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Sonic's Personality
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Sonic's Personality

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I saw the the thing about Knux's personality so I wanted talk about Sonic's.

Sega's Sonic personality has been recently... cheesy:eek .I mean Sonic from the first game to Sonic Adventure was genrally serious. He remained focused on the mission; He would smirk or pose occasionally, but he was nowhere as nearly as happy as he is now. In the Sonic Anime you could see this: Sonic was never yelling "HERE WE GO!!" or "OKAY" for no reason. He was sarcastic, conceited, and had a "Don't piss me off" feel about him, he^^ .

Then came Sonic Adventure 2...

Sonic seem to be not as serious. Sonic seemed to be moderate compared to the seriousness of early Sonic or as happy as New age Sonic. He seem to joke around the dire circumstances of that game, but he was still focused stopping Eggman. Shadow became the no nosense character and seemed more commited to his goal (for obvious reasons).

Then came Sonic Heores,Oh God, Sonic Heores...

He became to trying to act cool instead of being, ya know , cool. He began to shout corny phrases "Cause we're Sonic Heores!!!:x " And he was overly happy. There wasa too much enthusiam in his voice. And that continued in other games.

So my question is, why has Sega made Sonic from to trying to be cool? All these stupid Engrish phrases has made Sonic more annoying than anything; your thoughts.

Posts: 308
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Agreed. Sonic and the Secret Rings does try to remedy this cheesiness, and that's mostly the reason why I love the game. I personally thing that Sega tried to keep Sonic too kid-friendly over the past few years. Although, with video games being blamed for society's faults, you could hardly blame them for trying. But I think they went too far. I mean, how many 15 year olds do you know of that say anything along the lines of "We'll show them the Super Power of TEAMWORK!!". None, because they'd rather take a vow of silence.

Posts: 5772
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I mean, how many 15 year olds do you know of that say anything along the lines of "We'll show them the Super Power of TEAMWORK!!".

What if said 15 year olds were double-dating hot (and open-minded) twins?

oh lawd

Posts: 534
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xD lol.

Sonic OVA had the ultimate awesome personality. Without a doubt.
I loved his apathy and sarcasm, he was totally "way past cool". This really tied in with Sonic CD's Sonic. His only smile was this really punked out smirk which made him look badass.
Sonic 1991-1994 really is the best Sonic out there.
It was before he became fat and before he had dialog x_x

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Sonic 1991-1994 really is the best Sonic out there. It was before he became fat

But Sonic in those years was fat, round compared to his usual design today.

Posts: 2191
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He probably meant 'phat'

Posts: 5772
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'phat' like a christmas ham.

Posts: 378
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Let's show everyone the greatness of teamwork! Together we can overcome all the odds, it's never as hard as it seems! Everyone can do something special, the secret is sharing your dreams...

And I'm sixteen. but yeah, I'm weird.:spin

Posts: 721
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I see no problem with him at all.

Posts: 55
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Sonic has a personailty!!! wow they hid that i thought he was just the sterotypical "im such a good guy im going to save the world cause i have nothing better to do" oh wait he is


Posts: 721
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(blinks) Ooookaaayy.....

Posts: 534
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here, lemme show you the difference-
This: Compared to this:
I dunno, Sonic just looks FATTER to me o_O
And of course, I'm not hatin' on fat people but -
Sonic just doesn't look right when Sonic Team took the easy route and made a 3D ball and called it good for Sonic's body -_-

Posts: 5772
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So let me get this straight... one's body shape is representative of one's personality?

Do tell!

Posts: 261
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if by fatter you mean "not 2D"....
I liked the non athletic look though. It was more effective when you have this little round guy with quick little lags darting around than a sleek, skiny thing zipping about.

Posts: 534
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Yes, the fatter you are, the more of a LOOZ3R u are.

I'm just sayin' that when his look changed, his personality changed...
He smile become much more like a PBS star's.
And since he had little to no dialog, all we could base his personality on was the way he looked and acted soo..

That's my Sonic.

Posts: 308
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...How the hell did we get from "personality" to "chubbiness"...?

Posts: 534
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^I said: "Sonic 1991-1994 really is the best Sonic out there. It was before he became fat"
Peeps didn't get it it, so I explained it.
We're not talkin' bout it anymore =P
Fact o' the matter:

Posts: 1573
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Meh, looking back, I personally see pre-SA Sonic as Sega's answer to Mickey Mouse.

Posts: 1984
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I don't think there is anything flawed with Sonic's personality. I like him with a little sentiment and understanding to weaker character's feelings. If there is a problem it is in the script. The writing of the dialouge of the game itself.

Although I have to admit. Everytime Sonic told Elise to smile it felt like I was watching an offshoot of Barney. Cheestastic.

Posts: 1037
Noble Member


Yes, the fatter you are, the more of a LOOZ3R u are.

That is absolutely not right.
In videogame and real-life terms.

Posts: 1984
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Yeah Mario is fat but he's awsome. But really how did we get into Sonic's weight and physical appearance? I thought this was a personality topic.

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I see no problem with him at all.


Posts: 721
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So now I'm a cancer? Great. What a day.

Posts: 534
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=( Erika, I was being sarcastic... I'm fat, =P.

This isn't a "fat" topic, geez, I just was explaining something that peeps weren't understanding, and now it's done.

Sonic should Sonic again.

Posts: 721
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And he isn't now?

Posts: 1573
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Since we've taken a little detour concerning Sonic's body shapes, does anyone still have that picture comparing Sonic's pre-SA and post-SA body style?

Posts: 189
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Look at the wikipedia Sonic article.

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I liked it when Sonic, and all the other characters, didn't talk. Those 2D games ... I think had the personality stuff at the best. Because since they hardly even had much of a personality since they never talked, you kinda molded one for them that you personally liked!

And you liking the personality that you imagined them having = you liking the character. Now they talk and stuff, and it's either you like it, or you don't. This is why I wish they'd kill all the 3D mess, the TV shows, the whatever, and just make 2D games, like the good ol' days.

That'd be great. =(

Posts: 1758
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But Sonic in those years was fat, round compared to his usual design today.

In SA Sonic started purging. Big's presence kinda screwed with his head.

Posts: 1573
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Look at the wikipedia Sonic article.

That's not it.

The one I'm looking for is comparing the two Sonics's height similar to the height references on Sonic Jam. Anyone remember it? I think someone here had it as their sig at one point.

Posts: 534
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I have a life-size poster of Sonic in my room (SUCH A NERD =P)
And...the last time I checked, he was half the size of me - and I'm 5 foot like, 10 inches?

I agree 100% with Deus.

Posts: 721
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This may get me mauled, but I actually LIKE Sonic's personality. He's so positive. And he's actually starting to ACT hyperactive (not necessarily ADHD, though, but still), which is one of his long-known character traits.

Posts: 1984
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Too bad this topic dosen't have a poll on it. But I can't really say why I think his personality is okay. This entire topic is nothing but opinions. Nobody can really state facts about his personality. It's left up to interpretation.

Posts: 308
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Different Personalities = Different Acceptance Levels of Characters

Different Accpectance Levels of Characters = Differing Opinions

Different Opinions = No Conclusion to Discussion Other than Statement of "We Have Different Opinions"

Different Opinions + Internet Forum + Willingness of Forumers to Maturely Discuss Said Disscussion = Pleasant, If Not Extremely Long, Discussion

Different Opinions + Internet Forum + Immatureness = Flame War

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

Well okay I guess thats pretty sound logic. But...what can be SAID bout Sonic's personality? Hm. like I've said before. I like his moments of sentiment. But not when it is over done.

Posts: 721
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I like the fact that he always seems to have some great wisecrack up his sleeves.

Posts: 1037
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I liked it when Sonic, and all the other characters, didn't talk. Those 2D games ... I think had the personality stuff at the best. Because since they hardly even had much of a personality since they never talked, you kinda molded one for them that you personally liked!

Heh.. this reminds me that when I was a kid I thought Sonic was an adult of unspecified age, which made him very cool to my eyes. Knuckles was the same unspecified age and Tails was slightly younger, but still an adult.
It took me a while to get used to the idea of them as teens and kids. 😛

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

^I recall thinking Knuckles was a dog =P.

In the 2-D Era, you really could use your imagination a lot to shape the kind of Sonic YOU wanted to be a fan of, huh?

I guess that freedom was another reason why Retro Sonic is so much cooler IMO =P
