Robotnik playing the dreamcast... *Orgasm*
Seriously, that was awesome shopped or not.
*high fives* Dreamcast rocks indeed!
Gametrailer has a higher quality video of the Holoska trailer.
Can't have an ice level without sleds and ... now whales.
Even WITH those, for some reason, that reminds me more of the old-school Ice Cap Zone than any of the more RECENT ice levels- and that can ONLY be a GOOD thing.
X-Play hands-on with new footage of Adabat( both night and day).
Gawd, that level looks to have some tricky platforming to it. What hath Sonic Wrought?
In the XPlay hands on vid. Everytime Sonic runs over water I can't help but think about the mach-speed in Sonic 06. *writhes in pain*
Funny, I usually get that feeling when he runs in spacious beaches.
Not really entirely new, but the second video on this page shows that you can run around town as a werehog.
I really like how forgiving the game is if you die -- the placements of the savepoints are smart, which helps SO MUCH, unlike Sonic 06.
Also found a fan summary of Sonic Unleashed in the latest X360 magazine:
Version tested 80% complete.
Publisher - Sega
Developer - In-house
Genre - Platform
Players - 1
Xbox Live - Yes
- Briefly - He may be in 3D again, but this time Sega appears to have nailed what's been missing from the series as of late, and that's speed.
- Pie chart - 15% Warp speed, 15% Twitch gaming, 20% Classic Sonic, 50% Werehog levels.
- From what we've played of Sonic Unleashed, we are truly thankful that the Sega team decided to start again from scratch - Sonic Unleashed looks and plays, beautifully.
- Levels played were Italy, Greece and China and each was notably different from the last.
- Italy, for example, hosted a wondrously colourful light-speed charge through its sun-kissed villas and rooftops. China on the other hand, began with flinch-inducing velocity along the spine of The Great Wayy Of China.
- Like in the last Sonic The Hedgehog, it would only be fair to mention that yes, we did occasionally fall off into platform-game netherspace. But somehow, the rare occasions when this happened weren't frustrating in the same way as the game's predecessor.
- We're back to what makes Sonic great. Twitch gaming that, by repetition, leads to muscle-memory-fuelled stampedes at leaderboard glory.Excited?
+ Unleashed. It's fast, it's massive and its a hell of a lot of fun. Sonic is back. Finally
- Unhinged. We''re still to test the much-touted 'Werehog' levels. They could suck.How's it looking? Taken as looking at only half of a game, this half is tremendously accomplished and hugely fun. We can't as yet vouch for its other half.
4/5 - 'Thriller?'
Talk with people in the pursuit of love
Get on the Exorcise Bandwagon
Drive dark spirits away
That sounds a lot like "Night of the Werehog" short. I guess it also a side quest in the game too.
Even better:
Hard Boiled- eat all the hot dogs in Eggmanland
Abac Child wrote:
Even better:
Hard Boiled- eat all the hot dogs in Eggmanland
Finally. After the hundreds times he said he was going to build one, he finally succeeds . Too bad Sonic and friends are gonna destroy it.
Hot dogs = chili dogs.
I've always wondered what it would look like. I imagine it looking pretty cool. Can't wait to see it, should be awesome. Hopefully this time Sonic does not win and is enslaved as a poor hedgehog caged in a zoo.
I've always wondered what it would look like. I imagine it looking pretty cool. Can't wait to see it, should be awesome. Hopefully this time Sonic does not win and is enslaved as a poor hedgehog caged in a zoo.
Which leads us to our sequel: Eggman Unleashed.
Those achievements are hilarious.
What!? heck yes; there bringing back one the funnest parts of Sonic Adventure. Me and my brothers played the Tornado levels like a hundred times.
To Deus:
No it wouldn't be called Eggman Unleashed; Eggmans Mean Bean Machine Unleashed.
Now that would have some serious potential
Talk with people in the pursuit of love
Get on the Exorcise Bandwagon
Exorcise, Why did I picture the girl from ring chasing sonic?
They added Town stages it seems blah >.<;
Not really entirely new, but the second video on this page shows that you can run around town as a werehog.
I really like how forgiving the game is if you die -- the placements of the savepoints are smart, which helps SO MUCH, unlike Sonic 06.
Also found a fan summary of Sonic Unleashed in the latest X360 magazine:
Version tested 80% complete.
Publisher - Sega
Developer - In-house
Genre - Platform
Players - 1
Xbox Live - Yes
- Briefly - He may be in 3D again, but this time Sega appears to have nailed what's been missing from the series as of late, and that's speed.
- Pie chart - 15% Warp speed, 15% Twitch gaming, 20% Classic Sonic, 50% Werehog levels.
- From what we've played of Sonic Unleashed, we are truly thankful that the Sega team decided to start again from scratch - Sonic Unleashed looks and plays, beautifully.
- Levels played were Italy, Greece and China and each was notably different from the last.
- Italy, for example, hosted a wondrously colourful light-speed charge through its sun-kissed villas and rooftops. China on the other hand, began with flinch-inducing velocity along the spine of The Great Wayy Of China.
- Like in the last Sonic The Hedgehog, it would only be fair to mention that yes, we did occasionally fall off into platform-game netherspace. But somehow, the rare occasions when this happened weren't frustrating in the same way as the game's predecessor.
- We're back to what makes Sonic great. Twitch gaming that, by repetition, leads to muscle-memory-fuelled stampedes at leaderboard glory.Excited?
+ Unleashed. It's fast, it's massive and its a hell of a lot of fun. Sonic is back. Finally
- Unhinged. We''re still to test the much-touted 'Werehog' levels. They could suck.How's it looking? Taken as looking at only half of a game, this half is tremendously accomplished and hugely fun. We can't as yet vouch for its other half.
4/5 - 'Thriller?' this game comes out next week. Tell me the one they a rather old version. Anywho...i'm super excited for this game...sounds like it really has potential. Like bigtime potential. Please Sega...seriously...I need this. Sonic was once my #1 it's like...5 or something. It needs a rebirth. Allow this to be it.
Keeping my fingers crossed that it's the game the Sonic series has been needing. I don't think the franchise can stand another flop.
The continious positive reviews and videos of the running stages are filling me with hope and joy. I realize that it's not everyone's cup of tea, and that some are getting more excited over Werehog, but... those running stages are like Sonic Rush on a grand scale to my eyes and I LOVE it.
Oh, game. Please hurry and come out. I neeeeeeds you.
but... those running stages are like Sonic Rush on a grand scale to my eyes and I LOVE it.
Oh, game. Please hurry and come out. I neeeeeeds you.
As do I Craig. Sonic Rush...was, simply put, brilliant and this reminds me of it so much. Also the QTE will hopefully be a nice addition. *crosses fingers, toes, arms, legs, and any other anatomically crossable parts*
So which version are guys gonna get?
I gonna get the 360 just because it seem to have more stuff than the Wii/PS2 version.
I'll probably rent the PS2 version to try the different stages designs and to keep me entertain till the 360 version comes out.
I'd have to be 360 for me. My brother is the one who owns it, however, but I think he'll let me play... unless he's playing it, anyway. I don't really use it very often, as I am often playing Sonic Rush Adventure on my DS... er, I mean doing homework.
Wii version, undoubtably. I don't have a job or any of the other consoles.
Well, I have a PS2. But I prefer my Wii. Plus, I'm brainwashed on the whole Nintendo = Sega paradox.
I'm getting it for 360. I love achievemnents and I usually have someone to talk to on Live while I'm playing.
Hhaha, what Craig said.
BTW for those wondering about the japanese delay.
In our previous November 7 post to this home page, we informed you that the release date of Sonic World Adventure in Japan on PS3 and 360 will be delayed. Based on that announcement, some fans living overseas have become concerned that there will be a difference in quality between the version of the game released in Japan and the version released outside of Japan.
This is not the case and we apologize for this misunderstanding.
The difference in the international release dates is based on the sales strategy and the manufacturing schedule. There will be no quality difference between the North American/European/Asia release and the Japanese version. Please be assured we are doing our best to deliver a top quality experience to people all over the globe.
We still cannot announce the release date in Japan, but we should be able to do so shortly. Our apologies to Sonic fans in Japan, who we must ask to wait a while longer."
Sonic Team is proud to present you Sonic Unleashed (Sonic World Adventure). You will be able to experience the best Sonic ever in no time!
Did they really say "best Sonic ever". Quite a claim, if you ask me...yet again...quite possible.
Unleashed commerical credit to cloud davis from Bumbleking forums for finding it!
Hahaha that kinda reminds me of the old school videogame commericals. How far back into the roots are we going with this series?
Heck yea, that rocked. And yea...kinda of a retro commercial...good omen?
Ha! I just saw that last night.
For one thing, we think a lot of the comparisons about his modern-era games versus the old Mega Drive classics are often just irrelevant, and are typically more about nostalgia and retro chic than an argument about whether his newer games have a place in their own right.
Also according to the interview the release date for 360 version is Nov. 24, Dec. 12 for PS3 version and the Wii/PS2 Nov. 18 for America. Europe gets the game Nov. 14 for PS2/Wii, Nov. 28 for Xbox 360 and December for PS3.
For one thing, we think a lot of the comparisons about his modern-era games versus the old Mega Drive classics are often just irrelevant, and are typically more about nostalgia and retro chic than an argument about whether his newer games have a place in their own right.
Also according to the interview the release date for 360 version is Nov. 24, Dec. 12 for PS3 version and the Wii/PS2 Nov. 18 for America. Europe gets the game Nov. 14 for PS2/Wii, Nov. 28 for Xbox 360 and December for PS3.
Here's something that put a smile in my eyes:
Hashimoto: I think the fans' evaluations are fair. I often read the forums run by Sonic fans on a routine basis. I hardly feel any discomfort from their comments. I often find myself rather agreeable to them. I believe that Sonic Unleashed will be accepted by many of the Sonic fans.
They really should think about delaying the game for the UK/US as well. There is too much good platforming competition: Tomorrow: Mirror's Edge. Next week (Unleashed's release): Tomb Raider: Underworld (Not to mention Left 4 Dead and MK Vs DCU) and the week after: Prince of Persia.
And then there are the people who haven't bought Gears 2 or Lego Batman.
There is nothing I have seen to buy this game over any of those. Other than the fact it has Sonic in it. And even then, I would rather want to play as Knuckles, Rouge, Espio or Omega.
Actually only the threat to Unleashed are Tomb Raider: Underworld and Left 4 Dead. Mirror Edge is a short game and most seem to agreed is a rental. MK vs DC Universe has the whole "Teen" rating against it so most MK fans are avoiding the game.
It'll sell well. Especially with Christmas coming up, it being multi-plat, kids existing, and if this game is actually good, it'll be recommended across the board to folks.
Ha! I just saw that last night.
What Channel? I want some 90's advertisement.
Btw, back.
Sonic visits Empire City ... 360 style.
Looks like WereSonic can also use his legs to fight enemies.
Edit - The Unleashed blog has been update: The World of Sonic.
Edit- Holoska Wii version.
Sonic visits Empire City ... 360 style.
Looks like WereSonic can also use his legs to fight enemies.
Edit - The Unleashed blog has been update: The World of Sonic.
Edit- Holoska Wii version.
Wow. I'm officially in love. That city level blew my expectations, I love how open it is -- or, well, seems.
Okay SEGA, no more showing new levels please! Leave us SOME surprises.
Also, IGN speaks on Sonic for the Wii, and assume it may be the best of the bunch since some of the employers apparently didn't play the latest build of the game. There's also new video footage.
Also, IGN speaks on Sonic for the Wii, and assume it may be the best of the bunch since some of the employers apparently didn't play the latest build of the game. There's also new video footage.
I take it that guy didn't play the latest 360 build. If he had, he would have known that the framerate issues has been fix. It pretty obvius that PS3/360 version are gonna be the superior ones since they seems to have more stuff that Wii version as well being powered by the Hedgehog Engine.
That guy is a moron. He said that he played a build of the 360 version a few months ago, and is comparing it to a final version on the Wii. Maybe he should also play the final version of the 360/PS3 and then compare.
The Wii version might be better, but he should at least play all the final versions and then come out with an article of which one is superior.
I do love some of those achievements, they're pretty funny. Seems like Sonic will be eating a lot of Hot Dogs!
Two images of Tails and the Tornado:
Oh, HECK YES! Seems like Tails finally got around to updating the old bird- it's like "the sum of all Tornados", with the classic red paint scheme but all the bells and whistles of, say, the Tornado 2 (X-winged mode, anyone?).
Hopefully, this latest flight of the Tornado won't result in the old bird getting trashed...
Oh coem on we love seeing the toronado being crashed! =P
No seriously Great Toronado model and the Wii version is looking good.
I just got the new Nintendo Power and I'm reading their review. It sounds good, though they mention that the Werehog stages are a bit tedious and there's about three of them for every regular Sonic stage. It also mentions that regular stages require replays for different objectives. Of course, this is the Wii version.
I'm still remaining cautiously optimistic. They still gave it an 8/10, after all (though they also gave Shadow an 8/10, and I loathe that game).
Saw the game guide at Gamestop today. It seems the Wii version is missing one stage: Empire City. It name wasn't in the index and there was no info on the inside. I don't' remember very well but I also think the Tornado stages are missing too. Oddly enough Sonic's entourage is pretty small compare to the previous games. On the positive side the stages look good even thought they seem to lack enemies. Also the final battle looks epic(Chip vs DG FTW). Oh and Eggman Land looks pretty cool or should I say hot .
Saw the game guide at Gamestop today. It seems the Wii version is missing one stage: Empire City. It name wasn't in the index and there was no info on the inside. I don't' remember very well but I also think the Tornado stages are missing too. Oddly enough Sonic's entourage is pretty small compare to the previous games. On the positive side the stages look good even thought they seem to lack enemies. Also the final battle looks epic(Chip vs DG FTW). Oh and Eggman Land looks pretty cool or should I say hot
Hey now, I like not being spoiled.