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Sonic X english or Japanese?

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As you can see I am a fan of comparing the english Sonic to Japanese Sonic so which do you like more? The english Sonic X voices or the Japanese? Or neither? O.O

Personally since the Japanese voices are the same as the ones from SA2 I love the Japanese voices.

Especially Kouji Usa, He made Shadow so sexy! ^_^ ^_^

Ahem *clears throat* Anyway please respond if you like! ^_^

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

This may be another SX topic, but I think it can say. Putting it in one of the other SX topics seems...mreh.

The Jpn voices were okay. The English ones hurt me and the French ones kill me.

Posts: 33
Eminent Member

Japanese, hands down.

Yeah, the French cast is a mixed bag; Rouge is pretty impressive, Eggman's robots have the most unbelievably cliched high/low voices and Espio is totally miscast. (though maybe they decided to redo the character as a girl ...)

I like how they handled Chris in SX2 though - giving him a a deep, mature voice to play on the whole "adult in a kid's body" predicament.

Posts: 3666
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Personally, I prefer the Japanese voices. It's been a while since I've seen Sonic X in any language, but I recall all of the Japanese voices being really suited to the characters, while the English ones sounded a especially. Much too old-sounding for her.) Not seen an episode with a French dub, tho, soooo...

Posts: 462
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I like the Jap. voices better on the whole. Rouge's English VA is too "mature" sounding, Amy's VA isn't bad so much as she's overused and instantly recognizable (I think of her as the 4Kids equivalent of Tress MacNeile- good voice, too much exposure). I do like some of the lesser members of the English cast tho- most of the humans were dubbed nicely.

Posts: 2723
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I really liked the Jap voices in Sonic X. The English dub voices are evil!
Especially Cream. She doesn't sound good at all. And she's one of my favorite characters, too.

Posts: 308
Reputable Member

Do you really even need to ask? The Japanese version is better period. I'd rather they would start airing the Japanese episodes over here in subtitles than listen to the inferior (yet undeniably improving) dialog, script, and music (ok, except for the music; 4Kids, you suck).

Posts: 170
Estimable Member

No offense, but I can't see how ANYONE would prefer something in ANY language but the one they speak. If you can't understand it, who the freak cares if the voices fit the characters? It's like complaining about bad sound effects, honestly... To each his own, but honestly, it's the single most asinine thing I've ever heard. I may sound angry about this, but it's a personal pet peeve of mine. I'm sorry.

Sonic: "Snurk pler daen ma knadf purdonski."

This doesn't make up for the edited storylines, blood siphoning, and such, however. For animes such as One Piece and X, I'd probably take the sub. But what I really want is an uncut American dub.

~Nytloc Penumbral Lightkeeper

Posts: 4607
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Depends. Sure, I hate not understanding what they're saying (stupid language barrier...), but if the actor can convey an emotion, such as utter dismay and horror at something going on (like, say, Maria getting shot), in such a way that you can tell it, even WITH the language barrier, then wouldn't that make them a better actor than somebody who speaks your language but DOESN'T convey the emotions quite as well (please not Jason Griffith's lack of emotion at Maria's getting shot in Shadow's opening)?

Of course, I've not seen enough of EITHER Sonic X to vote either way. I hate the 4Kids dub, so I haven't given it much of a chance, and I haven't watched all that much of the original, due to sheer laziness...

Posts: 139
Estimable Member

Japanese is a very soft language ours is stronger. a 15 year old Japanese boys voice is different from an American kids (sonic is cute, but if it was a serious anime Id prefer English dubbing if it meant better).

to me, its all about what fits the character and story. Sonic is a cheerful fury animal who hangs out with a kid, he should have a fun voice. since the Japanese sonic X version had that, its the best one.

but I can't see how ANYONE would prefer something in ANY language but the one they speak.
I know someone who has three languages since the age of 4 because of watching foreign art movies and cartoons, got so good became a teacher at a high school at a very young age and without a collage degree ( Kids please dont copy: dumb luck doesnt happen very often. Go to school!)
The point is SOMEONE did in fact benefit from watching cartoons in another languageor two. Think it over, maybe you too can have fun and learn:)

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

But the REAL answer is: To catch Sonic's occasional Engrish. And in regards to the show itself, it's not just the language but the music that goes with that language that people prefer over the dub.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: if it weren't for that one fact I would have absolutely no problem with the dub.

Posts: 308
Reputable Member

I tolerate the original version much better than 4Kids attempt at dubbing. Which shows how much my ears hate 4Kids dubbing. Besides, I can understand a little bit of Japanese and its structure. I just enjoy it and recommend it to others. Plus, hearing Sonic say English phrases with a horrible Japanese accent is quite humorous.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

I prefer the JPN voices to the US and FR ones, mostly for the reasons others have mentioned.


I like how they handled Chris in SX2 though - giving him a a deep, mature voice to play on the whole "adult in a kid's body" predicament.

I thought that had been Chris's voice in the FR version ot begin with.

Oh, and by the way... the widely accepted abbreviation for Japan is JPN. "Jap" is an ethnic slur.

Posts: 2723
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Sorry. I'll remember that.

Posts: 679
Honorable Member

At the risk of repeating what others have said, I prefer the Japanese voice artists, hands down.

They sound like they were properly cast and making an effort - they sound like real characters, rather than than adults putting on a silly voice.

I cannot stand the English version, the voices all grate on me like you would not believe.

The French ones are alright, though I can never understand what Bocoe and Decoe are saying.

Plus, the Japanese soundtrack absolutely rocks, while what little I heard of the English one sounded like the worst of the Saturday morning cartoons.

As for not being able to like something just 'cos you don't speak the language, I can't agree with that. That's why they invented subtitles. I hate having to watch dubs - it's one of the weaknesses of the English speaking world that TV won't show subs rather than dubs. I think it does you good to get exposure to other languages.


Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

4Kids target audience are so young that they believe they'd not get the emotional significance of Emerl leaking oil out of his eye after SKILL GET'ing Cream's tears and changed it from oil to water (tears?).

I don't think anyone over the age of 4 would honestly prefer the English version without being too lazy to read subs or racist enough to boycott anything not English.

Posts: 139
Estimable Member

racist enough to boycott anything not English.
:nono notlyo...... what's his name, is not racist. he's just good old fashion.
nothing wrong with liking your own language, it really doesn't make you racist(which by the way is a very wrong word to use)some people just can't understand something they're not used to.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Knight, read that post again:

This doesn't make up for the edited storylines, blood siphoning, and such, however. For animes such as One Piece and X, I'd probably take the sub. But what I really want is an uncut American dub.

My comment was about how 4Kids ruined it via story, editting and cutting. I still adamantly state that no one would chose the butchered version over the original.

Language and voice acting, I couldn't care less about, but editting is NO GOOD.

Posts: 139
Estimable Member

you were calling 4kids racist?
i'm very very sorry. but I'm so glad i was wrong, i always think of arguing you as a lost battle:) your too smart for me, i'd let notyl down for sure.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

No. How on Earth can you draw that conclusion?

I am implying that 4Kids is a company which intends to make a 25 minute show into 20 minutes, put in a toon soundtrack and aim so low that it has to force feed any subtlety contained in the show by being obnoxious. Again, Emerl's death.

I am saying that only someone with truly TRULY warped perspectives and motives would chose the skewered toddler's show over the original which is easily accessable to teens, has a great soundtrack and involves many scenes which just plain didn't/wont make it.

I shiver in fear for how they'll treat the end of Series 2 if they've started editting Rouge's breasts out.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member


How on Earth can you draw that conclusion?

Their seemingly intense hatred of anything Japanese, for one. Replacing Japanese characters in a school with apples, calling ricecakes "donuts" or "cookies" (donuts I can verify, it was in an episode of Pokemon), completely removing "Tokyo" from Tokyo Mew Mew (remember how it was going to be HOLLYWOOD Mew Mew?)... There's evidence of SOMETHING going on there.

Posts: 139
Estimable Member

No. How on Earth can you draw that conclusion?
i don't understand?!! who did you call racist?

if they've started editting Rouge's ....

hush hush! you just can't say stuff like that?!
it's too embarrassing i take it back! your not smart at all.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

No one, I was saying that is one of the very VERY few excuses a person would not want to see the original full version of the show. Laziness on reading subs, wanting to only hear it in their own language or being a toodler who is opposed to the idea of Espio carrying bladed weapons, Rouge asking Knuckles if he stays up all night and Rouge having comically oversized breasts.

Also there is nothing embarrasing about the word breasts, Rouge has them and 4Kids have been painting over them to make her appear flat-chested since Season 2 began. I am within my rights to comment about such a childish display of censorising.

Posts: 139
Estimable Member

you weren't very clear.


Also there is nothing embarrassing about the word

your a GUY! there's everything wrong with that!
and the way you say it is even more shameful.
do you honestly need to comment on that particular thing?
choose another example.

besides, youll hurt girls feelings this way.
youre a man so please stay away from girl stuff its none of your business.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member




*Tries desperately to find something, ANYTHING to say after such a... I don't even know WHAT kind of comment that was!*

No... seriously. What the hell do I say, guys? I'm at a total loss right now. Best I can manage is "Breasts! MWAHAHA!"

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

I'm a girl, and all I have to say is, "Does it really even MATTER?! IT'S JUST A WORD!! DEAL WITH IT!"

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

All I can say in response, Craig, is

"I've got to save Amy, 'cuz SHE'S in danger!"
*thump thump thump*
"I'm going to blow up this island!"
"I've got a Chaos Emerald! Wheeee"
"Chaos CONTROL!"
*canned explosion*

And so forth.

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

As usual Craig, I'll have to do what you didn't think of.



Posts: 1437
Noble Member

The fact that sonicknight would rather Craig pretend Rouge's breasts didn't exist is symptomatic of the same problem that causes 4Kids to censor said breasts.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

Unless the New York City/Long Island area is getting a different version of Sonic X season 2 than the rest of you, I want to know where this getting rid of Rouge's breasts stuff is coming from. Her clevage (with lines intact) is rather clear in almost every episode I can remember seeing--and I haven't watched any of the Japanese version of Sonic X since episode #25.

As for the "hatred" of Japanese stuff, I don't think that's what it is. It has more to do with the usual "localization" of stuff from foreign countries that happens at times.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

It's only been prevalent in the newer season, I don't recall it ever happening when the first 52 episodes were localized, and only in two scenes that I can recall: episode 54 and 55/56 (whichever one had Rouge bent over Bokkun) where suddenly Rouge was cleav-less.

It's not that big of a deal but people get antsy when things are tampered with. Saying that, I should point out that several episodes have passed since the last transgression and Rouge has been untouched since.


Heh. In a manner of speaking, of course. **dodges brick**

Posts: 1583
Noble Member


It's only been prevalent in the newer season, I don't recall it ever happening when the first 52 episodes were localized, and only in two scenes that I can recall: episode 54 and 55/56 (whichever one had Rouge bent over Bokkun) where suddenly Rouge was cleav-less.

Okay, I never saw episode #54, but yeah I know they removed it for the bending over scene with Bokkun. But that to me doesn't warrant the whole "they've removed Rouge's cleavage DIE!!" stuff I keep seeing around here. That particular scene I didn't mind because I know that it was one of those that would have 4Kids getting complaints for "soft porn" by some parents if they saw it. ;p

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Alas, I've not had the opportunity to watch series 2 eps yet (they HAVE started in the UK but at unreasonable times) and I've seen screens where it's just been clone-editted away for no reason other than it's there. If they've stopped, that's good.

Posts: 139
Estimable Member

You want to be right all the time, fine. hit the drums and the clowns will come dancing for your parade.
Your so horrible you cant even make one decent comeback without getting your perverts to come fight your battle.
Really, all you can find to boost your loser display are your own pack of dorks. Next time bring someone at least somewhere around my level to convince me.

Look craig, if you still think what you said is normal, then answer me this:
Is this your first time you talked about rouge this way?
I'm a girl, and all I have to say is, "Does it really even MATTER?! IT'S JUST A WORD!! DEAL WITH IT!"
You know that a girl that talks about private matters in front of men is one with a bad reputation. And I wont care less about giving her any respect. I dont like to hurt your feelings but stop tricking that idiot, youll make him think its okay in women standards.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Seriously, Knight, you're clearly over-reacting and it's embarrasing to watch. There's no social taboo on speaking about physical features between males/females in either England or America, and you're the only person I've seen who has a problem with such.

To answer your question, yes. Rouge's chest has been a regretful basis of much discussion, which I usually tend to avoid as it's over-ridden and turned to immature blathering by a certain angry forummer who despises Rouge's rack for being too big. Personally I'm apathetic on the matter, it's a cartoon character for cripes sake.

But, to reference a specific and recent incident, when Shadow the Hedgehog's CGI art was released just over a month ago, we had a pretty big derailing discussion on the fact that Sega had performed REDUCIO! upon them, making them realistically small enough not to boil blood vessels in certain people.

Ironically, people were happy about this, and I have to concur that it is a good thing, kind of odd how I and others (as this has been discussed in another thread when we were talking about Sonic X's censorship) hate 4Kids for clonebrushing her curves.

I'm sorry you're so sheltered and shy about that area, however I'm just talking about a drawing which 4kids scribbled lines off of to make it more "child friendly" which is a very stupid and laughable decision. As it has only happened, as reported a few posts back, 2 times; it renders this whole discussion rather moot.

I truly suggest you just accept that you are a minority on the subject and I shall respectfully accept that you do not wish to hear about that area of the body, however I shall also warn that there is no rule saying I am not allowed to, so if the situation calls for it, I may and most certainly will reference body parts of all shapes and sizes upon either gender. Who knows, perhaps if I talk about it long enough I might learn what the hell "cup sizes" are all about, such knowledge is said to be useful when you're married and need to buy favours with appropriate presents.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

sonicknight, you've been warned/banned before for the name-calling nonsense, so don't start again.

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

Feh. Women have breasts. So what? So do men (no, I don't mean man-boobs), and chicken. If it was a shame for a guy to say 'breasts', how the hell would I order chicken. Think about what you're saying.

But, back on topic, at the moment, I prefer the American voices for the cast, although I highly disagree with them. They just wanted to make me curl up in a corner and die slowly and painfully. Knux freakin' sounds too much like Raphael from TMNT (another 4Kids production, I might add), and I hate it. I haven't downloaded any of the Japanese or English episodes off ot the trust net, however, so I'm left indecisive about their voices.

And on a side note, I'm a closet Sonic X DVD collector. Kill me now. Please?

Posts: 139
Estimable Member


so if the situation calls for it, I may and most certainly will reference body parts

Don't! you really don't need to!
cup sizes are no different from shirt or pants sizes except it uses letters instead of numbers.
A is small, B is meduim, C is large and D is ex-large.
there's nothing wrong with knowing this, one day you'll have daughters or sisters and might need to buy for them. now you don't have to go to bad sites anymore.
and i'm not sheltered or shy about women's chests i just don't like it to go far, like it always does.

Posts: 2723
Famed Member


You know that a girl that talks about private matters in front of men is one with a bad reputation. And I wont care less about giving her any respect. I dont like to hurt your feelings but stop tricking that idiot, youll make him think its okay in women standards.

Who said you were hurting my feelings? And I don't have a bad reputation. All I was saying was that you don't have to keep overreacting over a stupid word, sonicknight, so quit acting like a little kid.


Can we get back on topic here?

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

As requested, I'll get back on subject, I have no intention of making an issue out of someone's insecurities, though I am mildly hurt that reading and remarking about some lines being editted out in a drawing makes me an idiot/pervert. I should be careful which threads I walk into, I might become a murderer, or Jack Thompson.

So, moving back to the safe ground of Sonic X, Spiner, when you say "I haven't downloaded any of the Japanese or English episodes" are you referring to England the country, as your reply says American version and you discuss the voices, so it's the only assumption I can make.

If that is the case, the only difference between the American and UK versions are that we get a different "song" for the openning sequence and Citv edits about 3-5 minutes per episode, otherwise it's the same.

As a side-note, all of the Sonic X cast are now voicing the games as of Shadow/Rush. Sonic, Knuckles and Cream bug me to no limit, but Rouge and Amy are infiniately improved, that said, Slayers taught me to love Lisa Ortiz and praise her with fanboyish glee. Eggman sounds ok in the games, but I really miss Deem. Deem WAS Eggman, he owned that role, and for a character which was previously played by Jim "I'm the voice of everything" Cummings, that's saying alot.

Seriously, Sonic X US/UK would be so much better with the proper soundtrack and less mindless censorship.

Posts: 2723
Famed Member


Seriously, Sonic X US/UK would be so much better with the proper soundtrack and less mindless censorship.

*totally agrees*
Like in ep 46 when Cream and Cheese took on Emerl after Sonic got KOed protecting her. There was no need to edit or cut anything out there. I had first watched it Japanese with subtitles, and that was one of my favorite episodes.

Posts: 308
Reputable Member


I should be careful which threads I walk into, I might become a murderer, or Jack Thompson.

Jack Thompson is a new breed of insecurity and angst. You're no where near that.

Posts: 139
Estimable Member


though I am mildly hurt that reading and remarking about some lines being editted out in a drawing makes me an idiot/pervert.

I never said that. the whole issue was about saying something inappropriate about something unimportant. besides saying more than once only starts up disrespectful conversations. I never called you a pervert cause I know your not.
anyway I wont rub it in anymore, even I got to learn something ( I was being more of a dictator forcing others to my thoughts. I think thats even worse than saying something bad. Its a very ugly habit).
You promised to watch your mouth and I promise to never give out my moral opinion unless I was asked (and I always keep my promise).

:read If itll make you happy, my big brother smacked his newspaper on my head a couple a times and gave me a long tiring scolding yesterday. I still have headaches.
