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Sonic's story Arcs
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Sonic's story Arcs

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I was thinking about the way that the Sonic story has progressed since the original games.
And it seems to me like there will always be a batch os Sonic games that follow the same kind of story arc.



Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Sonic Adventure

(the story starts with trying to stop the Death Egg, which carries on into S3&K, by intoducing the Master Emerald, then Sonic Adventure adds backstory into the origins of the Master Emerald and the Echidnas and why they were wiped out)



Sonic Adventure 2
Sonic Heroes
Sonic Battle
Shadow The Hedgehog

(In this story arc, we are introduced to Shadow, Space Colony ARK, and the concept of Chaos Control, Sonic Heroes carries on Shadow's story, wheras Sonic Battle provides more backstory into Professor Gerald and his research, then in Shadow the Hedgehog, the mystries are solved, we learn the origin of the Eclipse Cannon and the truth about Shadow)



Sonic Rush
Sonic The Hedgehog 2006
Sonic Rivals

(The latest story arc introduces the "Other World" characters such as Blaze the Cat, Eggman NEGA and Silver, whether this arc has been resolved or will be in the future is uncertain, but it looks like Eggman NEGA might be around for future titles)


Any thoughts on this? What other games may fit into the above Arcs, and are there any others I haven't mentioned? also, what would people like to see if Sega churned out another group of Sonic games that follow the same story?

Posts: 3666
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I presonally don't like how Sonic Adventure is in the same story arc as Sonic 2 and S3 & K. Yes, it involves with the Master Emerald, but to be fair the backstory doesn't change or advance anything from the previous games. In story terms, come to think of it, SA is sort of like Sonic 1 - the start of the era and just a standalone thing that eases in.

Well, aside from the few references to it in later games, such as with the Artificial Chaos and using the ME to neutralise the Chaos Emeralds in SA2, but you know, there are (sort of) refrences to Sonic 1 in later games, too.

Also, I think this is the first time in a long time - if ever - that I've participated in a Sonic story thread. Probably because I feel that the recent additions to the storyline are really badly written. I've pretty much written out Shadow the Hedgehog from ever happening. Not that I truly care much for the continuity of the series anyway.

Well, about as much as Sonic Team do at least.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

That sounds about right.
Perhaps a Drift Arc is maybe necessary since there were 2 games of it? Well, it was a very MINOR story ark.

What I would like them to do is bring back the Angel Island Arc. OH, i'm sorry, the FLOATING Island =P (For those of you who prefer it).
I loved that Island and the Master Emerald. I hate how nowadays Knux has nothing else to do but follow Sonic around wherever he goes >_>

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Sonic Team does seem to get infatuated with different concepts for a while don't they. I hadn't pieced it together.

Posts: 504
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Sonic the Fighters is also one of the Death Egg arc mainly because the whole point of the game was trying to get the Chaos Emaralds to power up the Death Egg to fight Eggman.
Also very minor.

Posts: 534
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Ah, SC is right. I do remember Sonic the Fighters being about the Death Egg as well.
Good eye.

Posts: 899
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But wasn't the Death Egg in Fighters a different model? Like, the Death Egg 2?

Posts: 504
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It was Death Egg 3 because DE 2 was in Sonic 3.

Posts: 5772
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It's the same Death Egg. It was never destroyed in S2, only downed. In S3&K it was definitly annihilated, though.

Posts: 4607
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What Psx said. Sega knew what they were doing back then; Death Egg 1 was all the way through S3&K, since it wasn't totally destroyed in S2. Think of the revamped Death Egg as "Death Egg 1.1" instead of "Death Egg 2".

As far as canon goes, Death Egg 2 was in Sonic the Fighters. No more, no less.

Posts: 5772
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So we're not going to count Sonic Battle, eh?

Posts: 534
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No, he counted Sonic Battle.


Sonic Adventure 2
Sonic Heroes
Sonic Battle
Shadow The Hedgehog"

Posts: 4607
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Unless Psx was talking to me, in which case: THAT is probably Death Egg 3.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

You could also say there's a theme of digging up history, which could include SA, SA2, Battle, Shadow and Riders...then again, that's sort of the general theme in the original 4 games...though only slight, and more in the Japanese manuals...maybe just a general theme throughout?

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

The satellite he had in Sonic Advance 2 resembled a Death Egg, too..
Wasn't it called Egg Utopia?

Posts: 3468
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I think Battle, Heroes, and Shadow should be the "Shoot ourselves in the foot" arc. then Sonic '06 is ckicking off the "Piss off the fans with crap things" arc, which probably will include Sonic and the Secret Rings. Sorry hopeful people, but steering Sonic just doesn't sound fun. At all.

But seriously, it is interesting to see the differences in the arcs. The first one is more simple, just simple good guys and bad, then by the second one it's more realistic and down-to-earth. In concepts, I like the second one the most. In gameplay, the first, obviously. Then by the third they edge away from the darker and more "realistic" (I'm laughing IRL) settings of the second arc, for a more fantasy setting, ala Rush, Rivals, and most importantly Sonic '06. These "arcs" see to just be changes in the way Sonic Team thought they should take the series. Thoughts?

Posts: 1396
Noble Member


I think Battle, Heroes, and Shadow should be the "Shoot ourselves in the foot" arc. then Sonic '06 is ckicking off the "Piss off the fans with crap things" arc, which probably will include Sonic and the Secret Rings. Sorry hopeful people, but steering Sonic just doesn't sound fun. At all.

Sonic Heroes would've started the pissing off trend, and Battle is considered good from what I hear from fans, at least for the storyline (which is what this thread is about anyway.)

As for Secret Rings I think you're being far to quick to judge, especially as the bulk of the response has been very good, and currently I'm willing to bet it's the only thing worth looking forward to regarding Sonic currently, and the first home console Sonic game that does look fun, and has been said to be fun, however the concept may sound.

Posts: 261
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This really sums up the vibe that I've had for years but never really organized it and put it to words. SA really does just FEEL like the end cap to the whole Master Emerald/Echidna theme. While it does trigger the new era of Sonic at the same time it serves as a great, and fitting finale to the original "arc" or even in TV terms: "season".

Shadow proved to be popular, so just about every game since SA2 has to do with him (and by extension Gerald).

To bad things just aren't as well made as they should be or Sonic could be up there with MGS and other great story based franchises.

Posts: 250
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Yes, Sonic the Fighters would be a part of the Death Egg story Arc, thanks for reminding me of that one!

The problem is what to do with a lot of the other stories.

Sonic Advance 3 is branching from Sonic Battle's story (with Gemerl/Gemral, goddamnit what is that thing called?)

Sonic Advance 2 serves more as a prequel/into to Sonic Heroes by introducing Cream the Rabbit

Wheras Sonic Advance 1 doesn't seem to fit anywhere...just like..."Eggman is bored, tries to take over world again...fails...Sonic wins" I tend not to count Advance (it has about the same credability as Sonic Pocket Adventure)

Here's something though, I always used to consider Sonic 3D and Sonic R as some kind of joint storyline (probably just the Travellers Tales connection but there you go), but that's just me...

Posts: 3756
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They both had multicolored flickies! @ Sonic R/3D Blast

Posts: 534
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Sonic R is one of my favorites, but when it comes to Canon or anything that has to do with Story Arcs, I usually just pass it by.

I mean, do you remember the size of those emeralds?? They were the size of Super Emeralds - unless they WERE Super Emeralds.

With Amy and her car- I see Drift,Drift2, and R to be in the same boat =P

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

Maybe they were big just to be visible, like in Sonic Riders.

Posts: 534
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Hmm, that makes sense.
Still annoys me, tho =P

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


Sonic Advance 3 is branching from Sonic Battle's story (with Gemerl/Gemral, goddamnit what is that thing called?)


Posts: 3756
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Or even G-mel. It's stupid that they never named the thing.

Posts: 261
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I agree. Not every Sonic game even seems to happen in the same timeline. The Game Gear titles seem to exist in a universe unto themselves and the two Travelers Tales games kind of pull a Mario and not really have any significance story wise at all.

Besides R was a little gimmick

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

But meloves the Sonic R =(
Wut I love is that you can beat it in forty minutes, then totally waste your time and still have fun for forty days.
<shuts up and plays Sonic R>

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You can do that with decent racing games, too =D

Posts: 534
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Not many. I like foot-racing, and I like Sonic.

MAYBE there's a buncha different Sonics, like in the comic book...

For example, I didn't get a very "canon"ny feeling when I played Sonic Riders.

Posts: 189
Estimable Member


Just kidding, But I always saw it like this:cuckoo

Classic/Death Egg Saga:
Sonic 1
Sonic CD
Sonic 2

Time between S3&K and SA:
Most games releashed between 1995-1998

SA Saga:
Sonic Pocket Adventure

Shadow Saga:
Sonic Heores
Sonic Battle(If you overlook some things)

Sonic 06', from what I heard, never happened, I don't know much about Sonic Riders or Rivals, and Sonic and the Sercret Rings I know LESS about.
