What TTG said.
The levels need to be crafted better. If they are truly going with ridiculous speed as the new Sonic roots.
At a lot of points in recent Sonic games there are points where you going at ridiculous speed is necessary but if its your first time through a level you are screwed and you fall into a pit and die.
So you go screw it and press the fast forward button and you go head first into spikes. You. Fall. Pit. Die.
This system could work better if you know... there wasn't a pit of death, or there was an alternate way that didn't involve ridiculous speed.
Either that or the life system really needs to go. Or Sonic needs to discover the Dagger of Time. Or have a human female companion... again.
I think none of the trial and error would matter if they got rid of the lives system. Getting rid of it might be good.
Golf and soccer games, and a lackluster platformer that took about a decade to wait for after Sunshine?
Never thought I'd ever post something like that. SEGA just had to die.
I was playing Mirror's Edge, and running around and jumping in that, and I was thinking to myself, "Some of this is what Sonic needs to be able to do." Because I like the fact that you could switch from running along the ground to wall running with just the touch of a button, sliding and bounding over things as they got closer to you, and all out just what she could do. The main character is a runner like Sonic, yes, but increase the speed and you may as well have a Sonic game, albeit a different approach.
I was playing Mirror's Edge, and running around and jumping in that, and I was thinking to myself, "Some of this is what Sonic needs to be able to do." Because I like the fact that you could switch from running along the ground to wall running with just the touch of a button, sliding and bounding over things as they got closer to you, and all out just what she could do. The main character is a runner like Sonic, yes, but increase the speed and you may as well have a Sonic game, albeit a different approach.
Cool idea, Spiner. The only issue I see is that this may be a bit nauseating for some to play as Sonic from his perspective. I know I got a bit woozy while doing somersaults in Mirror's Edge.
Have a bucket nearby just in case Rolling to the floor to avoid getting hurt from a high landing was awesome
Why not just give him a 3rd person perspective than a first person one?
I'd answer, but I've been drinking and can't really answer that correctly without making it look stupid.
Also, I ended up trading Mirror's Edge for Sonic Unleashed today, and I'm finding SU to be a hell of a lot of fun, especially using the dash and just holding it down and going crazy with it.
Parkour in a 3rd person perspective is like....every credible and decent platformer game already made....
In a sense at least. I can't remember many platform characters wall running but they could do everything else.
Why are sourcing VGChartz?! That site is even banned on NeoGAF(a website that is frightenly obsessed with the sales numbers of consoles and games), because they made their numbers up and based it on speculation instead of using a legitamate source like the NPD, company PR, Media Crate, etc.
I finally got it. Was having some fun (though I'm still getting used to the werehog controls) until the tornado stage came up. No matter how many times I remind myself, I keep confusing the positions of the X and B buttons. ugh
Just completed the game yesterday. The ending was well worth it. I don't care for the ending theme, personally, though. I am NEVER playing through Eggmanland again, though. It was the most frustrating level I have played in a Sonic game aside from Cannon's Core in SA2B. I liked the game overall, but it was way to QTE-happy for me. You hear that, SEGA? No more QTE's in the games! Especially when they cost me lives because you love to put up random button combos. D:
Just completed the game yesterday. The ending was well worth it. I don't care for the ending theme, personally, though. I am NEVER playing through Eggmanland again, though. It was the most frustrating level I have played in a Sonic game aside from Cannon's Core in SA2B. I liked the game overall, but it was way to QTE-happy for me. You hear that, SEGA? No more QTE's in the games! Especially when they cost me lives because you love to put up random button combos. D:
This. I just quit on Mazuri's werehog level because I just can't take it anymore. The combat is stupid and I can't stand the QTEs over and over. I mean, every time I try to press B to do the QTE-kill, Sonic ends up trying to pick him up and gets hit by one of the fifty robots/satan-spawn while trying to do this. And if I mess up the kill (which usually happens), I get hurt? For attacking? While they're already hurting me? Blech.
That said, I really liked the regular Sonic sections I've played, the human designs are cool, and the music is awesome as always.
I'm going to play this again when I'm less stressed. ^_^;;
Myself I rarely use the QTE kills and go for just beating the crap outta the monsters; that said, here lately, I find myself using the QTE kills, course you get use to it after the QTE areas and getting practice in on the first Tornado stage. Oh, yeah, and the Dark Gaia Pheonix boss, my favorite boss, is a QTE love fest, and I've gotten good enough on it to get an A.
I just quit on Mazuri's werehog level because I just can't take it anymore. The combat is stupid and I can't stand the QTEs over and over. I mean, every time I try to press B to do the QTE-kill, Sonic ends up trying to pick him up and gets hit by one of the fifty robots/satan-spawn while trying to do this. And if I mess up the kill (which usually happens), I get hurt? For attacking? While they're already hurting me? Blech.
My experience with this is simple: Don't bother with QTE kills. Instead, attack them with your combos, upgrade your combos, or avoid the ones you can avoid.
I just quit on Mazuri's werehog level because I just can't take it anymore. The combat is stupid and I can't stand the QTEs over and over. I mean, every time I try to press B to do the QTE-kill, Sonic ends up trying to pick him up and gets hit by one of the fifty robots/satan-spawn while trying to do this. And if I mess up the kill (which usually happens), I get hurt? For attacking? While they're already hurting me? Blech.
My experience with this is simple: Don't bother with QTE kills. Instead, attack them with your combos, upgrade your combos, or avoid the ones you can avoid.
Indeed. I was upgrading strength over combos with some futile hope of taking out enemies in one hit.
And now back to the Egg Beetle, which keeps killing me because I'm not very good at this game, apparently. o_O
I just quit on Mazuri's werehog level because I just can't take it anymore. The combat is stupid and I can't stand the QTEs over and over. I mean, every time I try to press B to do the QTE-kill, Sonic ends up trying to pick him up and gets hit by one of the fifty robots/satan-spawn while trying to do this. And if I mess up the kill (which usually happens), I get hurt? For attacking? While they're already hurting me? Blech.
My experience with this is simple: Don't bother with QTE kills. Instead, attack them with your combos, upgrade your combos, or avoid the ones you can avoid.
Indeed. I was upgrading strength over combos with some futile hope of taking out enemies in one hit.
And now back to the Egg Beetle, which keeps killing me because I'm not very good at this game, apparently. o_O
If you max out your strength, you can kill a lot of things in one, two, or three hits. Pretty sweet, but takes forever. Definitely focus on combos and strength though.
And now back to the Egg Beetle, which keeps killing me because I'm not very good at this game, apparently. o_O
Don't worry, I got killed a lot on this one too. You're still early in the game you will get better.
And now back to the Egg Beetle, which keeps killing me because I'm not very good at this game, apparently. o_O
Don't worry, I got killed a lot on this one too. You're still early in the game you will get better.
Now it's the phoenix. Which I'm also stuck on. He keeps blowing up when I combo him. This game makes me feel so stupid, like I should know what to do, but I don't.
EDIT: Nevermind. Got it.
Great, so how did you like it after you got a hang of it. Dark Gaia Phoenix is my absolute favorite boss so far followed by the Dark Guardian.
Great, so how did you like it after you got a hang of it. Dark Gaia Phoenix is my absolute favorite boss so far followed by the Dark Guardian.
The frustration from trying to figure out what to do at the beginning and the forced QTEs killed it for me.
But the daytime Spagonia stage was probably the most fun I've had in a Sonic game in a long time, with the bolting across the city rooftops, outrunning fire from enemies and barrels at blazing speeds and etc. It was great. The boss was pretty fun too.
Golf and soccer games, and a lackluster platformer that took about a decade to wait for after Sunshine?
Never thought I'd ever post something like that. SEGA just had to die.
Sure, but Sonic stretches over a lot of different gaming consoles, which Mario has only ever stuck to Nintendo. Plus if you take out the Mega Collection-esque games and the thirty-seven Sonic 1 re-releases, it's a much smaller number. I think at last count Sonic has about 50 actual individual games.
The Egg Beetle? That's a day boss, and a pretty easy one after you beat it a couple of times. It was the first thing I got an S rank in as Sonic the Hedgehog. All I did is collect rings to keep the energy up, avoiding missiles and spikey bombs along the way, boosted close enough so he'd open up those jaws, then held X. You can get a good three hits or so before it gets blown back too far to hit it. Then the process begins again until he's beaten. My current record time for that is about 1:02.
I really haven't replayed the other bosses much except for the Egg Dragoon, which was a blessing to fight after getting through the longest level in the game.
Things really do get frustrating in that game, and sometimes I'd just go and play some missions because I didn't want to play a level. The night stages become more bearable as you get your stats up. I've still yet to get an S rank in Windmill Isle and Savannah Citadel Act 1, though. D:
On another note, hunting for unlockables is unbearable. All I want to do is find some of the videos I'm missing. For now, I just want to know where to find videotapes 1 and 3. Or if there's a link to the locations of all the videos in the 360 version. :[
I would like to know how can I tell I'm at the end of Eggmanland stage.
Also, some of the videos are hidden in stages and for sale. Other than that, I don't know kaze.
As for S ranks go, I got my first (and only) one in a night stage. I have yet to get one in a morning level.
As for Eggmanland, I want a description on how the ending part of the stage looks like.
The end of Eggmanland? I know there has to be crazy mad alternative paths in there. When I got to the end of the level, I was sliding through tubes with circling blades. The very last room I was in had two Titans and a bunch of different colored wizard things. A couple of them were Heal Masters, some of them shot electricity.
I nearly died at that part. Once you get rid of the Titans, and you have to be patient with it, the goal ring appears. If you don't feel like fighting the fake Wizrobes, go for the ring.
Oh, I forgot to mention that the room before it has a Titan with them in it, too.
Did you had to fight Eggman's robots before you fought the titan? Also, it's hard to find a guide for the X360 version of the game.
I think that was a room before the sliding pipe mess. Robots kept coming out of nowhere and I had to break a wall open and pull a switch and haul butt.
Sega fails at ads
No, that is just how *+*!%@+ fast Sonic is. ^_^
/Sega Defence Force
How are you sure that's Sonic? There can always be a lookalike....
I have finally finished Eggmanland with a B rank. Then, came the matches of heck. It's a very good thing that I had 99 lives before I tackle the ending battles (ended up with 65-ish lives after the credits started rolling).
omg <3 @ robot names
Just totally completed the Wii version of Sonic Unleashed last night!^^ (Finished the story last weekend, but finally managed to get all of the items/medals a couple hours ago. *probably spent way too much time playing in the past week*)
Has anyone else with the Wii version noticed a conspicuous absence of moon medals beyond a certain point? Most of the locked doors in the temples require 69 moon medals, but even if you complete all of the little side missions and spend hours to get an S-rank for every day stage (Eggmanland, I'm looking at you), your moon medal total should be 67. Am I merely overlooking something?
I know it was a while ago that you posted that, but didn't know whether or not you were still having this problem. So, just in case:
As for what happens when you finally collect everything:
Anyway, took a bit to get used to some of the controls (for example, I sometimes still expect the A button to do a homing attack or something during day stages^^;…also, accidently boosting when wanting to use homing attack, or running instead of walking near edges while in werehog form could be >< at times), but overall enjoyed the game, and had fun with it. Now to get back to focusing on school work XD;
(Also, really enjoyed the final boss music, which I'm currently listening to as I type this post!)
Did we ever get any legitimate numbers at how well or poor this game did--at least in North America? And no, VGChartz isn't a legitimate source.
Rating-wise, is Metacritic legit? If so, results:
XBOX 360
Playstation 3
Playstation 2
Nintendo Wii
Copy-wise, I don't have a source yet.
Yeah, I'm talking about sales-wise.
It always jars me the crater sized difference between the user reviews and the critics reviews of the game
Cheers, Ari. Actually, I'd just found the answer to my question about an hour after making that post, and it enraged me so (mostly from straining myself to clear the final boss with only two lives and no idea of what I was doing).
<strong class="quote-title"
B Vulpix wrote:
It always jars me the crater sized difference between the user reviews and the critics reviews of the game
Probably because the user reviews are mostly from Sonic fankids?
Aside from Vgchartz, do you know of any sources Ashide?
Sorry to interupt the topic, but since it has been a couple of months since the game's release, I don't really see any more need for it to be stickied. So, it's not. Just a small heads up just in case you don't see the icon and wonder what's going on.
Carry on.
Aside from Vgchartz, do you know of any sources Ashide?
Anybody who has access to NPD which would be NeoGAF and IGN. Unfortunately the game didn't make it on the top 20 best selling games for the months of Nov. or Dec.
So, instead of were-hog, Saiya-hog? Can we add yet another DBZ parallel to the list?
** does it for you **
So anyone want to see early version the werehog?
Good thing they didn't went with that look.
You can see some more artwork, including early versions of Chip, here.