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Sonic voice actors replaced by Sonic X voice actors!!!

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Posts: 73
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XD OH GOD SHADONIC. You have made me laugh so hard because that is EXACTLY what I expect to hear whenever Sonic X's Knuckles opens his mouth. *especially ep 17*

Posts: 1583
Noble Member


Well, I'm one of the few who really don't care. I know that the most of the fans on the boards are upset, but do we really make up the majority of the fanbase because if we don't, I don't really see how they're "screwing" the fanbase or not listening to it, it ain't as if we told them before this incident that we don't want them to change the VA's. One thing about this I do find disturbing, if not disgusting, is how SOA treated Mr. Drummond and apparantly the rest of the cast; if Sega is "screwing" anyone, it's the now-former cast.

I agree with you as well.

Posts: 1
New Member

Sega's gone looney! 4Kids have brainwashed them! :eek

If you are against this travesty, please sign this petition. We've already got more than 500, all Sonic fan's help is needed.

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

sorry to say, but online petitions never appear to work.

try getting your 500 people to write personally to SOA, it'll count so much more then a signature and a e-mail adress that could be faked.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Thanks for agreeing with me TR (I assume on the whole part you quoted me on); it makes me feel special.:] Anyway, although I think some on this board are going overboard, people here are taking this way better than people at the GameFAQs board where they're acting like this is the end of the world. One guy says he won't buy any Sonic games again because of this:eek and that IS a little bit extreme. I proud that most here are taking this a little bit more better. Anybody here actually likes the X voices better and are glad?(I doubt it; even I don't like them better, just about the same.)

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

Since I don't know who did Knuckles' voice (or any of the others) in Heroes, I can only go by the voices I heard in SA2.

The only Sonic X voice I can't stand is Cream's. I actually prefer Knuckles' alternating Sonic X voice to both voices I heard in either SA or SA2. The rest are a wash to me as I don't care either way.

Posts: 146
Estimable Member

I don't know if Sonic and Amy's voice changed. The characters I know that there voices changed were not that great. Knuckles's voice sounds just to angry. Tails talks more like a girl.

Posts: 173
Estimable Member

This news leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth. I'm not ultra naive- I knew at some point in time either the voice actors would have to leave, become unable to work, or maybe even the games themselves would stop for a long time. So a part of my mind has prepared itself for this already but that still dosn't make it super easy.

Ryan Drummond is my favorite Sonic actor, seconded by Urkel. How did Urkel do such an awesome voice for Sonic? It made so little sense, it made perfect sense, I Guess. But anyway, I'm mourning Ryan here. I always like dabout Ryan was that I could tell he was always having fun with the Sonic character. Some people could say, "Yeah, I do voice acting for video games - have you heard of Sonic the Hedgehog?" But I imagine Ryan would say something more like "Hey - I'm the voice of Sonic the Hedgehog!" In an ultra enthusastic voice, if you asked him.

As for the quality of the Sonic X voice actors...It won't be that bad, I suppose. They do their parts fine. It still is kinda sad though.

Posts: 2
New Member

This made me kinda pissed. I like Drummond, both his Sonic voice, as well as his way with Sonic. He, and Ben Hurst, are two 'Sonic personalities' I sorta came to respect; both spoke to the fans, and both seemed to like what they were doing.

I got episode one of english-dubbed Sonic X by mistake (as well as the remaining 12 eps of the first season in swedish, though I just CAN'T bear to watch them ^^;;) and if THAT's going to be the official voices in the games... I'll be grumpy. Truly grumpy.

Lately, it seems like the old SEGA really have died away... or maybe they did as soon as they went multi-platform. I fully support the idea of writing to SEGA directly, but that is a little expensive from where I live (Sweden)... Anyway, anyone else who is low on funds, what about filling out this form on SEGA's homepage?

Letters would probably work better though. But for what it's worth, please DO protest. It might not make a difference, or it will. We'll never know until we try.

Posts: 42
Trusted Member

This makes me very sad.
So much that it may have just spoiled my day. I don't mean to over-react or get melodramatic or anything, but it ust makes me very sad.

Posts: 378
Reputable Member

Oh man, the X voice dubs are AWFUL! Especialy Shadow and Rouge. Please tell me this is a nightmare!

Posts: 17
Eminent Member

I personally am going to do all I can to make them change their minds, as crazy as that sounds, as I am NOT getting used to another Sonic voice, especially when the old VA still want the parts(as far as I know), and were good as hell. I am not buying any American Sonic games with this cast. I am also going to help promote this petition, and mail Sega as much as possible.

Edit: Here's the essay I posted at Sega's forums to persuade people to help the cause, and I hope convinces people here if anyones interested. (If some things seem out of place, its because this was written at another forum)


Argh. I don't see why people aren't getting the point. I'm not trying to convince anyone who doesn't like the game cast to agree with us. THOSE people can ignore this message. This is for everyone who likes the game cast and perfers them to the 4Kids actors. Put aside the bounds of this forum alone, and weather or not people want to try and change it. If you look at the entire Sonic community, a MAJORITY of the fans perfer the game cast and are mad about this. (and do not try to argue as I have personally looked at all the biggest Sonic forums to come to that conclusion) However, some of those people do not want to help us try to change it. From my experience with things like this, its either because they think the runner is an idiot fanboy who thinks swearing his way to victory will work, or they DO want to help, but they don't think anyone else will, and that it will be useless. Let me go over those.

First of all, I admit I am kind of a fanboy, but I really could care less. I am not going to swear my way to victory with Sega, as I know that won't work at all. I am going to be as civil and polite as possible with them. And about the other matter. A HUGE amount of the Sonic community is very angry about this. A big percentage of those people don't want to help becasue they think no one else will help and it will be a lost cause. You know what? That kind of attitude is why things like this fail. I have PERSONALLY emailed Sega about this, and believe it or not, they actually seem open minded about this and our feedback. If they fully realised that this situation has absolutely no merit at all and that the majority of the people buying their games are very mad about this change, they will probably change it back. Common sense! Why would a company make a desicion that all of their fans were against!?Fans are the ones who the changes effect, and Sega should be trying to change it to make it the best possible product for us. Then why is Sega not changing their minds? Because alot of the fans won't tell them that they are mad!

If Sega fully comprehended that almost all the Sonic community was angry about this choice that they, the people who should be trying to prevent us from being angry, made, they would change it back. But that is impossible unless we tell them how we feel. And I don't mean just signing the petition. If you are mad, mail them! Tell them how you feel? I mean we haven't even TRIED to get them to change their minds and we are already giving up. What sense does it make to just accept such a distasteful descision without even giving the slightest bit of effort to change it? Absolutely none. Just imagine. Every Sonic fan who disapproved of this desicion mailing Sega about it. Sega SHOULD know how their fans feel anyway! I'm sure they want to make the right choices to stay in business, but somewhere down the line, I'm sure they want to make their fans happy. I think they have a RIGHT to know how their fans feel. I mean, how do we know they won't change thier minds if they don't even know how we feel?

They changed this for the sake of consitancy, in hopes that people would enjoy Sonic more when he only had one voice. We have to let them know that that WON'T make us enjoy Sonic more and if anything, will make us enjoy Sonic LESS. When you are failing to let your anger be known, you are letting Sega make more and more bad choices. When you fail to let your anger be known, the people who ARE letting their anger be known's opinions are being looked down upon and belittled as the minority opinion by the people at Sega, when in reality, it is the majority opinion. If you DO let your anger be known, you are telling Sega,"The COMMON fan perfers the game cast." I mean I've let Sega know that almost every Sonic fan is mad about this, but they're not gonna take my word for it.

I'm sure they value my opinion, but don't appreciate how many others share my opinion. I mean for all we know, Sega could be full of great people who make every desicion in the intrests of making the common fan happy. I mean that's probably exaggerated, but still, I can bet you that there is at least SOME consideration of the fan's feelings at Sega. If there wasn't, Sega would have gone under a LONG time ago.

But how can they consider our feeling if we don't even
let them know what our feelings are? I will put all of this in one short sentence. IF YOU ARE MAD, TELL THEM, AS THEY DESERVE TO KNOW. Fans CAN make a difference. If it wasn't for Chris Psaros, DBZ may have gotten the bum Saban deal all the way through the series. If it wasn't for the Otaku Alliance, 4Kids would have never even CONSIDERED releasing uncut dvds of Yugioh and Shaman King.(Ok so they got canceled, but that's beside the point) If that worked for them, it can work for Sega. I mean, Rouge the Bat WAS DESIGNED BY A FAN, AND I **** YOU NOT!

If we all band together and really make it known to Sega that most of the Sonic fans are mad about this, and really make it painfully obvious, they most likely will listen. I know some of you have just "accepted" this, but it won't hurt to help either? I say, you don't need to accept anything you don't like without trying to make it right. I mean if Ryan willingly left, or it was legally impossible for Sega to re-hire these actors, I would accept it, as it would have been a matter that went WAAY above my head. But this is not like that. Sega just replaced them without even telling them, and probably could re-hire them if they wanted to. THIS is a situation I know I can do something about. If they can up and fire the game actors, they can up and re-hire them.

I mean as far as I can tell, Ryan REALLY liked doing the part, and he probably would take it back if it was offered to him, as well as most of the other cast members. I mean I feel bad for Ryan. The guy did Sonic's voice for almost 6 years! He devoted his all to the part! He even requested to RELOCATE to New York to do the part for Sonic X. No one deserves a job, I know, but in my book, Ryan deserves this part for all the hard work he has devoted to it. I mean, have you ever devoted your all to something, and even tried to devote MORE hard work to something than people were letting you, and then have someone deprive you of the right to devote your hard work to that one thing for their own selfish reasons? This imaginary "consistancy" comes nowhere NEAR a good enough reason to take this part away from him, let alone not even give him an opportunity to defend his position! I mean if anything, this change makes things a whole lot LESS consistant! First the game cast comes. They do the voice for their respective characters for everything from the games, to commercials! Now the 4Kids cast comes in. Now the 4Kids cast does Sonic X, and the game cast does the games. Thats inconsitent enough, but when they actually change that in the MIDDLE of it all, it just jumbles it up more. At least before there was one solid cast straight through both series. I honestly didn't mind that at all. It was kind of a nice way of "sharing" the part with other actors. I mean Sonic X is getting to be a long series. It may expand to even another season! The 4Kids cast has plenty of opportunity, if not MORE than the game cast, to voice their respective characters, and those who perfer the 4Kids cast have plenty of opportunity to listen to their perferred actors play their respective characters! With this new cast change, the 4Kids cast gets the whole cake and the game actors, who have been doing the voices for MUCH longer, get squat, as well as the fans of that cast. And trust me.

I bet a handful of you reading this are going to ignore me, try to accept it, and wish you listened when you get stuck with the 4Kids cast and ONLY the 4Kids cast. Trust me. I definately do not want to have to permanenly get used to another Sonic voice. Ryan became the only voice I ever considered to be the true Sonic after Sonic Adventure, and I am not letting that change. I am doing all I can to change this. And believe me. This protest of Sega did NOT start at this board for me, and no matter what ANYONE says when they reply to this, I am not changing my ways. I will protest them weather your with me or not, so know that if you want to help, you are welcome to, and in my opinion, you should help if you like the game cast. One more bit of opinion. That Sonic voice at the end of the Sonic Riders trailer? People have been saying the 4Kids actors will improve when working for Sega. Heh. In my opinion, that voice at the end of the SR trailer was WORSE than the voice in Sonic X, one that I REALLY don't want to get used to. My point of all this is, fight for what you believe in, rather than what you think others believe in. Look at all those people, INCLUDING me who are protesting 4Kids' horrible treatment of One Piece. They really don't care about the odds, and fight for what they believe in, rather than fighting for what they think will work. If all us fans band together and tell Sega how we feel, they just might listen to us. Please think about that.

Posts: 721
Prominent Member

I've signed the petitions, and plan to send Sega a civil, yet angry, complaint letter within the week. But something people are forgetting, possibly the ONLY thing about this debacle worse than the way Sega treated Ryan Drummond, is Vector's new voice actor- GAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

I'd rather listen to fingernails on a chalkbooard. I've compared the two sounds, and the fingernails are DEFINATELY preferable to that travesty they call a 'voice'.

(shudders while holding his Sonic plushie)

Posts: 170
Estimable Member

Here's my opinions on the voices:

Sonic - Not quite as good as Drummond. Sounds a tad goofy at times, rather than eased and cool, but a good voice altogether.

Tails - Let's put it this way: A little worst than Adventure, but a zillion times better than Heroes.

Knuckles - Depends on how you view the character, really. Chances are, you're gonna hate the voice if you've never watched X and never gotten used to Knux' somewhat sillier side. (Though I suppose Battle is also a good example) Another thing that makes me like this voice is the nostalgia I get from Dan Green. ^_^ I love to point to the screen and yell, "IT'S YAM-AY!"

Shadow: Angsty, somewhat British accent. The original voice actor never really pulled off the more intense scenes, anyway. I really can't find much difference between the two.

Rouge: Meh. I'd much prefer the old one. She sounds like she's in her mid-thirties, when Rouge is supposed to be only 16. <_< Other than that, though, it's a fine voice.

Cream: High-pitched and squealy. I don't mean to bring down the actors, but what else do you really need from Cream?

Amy: Makes her sound a tad younger, which I suppose is fine since she's only twelve. (Maybe that's why Sonic doesn't like being around her? Doesn't want to be charged for being a pedophile.) ;p

Charmy: Better and more bratty. All I need is to hear him sing, and I'll be convinced he's a lot better than the original.

Espio: Not much different. I prefer this one simply because you hear it a lot more than in Heroes.

Vector: IT BURRNSSES US! IT BURRNSES US! I can think of two ways to compare this voice to someone. Pee-Wee Herman when he tried to do his deep voice in that old kids show, "Pee-Wee's Playhouse," or Arnold Schwarzenneger on Helium. I'm not sure which is more effective.

"Wey-ve gawt to geyt to da compyootur roooom."

Did anyone else find it ironic that the darkest Sonic game to date was voiced by none other than 4kids Entertainment? That's the irony of the gods, right there, and I humbly declare all atheists who've played this game insane. 😛

~Nytloc Penumbral Lightkeeper

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

Petitions and letters won't do a thing, guys - it's not like Sega decides these things on a spur of the moment. This stuff costs money, they're going to thoroughly consider it before making a decision.

That being said, does anyone think that maybe Deem Bristow's death was the cause of of the 4Kids team voicing Shadow the Hedgehog? Like they decided to get the Sonic X VA (Mike Pollock?) to do Eggman, and decided to swap all the VAs at the same time?

I was actually a lot more impressed with the voices in the game than I thought I would be. Sonic, Shadow, Omega, Amy, Cream, Espio, and Eggman were all really great.

Tails' VA was too obviously a woman, but was still done better than whatever creature it was that did his voice in Heroes.

Knuckles' voice seemed... I dunno, too macho. Like they made him a violent, dim-witted fighter, rather than the somewhat spiritual guy from the first two Adventures.

Rouge's voice... complete disappointment. Her VA was my favourite from the games she was in, and this new VA does her no justice.

Charmy's voice was annoying on the stage where he helps you, but I liked it everywhere else. It's actually quite growing on me.

And Vector's voice... well, I gotta disagree with Nytloc and say that us atheists are the only sane ones playing the game, cause if there was a god he sure would have spared us from this. =p

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Sega's official announcement on the matter was that they wanted to bridge the continuity between... continuities by using the same voice actors in both cartoon (Sonic X) and games.

It's nonsensical and a double edged sword. I wont complain too loudly, Mike is the best replacement for Deem I can think of and Vector is about the only character who offends my ears, whereas Rouge, Tails, Amy and Cream sound better than their Adventure/Heroes counterparts.

I'm willing to endure Knuckles 3rd VA for that.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Which is utterly stupid, considering Naka has openly stated that Sonic X and the Sonic games are not the same continuity.

Unless they meant voice continuity. But even still... get a better actor for Vector, and heck, re-hire Drummond, I liked him.

Posts: 721
Prominent Member

Amen brother!
And when I said Vector's new voice was worse than Drummond's treatment, sorry. It's not.:o

But it's a close second.

Posts: 114
Estimable Member

Why though? The old cast is better! IMO anyway.

And Vectors voice can drive you to suicide.

Knuckles voice isn't from X though is it? (Forgive me If I'm wrong, I don't watch Sonic X cos IMO it sucks) It's a totally new voice. At least aprox 17 actors screwed over.

Posts: 439
Reputable Member

I didn't watch the Sonic X dub much myself either, but I'm pretty sure it's the same guy doing Knuckles voice in Shadow. Being one of those "Yugi-Oh! haters" I'd recognise that voice anyday. >_<

But I've gotten used to it now. It's a bit different from Yugi... =/

Posts: 150
Estimable Member


Knuckles voice isn't from X though is it? (Forgive me If I'm wrong, I don't watch Sonic X cos IMO it sucks) It's a totally new voice. At least aprox 17 actors screwed over.

No, it's the one from the Sonic X. The reason it sounds different is that they tried to make the more drastically different voices sound more like the previous game ones. Knux for instance sounds less gravely then he does in X.

This is a double edged sword as well. On the plus side, Sonic is pretty great without X's bizarre lilt in his voice. On the down side, Rouge's fun (albeit age inappropriate) chain-smoking old minx voice now sounds lifeless and dull in an attempt to imitate the earlier actress.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

Seeing that I never really watched the English dub version of Sonic X and probably won't touch Shadow the Hedgehog any time soon, could any one lend a voice sample of Vector's new VA so I can hear this so called ear-bleeding wretchedness?

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

I think it's not that the voice is so BAD, it's just that it's completely the wrong voice for Vector. Which, frankly, makes it bad by default.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Another one I think its sarcastic though.

Something tells me I'm going to miss Team Minella.

Mind you I stop at death threats that have been storming the internet a while back. Luckily the whole thing has calmed down.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

*WTF @ Vector's new voice.*

:lol :lol :lol

Okay, I agree with everyone here that it is awful.

Posts: 721
Prominent Member

I don't mean any insult by this, but....

Blastero, as a paleontologist-in-training (it's my major), I gotta tell you....

It's spelled "Velociraptor", not "Velicoraptor".

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Hey, it could be worse.

Velcroraptors. Think about it.

Posts: 721
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:cackle :lol ::lol :cackle :lol :cackle :lol :cackle :lol

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

Or Velocraptors.

Posts: 679
Honorable Member

Finally got to a part where Vector shows up. Ack! Does anyone else get reminded of Fozzie Bear (Frank Oz)?

Walka walka this way to the computer room!


Posts: 3291
Famed Member

yup, i've said elsewhere that he sounds exactly like a character from the muppet show.

Posts: 17
Eminent Member

Where is this official announcement I keep hearing so much about that I have yet to see?

Anyway, here's my take on the voices.

Shadow the Hedgehog:

Sonic: I really just don't like it. Too old, too restrained, and too goofy. Not what Sonic should sound like at all.

Tails: Pretty good. Not much else to say.

Knuckles: .... Ummm. Its OKAY. Sounds a bit like his original SA1 voice. But he just doesn't sound tough enough.

Shadow: Awsome. Sounds alot like David. He really upped his game on this one.(Precisely why I think Sega should re hire Drummond for Sonic and let Griffith do Shadow)

Eggman: Outstanding. He does a very good job. He even sounds a bit like Deem Bristow. May he rest in peace.

And for the most part, most of the other ones were good.

Now for:

Sonic Rush:

(I don't own this game yet, but I have heard alot of voice samples from it)

Sonic: Uhh. Still to restrained and nasally. He sounds a bit better with his "yeas" and "alrights", but still, I miss Drummond.

Blaze: Pretty good. That's pretty much it.

My opinion is that they should re hire Drummond. Then they wouldn't need to fire Jason.

Posts: 114
Estimable Member

For the most part I agree, but I hate Robotnik's voice (I'll never get used to calling him Eggman).

Oh and I don't dislike Tails' voice I just think the SA version was better.

Posts: 139
Estimable Member


Sonic: I really just don't like it. Too old, too restrained, and too goofy. Not what Sonic should sound like at all.

but isn't it always? it's embarrassing a company like sega can't get their number one mascot's voice right.
i read in a magazine they'll use steve from the comedy series "family matters" to voice act sonic.
their mixing geek with optimist.

but on the other hand, sonic's attitude in the games is all wrong. he smiles and talks too much, the sonic from sonic X was a lot more cool.
maybe if they designed sonic in the game like in the Japanese cartoon it'll be easier for them to picture his character and find him a better voice.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member


i read in a magazine they'll use steve from the comedy series "family matters" to voice act sonic.

Welcome to over a decade ago.

Posts: 139
Estimable Member

:D oh good, i got it right!
anyway your missing the point, sega actually went on it's way to hire a professional comedy geek actor to voice act for sonic.

sonic is the most coolest platform character in gaming history. it's pretty sad to see how they don't pay his character much attention. it's always with the new characters and the best story, entro and voice. like when shadow and cream came out.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Um, sonicknight, her point was that's no longer the case. That happened well over a decade ago, but that's behind us; Jaleel White's not Sonic anymore.

Posts: 33
Eminent Member

regarding the opening post ...

Omega - Jon St. John (who doubles up as Big)
Vector - Bill Corkery
Charmy - Emily Corkery
Tails - William Corkery (see:
Espio - Mark Biagi

and Ryan (digitally altered) doubles up to deliver Metal Sonic.

According to a Sonic Cult article with Ryan Drummond, recording on the Adventure series was done at Corkery Sound Productions.

I don't know whether it's the sound equipment, or the veteran experience of the 4Kids cast, but Shadow the Hedgehog's vocal cast deliver better. Whereas SA2 and Heroes had dialogue constantly drowned out by music or just softspoken (esp. Knux, Shadow), the new cast is always audible.

For better or worse. Go home, Jimmy Zoppi!

Posts: 2417
Famed Member

Oh god please don't tell me Vector is in the Shadow the Hedgehog game...and speaks. With that new 4Kids voice of his...I miss his prior gruffness voice! ;__; Especially the start of the Egg Emperor battle in Sonic Heroes...that's one of my favorite quotes.

Posts: 33
Eminent Member

"Heh, heh ... looks like were inna jam, huh boys?"

or something like that.

Posts: 5
Active Member

Of all of them, the only one I'm not happy with is Vector.

Posts: 194
Estimable Member

You know, as terrible as this can be, we can consider the facts that this new team has experience with voice-acting in general. The only this wrong with this whole situation is that Sega had the new voices chosen and working without informing the old ones of what was ocurring. However, the old game actors were freelance and this is the cut-throught entertainment industry.

I'm not too bummed about the whole thing actually. I feel sorry for Ryan and the others, but I have little quams over the Sonic X voices. Most are pretty good. Different, but good. (I however, rarely have the chance to watch the show, I usually sleep right through it.)

Posts: 127
Estimable Member

Ugh... I personally loathe a lot of the new voices. At least Tails sounded like a guy in Heroes... now he sounds too feminine. Then there's poor old Vector, who sounds like atard now. ><;; And honestly, I miss David just as uch as Ryan. I just don't think Jason captured the personality of Sonic or Shadow. Robotnik, Gun General, and Doom were ok. Omega sounded exactly the same as in Heroes to me, so no loss there. Amy, Espio, and the others I didn't really care for, but they weren't TOO bad, I guess. This is all my opinion, but I really, really don't liek this new cast.

Posts: 30
Eminent Member

I don't know if the actors in Shadow are better or not, but the scripts were far better in this game then in the other 3D games.

Posts: 194
Estimable Member

After reading BLASTERO's lengthy article on why and how we can help change this situation, my opinion has changed. I do prefer the game voices over 4Kids and the excuse of " consistency" for shoving the old game actors aside without waring really isn't good enough. Ryan and the rest of the Minella team deserve to continue working on the games as the characters they have steadily become. Why should we, who have grow accustomed and taken a liking to their voices suddenly have to change? I feel like I'm putting my foot in my mouth by doing this, but I'm emailing and mailing SoA and telling them how I feel.

Here's the address again:
Sega of America
650 Townsend Street, Suite 650
San Francisco, CA 94103-4908

I'm going to look for the email and post it here when I find it. Just remember that if we contact SEGA, we need to be civil but honest. If you sound professional, you might be noticed more.

Posts: 222
Estimable Member

The script in Shadow far better? Ugh. The script was terrible. There isn't one scene that sticks out in my memory. Nothing like the one on the ARK with Rouge and Shadow, where Rouge basically whips out the Biolizard's birth-certificate and goes "PWNED."

Or where Eggman finally reaches his goal of ANNHILATING Sonic. Only to get his ass kicked by the Hedgehog's side-kick.

Yeah, SA2 was just better game over-all, but story-wise and performance-wise, it makes Shadow look like a back-yard play.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

*Ahem* "Where is that DAMN forth Chaos Emerald"


Posts: 407
Reputable Member

Yeah, I've noticed a steady downfall in story quality since Sonic Adventure 2. Oh well, at least they're still fun to play... if you can ignore the less than perfect storylines.

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