedgehog video game idea that everyone would probably kill me if it does come true: A 2D Shadow the hedgehog game where he plays ala the original Sonic the Hedgehog (the one for the Genesis). :p

Posts: 139
Estimable Member


Now, if it starred, say, Tails or Knuckles or Amy instead of Sonic, it could work since they're not as fast, but Sonic? Speed or bust.

well it could be a three story RPG. you can choose any one of the three with separate storylines. the gameplay can be a normal 3D RPG, no magic or super moves just simple attacks and absolutely no guns :nono and sonic can be in special stages gathering the emeralds :) and i'd be very happy if the entros were animation like sonicX. i don't like CG.


The game brings you to your partner selection screen where the process is randomized.

not everyone likes all the characters, besides if you do it in random you'll keep asking yourself if this is the first story, you really don't want to play the game unorganized.

Posts: 68
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Sonic Battle 2: Gemerl VS Metal Sonic

Sonic and Gemerl are having a friendly race when they see a giant ship in the sky. Sonic doesn't recognize it as any of Eggman's models so he knows it not one of Eggman's ships. The ship then lands on the ground and Metal Sonic comes out of it. But Metal Sonic doesn't attack Sonic or Gemerl. Metal Sonic says he's not here to fight yet anyway he's here to challenge Gemerl to a match in 7 days. Because he and Gemerl sure a common power the power of copying other people's powers. So Metal Sonic continues talking by saying whoever wins the match gets each other's power and if Gemerl doesn't fight him in 7 days he'll destroy the whole entire world with his ship. Metal Sonic then gets back in his ship and the ship ascends back into space. So Gemerl has 7 days to decide if he wants to fight Metal Sonic.

This game features a wide selection of characters you can play as. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Cream and Cheese, Big, Fang the Sniper, Shadow, Rouge, Omega, Espio, Charmy, Vector, Jet the Hawk, Wave the Swallow, Strom the Albatross, Dr. Eggman, Gamma, Tikal, Chaos, and of course Gemerl!

Posts: 81
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Well I have thought about a Sonic RPG, but kind of more of a Fire Emblem style. Agreed, turn-based wouldn't really fit the Sonic franchise, so maybe like Final Fantasy/Paper Mario which is free-roaming but the battles are turn-based?
Or completely linear like Zelda?

Most of the ideas I come up with are stupid anyway. 😛

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Well after playing many hours on Ratchet and Clank. I found out a new Shadow game could be good. BEHOLD THE IDEA:
Shadow 2

Story: Shadow has his head knocked slightly by a spanner and he...doesn't lose his memory. Phew... There will be something about Metal Sonic and wanting to turn the whole world into robots and he will be the ruler of said world.

Story Structure: Now there will be three ways to complete the game. You'll choose your destiny at the end of the 1st cutscence and you will learn to love it!

Side with Sonic and GUN and you will go through 7 Earth Based levels trying to get the Chaos Emeralds before Metal Sonic. You'll partnered by: Sonic, Knuckles, Rouge, Espio. Through the levels.
Reason for choosing Sonic: Its the right/boring thing to do.

Side with Metal Sonic and you will go through 7 Ark/Moon Based Levels where you are defending the ultra weapon that will turn everyone into robots. You'll be partnered by Omega and Metal Sonic through the levels.
Reason for choosing Metal Sonic: He has found even more secrets about the Ark's Past. Plus he has promised you an island.

Side with Eggman and you'll go through 7 different levels with you trying to get the Chaos Emeralds and trying to destroy Metal Sonic's plan. You'll be partnered by the two robots from Sonic Riders though the levels.
Reason for choosing Eggman: He believes that he could make you even stronger. Plus he has promised you your own currency.

You can choose your partner before the level. Partners wont whine at you to do the right thing but will help you.
Sonic: Will increase Shadow's speed and will help you with fighting enemies.
Rouge: Will help you with flight like Tails would do with Sonic.
Knuckles: Increases your attack power and will help you find hidden items.
Espio: You can turn invisible.
To activate Espio's and Rouge's power a tap of Z/R1/Black button for on and a tap for off.
and so on.

Levels style: Shorter, levels with a linear path and more veering off for hidden areas and extra missions (Help the Troops).

Weapons: L+R Trigger locks onto enemies and you can shoot till dead. Drop swords and signs (freaking stop sign wasnt in 🙁 ).

Controls: (Dont know why I'm using gamecube controls but oh well)
Anolog Stick - Move Shadow. Over weapon: pick up
A - Jump. Tap: Homing Attack, Hold: Air Blade Booster.
B - Attack/Shoot
X - Interact/Light Dash/Spin Dash
Y - Drop Weapon/Walk slowly.
Z - Partners action on/off
C stick - camera control
L Trigger - Look around
R Trigger - Strafe
L+R Triggers - Lock on enemy
Triangle Jump/Wall Run: Power bar on the side telling you how much more you can run. Will always jump instead of leap o' death.

Hero / Dark points dropped.
Enemy Designs:
Hero Story: Eggman robots + Robot Sonics
Metal Sonic Story: Eggman Robots and GUN
Eggman Story: Robot Sonics + GUN

Last Story Showdown:
Similar to Devil Doom. Mega E123 Omega. Omega turns on Metal Sonic to take command of all Robots.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

I don't know, but I doubt Shadow would aim to help Metal Sonic tansform everyone into robots in return for an island. Same with Dr. Eggman, I doubt he'd do it just so Shadow could get his own currency.

But that's niggling at story details.

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

I thought of this when i completed SH, yeah it is SH2 but I try to keep it clever...

The game starts with a deactived Metal Sonic in the room where Shadow awakened in SH. Then a close-up of Metal Sonic with glowing red eyes

Metal Sonic: "Systems Online. New objective, Keyword: Team"...

Team Sonic race though a forest to get to Station Square.

Level 1: Onward Forest (Team Sonic)

The level is really a tutorial with Omochao (oh, no!) telling you all the controls. Team Sonic's Team blast is different; Sonic holds onto Tails and Knuckles while going into a tornado attack which also causes Tails and Knux to go into their own Tornado and destroy everything in the area at a high speed.

The level is filled with large boulders (Power), high ledges and flying Eggman bots (Flight) and bots with shields and running areas (Speed).

Differcultly: 1/10

Level 2: Speeding Wood (Team Sonic)

Not a lot different from Onward forest, but at the end we have the traditional 'Boulders chases you while running at screen' but a rolling Tree instead.

Differcultly: 2/10

Robo-Eggman (Boss) (Team Sonic)

A giant Machine who looks like Eggman is rampaging though Station Square. (if you want a rough look, see Robo-Robotnik in the Sonic OVA) The robot has Bat like wings for flying and has a giant chaingun for a hand, aling with a large booster on the back.

Team Sonic arrive on the scene to face off against the Machine.

The weak point on Robo-Eggman is a large panel on the chest. It starts off on the ground trying to ram into Team Sonic, to do damage the Power Character has to hit the robot my jumping into the air and shoot the Team into the panel (including the famous "Shaa!" ^_^)

Once the damage has been done, it will start flying and it will try too shoot you or land on top of you. Simply fly with the Flight character and Thunder Shoot at the panel.

After more damage has been done the Robot will land. It will not move but it will try to shoot at you but much more accurate and faster than flying. The Speed character must run away from the bullets and Homing attack at the panel, finishing him off.


(my dad wants the PC, i'll edit and add more once he's off)

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

Why do people when they suggest Sonic should have a RPG think it should only have turn-based battles? Why don't they suggest a hypothitical Sonic RPG real-time battles like the Tales and Star Ocean franchises? At least the latter battle system-type could actually incorporate speed-based gameplay is the most noted aspect of the Sonic franchise.

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

*Points up to his original post where he did mention Star Ocean and real-time battles for a Sonic RPG. Was going to mention a possible Kingdom Hearts, but decided against it.*

*Was also thinking about pen-and-paper as well.*

Posts: 30
Eminent Member

I know. Shadow: Unleashed.

All of the Shadow Androids are rebelling against Robotnick and try to take over the world. They form a collective concousness (A la Borg) and try to kill every living thing on the planet, and to control all machiens on the planet, creating the Shadow Empire. Now Shadow must stop this from happening at all costs. Missions include:

Rescuing Sonic from a termination camp
Give the stolen Tornado back to Tails
Destroy the invading army on Angel Island before they get the Master Emerald by helping Knuckles
Help Rouge spy on a base
Destory Omega (who was reprogrammed by the Shadow Empire)
Keep Amy and Big safe
Help Team Chaotix restore the cyberspace infrastructure

Just like Mega Man, you can choose wich mission you want to do in any order you want.

You get a "hit score" that keeps track of how many Shadow Androids you destroy (and ONLY the SA's, no other machiens). The higher your score, the better the ending (like in Metroid).

No ranking system (I hate that thing since it came on SA).

You start with one chaos emerald to empower you with Chaos Blast, Chaos Control, and Chaos Spear. With every emerald you find, the three powers will increase in streingth and range. You get to keep all 7 after compleating the game (like the old skool sonic games). This too affects your ending sequence (the number of emeralds you have).

Freeing Robotnick and his small army (thanks to the Shadow Empire, he no longer has the large army he had once before) is an optional mission, and compleating it affects your ending.

If you fail to keep Sonic, Big, and/or Amy alive once you free them (in thier missions, you have to get them to a safe area to complete the mission and do it when they are alive) you will never get another chance to see them again(unless you wipe out your memory card and start from scratch), and them dying will affect your ending.

Killing All Shadow Androids, getting all 7 emeralds, and keeping the three mentioned above alive and compleating all missions will earn you a new power (weather or not you complete the last stage of the game, and weather or not you destroy the last boss, the collective power conduite, that keeps all SA's in a collective conciousness), Ultra Chaos, where you go Super with out needing rings, all three of your Chaos powers are extended to the max, and just by bing in a certin distance from an enemy (except bosses) will kill them without even needing to touch them (like a transperant golden sphere around you, anything that comes in contact will be obliterated).

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Sonic Track and Field

Play as Sonic and his pals in your favorite track and field events. Work your way up to the Eggmanolympics and compete for the Chaos Emeralds.

Compete in the 100m, 200m, and 400m dashes as Sonic, Shadow,and Espio.
Perform in the the high jump as Tails and Cream.
Launch the shot-put and javelin as Knuckles, Vector, and Big

Heh, thought of this idea while coming home from a track meet last weekend. Not much to it, wouldn't really be that great of a game, just kind of a joke.

Posts: 89
Estimable Member

sonic the fighters 2
gameplay:ever heard of sonic the fighters? well it is only stf with a more fluid combat system(spell?)
plot:robotnik is hosting a fighting tournament THE CHAOS EMRALDS!!(including the eigth one) and also THE SOL EMRALDS!!
characters:all of the chars from the original stf now with vector shadow jet wstorm ave metal m.knux tails doll b.d silver sonic mech.knux eggman nega blaze and a new character Nyragrathros the demon lord (who is a big fan of discworld):annoyed what are you annoyed?:razz :crazy

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

o.o Uh-huh.

Well, that idea sounds absolutely spiffing.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Well a Sonic the Fighters 2 wouldn't be so bad but it would depend on the fighting styles of all of the characters.
Firstly: speed up the game to DOA levels.
Fighting Styles. They wouldn't have to be completly true to the style but close enough. Nicked from Tekken all this.
Sonic: Capoeira
Tails: Judo
Knuckles: Kick Boxing
Shadow: Jeet Kune Do
Rouge: Tae Kwon Do
Amy: Boxing + Hammer Attacks
Jet: Karate
Wave: Aikido
Storm: Val Tudo
Big: Sumo
Espio: Ninjitsu
Vector: Wrestling
Charmy: Street Fighting
Omega: Kenpo
Metal Sonic: Five Style Chinese Martial Arts
Gemerl: Borrowed Fist (mimmics other characters)

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I know it wouldn't sell itself on it's own these days, but I'd really like to see something Road Avenger style (Shenmue's ATE events, if you've never played Road Avenger)

Just imagine an anime Sonic running and screaching through the most dangerous events, like the first scene of Sonic X or Sonic CD's intro, and you have to press Left, Right, Spin, Jump and such as it says on the screen to keep the event going (and, like Road Avenger, there's a scene for every death).

Picture a high speed chase against Metal Sonic, where you're furiously mashing the buttons, left, left, jump. It'd get your blood pumping and show you an amazing anime sequence to boot. There's no down side :D

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

Craig wins. This topic is over.

No, seriously. The idea runs through my viens and says "YES! PLAY ME! I AM TEH WEEEIINEEEER!!!"

Or the idea of having a Chao game that utilises the DS touch screen, and is based specifically around Chao sounds nice. Unlikely, but nice.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Yes, Craig wins. Some scences in SA2 were screaming for some QTE love.

Posts: 139
Estimable Member


Picture a high speed chase against Metal Sonic, where you're furiously mashing the buttons, left, left, jump. It'd get your blood pumping and show you an amazing anime sequence to boot. There's no down side

if it's just pressing matching buttons from the screen, it might get boring with time.
in your idea can you move the character? so he'd find a shortcut or use those jump springs or slides to get ahead of his opponent. i like using strategy in sonic. and i remember in one of the levels in rockmanx4 on the satrun they had this level where you ride on a jet ski it keeps going forward you can only decide the direction and lazer firing, you can also speed up if you jump over with stunts or slow down to avoid falling rocks. it was pretty fast and fun.

oh right, will it be 2D or 3D?

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Trust me, it doesn't get boring. It's the same as watching a regular cutscene, but it gets your blood pumping and gets you involved in the action. Trust me on this, I regard Road Avenger as one of the greatest games of my youth and the entire game consisted of just that. I'm only suggesting it as an event.

Posts: 139
Estimable Member

i think your idea would work in the whole game not just in events. just add more access actions to it and it'll be super cool.
in the game sonic just keeps running you add his speed or slow him down and choose the other commands at least this way not having to search the area or get side tracked you can actually play sonic fast like it was meant to be.
what do you think?

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Do you even understand what I'm suggesting?

Posts: 139
Estimable Member

yes i do, rock falls the screen has a square button on and you dodge with square.
like music and dance games. i'm just adding ideas to it. did you understand mine?

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

No, I'm not suggesting that.

What I'm suggesting is that there be an action packed, pre-prepared cut-scene with alot of things going on during it.

The entire thing is scripted, and as it goes on things will flash on the screen, if you hit the right thing at the right time, it'll continue the sequence, if not you get a failure sequence.

Very much like Shenmue.

Basically, it's not gameplay, at all. It's just a scripted event which would take place to spice up a dull cutscene. It's never been done enough, I absoloutely love them, in Sonic, with all the speed and action, it would make some amazing cutscenes.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

In other words, he's proposing Dragon's Lair: Sonic the Hedgehog Edition, the closest thing to Shenmue's QTE stuff (I think; I've played the latter, not the former). Still that's alright with me.

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