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Sonic Unleashed Revealed

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Those night time demon things probobly squirt purple goo when you bash em.

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Probably, but still it's odd to think about a Sonic game having blood, animated or otherwise, not that it actually bothers me but simply stating a point.

Posts: 1984
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I'm liking the China day music.

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Any Sonic game with a E10 rating is an automatic warning sign that the game will take itself too seriously for a franchise about a cartoon hedgehog.

Posts: 1413
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Any Sonic game with a E10 rating is an automatic warning sign that the game will take itself too seriously for a franchise about a cartoon hedgehog.

Yes, because we all know "cartoons = kiddie" these days . Like "Death Note" or "Now and Then, Here and There" on the Sci Fi Channel.

Just because he cartoon hedgehog doesn't mean he can't take itself seriously you know. It work for the Batman and Kingdom Hearts 2( also rated E10+ for blood).

Posts: 1201
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she didn't make the argument that cartoons are never serious. she simply said that it would be unwise for a video game about a goofy cartoon hedgehog to take itself very seriously. and she's right. have you seen the trainwreck of a storyline that's resulted from doing so? you can't actually think with a straight face that the plot of any sonic game can be compared to batman.

Posts: 1984
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Bathog. Sonic and the DARK knight XD

Nah I can't. And cartoon blood wouldn't make sense. it's never been needed...

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Sega Superstar Tennis was rated E10 too, and we all know how dark, serious, and retarded that game was.

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I guesse anything with a zombie in it gets an automatic bump in the ratings.
But, yeah the China level music is pretty cool.

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You all remember what happened the last times they tried to make a serious storyline, right? We got Shadow and '06 as a result.

Posts: 2809
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And what good games they were, too! *flees*

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*throws mudpies at FMR anyway*

Also, I was going to respond to SHAD's and Tony's comments, but Kayla, Deckman, and Abac beat me to the punch.

Also, the framerate in the latest video is absolute arse. Dang, when they said the framerate was problematic so far in the impressions they sure as hell weren't kidding. That's a far cry from Sonic 2K6 which manage a constant 60fps.

So far the only thing I'm looking foward to that is related to this game is the soundtrack. So far, that's the only thing I can be assured that won't be botched up in the final product.

Posts: 1413
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Yes, yes well you win this round Ashide.
Anyway now to something more important : a Sonic Team conference.

Wasn't Chip a different color in the Greek video?

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Also, I was going to respond to SHAD's and Tony's comments--

Damn that Tony!! >:O

Posts: 4885
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Another video which confirms that I'll at least enjoy the speed sections, as they do look pretty dang fun, but the werewolf sections just look kind of dull and uninspired to me. It's like making the speed and power portions of Sonic Heroes a seperate game, and I always found stopping to watch Omega DESTROY, DESTROY was the boring part, until I get do aerial acrobatics as Sonic again.

Posts: 1789
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Damn that Tony!! >:O

My bad, Toby.

Also, still can't help to see that there will be not much to control on the speed sections--as if the game will play itself for you.

Posts: 1984
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How many bet that if you actually try to maniuplate Sonic too much that he'll fall to his death?

In the speed sections I mean.

Posts: 889
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Wasn't Chip a different color in the Greek video?

I just watched that video right now and he's still the same color. He still looks really weird to me, but the same color.

Here's the link to the movie
Bsonic10 posted it on page 31.

Posts: 5035
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Well now...thanks for reposting that Abac. I, for some reason, missed that the first time it was posted. Game does look...very....hmmm, different. I'm a little scared to say what I think about it.

Posts: 68
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That is the most uninspired "China level" music I've ever heard.

Posts: 1984
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What is better "China Level" music?

Posts: 1127
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Come to think of it, no "China Level" music even comes to mind. Has there ever been any other "China Level" music?

Posts: 488
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Ape Escape comes to mind.

1 - 2 - 3

(3 isn't really China-sounding, but I just threw it in there for completion's sake and because I likes it a lot) :3

Oh yeah, and I almost forgot the Chai Kingdom theme from Super Mario Land.

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Posts: 713
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I love you Rabid

I'd have done pretty much the exact same thing

Though I think the song for the level is pretty good

And uh, before you guys forget, Sonic Adventure 2 had a serious storyline and didn't suck. A lot of E rated games would probably be E-10 IF THAT SCALE EXISTED

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The bgm for planet Neudaiz on Phantasy Star Universe has chinese inspired music. Sounds very similar to this games music in fact, could be the same composer.

Posts: 1984
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Spyro the Dragon had good music in all of its games Bently, Sgt. Byrd, Sheila, and Agent 9 themes ftw.

Well the original Insomniac 3 anyway.

Posts: 1789
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And uh, before you guys forget, Sonic Adventure 2 had a serious storyline and didn't suck.

Says you. But that's a another discussion.

A lot of E rated games would probably be E-10 IF THAT SCALE EXISTED

I think you meant to say, 'A lot of T-rated games would have been branded with the E10 rating had it existed'

Posts: 1413
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Info on the Wii version control

-Move with control stick (natch), jump with A.
-Quick step (dodge left or right by holding B and tapping the control stick left or right).
-Drift by holding B or Z.
-Homing attack by shaking the Wiimote.
-Shake remote while on ground for speed boost.

-Swing remote and nunchuck to attack with Sonic's right and left hands, respectively.
-Z blocks.
-Combos by swinging remote/nunchuck up, down, or towards each other.
-B grabs and tosses enemies.
-C brings out "Unleashed mode" where you gain new attacks and take less damage.
-Grab enemies in midair and swing from them by swinging the remote like a pendulum.
-Climb poles by lifting the remote/nunchuck alternately.
-Raise gates by pulling up the remote/nunchuck together.

European city of Spogonia.
The desert is Shamar.

That a lot of waggle.
Someone at Sonic Stadium manages to scans the NP article.
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Why can't I just simply press a button to homing attack? How is shaking the stick more efficent?

Posts: 163
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The idea of an attack technique called "Were-Wallop" makes me laugh. Now, correct me if I'm mistaken, but wasn't it mentioned that there would be support for the Classic and GameCube controllers for the Wii version?

Posts: 2809
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Yeah that's what I heard and that's what wiki says.

Posts: 1702
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Why can't I just simply press a button to homing attack? How is shaking the stick more efficent?

Posts: 980
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Because the waggle's meant to be fun...and the entire focus of the game/system? 😛
Quit complaining, it free's up the buttons a little for whatever else they have going on.

Posts: 377
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I love playing with my waggle!!!!

Posts: 5035
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I love playing with my waggle!!!!


Posts: 1413
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At last!!! Sonic Unleashed Wii gameplay has been unleashed.

360: regular Sonic and Were Sonic gameplay videos.

Looks like Were Sonic has a new HUD.

Posts: 5035
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Woo hoo! Sonic was rolling big time! That was quite awesome! I actually had forgotten about that game coming pumped for the plethora of games coming out in the next 2 to 4 weeks Sonic was not on my mind at all. 😛

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Weresonic sections still seem boring as heck, but every time I see regular Sonic's sections, I just remember Rush and it makes me want the game.

Looks so fun <3

Posts: 1413
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BTW the Sonic World Adventure website has been updated with Sonic and his darker side profiles. Chip, Tails and Amy have each one too along with two other characters but they are empty right now. You also get sneak peek at the levels in the front page.

Posts: 1827
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Weresonic sections still seem boring as heck, but every time I see regular Sonic's sections, I just remember Rush and it makes me want the game.

Looks so fun <3

Exactly the opposite for me. up to "game." I swear Werehog is like how they would do Ristar 3D in todays eckstreme teen scene created by Cliffy B and his millions of shades of brown and grey.

The Wii stuff does look nice and looks like it plays better. So, I might get the PS2 version then.

Posts: 1413
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Weresonic sections still seem boring as heck, but every time I see regular Sonic's sections, I just remember Rush and it makes me want the game.

Looks so fun <3

Sorry Craig but it looks like disagree with you.

Which brings us to the "Sonic the Werehog" stage and the reason why I am right. A lot of people have complained about how the Werehog is a bad idea, how it will break the gameplay and ruin the experience. In the words of Andrew Ryan, I rejected those answers. I instead predicted that the Werehog levels would prove to be the best parts of Sonic Unleashed, and it was certainly the best part of this demo.

Posts: 4885
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I'm willing to suspend disbelief that it'll turn out better than it looks, if you're willing to admit that it looks like button mashing sweeping attacks until the enemies die (ala Sonic Heroes, except much faster) and automatically generating 99 combo.

I'm not a fan of "walk up to enemy and keep tapping attack" methods of fighting, which the video made it look like.

Posts: 1413
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I'm willing to suspend disbelief that it'll turn out better than it looks, if you're willing to admit that it looks like button mashing sweeping attacks until the enemies die (ala Sonic Heroes, except much faster) and automatically generating 99 combo.

I was thinking more God of War than Sonic Heroes actually. I admit it the gameplay does look like "button smashing/combo mayhem" but that okay I like "button smashing/combo mayhem" .

Cool. I hope that the cover for the game.

Posts: 713
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Says you. But that's a another discussion.

A lot of E rated games would probably be E-10 IF THAT SCALE EXISTED

I think you meant to say, 'A lot of T-rated games would have been branded with the E10 rating had it existed'

So uh, you think Sonic Adventure 2 sucked? You're in the minority there.

Also no I meant what I said and said what I meant. It would have gone both ways though,

Posts: 1984
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lol why do they bother with the silhouettes. You know its Tails and Amy. Who else could it possibly be? XD

Posts: 1413
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New Wii version screenshots.

That one ugly looking human.

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I found waldo

Posts: 4885
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Oh. I see! World Tour! That guy is clearly a French person.

That makes sense!

The screens look fairly decent, though... really, the graphics have only minutely improved since Sonic Adventure 2, cosmetic shine in Heroes, lil' bit of fur in Shadow and then Secret Rings, this and Unleashed all look about the same.

I'm not hoping for a big graphical overhaul. The later I can postpone the day when I boot up SA1/2 and think "gah, this looks so DATED!" the better, but stiiiiill.

Posts: 377
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<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote:

lol why do they bother with the silhouettes. You know its Tails and Amy. Who else could it possibly be? XD

Well ... there's always lookalikes.

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