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Sonic Unleashed Revealed

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Posts: 2809
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Wasn't there like, a new character for just about every Sonic game since Shadow first arrived and everything was still going way downhill?

There's been a new character for every Sonic game period. Do you want me to list them?

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

XDXD! Oh gosh...not the "list". Oh crap...I came back. The earlier post was supposed to be my only one. >_

Posts: 286
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The environments remind me of the old X-Treme 3D environment concepts - all super smooth and lightly textured.

They took the interesting, detailed (almost SA1-like) look of the Secret Rings stages (about the only thing I liked about that game) and swapped them with the bland, empty spaces of StH06. The style (setting, etc) is reminiscent of Rings, but not necessarily the look. It is looking a little more interesting in the very latest shots, but... yeah. I suppose if we're going to be Sonic Rush-ing our way through the worlds at the speed of light it's understandable. (EDIT: Yeah, okay - I take it back, the levels look huge and I do see more interesting stuff now. It was just the earlier shots)

The 2.5Dness of the video makes it feel like it might hold a little promise, but man, I just got hit by

I don't need Werewolf Sonic just quite yet.

They could make a Sonic game like the Godzilla fighting titles now, seeing as we have so many giant monsters.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


Google Translation:

Thanks to reliable sources, we can be one of the first Web sites worldwide confirm that the present Sonic Unleashed Screens are authentic, as well as the following artwork here. We will SEGA ON blog on the whole night update.

UPDATE 1: These screens have a native resolution of 1880 x 1024. This is about 1080p and definitely not Wii. However, everything a multi-platform release out: Both the PLAY Magazine and the official Nintendo magazine (ONM) Unleashed to Cover Story. We post more screens.

Thanks to sources we can rely on we can confirm as one of the first SEGA news sites in the web that the Sonic Unleashed images at hand as well as the following artwork are indeed official material. Thanks to sources we can rely on we can confirm as one of the first SEGA news sites in the web that the Sonic Unleashed images at hand as well as the following artwork are indeed official material. We'll be constantly updating the SEGA ON Blog site throughout the night. We'll be constantly updating the SEGA ON blog site throughout the night.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Of course, if there was a Wii version in development they wouldn't use shots from that for promotional use if they had something better looking to hand out instead.

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

Sonic Unleashed will be the next Sonic 'canon' game, if you will, intending to follow on from Sonic 06's Iblis disaster (in more ways than one), hence the weird unimaginitive dark creature git in the screenshots this morning.


Sonic and the Secret Rings style running


and switching to 2.5D platforming on the odd occasion.


The blue hog won't be alone on his adventure either, as another new character that will probably be dispensed of in ten minutes will make a no-doubt unwelcome and unnecessary appearance. Just who or what this character will be is unknown as of yet.


The video is...

It is more linear than I want, but there were hints of alternate paths and at least one shot that clearly employed them. There is too much automatic speed but also no obvious pits in that video. I expect a game inferior to the 2D games but it may be respectable enough, and certainly better than NEXT.

A Sonic game in 2.5D, at full potential, would have paths branching off horizontally as well as vertically, into entirely different level areas, but the most we'd get would be parallel paths like the one shown, unless SEGA has suddenly become much smarter.

What Toby said about the wereSonic.

And yes, virtually EVERY Sonic game has introduced new characters. Some are awesome and some suck, but the character designers are not nearly as talented as those employed by SEGA in the 2D games. I've not been 100% in support of any characters since the Chaotix in 1995. Everything post-SA has been not particularly in keeping with the style of Sonic.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Oh yeah... PLAY got the exclusive. Dave Halverson loves him some Sonic. I
figure when the time comes for the inevitable review, PLAY's score will
be the most generous one... again. We could only pray that this time it'll be deserved.

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

Yes, we know next to nothing about the game. Have only seen a handful of images. But by all means, since there's something new in the game, lets all whine and moan about it before we actually know what it's all about.

Now where have I heard that before? Certainly not before Sonic 2K6, Shadow, Sonic Heroes, etc. were released! Nope not at all!(sarcasm)

Sonic Heroes works spectacularly well other than the crappy level design and bug testing (and flight formation, but speed and power rock).

Shadow was laughed at from the start and not because it was a new idea.

SonicNEXT didn't feature any ideas. It was a hellspawned offspring of SA, Final Fantasy, and Trunks and virtually everything in it was an extension of Sonic Team's less original trends taken to parody levels.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

If it wasn't for Werewolf Sonic I'd be looking forward to this a hell of a lot more.

The video looks like the offspring of Sonic Rush and Sonic and the Secret Rings. And gameplay wise it looks like a perfect stop gap while Sega gets Sonic in some sort of order.

In all... sort of want. But fingers crossed for some sort of decentness.

Posts: 24
Eminent Member

Since sega admitted they got it wrong about s2k6 and were going back to the drawing board to make a 'real' sonic game....could this be what their referring to? I happy to give the 2.5d idea a shot, as it takes the genre back to its roots while still pleasing the collective who want that 3d game.

*wishes they'd make a 3d s&K*

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Not bad. The video makes me even more interested in the game.

Posts: 419
Honorable Member

The only way Secret Rings style gameplay can work is if the games controls are NOT borked at the beginning like they were in that game. Many people think that Secret Rings would have been much more playable - and by an extent - FAR more enjoyable, if the control schematic were not purposely destroyed as soon as you start the game out. As a result, people got frustrated with it before they had a chance to continue to "buy" a better moveset, which screwed it up and made quite a number of hate it, when (in contrast to Sonic 360) it was really one of the closest attempts to try a new gameplay style out in a LONG time.

If they use that same system here, then this game is already screwed

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Posts: 37
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I'm sitting on the fence on this one. I'll probably end up buying it, like I always do, but I just hope I wont feel disappointed, like I almost always do.
Edit: okay, just seen Toby's pic, and now I'm kinda intrigued. Sonic turns into the weredude? Hmmm....

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

So the name of the main bad guy is Dragon Lord Immarlus. Well at least his name is original.

I wonder if Knuckles and Tails will have a different beast mode than Sonic?

Posts: 1127
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From what I've been hearing just now, that page is a fake. Apologies.

Posts: 981
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Our surces indicate a presentation during SEGA Gamer's Day in May at "E3 Time" and reveal a worldwide Launch in November 2008. We have tons of more info on SEGA Gamer's Day, a possible OutRun 3 and … the Release of Yakuza 2 and 3 in the West. Stay tuned, guys!


Posts: 1127
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According to 'Sega On'

SEGA is launching SONIC UNLEASHED with a HUGE production budget and it seems not only SONIC TEAM is involved but a very huge part of SEGA's developer teams including those from Japan, the US and, apparently for the first time, even Europe. There seems to be one clear mission: Rebuild the Sonic brand and prove it could work in 3D environments.

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

No. No. NO! Bad Sega! November is way too soon!
You're supposed to wait a year before releasing something that looks this promising! Seriously, I do NOT think that's enough time to make sure everything's absolutely perfect. DELAY IT! DELAY IT! DELAY IT, I BEG OF YOU!

No, but seriously, isn't this how promising things go downhill so fast (i.e.: S2k6) and turn into a steaming pile of crap? I mean, if nothing else, it shouldn't be released until March '09 or something. That's just me.

Posts: 1127
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Do we even know how long they've been working on this?

Posts: 2723
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Beats me, but if hasn't been long enough, then I think November would be way too soon or something, you know?

Come to think of it, how long has some of the previous games been in development before their release?

Posts: 1986
Noble Member

I don't know
If I want...
Looks good...
But history tends to repeat itself...

Damn it! Why must you make something that will give me faith, then ultimately crush my heart? ;_;

Posts: 1789
Noble Member has some interesting new concept art you folks may want to see.

Sonic Heroes works spectacularly well other than the crappy level design and bug testing (and flight formation, but speed and power rock).

Shadow was laughed at from the start and not because it was a new idea.

SonicNEXT didn't feature any ideas. It was a hellspawned offspring of SA, Final Fantasy, and Trunks and virtually everything in it was an extension of Sonic Team's less original trends taken to parody levels.

Oh? From what I remember so clearly is that almost everyone was hyped up for Sonic Heroes after years of ports and when many folks actually played it was blasted by the game playing public. I personally have issues with Sonic Heroes other than the bugs such as normal enemies that take multiple hits to kill, and having to play the game several times(with some Teams are more painful to play as others) to get the true endings, but I really don't want to get into that discussion again.

About Sonic 2K6 people were excited as heralding "Sonic's triumphant return to form" when we seen the tech demo/concept at TGS 2005. It wasn't until E3 2006 when more pictures were reveal and we seen Sonic in an apolcolyptic level, Shadow in a jeep with guns, a new gimmicky hedgehog with one of the worse designs yet, and a Final Fantasy real doll that people began to raise the warning flag. The hate train began to grow when the godawful demo was released to the public. And well, we know how the final product turned out.

And even with Shadow while there were plenty of people decrying the whole concept of this game, there were a few apologists saying "you have no right critizing this game since you haven't played it!!" and any other equivelent of that statement.

This chart says it all about what Sonic fans usually goes through everytime a major Sonic game from ST is announced:

Posts: 1044
Noble Member

"You guys are like Charlie fing Brown. Every game Sonic Team's like, "Hey, Charlie, come kick the football!" You know this to be bullt, because every time before Sonic Team yanks the football away right before you hit it. But SonicTeam argues, "Hey, maybe I won't this time." Fair enough. So, you take a running head start, but before you know it you're flat on your ass and Sonic Team's laughing because they yanked the football away and you f***ing fell for it."

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

About Sonic 2K6 people were excited as heralding "Sonic's triumphant return to form" when we seen the tech demo/concept at TGS 2005.

Those were just a bunch of idiots or desperate fanpeople who weren't paying attention. The tech demo was nothing but an uninspired track over a pit with some physics and one of the first platforming videos on an HD console. People said that basically because it wasn't Shadow the Hedgehog and only had Sonic in the demo.

It wasn't until E3 2006 when more pictures were reveal and we seen Sonic in an apolcolyptic level, Shadow in a jeep with guns, a new gimmicky hedgehog with one of the worse designs yet, and a Final Fantasy real doll that people began to raise the warning flag. The hate train began to grow when the godawful demo was released to the public. And well, we know how the final product turned out.

LOL that is the best description of Elise ever. Her manner was far creepier than the implied bestiality.

That really only describes SonicNEXT.

The game is very much a mixed bag so far so neither the optimists nor the pessimists are being delusional. I'll call it equal chances of suck, mediocrity, and decency.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

Yeah, Sonic Heroes definitely had more things broken then just crappy levels and bugs... Hell, if you can beat a boss in ten seconds by not moving, you've got yourself a crappy game.

That diagram DOES apply to Heroes ... Shadow we had our doubts about from the start.

also LOL @ equal chances of good, bad, or meh. Based on Sega's track record, I'd place my money between 'meh' and 'bad'.

Posts: 2809
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Am I wrong or is this like the first Sonic game that didn't have a specific system announced from the get go?

Posts: 1827
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It hasn't officially been announced.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Geez! I'm back again. After seeing the video it is surely Sonic Rush Rings. So beautiful, but i'm assuming this game'll treat me like any attractive woman...lure me in with her looks then take all my money! =X Seriously friends as of late think my favorite series is Sonic and i'm like..."No way man. Everyone thinks that. It's probably my 3rd of 4th favorite series." And i'll admit alot of the reason why it isn't one of my favorites, is because of the previously mention titles. And I haven't even played Next yet. =/ But hey, here's hoping yea?

Posts: 3291
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if anyone is going to be a warewolf, my first bets would be on shadow. he's already a confused cloned android/alien/demon/immortal/wossname (depending on various storylines. ), being a warewolf too? it wouldn't even worry him for a moment. ^^

i'm not really getting my hopes up, as i can't afford any of the next-gen consoles.. so not played any sonic games since they stopped being made for the gamecube.

Posts: 4336
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New leaked screens.


Posts: 2232
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Oh my.

Also, is Supes getting beaten by giant TV remotes there?

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

^ Now THAT my friends, is Dr.Julain Ivo mother-luvin' Robotnik!! None of that clown stuff. That's a lot more like the real deal.

Posts: 1127
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Now if only Julian and Ivo were canon names. 8D

Posts: 24
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Could somebody confirm whether crayola have an advertising tie in with this game, cos if I'm not mistaken it looks like robotnik has incorporated the use of a huge colouring pencil behind his machine :3

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

What I'm saying Toby, is that he looks like a much more menacing Eggman than we've had of late. He's not the silly Eggman of Sonic X, (Not that I don't love that Eggman. He's what sells the book for me.)

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

Eggman was ALWAYS goofy though.

His main robot cronies were MONKEY ROBOTS

And the only reason I'm upset at the werefwolf Sonic is because Wolf Link in Twlight Princess and the Laguz in Fire Emblem 9 were handled very well, imo. *inb4someonesaysSegadidn'tmakethem*

Sidenote: Anyone remember that Sonic apparently copies Mickey Mouse?

A bit of development news from the site that leaked the were-sonic pic.
"SEGA is launching SONIC UNLEASHED with a HUGE production budget and it seems not only SONIC TEAM is involved but a very huge part of SEGA?s developer teams including those from Japan, the US and, apparently for the first time, even Europe. There seems to be one clear mission: Rebuild the Sonic brand and prove it could work in 3D environments."

Posts: 1127
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Eggman's always been a goof, and I'd love for him to stay that way, instead of becoming a standard, boring by-the-books villain. It's what made him interesting as a character. Something different.
Aside from that, we've only seen a handful of images of him, so we have no idea how he'll behave in the game. Probobly the same as usual, I hope.

Posts: 4607
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I'm surprised that, as far as I can tell, nobody's bothered to point out this particular piece of artwork.

Don't panic.

Posts: 1127
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I bet it's all Knuckles' fault.

Posts: 1367
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Sonic and the Secret Rings was a step in the right direction, but flawed. If this follows in the same vain (straight path, speed over exploration) and fixes what was wrong about Secret Rings, it'll be awesome.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

I'm surprised that, as far as I can tell, nobody's bothered to point out this particular piece of artwork

I did at post #72 when I mentioned that site had an interesting new piece of concept art.

Posts: 286
Reputable Member

I've been all over the place researching the game (not that I'm terribly psyched about it) so I forget what I saw where, but the main thought I had when I first saw the picture of the fragmented planet was that the oceans would drain down into the molten core and then they'd really need the time travel gimmick (how else could you fix that?)

Posts: 24
Eminent Member

Ha...and greenpeace said it would be gloabal warming that would get us, bet they didn't see that one coming

Posts: 3756
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If kinda looks like the core is in the center and the other parts are floating above it, like a SMGalaxy stage. Kinda. =D Also, from that picture you can really see how thin the earth's crust really is. The oceans are as this as an apple's skin. =D

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

New info up. Among the news is Sonic and crew is on a new planet called Muboz (Mobius?), I don't know how reliable the source is but I kinda hope this is just a rumor because I know this is gonna get everybody into a tizzy.

Posts: 1127
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It's already been proven to be a fake.

Posts: 2809
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Well, and here I thought I had found something, even if it was a hoax, before it was proven to be one. But seriously the Muboz did sound too much like Mobius for it to actually be real.

Edit: Also, someone should change Wiki's article on this game.

Posts: 1127
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Not surprisingly, Sega is majorly ticked about all this stuff getting leaked, if anyone hadn't guessed. They've had all images and videos taken down.

I'll throw in some new info I found though:
PS3 and Wii versions of the game confirmed.
X360 version is not confirmed, but very, very likely.
The game runs on the Sonic Rush engine. (NOT the graphics engine, doofus.)
If this is true, the game should work out well. The game does seem to play like Rush and Rush Adventure, even the energy bar and boosts are there.

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

ZOMG I agree wioth just about everything they say, including the music which is so catchy.

The video was not obvious about multiple paths and I didn't watch frame by frame because some SA screens deceptively looked like muliple paths. BUT HOLY CRAP IT IS REAL SONIC DESIGN LIKE I ALWAYS SAID IT SHOULD BE AND THE PUNISHMENT FOR FALLING IS A LOWER PATH. ZOMG I AM IN STOKED MODE NOW. Where did the zoom to the lower path come from as that was not in the video?

People a properly done 2.5D huge level Sonic game would be like... comparable to Galaxy in gameplay quality. This had better not be overloaded with Advance 2 or Secret Rings type cheap speed!

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