I just now looked at Werehog on the JPN site and I noticed that even Sonic's socks change with his transformation; also, it looks like there is a new human character in the characters section.
I just now looked at Werehog on the JPN site and I noticed that even Sonic's socks change with his transformation; also, it looks like there is a new human character in the characters section.
Looks like Mario with a huge nose.
It's a shame Sonic has came to the point to where fans, like me, are afraid to be excited. :[
That new video looked sweet, and hearing the words from the developer is very nice -- to hear his understandings of everything. We'll see!
Just got back from work last night, and it seems that the 360 version has been pushed back to 11/24, and the PS3 version has been pushed back to 12/12. Didn't care to check the Wii.
The Wii version will be released first sometime in the second week of Nov, I think.
The Wii and PS2 versions come out on 11/18. How odd. You think the 360/PS3 versions will come out first since they have been pimping the Hedgehog Engine so much.
The Wii and PS2 versions come out on 11/18. How odd. You think the 360/PS3 versions will come out first since they have been pimping the Hedgehog Engine so much.
At the same time though, maybe they have more things to work out with it so that it comes out clearer and smoother. It might take a little more work to perfect the Hedgehog engine. Thatt's all purely conjecture though.
Regardless, I'm just glad the Wii version is coming out pretty soon.
So i'm wondering...what do you all think this will get rated. I mean prior to Sonic '06 the news sites said how good it looked and what not...but it seems as if they're praising Unleashed alot more. By the way...I just noticed that IGN gave Heroes...an 8/10. That's wild. But '06 got less than a 5...so yea. I'm just wondering what do you guys think this will get rated. I'm not thinking anything above a 7.5[although i'm fairly positive this WILL be better than Heroes] though.
I say 8/10 or 9/10.
Now, is that a realistic prediction or a biased preditction?
I think a 7 out of 10. I think the werewolf thing will hold it back to get anything better than that.
I'm just going to say 0/10, worst game in the history of mankind.
Thataway, I'll be pleased regardless of whatever it scores.
I'm just going to say 0/10, worst game in the history of mankind.
Thataway, I'll be pleased regardless of whatever it scores.
Spoken like the average Sonic fan who's been "heartbroken" far too many times...
XDXD! Ain't it the truth Gamma. I was thinking the Werehog thing would hold it back as well. a 7/10 sounds reasonable...if this game got a 9/10...ummm yea, i'd buy every version of it.
Now, is that a realistic prediction or a biased preditction?
After I read the new preview from ign, I wouldn't be suprised.
I hate IGN they'll be crooning a different tune when time comes for the Review.
I guess you could try to think of the Werehog thing as another mode. Just as with SA2, only 1/3rd of the game was spent running
Yeah, as I recall most people weren't too happy about SA2's gameplay focus either.
B-But guys...3D Ristar D=
D B Vulpix wrote:
I hate IGN they'll be crooning a different tune when time comes for the Review.
IGN isn't the only place that is like this. Previews are nothing more than PR to stir-up intrest in a title for the consumers and it not an indicator of quality from the final product.
GT the Magikoopa wrote:
B-But guys...3D Ristar D=
Mixed with God of War for babby. All the more reason there will be...well, the backlash is already there.
So is the Were Sonic figure a Australia exclusive or the rest of the world get one too?
I love it! So cartoony! XD
That was awesome. Love Chip reaction to the ghosts. Were Sonic taking on that ghost was epic. The animation was great too.
Edit- New Wii footage.
Edit 2- GameSpot On the Spot Halloween Special with Sonic Unleashed(guest starting Were Sonic).
That vid kept making me think about Crash Bandicoot of all things....
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNx6f99vAUs same video but with *wait for it .......* THRILLER playing in the background XD It almost kind of fits timing wise. Especially 38 seconds in
So is the thing Sonic fights Chip in MONSTAR form?
That Werehog video was awesome, and so was that Wii video where Sonic is speeding is really awesome! The Gamespot video was also cool; btw, DB that link is broken, says it has a malformed video ID. Yeah, I was thinking the same thing DB, but after looking at the video a view times, I think the "Chip" in the mirror just took on the form of Chip to fight Sonic. Also, I think one of the knight ghosts is a fan of Sonic because he has a camera obviously to put the pictures of Sonic on a haunted fan site.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNx6f99vAUs I think the link works now. But its really nothing special. I just thought the music was fitting. Thrillah!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdnjudyZTEc On an off topic note. The most awsome Iron Chef America episode yet. Secret ingredient....GUTS!
A new preview and new stage name( Savannah Citadel) revealed.
We started out playing a new level called Savannah Citadel that exists in the Mazarie area of the game. To get there, we spun our big globe which acts as a world map to Mazarie, which is a stand-in here for Africa. There was an option to visit the village which we did at first by accident; we were supposed to click on stage select. I wont talk about that lest it get me into trouble.
So how the Adventure Fields work.
I love reading a professional and honest review. Especially if it's positive, and regards a new platform Sonic game that isn't a crazy spinoff.
Holy crap! New Sonic figure?
That's worth more to me than the game is. *PRE-ORDER IS YES*
So...Is this on line only....or will it eventually come out on DVD or for download to on the itunes, Wii or 360 ?
It appear to be online only at least according to the official website.
Edit- New Mazuri 360 trailer.
Is it bad that the idea of the Sonic Werewolf thing just reminds me of the Michael Jackson movie Ghost which accompanied his HIStory album in the late 90's?
I guess it's not so bad as like no one knows what that means. But it reminds me so much.
PS: I am excited even if Tricia is constantly naysaying.
A higher quality version of the new Mazuri trailer.
(Credit to WinkingSamurai at Bumbleking for finding this.)
I'm loving the new stuff- especially the Night of the Werehog trailer. Gotta love Chip's terrified expressions. XD
Also, I'm really looking forward to this game- here's hoping the Wii version's worth saving my birthday money all the way from two days ago to buy it.
Holy crap! New Sonic figure?
That's worth more to me than the game is. *PRE-ORDER IS YES*
Yes, that Werehog figure is awesome though I think hairy Werehog would be better as a plushie than an action figure. However, Craig, that preorder offer is on the Australian EBGames site, and I've checked the US site and it has no preorder bonus on it yet, though, I hope it does start showing up soon!
EB stop trying to make me buy Sonic games instead of downloading them!! I almost bought Sonic Chronicles because of the free DS tin, but i rationalized that the Sonic Chronicles cover art is ugly. In this case, I say that werehog will be unlikable and will go straight in the cupboard with my evangelion and transformers figures (my gundams dont like those guys).
Haha. I was waiting for the Antarctica level.
Spite. I know I said this a lot when you was a newbie and had a Lacus avatar, but I freaking love you, dude. The comment about your Gundams shunning the lesser action figures has sealed it. I wish to buy you dinner and discuss which PG model kit is best (it's Strike + Skygrasper).
Also @ Aussie only.
You guys better ebay them for 3 times their worth.
I'm surprised you remember that avatar (speaking of which I seem to be lacking one, dont know what happened to it... i think Ashide hosted it?). I'm over Lacus anyway, Marina Ismail from 00 is the new New Lacus. In fact I swear they just took Lacus' design and gave her black hair.
I've never owned a PG model, if I did it would be bigger than my house and I'd probably be able to live inside it. My constant struggle is choosing whether to get 1/100HG/MG or 1/144HG. Although 1/100 is awesome, not everything gets made into 1/100 (especially if you like Zeta Gundam/V Gundam etc), while there's plenty to choose from in the 1/144 range. I hate to see uneven scale suits next to each other. Although I would never buy HG SEED kits ever again, after buying 1/144 Gaia Gundam recently I realized compared to the newer 00 HG kits they are very inferior (HG Exia Gundam sets new standards).
Hmm well if the Werehog figure is Australia only, I suppose I will buy Unleashed for the rarity. But the real puppies I'm waiting for are those vinyl STK figures Play-Asia has been teasing me about all year, hopefully in time for Christmas please! Although bad timing since the Australian dollar has dropped a hell of a lot recently, cant import as much as I used to.
Welcome to Holoska. It slippery and soundless
Wanna know why there's no sound? CUZ ITS AN ICE CAP REEEMIIIIX!!
Fact or fiction? =O!!
The game looks and sounds looks pretty, but ugh, there was hardly any real platforming in this video. Just holding up/right and QTE spamming. 🙁
And how lovely. You can level up Sonic so he can go even faster!
Oh baw. Doesn't really matter to me, since that's what I did in your classic titles anyway.
Soo... confirmed selectable dual language? Or should we expect them to remove the option in the final build?
Oh thats cool, they made a new version of the "Dr Eggman Appears theme" from Sonic 2k6.
I actually managed to forget about the Phantasy Star Online knock off...
Sega owes me some new underwear. But wow...seriously. Incredible. I'm super excited for this. I love how Sonic and Eggman were like...I don't even know, kicking tail. After watching that...a CG Sonic movie...would totally rock, yes. 😛 As for the language option Psx...if they remove it, they should be shot...if it's already in there, leave it, you know? It better be. This game...might be better then decent...like...dare I say it, good, actually. *gasps*