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Station Square: A GTA-like enviorment?

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Posts: 189
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No, I'm not saying Sonic should experiment with guns again,(cause we all know how well that turned out.) I just iteriating a potential game idea I heard by a few fans. Do you think Sonic could work with GTA-style, free roam gameplay? Not killing people, but helping people like Spiderman 2. Not the lame town missions of Sonic 2006, but Sonic running on buildings, speeding through highways, and tricking through the city. It would bring back the balance between exploration and speed again. So do you think that would work for Sonic?

Posts: 59
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Hmm...sounds interesting. Any oppose?

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It would have to be a giant city with seemless load times between each part.


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Why limit it to a city?

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Well, not just a city. There could be gates to zones and maybe smaller hubs. Like a cross between Spidey 2 and Jak 2, a game where you help and save people while having individual levels as well. Maybe in this game, you could play as Super Sonic and be able to fly around the city "Station Square". You could also get upgrades and costumes in shop using rings around the city. Like the Soleanna, without the Dreamcast blandness or the 10 minute load times.

Posts: 1827
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I think Ashide meant something along the lines of GTA: South Island. amirite?

There's probably no reason why a whole island from the Sonic series couldn't be rendered like a GTA game.

Posts: 513
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I would like to see the Adventure Fields on the Scale of Jak 2's Haven City.

My suggestions:
Station Square: A modern peaceful city.
The Three Islands: South, Westside, and Angel Islands recreated in all their glory.
Robotropolis/Eggman Land: A futurestic city overrun with machinery, badniks, and E-series robots. Eggman's base of operations.
Metallix Flagship: A giant airship with a Metal Sonic design motif. Manned by an army of Eggpawns, it serves as Metal Sonic's base(Personally I would like to see Metal Sonic become a permanent "Third Force" next to Eggman and Sonic & Co.)

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Those are some good ideas, but can current technoology handle that large of a game? All those in total most be hundreds of miles. T also like Metal Sonic becoming a third force between Sonic and co. and Eggman's robot army. Also, instead of bactracking in the game, you could use Chaos Control to transport to mission areas. That could save some time in traveling.

Posts: 2417
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Yes, current technology can. Current Sonic? Probally not.

Posts: 273
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I liked the Adventure areas in SA...they made me feel like I was more in control of the story, and not just being chauffered from level to level...but they weren't interactive enough. They were just basic hub worlds separating the stages. I'd like to see an overworld containing more mini-games, optional boss battles, and non-sequitur stages. And there should be puzzles that are actually fun to solve, not puzzles solved by kicking numbered crates.

Posts: 377
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You mean Sonic Adventure 3?

I don't like objectives with Sonic games, personally. I just like to run fast and jump on things. i lyke it oldskool.

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I wonder if they continued the SA series to 3, if the franchise br in such a slump. Or was SH actually Sonic Adventure 3 with team gameplay?

Anyway, back to the topic, I came up with several moves for Sonic in the GTA-like enviorment.

Wall running-Nuff said. Sonic can run on any wall in any direction.
Building hop- Something similar to what Sonic did in the OVA. Dash around a building till you get to the top. Like the panels in SA1, but on a any building.
Max-speed- Keep going at top speed for a brief period of time, then break speed barrier.
Chaos Control- Used to prevent annoying backtracking between hubs and mission spots. By gaining this power, you can simply transport to your key destination, if you been there before.
Streetboading- The fun segment of SA2 is back! This you can pull the board out anytime(Sonic learned hammerspace) you want, And the trick around the city.

Posts: 981
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You mean something like Sonic Adventure? That would be cool. I liked that feature from the game. It's just like Erinaeus said. A bit more control to where you were going. Everybody pretty much added everything I could come up with. That idea would work.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Extending on my GTA: South Island idea. You start off at Green Hill but to progress to Bridge, you need to clear the 3 Acts and the boss.

You can explore the entire level and acts before you attempt this. Then you talk to one of Sonic's many friends and then you start the Act. And it is a point to point course.

Posts: 189
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How do the acts work? Are they like the levels in Jak 2, but part of the hub? Would do be marks at each end of the act?

Anyway, it would be nice someone use the GTA free roam trend besides a city enviorment. I still want a huge Station Square area, though.

Anyway, here are some side missions.

-Stop Eggman's robots from stealing, looting, attacking, etc.
-Save people from normal occurences like fires and car crashes.
-Race with certain people like Shadow and Knuckles for unlockables.
-Breakdance for rings.
-Collect Choas Rmeralds, after the game to achieve Super Sonic.

I also had an idea for the Final Boss. Instead some Super Dragon thing fighting Super Sonic, Have Eggman attacking the city or the island with a gigantic mecha. Without using his Super form, Sonic must figure out a way to stop Eggman and keep people from getting hurt. Metal Sonic could Team up with Eggman and try to kill Sonic. I think that would the Final Battle much more dire and epic than they have been for a while.

Posts: 1827
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I haven't played Jak 2, but yes they would be part of the level.

The act would be defined by character whom you talk to (eg. Amy, Big etc.), to begin the act and a countdown starts and then you must complete the act however slow or fast you want. and then something along the line of a spinning panel, prison egg or a goal ring at the end.

Posts: 189
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Would the gameplay be affected by who you talked to? Like if you talked to Knuckles would gameplay be focused on something? Other than that the idea's cool.

By the way, what did you think my final battle idea?

Posts: 79
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I'm surprised no-one's mentioned the Tornado on here yet! ;)

That'd be a great way for getting to different islands/zones :thumbsup

Posts: 1827
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No, because it'll be a pre set character. With probably an amusing little cut scene when you first say hello to them.

Eggmobile > Tornado. You all know it.

Posts: 1984
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A free-roam city could be packed to the brim with mini-games you can play when you want to waste time (or maybe level up?) And then you can hop back into the mainstory whenever you feel like it.

And just to throw this out there. I really didn't like SA2's final boss or 06's. I don't like Sonic Bosses that just sit out and space and go RAWR while Sonic and/or Shadow buzz around it like raging hornets to find it's blister weakspot. I'd rather it be Sonic running instead of flying around the enemy since Sonic is supposed to run better than he can fly. lolz

Posts: 189
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I like that mini game idea, but a few other games lets you already do that. But what would be the story?

Posts: 2417
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But what would be the story?

In the year SXXX, the creepy smile virus G.R.I.N. has infected the world. Friends have become enemies, and enemies have become warped versions of their former selves. Only one thing can stand up against them now, the chosen one who is naturally immune to the virus, for he was always grinning like a loon. Go forward quick hero! Go Sonic the Hedgehog!

Posts: 2016
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I smell a fanfic.

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*cracks a window*

Posts: 1984
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Oo story? Eh. I don't know. I guess if you just want, one each city (gigantic hub) could have its own brief back story. (If you just REALLY needed to know c.c) And maybe some plot points could happen in those cities but mostly I'd just want to play fun mini games. And for God's sake populate the city with more than 10 people...

Station Square feels busier than Solleana

Posts: 189
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I would just reuse Satation Square. Complete with the originally closed off hub of SA and some of the parts not yet rebuilt from the Chaos attack. You could have people walking by, cheering on Sonic. Maybe even befriend or talk to them. They could give you upgrades and extra rings. Maybe you could mix it in, have the furry Sonic humanoids and the humans.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Or maybe if you play as Shadow people will point and hiss and children will chant "nur, nie, nur, nur," when his back is turned.

And you can marry people.

Must stop playing Fable.

Posts: 363
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I couldn't help but think of MegaMan Legends after reading all these comments. Along with all the interaction, the gameplay could also be effected by how much damage the city takes during battles, chases, etc.

This idea has oodles of potential... but I can't really see Sega putting this much time into a Sonic game.

On the side of mini-games, and I'm surprised no one mentioned this, they could take from Shenmue and have an arcade. Maybe throw the entire 16-bit game of Sonic the Hedgehog in there, or (since it was only an arcade title) put SegaSonic in there. DDR Sonic, anyone?

Posts: 189
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I already mention Sonic breakdancing for a mini game. But it's about time they release SegaSonic some shape or form. It's the most largely ignored game in the Sonic library, Knuckles Chaotix gets more credit than it does. They had to filled Sonic Gems Collection with a bunch of third rate Gamegear games and two second final boss fights, but they couldn't put KC or SegaSonic on there. For shame, Sonic Team, FOR SHAME.

Knowing Sega's "wonderful" descision making, We'll probably get another Shadow game(NOW WITH MORE BUGS!) or rerelease the genesis Sonic games for the 456,890,950 time before actually trying a good idea like this. I can see it now... SONIC ADVANCE ADVENTURE HEROES PARTY 2007 WITH MORE BOTTOMLESS PITS, USELESS CHARACTERS, AND BAD ATTEMPTS AT GENRES, YAY!!!! SHADOWZ PWNZ!!!!

I'm bored, by the way.

Posts: 363
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Side quest: Outrun the Sonic Fan Club, lead by it's President: Amy Rose!! If they hug you for too long, you will suffocate! Run!!

Edit: And wow, someone is listening...

Posts: 2417
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We want this?

Posts: 5035
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HAHAHAHAHA! heck no. Right?

Posts: 189
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you read my first post right? Satandard Sonic gameplay with huge city enviorment, no guns and junk, right? When I'm meant GTA, I'm meant free roam, that's it.

Who am I kidding? I buy that! But whatever's on Sonic's chest is infinitively creepy.

Posts: 10
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lol! He looks more like Shadow more than Sonic.
