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Sonic's true love interest revealed!

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Posts: 350
Reputable Member

Well, we can't really assume Jet likes Wave, or vise versa. I've beaten Sonic Riders, and Jet only thought of Wave as a female engineer (not to mention an annoying chatter box). So that leaves an attractive Wave out there. Maybe she'll hook up with Sonic? Who knows. Fat chance, though.
And what about Rouge? She has GOT to be stripper. There is no doubt about that. I mean, who else would dress so revealing like that? Come on! All she does is sneak around like Gollum! Oh, and kick things. Really hard. She's 17, Sonic's 15, not much age difference there. Though if you look at it, Sonic looks older. She likes hedgehogs, as we all know. And also, as we all know, Shadow was based off of Super Sonic. Ask me about that later.
P.S.: Wave is a swallow. Not a sparrow. There's a difference.

Posts: 45
Eminent Member

Ok, everyone, I have paired off everygirl (I would pair them all off but I don't like homo Sonic stuff)
SonicxAmy cause Blaze doesn't like, like Sonic, they are really, really close, but not like that. And Amy and Sonic are soo cute. :]
ShadowxBlaze, cause he's the next best thing to Sonic
RougexKnuckles, cause it is obvious they like each other
CreamxCharmy, I don't know why, but they would be perfect together.
TikalxChaos, cause pairing them with one of the chao would be stupid.
JetxWave, I think it could work.
GemerlxOmega they are both robots, it is only natural, sortof...
Tails x Cosmo, if only she would come back, and why yes I am mixing games with Sonic X, and a dash of Sonic the Movie.
Vector x vanilla cause I am running out of pairings
ok I'm done.

Posts: 504
Honorable Member

Rouge have on cat suit of some type and I think she's a stripper also. And Amy only care about her self (Amy is one of my fav. char. Don't get me wrong). But Sonic is 15 years old and have no time to have a relation ship a 12 year old girl who chase her hero. Even if Sonic had feeling for her it whoulded work out because Eggman will only use Amy for Sonic weckness and Sonic will do any thing to keep Amy alive. That's what i think. But if they find a way to over throw Eggy and Amy grow up a little, thean yes I can clearly see them togeter. The reasion I support Amy X Bean is be cause Bean need love too. Plus, the only female he met was Amy. This is my own opion. I don't want a coapal war because of what I think.(Ps, Sorry for my terrible typeing, I just woke up.)

Posts: 350
Reputable Member

It doesn't matter; even if Sonic and Amy hook up and Eggman used her cause she's Sonic's weakness, well, that isn't neccesarily true. Sonic would do the same for any one else. Chris, Tails, and even Eggman. He's that kind of guy.

More about the SonicXBlaze pairing that I like so much. Blaze is closer to Sonic's age (she's 14), and she's not too much different then he is. Blaze can take care of herself. She's a pyrokinetic (can generate fire via telekinesis). She and Sonic held hands at the end of Sonic Rush. And Blaze'll have plenty of chances at the blue blur.

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