Actually, I'm very much looking forward to the game XD
I meant to say "you" when I said "I". Toby embarrassed at his incompetence.
Psx curious at the use of 3rd person in Toby's post, and wonders what he can do to turn it into an internet meme.
Toby excited of many possibilities.
Rishi cautious and unamused.
I'm hazarding a guess that you're getting the 360 version, in which case I can't give you too many details, owning the Wii version myself. Even so, you'll probably find (depending on the extent to which previous 3D Sonic games have disgusted you) that this game is in an entirely different class. The malevolent camera gods have fallen; the glitch-fests are considerably down almost to the point of total nonexistence; the score is wonderful, if eclectic; there's a distinct absence of Shooty McAngst (aka Shadow) and the other characters wedged into the gameplay; and the game has a certain charm as if Sonic Team seemed to care about it. Granted, it's not all sunshine and ice cream: the speed and platforming elements are pretty much on opposite sides of the Berlin Wall; the production is a little QTE-happy; the degree of control on Sonic by day could use some tightening, since it amounts to fastfastfastierfastest (again, I'm not sure if that's different on the HD as opposed to the SD version); and the Kingdom Hearts/God of War fighting with the Werehog can become easily repetitive if it isn't your fancy.
But! if the above cons aren't too offsetting, then this game will be pretty darn enjoyable. The replay value is reasonably high: S-ranking Eggmanland alone will take you hours. It's fast paced, lighthearted, and quite entertaining. It certainly does not smack of the intense sucktitude of Shadow or Sonic '06 at the very least, and I find it puts Heroes and even SA2 to shame. Sonic Team was very close to creating something thoroughly well-crafted, but some imperfections and a strangely nagging sense that speed and platforming (both essential for the MegaDrive platformers) are exclusive keeps this game from a complete masterpiece.

Would anyone who has the 360/PS3 version of the game know where the Egg Beetle and Holaskian Temple videos are?
I know for a fact that I have the Egg Beetle video, but I don't remember where I found it. I found a bunch of videos, but I never looked at what they were until I actually finished the game, so trying to remember where I found it will be near impossible.
I just recently made it to Eggmanland, and that level is FREAKING HARD. I almost never make it past the second (or third, I forget which) checkpoint.
I keep really getting stuck at the second conveyor belt with the bombs and boxes and lasers. Is there anyway to really get past it without... like dying or running out of ring energy? Aside from just keep getting rings?
Eggmanland reminds me of the very last stage in the original Sonic the Hedgehog game: it was FRIGGIN' HARD!
At any rate, do you mean that area that looks like you were in Holoska? If so, jump the small lasers and avoid the large ones like the plague. Follow the line of rings and you'll make it.
I got the PS2 version, after beating the 360 version, and I was severely disappointed. Sonic's levels felt so... empty. And the Werehog controls were horrible. Nextgen is where it's at.
Welp, that's what happens when you drop the retail price of the game from £50 to £20 in Sonic's strongest market.
They don't seem to list which version it is...I'm assuming it's the Wii one since that was selling a bit better than the 360 one.
Its the All-Formats chart. Basically that is the combined sale numbers of the 360/Wii/PS2 versions of the game.
Which when you think about it isn't that encouraging. Should have done a DS version as well...
Has anyone else with the Wii version noticed a conspicuous absence of moon medals beyond a certain point? Most of the locked doors in the temples require 69 moon medals, but even if you complete all of the little side missions and spend hours to get an S-rank for every day stage (Eggmanland, I'm looking at you), your moon medal total should be 67. Am I merely overlooking something?
Just watched that... ;_; Bit true that.
I was half expecting him to say, I quite enjoyed it, just before he laid into it with both barrels.
Can't recall a single time I've shared the same opinion with that man, and this time is no different XD
Ouch. Well that what you get for playing the Wii version. Oddly he seem to have enjoy the Were Sonic stages more than the regular Sonic.
Can't recall a single time I've shared the same opinion with that man, and this time is no different XD
So you didn't care for any of the following: Portal, Super Mario Galaxy, Fallout 3, No More Heroes, Silent Hill 2, Psychonauts, any Prince of Persia game?
Ouch. Well that what you get for playing the Wii version. Oddly he seem to have enjoy the Were Sonic stages more than the regular Sonic.
He's playing the 360 version judging by the fact that he was able to switch the VAs to Japanese, navagated and collected medals in hubs, and enemies refill their health after you fail a QTE attack. Besides, he said he wouldn't do Wii ports anymore after his SW:Force Unleashed review. Why they showed the Wii version cover, I have no idea.
Even though this was possibly the most hate-filled Yahtzee review yet, I do agree with many of his points about this game.
Hee. I love how he points out Sonic's speed as a flaw.
That review is exactly what I expect out of most people, anyways.
Sega: Okay, Sonic is fast now.
Sega: ... -_-
You see the problem is, the game isn't challenging, its unfair. Trial and Error as gameplay is unfair. Its why I dont like Sonic Rush.
Besides the people who want Sonic to move at ridiculous speed are wrong.
While I enjoyed Unleashed, Yahtzee's complaints are fair and I believe I do agree with him on them. Comparing Sonic to a faded rock star was un-nervingly spot on.
Can that guy talk any faster? I couldn't understand a word he was saying.
Besides the people who want Sonic to move at ridiculous speed are wrong.
He's suppose to move at ridiculous speeds ... that's what Sonic does.
Well, the show is called No Punctuation.
Well, the show is called No Punctuation.
Besides the people who want Sonic to move at ridiculous speed are wrong.
Saaaaaays whoooo?
^Says the people who remember how the old games played and despises the Rush-like gameplay?
Actually Sonic's speed becomes a problem when he too fast to the point of feeling uncontrollable especially for the more fine tuning platforming. That's one of my bigger gripes of this game. It's unfortunate because I liked the platforming in the Werehog(Hog-wolf) section and could have seen myself liking the some of the Sonic secret levels more if he was at least the speed as he was in the hubs.
Can't recall a single time I've shared the same opinion with that man, and this time is no different XD
So you didn't care for any of the following: Portal, Super Mario Galaxy, Fallout 3, No More Heroes, Silent Hill 2, Psychonauts, any Prince of Persia game?
Nope. Mario 64 only lame. Nope. Nope. Nope. I still think Psychonauts is an overrated clunky platformer that keeps trying to be a point and click game, when it should really just ditch the gameplay thing and be what could be a seriously awesome cartoon series. >.> But that's off the point. Aaaaaaaand nope.
Either your joking or I have to disreguard any video game recommendations you might have even moreso than Rayzor. {-;
^Says the people who remember how the old games played and despises the Rush-like gameplay?
I don't compare 16 bit games to current gen. I find it pointless.
I am so sorry for having opinions that differ from yours. I guess I'll have to work on that.
Any word on what the download content for Xbox Live will be? I haven't been able to connect in ages so i dont know if there is any. I would like a Japan or France stage if possible (or even just more of those mini 2d stages). I can imagine Sonic running through Tokyo then through rice fields and finally finishng on top of Mt Fuji, oh and an Eggman samurai robot boss hijacks the bullet train. XD Sure I am probably dreaming and SEGA are too busy cooking up their next fail Sonic game to bother with download content. But it does say Live on the cover.
I was thinking Yahtzee was going to review Sonic Wii as well, since the Wii cover made a small appearance in his Mirror's Edge review. Dont think i've seen him hate a game this much in awhile. Nice.
Either your joking or I have to disreguard any video game recommendations you might have even moreso than Rayzor.
LOL, yeah, because I've at least played and loved Psychonauts and feel I would like Portal if I ever played it. Heck, I'm sure I would probably like the other games if I played them other than Silent Hill as I don't play horror games.
Hey, I'm a fan of the breakneck speeds, whenever I replay Sonic 3 & Knuckles I just get insanely frustrated with the boring waiting bits. A typical level involves either standing and waiting for something to happen, spindashing so you can move or standing on a platform and waiting for it to move.
Flying Battery, especially, can go to hell. Most badass high adreneline song of awesome in the game and the level consists of waiting for Eggman to bomb his own ship 3 times to open the path, spindashing the little wheel ledges, waiting for hang drop bars to go down, waiting for the magnets to activate/deactivate, waiting for the screw to go to the top/bottom, waiting for the spider to take you across a path.
...hell. 2 of the 3 bosses are fought BY WAITING. Nothing more than WAITING.
Oldskool Sonic was ALL WAITING.
Hell, Rush is too. Damn hang glider, slow moving platform and other such gimmick events.
Always hated sitting about and waiting...
lol so break neck speeds plus better controls equals win. I love platforming too though.
I am so sorry for having opinions that differ from yours. I guess I'll have to work on that.
Nothing's wrong with having different opinions, it's just that you probably have a peculiar preference in video games in my eyes. If you makes you feel any better Yahtzee trashes one of my favorite genres(RPGs), but I still find all of his videos to be entertaining anyway.
Oh well, at least signs indicate that this will be his only review for a Sonic game.
EDIT: Speaking of reviews here's X-play's:
...something tells me most of the media reaaaaally didn't like this game. The 1up's review was pretty tame and fair in comparison.
Yahtzee's reviews are for entertainment value anyway. If you're looking for journalistic merit in them, well... yeah.
I agree, however he does bring up some valid points in many of the games he reviews.
Before I read the Xplay review let me guess. They eventually compare Unleashed to the 90's games. Because that makes total sense to compare an old as dirt 16-bit game to something running on current gen more than a decade into the future? When nobody does this with Mario games. Nobody compares Galaxy to the first Super Mario Bros. You know what they do? They compare it to the OTHER 3D games in the series. Its like they're afraid to admit that Sonic Adventure exsisted.
I agree, however he does bring up some valid points in many of the games he reviews.
I find he takes the points already stated by other sources and exaggerates them with added bitterness for comedic effect.
What you can get from Yahtzee you can get something that manipulates your emotions a lot less. And that's not a knock against him; the guy's a comedic mastermind.
But its affect on people's perceptions is something I don't care for. Mostly the people who look at what he says and go "Baaaaa" about them. Exaggeration is good when its funny, bad when it affects actual opinion.
If you pick up a game. Pop it in. And are not God at it the very first time you play it then the game has poor level design and it sucks.
Learning Curves apparently don't exsist anymore.
<strong class="quote-title"
B Vulpix wrote:
Before I read the Xplay review let me guess. They eventually compare Unleashed to the 90's games. Because that makes total sense to compare an old as dirt 16-bit game to something running on current gen more than a decade into the future? When nobody does this with Mario games. Nobody compares Galaxy to the first Super Mario Bros. You know what they do? They compare it to the OTHER 3D games in the series. Its like they're afraid to admit that Sonic Adventure exsisted.
Well, Mario doesn't have the same problems as Sonic. Sonic fans highly desire to get what they got from the 90s, whereas Mario fans have already gotten that, and more.
Golf and soccer games, and a lackluster platformer that took about a decade to wait for after Sunshine?
Yeah I'm no Mario fan but the only Mario games I bother playing are the old ones. The newer ones just seem so inferior.
Toby Barrett wrote:
Golf and soccer games, and a lackluster platformer that took about a decade to wait for after Sunshine?
As opposed to a bunch of broken and unpolished games and mediocre spin-offs?
Besides the people who want Sonic to move at ridiculous speed are wrong.
Isn't that the point of Sonic games? Honestly, isn't that the point of, well, his name?
Not to the exclusion of control and, well, fun.
But the speed levels are fun. Its all just a matter of opinion. Maybe you're just not good at them