Ahh yes yes. Shadow...that's who I wanted to address. I want to see how he fits into this game. I like you theory Ray. I doubt Sega would do that though...makes too much sense. 😛 I do plan on watching that GS hand on though. 25 minutes. Awesome!
Ahh yes yes. Shadow...that's who I wanted to address. I want to see how he fits into this game. I like you theory Ray. I doubt Sega would do that
though...makes too much sense. 😛 I do plan on watching that GS hand on though. 25 minutes. Awesome!
Thank you, Neal, but as for youR comment about Sega, if they can pull something as awesome as what they revealed, than surely to goodness, they can come up with something this simple because, I think they may have actually got it this time.
One more thing, don't just plan on watching it; GO AND WATCH IT NOW, NOT LATER BUT NOW, and go watch the Chronicles hand on too if you haven't yet, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!^_^
Just finished watching the 25-er.
So from the looks of it, Sonic's part is speedy, WereSonic's part is button mashy. I'm ok with that as long as it flows nicely overall in the game.
Most of the questions from the audience were answered with "we'll get into that later," in other words "yes but I can't say that yet because I would like to keep my job." For example, it sounds like we may be playing as other characters but hopefully only briefly in the game.
My only gripe is that they are coming up close to the deadline and still trying to figure out how to incorporate 50-ring achieved bonus stages. I'd almost rather they just be cut out, so that they have enough time to polish the game. But they ALWAYS polish a Sonic game before it's released, so what could I be worried about?
Other than that, WereSonic looks more fun now that I've seen it in action. Sonic's portion is ridiculously fast and the path-deciding button combo part reminds me of Elite Beat Agents, which I think will be cool.
I saw that trailer and demo! Even the Werehog is awesome!
And I hope they add special stages!
Thank you, Neal, but as for youR comment about Sega, if they can pull something as awesome as what they revealed, than surely to goodness, they can come up with something this simple because, I think they may have actually got it this time.
No. Adding Werehog is not getting it.
This game looks simply smashing (In more ways the none.)
but i'm wondering what rolls the rest of the sonic cast will play (I wonder if will get were-sonic VS shaodow or WS VS Knux in the game. Wonder how tails will react.)
1 thing I can think we can all agree on though is that we won't ever have to worry about amy stalking sonic at night any more. (LOL)
Thank you, Neal, but as for youR comment about Sega, if they can pull something as awesome as what they revealed, than surely to goodness, they can come up with something this simple because, I think they may have actually got it this time.
No. Adding Werehog is not getting it.
And we know that you're a sage when it comes to gaming. >_>
It does look fun but a couple things worry me...
The werehog levels seem like they could get repetitive after awhile.
Also he said the regular levels would be massive. I don't like levels taking over 10 minutes to do. IMO, it's a lot more fun when they're 5 minutes or less. Like SA2's speed levels.
Now that I think about it, how Sonic becomes the werehog doesn't make much sense. Going by the bits of CGI in the trailer, and early screen shots, it's already known Sonic gets trapped in Eggman's machine and gets power zapped out of him and such. Just what would've had to happen to the Chaos Emeralds to cause such a thing?
Of course, this probably will never get answered, because an explanation of that would probably making as much sense as screwing around Blaze the Cat to the point where we don't know if she's from the future or a parallel world to Sonic's.
Now that I think about it, how Sonic becomes the werehog doesn't make much sense. Going by the bits of CGI in the trailer, and early screen shots, it's already known Sonic gets trapped in Eggman's machine and gets power zapped out of him and such. Just what would've had to happen to the Chaos Emeralds to cause such a thing?
All of that scene will have proven to be worthless, and after Sonic makes it out of Robo's base, he'll be suddenly bitten by new character Fang the Wolf.
I saw the demo. Gotta say, the Great Wall level looked great until (dundundun) they got to the PLATFORMING. They then immediately died TWICE. One because of a misjudged jump, and the other because of a S'06esque scripted-path-gone-horribly-wrong. They also fell off of a loop because they tried to boost at the top, not dying from it, though. I gotta say, watching an honest playthru has drastically dropped my expectations for this game. The Secret Rings and 2D gameplay look nice, and the wereSonic is cool, but for THE LOVE OF GOD, SEGA, STOP TRYING TO DO PLATFORMING. YOU SUCK ASS AT IT.
I thought the reason he died twice was because he was talking to the interviewer and playing the game at the same time. In other words, he was paying that much attetion to the game.
Now I wonder when are we going to see the Wii and PS2 version in action? I am curious of how they play.
Thank you, Neal, but as for youR comment about Sega, if they can pull something as awesome as what they revealed, than
surely to goodness, they can come up with something this simple because, I think they may have
actually got it this time.No. Adding Werehog is not getting it.
Well, when most people are lauding Werehog or at least more at ease with it, then I have to say that Sega must be doing something right! And I believe the guy from Sega said repeatedly that Eggman's machine drains the Emeralds and as a side effect of this drain Sonic becomes the Werehog; not only that but Sonic has to take the Emeralds to shrines all across the world to restore them.
<<And we know that you're a sage when it comes to gaming. >_>>>
Cute. And how exactly is Werehog any different from say, shoveling Silver in a Sonic game(and no, the response "Werehog is really Sonic doesn't count")? They are both out of place game play that doesn't belong in a Sonic plat-former and is better suited for a spin-off or original game. Even worse is that it is
<<Well, when most people are lauding Werehog or at least more at ease with it, then I have to say that Sega must be doing something right!>>
And by most people you meant from the folks who replied to this thread, because elsewhere I beg to differ. Look, even if Werehog could turn out something decent, that still doesn't indicate that Sonic Team "gets it"when creating a Sonic game. Even though Sonic Rush is a far cry from the original Genesis games, that's more "getting it" than Werehog.
Ashide, all games have a gimmick now days. Mario had that water backpack in Sunshine and several more on Galaxy , Banjo & Kazooie has the skill to build vehicles in his new adventure and Crash gain the abilities to control monsters, etc. . The gimmick is was bring in the attention of the consumer. That why all games have one now days. Sonic Unleashed is not different from any other video game.
Now let change the subject to something more important. A "real life" Were Sonic was spotted at E3. Sega warns the public not to get to close or were hog might pummel them with his stretching arms.
<<And we know that you're a sage when it comes to gaming. >_>>>
Cute. And how exactly is Werehog any different from say, shoveling Silver in a Sonic game(and no, the response "Werehog is really Sonic doesn't count")? They are both out of place game play that doesn't belong in a Sonic plat-former and is better suited for a spin-off or original game. Even worse is that it is
You mean like how RPGs starring Mario, The Bee and Boo transformation in Galaxy is out of place for a Mario platform? You mean like a game like Canvas Curse was out of place for platforming Kirby?
Just because it's different, doesn't mean it's bad. But it usually gets grilled on because it's different. And even if it was similar, that doesn't mean it'll be good.
<<You mean like how RPGs starring Mario, The Bee and Boo transformation in Galaxy is out of place for a Mario platform? You mean like a game like Canvas Curse was out of place for platforming Kirby?>>
1.) The Mario RPGs are spin-off games that are a completely different genre from the mainline Mario games.
2.) Boo and Bee Mario is no different than Fire Mario, Racoon Mario, Cape Mario, etc. Mario changing into a different costume has been with the series since the first Super Mario Brothers.
3.) Canvas Curse is another spin-off, and it's not like you switch between 50% Kirby and 50% Ball!Kirby.
The examples you gave are not even comparable to the inclusion of Werehog, unless you think major Sonic plat-formers are defined by several game styles that is as far away from the classic/handheld titles as possible.
And Shadonic, I never got into Crash or BanjoKazooie, however I do remember that that was a huge uproar among BK fans from a very popular gaming MB when the vehicles was first announced. I also remember the huge backlash Super Mario Sunshine recieved and one of the complaints was about Fludd. Infact I remember many people favorite parts of the game was the plat-forming Fludd-less levels. And for the record, SMS was my least liked Mario game.
And I didn't say Werehog was bad, I said it didn't belong in a major Sonic game.
Ashide, all games have a gimmick now days. Mario had that water backpack in Sunshine and several more on Galaxy , Banjo & Kazooie has the skill to build vehicles in his new adventure and Crash gain the abilities to control monsters, etc. . The gimmick is was bring in the attention of the consumer. That why all games have one now days. Sonic Unleashed is not different from any other video game.
Now let change the subject to something more important. A "real life" Were Sonic was spotted at E3. Sega warns the public not to get to close or were hog might pummel them with his stretching arms.
Well I think Ashide has defended herself rather efficiently so let's talk about more important matters. That WereSonic looks so cool. I wish I had that suit. I wonder if it'll ever be on ebay. *goes to check* Oh and Legionfan you make a point. If the other members see this WereSonic how will they react. I can totaly see Knuckles feeling threatened by it, considering it'll be going after the CEs, yes? The amount of character interaction they could put into this game is beyond me. I just know they won't do it. =/
And about the Bonus Stages/Special Stages...wow they really need to deicde what to do with that. It's like....3 and a half months to go or so. If Sega screws this game up with their usual polishing as Ducttaped pointed out...i'll bomb them. Personally.
<<You mean like how RPGs starring Mario, The Bee and Boo transformation in Galaxy is out of place for a Mario platform? You mean like a game like Canvas Curse was out of place for platforming Kirby?>>
1.) The Mario RPGs are spin-off games that are a completely different genre from the mainline Mario games.
2.) Boo and Bee Mario is no different than Fire Mario, Racoon Mario, Cape Mario, etc. Mario changing into a different costume has been with the series since the first Super Mario Brothers.
3.) Canvas Curse is another spin-off, and it's not like you switch between 50% Kirby and 50% Ball!Kirby.
The examples you gave are not even comparable to the inclusion of Werehog, unless you think major Sonic plat-formers are defined by several game styles that is as far away from the classic/handheld titles as possible.
And Shadonic, I never got into Crash or BanjoKazooie, however I do remember that that was a huge uproar among BK fans from a very popular gaming MB when the vehicles was first announced. I also remember the huge backlash Super Mario Sunshine recieved and one of the complaints was about Fludd. Infact I remember many people favorite parts of the game was the plat-forming Fludd-less levels. And for the record, SMS was my least liked Mario game.
And I didn't say Werehog was bad, I said it didn't belong in a major Sonic game.
Agreed. What's more annoying is that the Sonic gameplay is looking much better than it has been since SA2, whether you enjoy the super speed of Sonic Rush or not, it resembles old school Sonic much more than almost every home console Sonic title since the Dreamcast. And had they simply worked on refining that, making it as awesome as they could, then a lot of us would be very happy and they could work on the next title. Instead they're giving development resources to something nobody in their right mind would have asked for, and it is just tacked on.
Now, admittedly I am hopeful for this game, but there's no denying that the Werehog was never necessary nor wanted, much like guns and vehicles in Shadow the Hedgehog, even if it's good, it doesn't mean it should be.
Edit: Double post deleted.
.........I still say werehog looks decently entertaining, Givin its an unneeded gimmick, but really iv'e grown somewhat accustom to these types of things in sonic games as of late, (I mean look at sonic riders 1 & 2, both games are icreadibly big gimmicks, I mean why put sonic on a hoverboard for a race when he could probably run as fast on foot, but i digrese from my rantings.)
Overall this game still looks Magnificant graphically & I think the music's pretty good to. And game play looks fun as well so really I'd half to say Sonic Unleashed may just be the best game to come out since the SA games.
...but thats just my openion.
"The Servers are the seven Chaos, Chaos is power Enriched by the heart."
-Ancient Echindna Text
Overall this game still looks Magnificant graphically & I think the music's pretty good to. And game play looks fun as well so really I'd half to say Sonic Unleashed may just be the best game to come out since the SA games.
Whoa now! Hold your horses. I mean it definitely looks more promising than Heroes, and definitely Shadow[is that even counted as a Sonic game?]. Sonic06, if I remember correctly, looked to be the best thing since the SAs, so yea...I say we hold off. I'm not expecting too much from Unleashed...just to protect myself to be honest. =/
I saw the demo. Gotta say, the Great Wall level looked great until (dundundun) they got to the PLATFORMING. They then immediately died TWICE. One because of a misjudged jump, and the other because of a S'06esque scripted-path-gone-horribly-wrong. They also fell off of a loop because they tried to boost at the top, not dying from it, though. I gotta say, watching an honest playthru has drastically dropped my expectations for this game. The Secret Rings and 2D gameplay look nice, and the wereSonic is cool, but for THE LOVE OF GOD, SEGA, STOP TRYING TO DO PLATFORMING. YOU SUCK ASS AT IT.
Yeah, I noticed that too and it made me sad.
Also the fact that said platforming levels were simply paths over bottomless pits... When will sega learn that we don't want paths above bottomless pits, but rather a large place where, if you fall off, you simply have to take another path? The lower path may be harder, full of spikes and traps and enemies, but don't make it a bottomless pit of doom! D:
Sonic World Adventure website is open. It has high quality of previous videos but nothing else is new.
o_o @ Shadonic's link. Anyway...yea platforming over bottomless pits is an excuse to be lazy. "Well...we don't want to take the time to put path underneath these platforms...so let's make it bottomless. Sounds like a fantastic idea to me" Yea...WRONG!
Well, to be fair that is just one section of the game and they have shown videos of different level paths if you fall; and c'mon, be honest, the old games had some platforming areas over bottomless pits as well so it could be that way now. I mean really isn't that the only bottomless pits we've seen so far; of course that doesn't mean they'e not more but there's hope.
From what I saw. The platforming doesn't look BAD. Just really really generic.
The sad fact is that no one, NO ONE, would be complaining if the Were-Hog was replaced with Knuckles. The brawling levels look good and that swinging Werehog screenshot I've seen show that there is a least some decent platforming in the night levels.
I love the fact that people are complaining about a half and half game when SA2 was a 1/4 game and highly scored. No one liked treasure hunting or piloting a mech, but everyone loved that game for some reason.
And Shadonic, I never got into Crash or BanjoKazooie, however I do remember that that was a huge uproar among BK fans from a very popular gaming MB when the vehicles was first announced. I also remember the huge backlash Super Mario Sunshine recieved and one of the complaints was about Fludd. Infact I remember many people favorite parts of the game was the plat-forming Fludd-less levels. And for the record, SMS was my least liked Mario game.
This is what gets me, because it assumes that the vocal minority on the internet is the first and only word in determining the "acceptedness" or "worthiness" of games. The truth of the matter is, Sunshine was a commercially successful game, and it did quite well for Nintendo. But those people who are fixated upon its break away from "traditional" Mario gameplay who created this backlash that you're talking about have created this mistaken impression that all of this was hated by the majority of people. What's more, they can hide behind the ASSUMPTION that "just because it was commercially successful doesn't mean it's good."
One thing I've learned that about on-line fandom is that these vocal, seemingly unanimous people? Do NOT define the actual consumer base that makes something a success. Be it video games, entertainment, toylines, ANYTHING... they're a small, tiny group of people that contribute to less than 10 % of whose actually buying this stuff. What gives the impression that they're people who MATTER is that they have a voice, while the ones that don't are merely content to play with their product and judge it on their own merits. Usually, when something is a success, it has something that appeals to its consumer base by being genuinely good and becomes popular by commisseration, or because it follows in the tradition of something that was already popular. Neither of these things are inherently bad in and of themselves.
The only people who are left to define this as "good" or "bad" are the same vocal minority who are more often than not obsessed with staying the course, and maintaining the status quo. Sometimes, you get splits, who argue about "getting it" and "staying true to the identity" versus "being innovative" and "breaking out of a rut." The one thing that these people have in common is that they believe themselves to be "the hardcore group", the "true fans", who think they are the ones who are most important, while both groups hide behind the assumption that "well, they can satisfy the general audience (who are often referred to these people as "noobs" or "scrubs" or "kiddies" or some other derogatory nickname) and still give us what we want" without realizing that they're actually just a BLIP on the radar.
Meanwhile, companies themselves either want to go off in a different direction simply because they can, or to broaden the appeal, or maybe because they thought it might be fun. Any one of these could be the reason for the werehog. Either way, there are companies that DO feed into nostalgia... when it's completely safe for them to do so. Nintendo didn't give us "New Super Mario Bros." because there was a vocal outcry for a new Mario sidescroller, they made it because it was safe to do so because Mario is a tried and true brand.
As for Sonic. Well. Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2, and Heroes, for all their purported problems, did well enough for Sega. For all the whining and glitching fanboys, and all of the people who contribute to "Sonic Syndrome" on TV Tropes and write angry articles about the fall of the hedgehog on 1up.com, they weren't spectacular failures by any means. Sonic 2006 was, but it wasn't because of Shadow, it wasn't because Silver's gameplay was speed oriented, and it wasn't because it was 3D. It was because the game was a rushed, glitchy, badly put together mess that had stilted difficulty and alienated both long time and casual gamers.
It remains to be seen if Unleashed will meet this fate. It may be for the same reasons as Sonic 06. It may be because the werehog doesn't succeed at grabbing anyone. It may be because it's just not well put together. But it won't be because of this nebulous, ill defined concept of "not getting it" that's been popularized and defined by people who think that they're the final word and authority on the matter.
I'm not saying not to have opinions. I'm not saying anyone has to like where things or going, or that no one can judge something on their personal merits or on the merits defined by the fandom that's in place. But at the same time, there's a need to be cognizant of the fandom's place in the grand scheme of things and how relative this is to the final result. And what's more, this huge commiseration spiral needs to be aware of the REAL power it has - to not only affect its existing constituency, but also its power to influence and fool those that have been brought into the fandom only recently. Group opinion, peer pressure, and tradition don't encourage new fans to enter the fandom, it goads them into realizing the vocal minority is the "correct" one and thus, aren't allowed to evaluate things for themselves.
<<The sad fact is that no one, NO ONE, would be complaining if the Were-Hog was replaced with Knuckles. The brawling levels look good and that swinging Werehog screenshot I've seen show that there is a least some decent platforming in the night levels.>>
Nah. Then people would complain that it isn't a Sonic-only game like Sega advertised. I do have to admit that I'm not a fan of the "kill all enemies in a room to advance to the next section" or 'regular enemies with life bars' gimmicks that have been in Sonic games as of late.
<<I love the fact that people are complaining about a half and half game when SA2 was a 1/4 game and highly scored. No one liked treasure hunting or piloting a mech, but everyone loved that game for some reason.>>
For all that's worth, I hated SA2 for the very things you mentioned that was disliked.
And Razorsaw, I'm too tired to reply to everything you said, but I will reply to this one comment:
<<What's more, they can hide behind the ASSUMPTION that "just because it was commercially successful doesn't mean it's good." >>
Div3r and Enter the Matrix were extremely buggy pieces of software, and yet both sold very well. But I guess by your definition, glitchy-ness nullifies badness as long as the product sells.
Div3r and Enter the Matrix were extremely buggy pieces of software, and yet both sold very well. But I guess by your definition, glitchy-ness nullifies badness as long as the product sells.
I wouldn't call Super Mario Sunshine a glitch ridden piece of badness. Obviously some things succeed on name brand alone, but with numerous cases, "it's just popular because it's a brand name" becomes very hard to prove.
^Well, seeing how the last few major Sonic games had control, camera, and/or other bug issues, it's getting hard to prove that series isn't still just selling mainly because of its brand power. XD
Sonic 06 didn't exactly do well at all, critically OR commercially.
Perhaps, you could make a case for Shadow, but I wouldn't consider Adventure, Adventure 2, or Heroes to be completely unplayable on account of those reasons.
Besides, weren't we arguing about GAMEPLAY and not technical issues? Mind you, the latter can affect gameplay, but I don't think it relates to things like level design, speed mechanics, or the very nature of the werehog. And I seriously doubt you meant glitches or what not in regards to "getting" what makes Sonic Sonic.
<<Perhaps, you could make a case for Shadow, but I wouldn't consider Adventure, Adventure 2, or Heroes to be completely unplayable on account of those reasons. >>
Oh, I could make a case for all those games too in terms of technical problems, and for certain game-play styles that were in those games that were close to were-hog in terms of being out of place for a Sonic game or better be put to use as a spin-off game. I would also say that the fans(or at least *ugh* focus groups) do seem to have some influence on how Sonic Team creates their games such as adding Tails in SA2 and giving Shadow his own game in which he uses firearms.
And the reason why I mentioned glitches is because of your: "just because it was commercially successful doesn't mean it's good."
But that's for another discussion and we are getting off topic.
It seemed more like you were changing the terms of the argument from "it needs to be classic/true to what's been done before" to "glitches make bad games", but I digress. If you want to change topics, we will.
Well, you should also be happy to know one reason why I don't think they "get it" is that Sonic Team always proclaim that that each game since Sonic Heroes is a "return to Sonic's roots" even this game they said it is a return to "Sonic roots." When I think of "Sonic roots" I think of the 16-bit games only now Sonic Team is doing it in the 3rd dimension, but Sonic Team seem to believe that "Sonic's roots" started with Sonic Adventure.
Can you point me at where they said this? Specifically? Most I remember them saying was in an interview that they acknowledge Sonic worked well in 2D and that they wanted to bring in some of that for the new game.
Hmm...that search was fast. And I feared I had to search for hours and hours for the producer's comment. XD
<<"…Yes, I think this will be the game Sonic fans have been waiting for. Sonic will be reborn in the state he always should have existed in with a new control scheme, fresh new gameplay elements, all while simultaneously returning to Sonic's roots. Our goal has been to polish and bring to the fore the most attractive elements of classic Sonic gameplay, while also adding something completely new. The whole development team is aiming to make Sonic Unleashed the best Sonic game ever, and that includes the Genesis-era titles! We hope that even people who haven't played Sonic games will feel "Wow, Sonic is back!" and maybe even be motivated to buy a next-gen game console if they've been sitting on the fence." - Sonic Team producer Yoshihisa Hashimoto>>
I would think that the preceding comments about new gameplay elements would allow for, you know.
New gameplay elements.
Well it's late and i'm tired, but nice to see you Razorsaw. Welcome to the boards.
Well, to be fair that is just one section of the game and they have shown videos of different level paths if you fall; and c'mon, be honest, the old games had some platforming areas over bottomless pits as well so it could be that way now. I mean really isn't that the only bottomless pits we've seen so far; of course that doesn't mean they'e not more but there's hope.
Well I can tell you this out of recent experience...after completing the first 3 Sonic games the past few days...there were pits but they were the very last thing. Like...you'd fall down once to another level and keep going, then maybe even fall again and then eventually run into a pit. You were given chances to keep going instead of just all of a sudden you fall and that's it. =/
But there was some, like the pit in Metropolis Zone (Sonic 2) right before you face the boss, the fact that the Flying Fortress (again Sonic 2) was pretty much just a giant pit, and there's a few sections in the Flying Battery Zone (Sonic 3 & Knuckles) were if you fall you're doomed. On yes, and let's not forget the boss in Chemical Plant Zone which was over a bottomless pit; I mean, how many of us was just about to finish Eggman off when we stood on a platform and it threw us off.
<<I would think that the preceding comments about new gameplay elements would allow for, you know.
New gameplay elements.>>
And new game-play elements is a generalized statement. It could have meant new moves for Sonic the Hedgehog just like the sommersault, bounce attack, or rush attack just to name previous examples. Let's be honest, if that were-hog picture had not been leaked when Unleashed was first announced and before that interview, there would have been a bigger mass of FUD if it was revealed at E3, just like when the Sonic recolors were revealed for 2K6 and when Shadow received guns, because were-hog would have been the last thing on people's mind.
I guess the term "new game-play elements" should sound as a warning for people who wanted nearly classic Sonic realized in 3D for now on. 'There maybe a gimmick you might not like'
Anyway, peaking of bottomless pits, I haven't played Sonic CD in awhile but I heard that it had the least amount of death pits in a Sonic game. Confirm or deny?
Hmm...that search was fast. And I feared I had to search for hours and hours for the producer's comment. XD
<<"…Yes, I think this will be the game Sonic fans have been waiting for. Sonic will be reborn in the state he always should have existed in with a new control scheme, fresh new gameplay elements, all while simultaneously returning to Sonic's roots.
Any yahoo can realize they only say so the nostalgic idiots won't leave the series. >_>
^Now that's just some silly conspiracy theory. 🙂
Like the reason they put their un-Sonic-like gimmicks in Sonic games instead of using them for original games is because the Sonic name really sells. 😉
I would have accepted Werehog if his play style was like....Venom or something, and I didn't even like playing Venom.
<<I would think that the preceding comments about new gameplay elements would allow for, you know.
New gameplay elements.>>
And new game-play elements is a generalized statement. It could have meant new moves for Sonic the Hedgehog just like the sommersault, bounce attack, or rush attack just to name previous examples. Let's be honest, if that were-hog picture had not been leaked when Unleashed was first announced and before that interview, there would have been a bigger mass of FUD if it was revealed at E3, just like when the Sonic recolors were revealed for 2K6 and when Shadow received guns, because were-hog would have been the last thing on people's mind.
I guess the term "new game-play elements" should sound as a warning for people who wanted nearly classic Sonic realized in 3D for now on. 'There maybe a gimmick you might not like'
Anyway, peaking of bottomless pits, I haven't played Sonic CD in awhile but I heard that it had the least amount of death pits in a Sonic game. Confirm or deny?
You're right about one thing - it IS a general statement, and it could have easily applied to both what you would have preferred and what they actually ended up doing. And really, considering how people acted towards Shadow, I wouldn't say that making it a spin off game would make people accept alternate gameplay styles more easily. Yes, there were problems with the gun usage gameplay wise, but it initially received the same kind of initial backlash as the werehog is getting.
I didn't have any pit deaths in Sonic CD, but I did give up in frustration at the over complication of most of the levels.
Wacky Workbench especially.
Anyway, on the subject of bottomless pits in the Great Wall/China level... well, it is a level based on the Great Wall, so a narrow runway without stuff on the side (and with alternate routes either on top of the other or twisting off of the main path) is more fitting, thematically.
For the record, I got just as many pit deaths in Sonic 2's Wing Fortress as I did in any of the modern levels.
Ok Ray, you've got a point. I admit that Chemical Plant Zone Boss sucked. But Mushroom Hill Zone...seriously had like no pits.(Don't take my word for it but i'm nearly positive there were no bottomless pits in that level). Ih my honest opinion, that is the epitome of Sonic levels. Multiple paths that each have their own challenge and rewards[like shields, coins,etc]. 10 minutes was barely enough time to explore. Then there's Angel Island Zone[which reminds me alot of Mushroom Hill]. I mean I know the 2D games had bottomless pits, but really I think this is a 2D vs. 3D thing?
It seems with the transition to 3D, invisible walls had to be invented. Either that...or yea, bottomless pits. With the 2D games, what you saw in front of you was limited, as was what you saw behind you. Then with 3D you're always seeing in front...so you can see all these places you should be able to go, but due to disk space, laziness, etc you can not possibly go everywhere. It's kinda like the background of the 2D games. You could see that stuff, but there was no way to get there. That's understandable, you're plane was established. But fortunately[or in Sonic's case unfortunately] in 3 dimensions your plane...isn't really set, so to speak. I don't really know how to say what I want to say[lol], but i'm hoping someone undestands what i'm saying. Basically for the 3D games to elimate bottomless pits...all the levels would need to be in an enclosed area[warehouse, factory, etc] and even there you could have bottomless pits. The one's in Final Egg from Sonic Adventure come to mind. Since replaying all those older Sonic games i'm standing beside my belief that Sonic should go back to 2D[he can/has work(ed) in 3D but my goodness 2D with today's technology...is beyond me].
I gotta say, Sonic the Werehog looks fluffy. I wonder if he'll be able to use his speed or just go around smashing things and causing havoc.
Hahaha fluffy, you say? As for his speed, I don't think you'll be going all that fast with him. Going by the gameplay videos we've seen so far atleast.
He moves at a pretty fast clip, I'd say as fast as a dog. or a wolf. on all fours.