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Sonic Unleashed Revealed

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Posts: 1055
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I am taking all this in with a shaker of salt. I wanna play this before buying. Does look purdy though.

Posts: 363
Reputable Member

I am taking all this in with a shaker of salt. I wanna play this before buying. Does look purdy though.

My thoughts exactly. You can't tell how horrendous the camera is until you play it. Though IGN did say the camera seemed a bit more tame, so who knows?

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Hmm...does looks nice. Although so did StH['06]. 😛 I want impressions on the Wii version, considering that's the one i'll probably be getting.

Posts: 24
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Latest preview and news on IGN

Posts: 1413
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Well the embargo time up.
First up Sega Nerds.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

Lolz the editor guy says the game ran too fast (in sonic boost mode). I laughed when I read that. The problems sound minor and very fixable. But what do I know? *shrug*

Posts: 1413
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3 more previews:

Game Radar.


Game Informer.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

Most of what has been said about this game so far seems to lie in the valley of the positive. While surprisingly Sonic Chronicles is getting a lot of mixed feelings.

Posts: 1758
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<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote:

Most of what has been said about this game so far seems to lie in the valley of the positive. While surprisingly Sonic Chronicles is getting a lot of mixed

That's not surprising, because the ONLY reason for the positivity about Sonic Chronicles is Bioware. What they've released so far is very dumb.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

True. The combat system in Chronicles sounds really bad....but I'll talk about that in the correct topic c.c

Posts: 58
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Have you guys heard about the new name rumor for unleashed? The new name is "Sonic World Adventure."

So what do you guys think of this name?

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

Well........does he go around the world?

Posts: 363
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Yes he does... in 80 days. Which would be pretty slow for Sonic, but educational for all!

Posts: 5035
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Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Have you guys heard about the new name rumor for unleashed? The new name is "Sonic World Adventure."

So what do you guys think of this name?

You mean this? I wonder if this was a mistake or did they change the name of the game like they did Wildfire/Secret Rings ?

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

Last I heard, Unleashed was always just a working name anyway. But I much prefer Unleashed to World Adventure (and I liked Wildfire over Secret Rings, too. Add "bad names" onto the list of problems with Sonic games.)

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

Unleashed makes more sense because of the werewolf gimmick.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Does that mean the happy go lucky Sonic fan community have haplessly stumbled upon another Sonic game? Or has PrimaGames cocked up? Or are Sega going to change the name of the game?

I can't see why they would change the name now, I mean everyone is excited and/or disappointed at Sonic Unleashed already. And beisdes it'll be Sonic World before Sonic World Adventure. La la, la la, A new venture...

Posts: 981
Noble Member

Unleashed was generic enough already; I'd rather not have the name "Adventure" slapped onto it to please the fanboys.

And apparently it's not just Prima that's doing this. Three other sources have that same name change found over at Sonic Stadium. But it's all from the Prima Games's name. I'm honestly not sure if it will change.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Confusion. And yes, Matt, add that to the list of things wrong with Sonic games. =P Seriously though...unleashed makes so much sense...i'm surprised they came up with it. i'm sure we'll know by E3, though.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Look like Sonic will be "unleashed" and not go on a "world adventure" after all.

PS: Contrary to several sources the word "World" is not the sole gaming property of Mr. Plumber for Tikal's sake


Posts: 58
Trusted Member

Good news! unleashed is the name for the game not world adventure! read here!

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member Well hey we have a double confirmation.

Posts: 58
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Sorry about that I didn't see the first one lol.

Posts: 39
Eminent Member

New trailer and screenshots over at IGN. That new trailer is awesome, looks like so much fun. Also has the new Sonic Unleashed logo at the end.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Wow. That was actually quite impressive.

Too much emphasis on the over-the-shoulder gameplay, though. I wanted to see more side-scrolling.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Nice trailer. Anyone notice that Sonic now use a green square to lock-on to the enemies?

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Very sexy. Yays! It's like...what i've been hoping for. A Sonic Rush game...translated to the big three. Does look super linear though...but hey...i'm not going to say anything else. =P Nice find Sonic 009.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

The level looks like a pumped up version of Soleanna. Which I can totally dig. One thing Soleanna lacked was character and life. This level has much more character and personality. Everything that Mario Sunshine reject Soleanna didn't have.


I think.....I think I'm going to cry.

If the Sonic Fan base could be translated into a woman. It'd be a busted up battered pathetic sight of a woman. With a black eye, a broken nose, and probably a few missing teeth. We cling to this abusive relationship with a franchise that keeps hurting us and spitting on us. Is there hope?

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Wow, that actually looked great, I mean in terms of graphics, it probably isn't the most impressive game ever visually, but, it looks a lot better than Sonic 2K6.

In terms of the gameplay. Its like what if Sonic Rush and Secret Rings had a child? It looks fun but:

[insert rant about how its a case of speed > everything.]

Edit: Anyone else notice the Sonic 2K6 spring noises and the slide attack returning?

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

Actually, I was quite impressed visually, but that's just me. Well, looks like Sonic's gameplay will be just fine. =D Let's see wolfman now.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

It's like Sonic Rush crashed into Secret Rings, overdosed on steroids, took a dip in a vat of crude oil and set itself on fire. QTEs, enormous speed, and lots of rails...I don't like it. It might be better than Shadow and 06, but it still won't be Sonic.

Music and environments are still looking good; hopefully there will be a PC version eventually so I can try the HD version sometime.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote:

The level looks like a pumped up version of Soleanna. Which I can totally dig. One thing Soleanna lacked was character and life. This level has much more character and personality. Everything that Mario Sunshine reject Soleanna didn't have.


I think.....I think I'm going to cry.

If the Sonic Fan base could be translated into a woman. It'd be a busted up battered pathetic sight of a woman. With a black eye, a broken nose, and probably a few missing teeth. We cling to this abusive relationship with a franchise that keeps hurting us and spitting on us. Is there hope?

Wow...yea..that's exactly how I see it. >_> lol

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Very sexy. Yays! It's like...what i've been hoping for. A Sonic Rush game...translated to the big three. Does look super linear though...but hey...i'm not going to say anything else. =P Nice find Sonic 009.

Actually the game is not as linear as you think. This pic shows a lot of alternate paths.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Oh yes...I know it's got different paths. Just the way that video showed it...or the way that person was playing it, looked almost like a set path. But hey...thanks for those alt. routes Shadonic.

Posts: 286
Reputable Member

You can also spot paths in the far away aerial shots. This is from a magazine scan and scaled up so the quality sucks, but you can see different paths here:

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

So it'll be like. You can only go forward just like Secret Rings. But you can up,down, left, right, and center. or something like that maybe.

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

No, in an eariler interview they said it won't be on-rails, but at times I fear that may have been a misquote or something because the way some of the review sound it is. If it is on-rails, I will only get it because of Sonic unfortunately as I hated the on-rails of SatSR.

Posts: 286
Reputable Member

I fear that may have been a misquote or something because the way some of the review sound it is.

I'm wondering if that's the case, too. The very fast, enemy filled sections (those viewed in from-behind perspective) are very similar to StH06's mach speed areas. At one point the camera even turns to show the approaching enemies as it did in the likes of Wave Ocean in StH06 - so does the computer take over for the duration of that camera movement (and relinquish control once it's facing ahead again), having Sonic just continue running forward, or is it similar to the controls whilst on the loop-de-loops (holding up keeps you going forward, regardless of the actual direction that 'up' would be in relation to new viewpoint)? ...Or is control of Sonic's progression forward locked and out of our control? Because that would be just like StH06 (hit a wall, die) or Secret Rings (hit a wall, continue frantically grinding your face on it), and I don't think anyone wants that.

I want to be able to stop and take a look at the envronment design even in those speed laneway bits, because going frame by frame in those parts (I love quicktime files) reveals that what's going by is actually quite interesting/purty. Perhaps the enemy behaviour is what locks them into using the unstoppable running thing. I dunno.

Posts: 363
Reputable Member

I hope I'm not repeating a link. At least I'm pretty sure no one has directed us to this yet, but there's a new video showing more of just how fast-paced this game will be here.

The game looks awesome, but I'm still being cautious. The quick button presses look like they may be the deciding factor between life and death at some points. I like how Sonic simply runs into enemies and kills 'em rather than loosing rings upon contact.

What do YOU think?

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

...yeah, that's the video we've been talking about for the last page or so, last I checked.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

*gives the kid a lollipop* It's alright...we know you were just caught up and all excited and whatnot. But yea are repeating a link. I think you jinxed yourself actually. =P

Posts: 363
Reputable Member

Oh well. Sorry about that. I'm obviously not keeping up with things.

Posts: 363
Reputable Member

Sorry about the double post, but either I'm just dumb or I can't delete a double post. Either way, I'm a noob. ^_^

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Hahahah! Yea I don't think you can delete posts anymore. =P

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Or, like, ever.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

I thought on could something. >_>

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Rumor: 360/PS3 version will have 10 levels and the Wii/PS2 version will have 7 levels.

Looking at the guy preview he sound like he full of crap.Then again developers have recently have been making different version of same game for different consoles. Splinter Cell: Double Agent and Ghostbuster game come to mind.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Sonic can move at real-world speeds of up to 300 miles per hour. And the levels? They're massive, with the smallest being six miles in length.

Wow...that's like...awesome. Unfortunately he won't be moving at Sonic speeds[not even close really], but that's cool. It would be hard to control, for sure.

Homing attacks are preserved from the previous 3-D versions of Sonic, but mostly what you'll be doing is running really fast, making split-second decisions (each level has multiple pathways), and then running really fast some more. In other words: This is classic Sonic.

I hope he's not one of those people saying speed = classic again...because if so...this guy should be slapped. Multiple pathways is a plus. Speed[i'll admit] is a plus...but we need more than that. Still though. This game is looking good, really good. And that's 9 levels for the PS3/360, btw. Thanks for the update Shadonic.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

The big difference between them: The 360 and PS3 versions (in addition to their superior graphics) will feature nine levels; the Wii and PS2 will have only a paltry seven, and much crappier graphics.

I'm curious to know what justifies the missing/added stages, and whether those are really the only major differences between the versions.

but mostly what you'll be doing is running really fast, making split-second decisions (each level has multiple pathways), and then running really fast some more. In other words: This is classic Sonic.

That's not classic Sonic. It's more like Sonic Rivals.

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