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Stupidest Death *ever*

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Posts: 527
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I wouldn't call that a stupid death, it happened to me as well, that moment was intended to get you while you off guard (due to defeating the last boss, you're bound to be jumping for joy considering it's difficulty at first).

Perhaps. I always thought of it as a stupid death because I just had defeated a tough final boss that gave me plenty of problems and when I was jumping for joy and being overjoyed when I finally thought I won here he comes ramming me, making me fall to my death and then I have to start all over again after all that hard work.

But you're right, and I eventually did it again and beat him once and for all, and I also made sure to move out of the way when he tried to ram me, and I finally beat him.

Posts: 1396
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It got me badly once as Robotnik had destored all BUT the platform I was on, or maybe the omly other platform was too far out of reach, either way I was just stuck there.

Posts: 1702
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Well I'm glad I'm not the only one who's screwed up during the Egg Viper boss. The first few times I tried it, I always homing attacked too fast and wound up falling beyond Eggy. Once I had the figured out, I kept getting killed by his "If I'm going down, you're going down with me" attack.

Perhaps the worst though, would be the Underground boss in Sonic 2 for the Game Gear. It was hard enough to dodge all of rocks. One time I managed to dodge them all, but then Eggy flew up. I didn't think anything of it at first, but then he ran into me...and I died. I was furious after that.

Posts: 4607
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Oh, Egg Viper is NOT easy so it's nothing major if you screw up. He took me a good hour or two to beat.

Posts: 527
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Even to this day I still have problems beating it, it's possibly the hardest boss in SA for me. Defeating him isn't any walk in the park, I think we all know that from experience.

Posts: 3
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Would it have killed Sonic Team to fix some clipping issues for SADX? I can't count how many times I've just fallen right through slopes and walls while trying to run on them.

The worst was when I tried to talk to the newspaper stand lady in Station Square. When I got about two feet away, I... FELL RIGHT THROUGH THE @*&$^#*$& GROUND. It really put the "sad" in SADX.

Posts: 4607
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I can count. Like, once. Or twice. And that's when I'm not trying. I don't understand how it's caused some people so much problems, I've found I only fall through when I go out of my way to fall through...

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Yea it's happened to me, but I can't recall how many times. Once it actaully helped me. I was doing the Time specified rank for Lost World, and I was running up a loop and I run through it. It took off maybe 3 or 4 seconds. I was thankful for the glitch. :b

Posts: 13
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Glitch well be Glitch.

Posts: 1567
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Dumbest death has to be losing to the first boss in Sonic Advance 3...I was impatient and just ran at him and tried to kill him super fast and died...

Posts: 13
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I hate the boss in the ice stage dumb eggman is soooooooooo hard.

Posts: 1055
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Stupidest death EVER: Super Sonic kamikaze. I built up enough speed to barrel into Perfect Chaos, but my ring count hit zero and somehow NORMAL Sonic ended up flying up PC and damaging him. It was then that the level restarted. I was like O_O

Posts: 527
Honorable Member


I can count. Like, once. Or twice. And that's when I'm not trying. I don't understand how it's caused some people so much problems, I've found I only fall through when I go out of my way to fall through...

It's the same thing for me too. I never did experience a lot of bugs and glitches in the game, and even if I ever did it only happened to me once or twice, so I've never really had any real problems with that.

Posts: 383
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For me, it happened on Sa2. In sonic three, A good way to get alot of speed was to run halfway up the loop and then press down to spindash.

I tries to spindash on top of a loop in Sa2. oops.

Posts: 2417
Famed Member


Perhaps the worst though, would be the Underground boss in Sonic 2 for the Game Gear. It was hard enough to dodge all of rocks. One time I managed to dodge them all, but then Eggy flew up. I didn't think anything of it at first, but then he ran into me...and I died. I was furious after that.

Ditto for all the Sonic 2 gg bosses. The only "real" exceptions would be the robot seal and Metal Sonic. That game screams cheap deaths, considering you get no rings!!! Then you have to face Robutnik in that tube arena of his...

Zoom zoom zoom...pop! Bzz...BZZZZ!!!! (sonic dies)

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For some reason I have a knack of getting the sprites stuck in the walls and then getting them squished. No, it's not from playing in Debug either.

Posts: 1702
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Ditto for all the Sonic 2 gg bosses. The only "real" exceptions would be the robot seal and Metal Sonic. That game screams cheap deaths, considering you get no rings!!! Then you have to face Robutnik in that tube arena of his...

Not to mention the screen's so tiny, it's hard to see just where you're going so most of your jumps are blind. I wonder if it's any better on the Game Cube.

Posts: 22
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Then you have to face Robutnik in that tube arena of his...

I actually quite like that boss, you just hav to spend a while in the pipes to discover his pattern, after that it's pretty easy if you bounce yourself back into the tube when rebounding from our favirate mustached menece :) :b

Posts: 1008
Noble Member

I've had plenty of stupid deaths, and witnessed quite a few too.

Sonic 1 on MS:
Stupid death #1: Death by failing to avoid Green Hill boss.
Stupid death #2: Fell to my death after beating Jungle Zone boss.
Stupid death #3: Bounced too many times on Bridge Zone boss's head, fell in water. End of story.
Stupid death #4: Falling in the water in Jungle Zone Act 1.
Stupid Death #5: Going downward on Jungle Zone Act 2.
Stupid Death #6: The time my brother jumped up and down at the left edge of the screen on the last boss. He got fried, cos the fireball is motion-tracking.

Sonic 2 on MS:
Stupid Death #1: Somehow managing to avoid Eggman capturing me before the boss on Underground Zone 3, fell in lava.
Stupid Death #2: Accidentally pressing the jump button while attached to a glider on Sky High Act 2. Fell into spike pit.
Stupid Death #3: Turtloid on Sky High Act 3 hit me.
Stupid Death #4: Doing a spin attack into one of the eggs on Sky High 3, only for Sonic to stop still as a result and have a penguin land on his head. This happened more times than I'd like to count.
Stupid Death #5: Again on the same level: Killing the big chicken head, only to be hit by the fireball it spat out just before dying on the rebound.
Stupid Death #6: Mis-estimating the distance required to the next spring on Green Hills Act 3. I think you know what I mean.
Stupid Death #7: Getting hit by spikes on the mecha hog on Gimmick Mountain 3.
Stupid Death #8: Run over by Silver Sonic.
Stupid Death #9: The frickin' final boss! Many, MANY times before I learned some patience.

Sonic Chaos on MS:
Stupid Death #1: Running out of juice during a Strike Dash as Sonic. I did this in many places that resulted in my doom.
Stupid Death #2: Again with the Strike Dash, running over a cliff at full tilt.
Stupid Death #3: Getting nailed by the Gigalopolis boss just after making it die by being hit by a body section.
Stupid Death #4: Running into a spring bug without any rings in Mecha Green Hill.
Stupid Death #5: Attempting to destroy an explosive coconut by jumping into it, same zone.
Stupid Death #6: Standing underneath the boss in the same zone. 'nuff said.
Stupid Death #7: Getting run over by the final boss.

Sonic 1 on MD:
Stupid Death #1: Squished by final boss, due to trying to beat him too quickly.

Sonic 2 on MD:
Stupid Death #1: The Chemical Plant boss thing.
Stupid Death #2: Stayed on the Tornado too long on Wing Fortress.
Stupid Death #3: Leapt at Silver Sonic when he was jumping.
Stupid Death #4: Got caught behind the final boss.

Sonic 3 and Knuckles:
Stupid Death #1: Tails leapt at Eggy before I did on Angel Island 2. ARGH!
Stupid Death #2: Accidentally leapt past the Egg-o-matic after beating the first bit of the boss on Launch Base 2.
Stupid Death #4: Running out of time on Lava Reef 2.
Stupid Death #5: Hitting the first set of spikes on Sky Sanctuary.
Stupid Death #6: Weird Death Egg 2 boss glitch: Spin dashed along the platform, got to the end of it, fell through the floor and died.
Stupid Death #7: Same boss, during Egg-O-Matic section. Rebounded off Eggy and fell into the pit of death.

I've got more, I'll add them another time.


Posts: 0
New Member

probably the stupidest death ive ever had was in sonic 3 & knuckles & wat happened was i was playin and i transformed into super sonic but as soon as i did that i got hit with and icicle in theice cape level i looked at the screen and though i hate this game and im never playin it again but a hour later i was playin:^^;

Posts: 0
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Originally posted by Xagarath Ankor


Happened to me against the egg sentinel once... (Winces)

What game does the Egg Sentinel appear in?

Posts: 2116
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Sonic 2. Wing Fortress.

You have no idea how many times I've hopped up that conveyor belt at the far end, been too enthusiastic about jumping for the extra life at the top, and - rather than clearing it - managed to dislodge it and die by it bashing poor Tails (who I tend to play as) on the head as we both arc down.

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

I know what you mean, Sam. I've messed up there as well. But the main thing that killed me about that level was the large pit right before the end. I can never figure out how to get passed it without using debug.

Posts: 73
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My most interesting detah has to have been one time in Carnival Night, playing as Tails.

I made the mistake of jumping near one of those curved ceiling points, rolled up the wall...and got stuck in the ceiling. I didn't want to do the level all over again, so I just let time run out, died, and started again.

Posts: 198
Reputable Member

My stupidest death ever is probably the most retarded death ever.

It happened in SA2.

It was the first battle of Sonic and Shadow in the jungle.

"I'll do something no one has ever done!" I exclaimed.

"I'll *COUNTER-ATTACK* Shadow!"

Yeah. So i pressed B, after Shadow already hit me---when I had no rings.

I was such an idiot...

Posts: 2116
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Do you mean that large pit where the wind catches you?

Posts: 104
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My stupidest deaths were probobly in Sonic 2. I remember one time where my game went all glitchy after I entered the Super Sonic, Stage Select, and debug codes. The only sound that played was the Oil Ocean music and I was playing aquatic Ruins. The game kept speeding up, slowing down, and getting all glitchy. I was under water and I didn't realize that I had no air left because there was no sound, my screen went all freaky, and since I was in super form I thought that I could stay under water as long as I wanted. (I didn't know Super Sonic could drown back then.) So Sonic drown of course the sound didn't work and the screen kept flashin so when I was back at the start of the level I was confused. Talk about stupid. Another time was when I was in debug with all of theose cheats on except the one that makes no sound, except the oil ocean music.(Yay I hate it when that music playse everywhere.) Anyway I was playing death egg zone and I placed a teleport box on the ground and jumped on top of it. Afterwards I was facing Silver and Robotnik's Eggsterminator. I tried that again and there were two Silvers and five Eggsterminators. I kept repeating the process until I was facing five silvers and twelve Eggsterminators. When I had that many enemies I instantly lost. Of course now I can beat all of those bosses because I've been practicing, but it usually takes two hours.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I'm suprised no one has opted for the impatient deaths, or am I the only one who gets those. On levels like Sandopolis and Chemical Plant where you're so eager to speed along that you try to squeeze in past some blocks or crushy device and thanks to the Sega-Tastic Collision Detection, you find yourself being squished by jumping along-side a crushy thing of death as it's lowering.

Posts: 527
Honorable Member

This is possibly the most stupidest death for me:

Way back when I first played Sonic 1 for the Genesis on Green Hill Zone I ran into my first Motora and I got hit by it, and I had no rings so I died, but I was really young back then and I didn't know what I was doing exactly at that point.

Posts: 27
Eminent Member

Yeah Craig, I've had some deaths like that on Chemical Plant zone, where I would be mad speeding through that level, with the fast music and Sonic moving off the tv screen. Then once those moving blocks came to, I'd try to jump pass them like a maniac and end up dying.

Posts: 3
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NOTE:it's not MY death it was team chaotix's:]

i was team rose just after lost jungle and before the team battle starts team chaotix back-jump and say "there's gotta be a major misunderstanding here,but we can't back down now" they fall to their death and voila! instant A rank!:lol

i read the WHOLE manual:read but nothing said that.

poor ol' espio,charmy and vector,but still at least i DID it:spin

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Well, after years of trying Ebay I FINALLY have Sonic Jam and a Sega Saturn and am enjoying the good old days again.

Is it me or is the collision detection in Sonic 2 really gone to hell? I died so many times in Aquatic Ruins by falling through walls that I thought I was playing Sonic Heroes for a while.

Anywho, stupidest death.

Super Sonic/Knuckles. Chem Plant boss. EVERY TIME I BEAT HIM I FELL THROUGH THE DAMN GAPS IN THE FLOOR!!! I mean it's bad enough to do that once, as regular Sonic/Knuckles, but several times as Super!?

Damn I felt stupid. Add that to getting GAME OVER about 3 times on Marble Zone in Sonic 1 and I'm convinced I was a better gamer as an 8 year old. :(

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

Stupid deaths get more frequent when you become more confident or you're sure you'll pass the level/boss with ease...

I've had many many many stupid deaths, but I can't remember most of them. ^_^'

There was this time in Green Hill Zone of Sonic the Hedgehog for SMS/GG... in the last act you have to jump over three spike pits before you reach the boss. I knew that you could jump into the third, below there was an extra life, a spring and a lot of spikes. I got the extra life and wondered:"Is there a wall behind the spikes?" So I jumped right into the spikes to see if there was something behind them, just to discover that it was an endless spike pit. ^^'

Posts: 512
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Talking about Sonic Jam, whilst running around like a headless chicken in the 3D Sonic World, i managed to somehow run through one of the two waterfalls, which took me 'outside' of this little world. I kept on running in a straight line for ages before reaching the side of the Sonic World again. When you try to re-enter the world, it causes the Sega Saturn to crash, thus being a glitch death in the so-called safe Sonic World. This can be repeated all with the same affect, unless you exit the Sonic World with pause->Exit.

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

I have a couple of stupid deaths in mind.

A while back, I was playing Sonic 3 and Knuckles and I had already beaten the boss. Any who, I accidentally spin-dashed off the edge and died.

Then there was the time I was facing the final boss in Sonic Advance 2 and was crushed along the spike ceiling when one of those platforms were rising up...
And I stood there like a dummy.

Posts: 29
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As Metal Sonic in Sonic Adventure at the end of Sky Deck "Act 1" I got to the rocket pod, blew up the giant cannon, and mysteriously was knocked off the platform and fell to my death, rather than starting "Act 2". And it was a "C" mission too :"> .

A fun glitchy death in Sonic 3 (more fun with Knuckles), either climb up or debug to the top of the mountain in Ice Cap Zone, then spin down the slope. You should build enough speed to go faster than the camera and suddenly die!

Another classic that happened once in a while: I got to the end of the cutscene in Winged Fortress as Super Sonic, only to have the computer MISS THE TORNADO when Sonic is supposed to jump on. I just kinda sat there and stared a bit.

On the subject of deaths caused by Tails, I would be a bastard with my friends sometimes and try to set off traps and collapseables so they would die or mess up.

Posts: 3
New Member

Although I'm pretty sure we all fell for it at one stage... That stupid pit in Mystic Caves that you can't get out of gets me every frecking time

A more amusing one was in the Aquatic Ruins, low on breath (about 2 seconds) and waiting for a bubble. One finally appears and my brother, playing as tails, snatches it right out from under me... Nasty Stuff

I got him back later though... By squashing him under on of the screws in Metropolis :evil

Posts: 12
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Drowning underwater too.

Posts: 7
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once in sa2b on sonics final level i forgot to jump and i fell to earth ass a fireball:"> it was quite funny though:lol

Posts: 2723
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Another time I was playing Sonic Advance as Sonic in Neo Green Hill Zone. There must have been a glitch in the game or something, because whenever I would jump and grind on a rail, I would keep going, fall through the ground, and die.

The same would happen if I were playing as Amy. When I told my sister, she thought it was hilarious.

Not as funny when she told me she had been crushed by one of those falling capsules at the end of a level.

Posts: 4
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Stupid death(s) in Sonic Advance 3:Running into a "dead end" wall, confused, only to be crushed by an up 'n down block >_o

Posts: 22
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Sonic 2, Hill top Zone, I was Super sonic, going insanely fast and I blasted through the bottom of the level -_-

Another Sonic 2 moment, as Super I kinda lept the length of the fortress and fell off the back -_-

And I've also done the spindash off the tornado on sky chase, but I was super and I've overjumped sometimes, and ended up plumeting to the ground -_-

Super in S2 is somewhat mental, it feals like its the STC Super Sonic going evil on me


Posts: 2723
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Sonic Advance 2: Sky Canyon Boss. The Infamous Hand that often kills one instantly. That happened to me alot, especially when you have to run to keep up with the boss.

Posts: 91
Trusted Member

My stupidest death on any Sonic game would have to be, Sonic Adventure, being killed by Chaos 0 the very first time I played because I ran straight at him with no rings.:spin

EDIT: Please accept my apologies, Craig.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Umm... no? How could you attribute a silly story attribute to collision detection bugs which causes people to die? That's like saying "A little off topic but you could say that Shadow just got out of the cyro pod after 50 years in Sonic Adventure 2 because its it's been so long that he used his power, he occasionally falls through the ground and dies"

Posts: 679
Honorable Member

Sonic 1, possibly Marble Zone or possibly Sonic 1 on the Master System somewhere, there's an extra life through a *really* small tunnel. I managed to roll through it and grab the life, only to find out that, without super spin, there's not enough room to work up momentum to get back out the tunnel. Cue Sonic stopping halfway through the tunnel and trying to stand up. Cue squashed Sonic. D'oh!

I swear Sonic Chaos Aqua Planet has another trick extra life that just induces you to kill yourself, but I forget exactly where it is. I went for it once, but never again...


Posts: 29
Eminent Member

How do you keep a n00b busy? Check the very end of this post!
It's funny: they're almost like the old "How do you keep an idiot busy" keychain.

"Oh, there's an extra life. I got it! Crap I died! I'll try again."

And many of us will try a hundred or so times to get that 1up without realizing the endless stupidity cycle that keeps "Game Over" from showing up.

I know I was guilty of that in Super Mario World: the Lakitu with the 1up on the fishing rods. Try telling me you didn't try a bunch of times thinking you could be smart enough to get that mushroom without dying...

How do you keep a n00b busy? Check the beginning of this post!

Posts: 2723
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Please. I'm so bad at Mario I'll run right into a bottomless pit!

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

The impaitent deaths are all me. I'm always trying to barrel on and defeat Eggman at the worst times. Spring Yard Zone {S1 MD}, I keep getting stabbed all the time,but I then fall down a hole. -.-

Sonic 2, Ironically enough, is Metropolis and Oil Ocean. I HATE Oil Ocean, its quite possibly my nemesis in terms of game levels. Mainly I'll speed to grasp an elevator, and I'll get hit by that little damn octopus thing. I'd land on a platform, but the jumps are all weird, and I'd fall to my doom in the ocean cause theres nothing nearby to jump onto -.-

Metropolis..I had this happen like 5 times. We're speeding along. Tails jumps first, I jump second, knowing hes gonna start running on the screw. He lands on it, and runs, causing me to run off. I barely dodge the spikes on the other side, but then that damn praying mantis slams its claws into me, and then Rails speeds down and kills me.

I swear that fox is going to pay for his treachery.

Arrogfant death in S3. Hidden Palace. I know you all are like "WHAT" But its possible to get 50 rings before you fight Knux. So I did, and I just stood there as he flew his dumb self into me. Well,Knux takes exactly 5 rings time to spindash and ram into you.

He is then perfectly far enough to miss you when he does his punch combo. That wastes 4 to 5 rings. I left the screen cause I figured he kill himself by the time I got back. Come back, I have one ring left. Im like "o.o..Ok Knux is ---*glide-Smack-Pwn3d*---gonna die next round u_u"

But now, for the stupidest death. Wind Valley in SA1....

Running along as Sonic, and you know that part in the second half of the stage I believe wher you are sent uber skyward to land on that little platform to begin your descent. I was all "O.O!! AWESOME HEIGHT WHOOO HOOO!" I land, immediatly run off to see if I can do it again and land lower down.

Yeah... soooooooo dumb...

Posts: 2723
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When I had first gotten Sonic Advance 3 and played it, I was in Route 99 Act one with the team of Sonic and Tails. You know the part where all the way to the right there's that big box platform moving vertically. Well, I didn't think it was there, and I ended up getting crushed.

In the Sunset Hill Boss area, I kept dying when Eggman suddenly decided to switch directions after I hit him.

In Ocean Base I was crushed under another moving platform.

In Toy Kingdom Act 3 I died landing on a spike trap.

In Twinkle Snow I drowned numerous times and fell into a bottomless pit.

In Cyber Track I fell to my doom.

In Chaos Angel Act 3 I would get hit by a spike trap or badnik and THEN fall to my doom.

And lastly, at Alter Emerald, sometimes I died when G-mel decided he'd keep shooting missles at me for no reason.

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