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The official Sonic music topic

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Don't like Crush-40?
Want to give mad props to the music in Sonic Rush?

This is the place where you can b*tch about, praise, or discuss any music in the Sonic franchise, from the simple ditties of yesteryear to the lame Japanese hair-metal of today. Just try to keep virtual slapfights to a minimum, please. I don't want any flame wars erupting in here over someone calling Jun Senoue a talentless hack, for instance, like I just did.

Posts: 534
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You should have made the title have all caps with stars and pretty lights x_X

I like the music, it's my all time favorite part of video games, cuz when you beat a game, it can get boring- but it's the MUSIC from it that'll go on with you forever, you know?

Shadow's got the best theme songs out of everyone, it should be fact. I especcially like "Chosen One". It's a really awesome song to listen to if your an emo-at-heart like me =P

But in the end, "Open your Heart" tears apart every other videogame song ever created.
ZELDA eat your heart out.

Posts: 1789
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But in the end, "Open your Heart" tears apart every other videogame song ever created.

Nah, not really.

Heck, there are even better Sonic songs than "Open Your Heart" such as Sonic 3's ending song, and Ice Cap Zone.

Oh and I want to say that it would be cool if Masato Nakamura or Yuzo Koshiro composed music for a future Sonic title.

Also, I wonder if had Sega went ahead with the Namco merger instead of being taken over by Sammy, would have Go Shiina composed music for a Sonic game?


ZELDA eat your heart out.

Posts: 899
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Sonic music, IMO, is one of the only good things about the series left. I've enjoyed the soundtracks to about all the games except for Sonic Rush, though I know most others love that game's music.

Posts: 122
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It depends on your taste in music, Elias. While I don't mind rock, by far my most enjoyable music is Knuckles' with its rap/r&b/hip-hop-like feel (particularly the SA2 version of "Unknown From M.E.") followed by Rouge's music. I can usually deal with the rock in Sonic games though. But I think "Live and Learn" is much better than "Open Your Heart" (as one example).

That's why personally I was glad that they opened up the genres used for the characters and didn't make them all rock in the Adventure games. I can listen to any genre up to a point, but I have my favorite genres--and it isn't rock.

Posts: 534
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Hehe, nice lil pic, Ass-

But seriously, am I really the only one who doesn't crack up whenever I hear the Zelda theme song? It's so..."ABC Block-Cradle-HumptyDumpty-Rattle"-ish.

And I liked Knux's theme from SA, you're right- the SA vocal soundtrack was pretty broad, from bubblegun to rap to rock to ....whatever Big's theme's genre is.

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But seriously, am I really the only one who doesn't crack up whenever I hear the Zelda theme song? It's so..."ABC Block-Cradle-HumptyDumpty-Rattle"-ish.

I would rather take the so-called "ABC-Humpty-Dumpy-whatever-the heck-you meant" than "We Can!", "All Hail Shadow!", "Saaaaawnik Heroooooooooooes!", and well just many of the vocal songs in this series. Some of the lyrics to many of the songs range from laughably bad to just cringe-worthy.

"It's ya main man Knuckles
And we're in meteor herd
You ready to go in space
Help me get da emeraldz"

Admitably, I find most of Knux's music in SA2 unintentually funny. :lol

"Tooka shattle ta space
And left from our home
At least we with friends
And I'm not all alone
Bad thing was dat da emeralds spilled
Gotta search space man
Time'na get ill
What's dis can't fly or climb
I just could float, hope I don't die
Meteors comin' my way weavin'
Gotta go straight,
Ain'ta criminal, crime don't pay
Seened a crazy look egg man's face"

AWESOME! :lol :lol :lol

Posts: 1758
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Masato Nakamura FTW.

None of the Sonic music since Sonic 2 have quite matched the overall quality of the first 2, even if individual tracks have been much better than any individual track he made, or even another game has had a better soundtrack.

There's just something about them, an intangible quality that says SONIC and it was rarely in the other games. Sweet Sweet Sweet fit perfectly and I didn't find out it was a pop song until the internet.

Some of those individual tracks that have been better:

Flying Battery
Most of the music in Chaotix
Rusty Ruin (either version) or quite a lot of the Genesis Sonic 3D Blast soundtrack (even this game alone is proof that Jun Sunoue has talent)
Most of the Sonic Adventure non-vocals (see above)
Pyramid Base
Grand Metropolis
Hang Castle
Mystic Mansion
Crisis City

Open Your Heart D+ (I never liked this song or understood why some people are crazy about it)
Live and Learn A
What I'm Made Of B
Team Chaotix A- (cheesy lyrics be damned, the tune is fun and fitting and I'm biased. the 30 second preview we heard on IGN sounds a lot better than the entire song though)
Team Dark B+ (the 30 second preview we heard on IGN was great, but basically is the entire song)
Team Rose B (an AMY song that sounds decent? wow. not a shaved persian cat in the whole thing.)
Team Sonic D- (honestly, WTF? the only reason this doesn't get an F is because the music under the crappy lyrics wasn't 2 hours of cars screeching)
Silver B+ (addictive, good tune, decent lyrics but I'd still like to hear an instrumental)
His World A++++++++++ without lyrics, B+ with them

Can you tell I don't like vocals a whole lot unless they're well done? I think half or more of the songs in music in general would be better without singing. Singing is an excellent instrument when used properly, but it should by no means be a prerequisite.

Posts: 534
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Heh, Knuckles' level lyrics are kinda lame if you're not into it-
But I think the theme song to SA and SA2 are brilliant-

Once, when I was on the bus coming home from school, I was listening to "Live and Learn" on my Ipod. My friend Chance, who's into lotsa cool rock bands, asked me what I was listening to.
"A Japanese rock band" I said (Semi-joking). Chance rolled his eyes and said that I was stupid.
"Ok then, listen to it."
He liked it! W00t!
Of course, I never told him it was from Sonic the Hedgehog.
If I did, he would have suddenly decided to loathe it =P

Posts: 261
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i was thinking about making this very topic!

I used to just sit and jam to the sound test of Sonic 2 and S3&K while I drew and stuff. "Open Your Heart" grew on me after a few Perfect Chaos battles but not a damn thing since then has made me NOT want to stab pencils in my ears. Every character's theme from SA, every single song from SA2, all of Sonic Rush GAH!

it might just be time to hang it up for me...

Posts: 815
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I'd have to go back and play through the old games if I really wanted to judge the quality... I started out with "Live and Learn" and still have yet to find a better song in a Sonic game...

Zelda easily beats out Sonic though... Especially the orchestrated music... <3

Posts: 534
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Veck, Rusty Ruins! Thank you for reminding me!
That's one of the best Sonic Songs of the old-era.- even tho' it's from a hella annoying game, the song is kickass.
<downloads it>

Posts: 1758
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Yes, and the Richard Jaques version uses voice as an instrument in a very cool way.

Posts: 4336
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You could use the Sonic 3D Blast PC disc in a CD player to get Richard Jaques' twist on things.

I particularly like his take on the Final Boss of Sonic 3D Blast.

Question; what does everyone think of Sonic R's tracks?

Posts: 534
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Sonic R...heh...
I would never, EVER put it on at a party or with any other human being-
But I put one or two of them on my ipod =P

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My friends and I listen to the Sonic R songs all the time, because they're incredibly funny in a highly retarded way.

Posts: 534
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True, true, very true.
But my friends are the kinda people who would ditch me for that kinda music =P,lol.
(Potential response: Then they're not good friends then!)
(Potential answer: Thank GOD!)

But I'm the kinda guy who thinks Moby is GOD.
That's why I luv all the ol' Sonic songs.

Posts: 1396
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I love the old games music, especially 8-bit Sonic the Hedgehog and S3&k. Recent titles vary, I'm not too fond off Rouge's music, though some is decent, I love Eggman's theme from SA2, and Hideki Naganuma's work on Sonic Rush is bliss to me, but then, I also love Jet Set Radio, so I would think that. The best track from the Advance series so far is the Chaos Angel theme and its varients.

Generally though, I feel that recent Sonic titles haven't had much thought into the design of the music, it feel like they try to include many different styles without finding one that really defines the series, which games like Zelda, Mario, Metal Gear, and many others all have.

Posts: 250
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Well, I happen to enjoy Sonic R's soundtrack (when I'm not hanging around with people who matter)

I thought the music in Sonic Heroes was one of it's only redeeming features.
'What I'm Made Of' and 'This Machine' Pretty much sold the game to me.

As far as Shadow goes, I don't really remember the music from that game, I downloaded the soundtrack, but it wasn't really catchy, just forgettable riffs.
'I AM...ALL OF ME' Is okay, but nowhere near 'Live and Learn' in terms of...goodness.

Ah, who am I kidding, Sonic 3 had the Best music! The Final Boss song before Doomsday (Final Boss in Sonic 3) is still one of my Favourite pieces of Sonic music.
Anyone who hasn't listened to the Project Chaos remakes of the S3K songs should do so NOW!

Posts: 534
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relly? I din't really like S3's music...didn't feel as inspired as S1-
Then again, it's not really fair to compare any other OldGen Sonic game's music to Sonic the Hedgehog =P

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Hyphens are not periods. Just throwing that out there.

Posts: 534
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Are you serious- This is totally new news -...
So I gotta do like - this. ? -
I guess you gotta be the smartestest guy at MoFo!
- - - - -- - - - - - -- -

Posts: 363
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You could use the Sonic 3D Blast PC disc in a CD player to get Richard Jaques' twist on things.

Or pop the Saturn game disc into any CD player. I did that with both 3D Blast and Sonic R. And as far as R's soundtrack goes, I really liked it. Even if the lyrics were cheesey, the melody of them fit well. I also think "You're My Hero" was a great end credits song in 3D Blast.

Posts: 250
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Well, it was certainly better than the Megadrive version, but to me it felt kinda forced, like "CRAP, WE NEED AND ENDING SONG...WHY? BECAUSE WE DO!"
But yeah, it was pretty decent for it's time, I don't think "You're My Hero" was as great as any of the Sonic R songs though!

Posts: 534
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waaiit, I think I've heard of that song before...
Is it like-
"You are my hero-
I like you"
? Or something like that? With that annoyingly japanese girl?

Posts: 1984
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I like Rouge's genre of music becaue it reminds me vaguely of Cowboy Bebop. But I never learned the lyrics.

But Amy's theme is nothing but babbling chopped up english and nonsensical.....anything! I mean what is she talking about?!

Big's theme is the same but that song makes me want to jump up and down on my bed and be crazy happy. At least the words from that song make slliiightly more sense than Amy's.

Posts: 189
Estimable Member

I like Amy's theme. I don't know why, maybe has something to do with me being a complete psychopath.

Back to tyhe topic, I love Sonic music, I have the whole entire Sonic 1 soundtrack on my iPod.

Posts: 2417
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I grew up with a game gear in hand, not a game boy. Or even a genesis for that matter (but did get the various PC ports later and Sega Mega Collection Plus after that)

You can't help but like the game gear music. Some of the music was even ported to main console games or even reused in later game gear games. One song I would like to hear reused again would be the Sunset Park Act 3 music of Sonic Triple Trouble, which started as an unused melody from Sonic Chaos. Now wouldn't that be something, right?

Posts: 1573
Noble Member

I know exactly what you mean, GT. The Game Gear was my first console after my parents' 2600 died. The Game Gear games did have some very good music tracks.

I would squeal like a fangirl if they remixed some of the tracks from the Game Gear games. The ones that come to mind are:

Scrambled Egg Zone (Sonic 2)
Gigalopolis Zone (Sonic Chaos)
Mecha Green Hill Zone* (Sonic Chaos)
Boss Music from Sonic Chaos*
Sunset Part Pre-Boss Music* (Sonic Triple Trouble)

The ones with a star are the ones that I would really love to hear remixes of.

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Elias your number is coming

Posts: 534
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A feeble threat to a unthreatened ear =P

I haven't heard much of the GG songs, I actually didn't have the audio running whilst playing them on SA:D X.
I'm gonna check 'em out though, now.

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Maybe it's because I've never played any of the Game Gear games for more than 5 minutes before SADX came out but I find the music to be screeching and annoying due to the way Game Gear sounds were rendered.

Maybe if someone redid them with actual instruments I'd like them =(

Posts: 3468
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OCRemix and NewGrounds music and other sites are littered with old Game Gear, Genesis, and Master System games redone with real instruments and/or remixed.

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OCRemix disgusts me =(

Posts: 1573
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Have you tried EspioKAOS's site? I've heard several of his remixes and he does a pretty good job.

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Does he do them in 192kbps mp3 or higher?

Posts: 534
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You no likie OCRemix?
I personally find the peeps there FASCINATING.

I especcially like their KH remixes x3

Posts: 3468
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Any real reason why, except for the post above mine?

Posts: 261
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OCremix is great
I tend to stay far away from anything Square and/or Enix anyway so that stuff never bothers me. But to hear Contra, Castlevania, Sonic, and Street Fighter songs, in most cases, rocked out better than the official versions is a blast.

The Sonic 2 and S3&K albums being the most relevant 'round here

Posts: 1583
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Does he do them in 192kbps mp3 or higher?

No, he does midis.

Posts: 1758
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OCRemix disgusts me

Most of it is mediocre, but there are some serious gems on that site if you know how to wade through the mediocrity. Certain remixers are better than others, which helps to find those gems. DJPretzel, who started the site, tends to be the most consistently good, and Kanjika made incredible remixes in the S3&K remix project.

Posts: 3468
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Personally, I like BrainCells, SnappleMan, Sixto Sounds, Ashane. If you find any good songs, remixer-search the names in it and it usually leads you to more, and if any of those are remixed with another peson, search them too...Then again, I guess it'd be hard to do that on dialup.

Posts: 622
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If you find any good songs, remixer-search the names in it and it usually leads you to more

... or you can just click on a remixer's name to see all their songs on the site.

Posts: 378
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I like all the Songs from Shadow the Hedgehog, even the song that didn't make it in due to legal issues, "Who I Am" that people here were recently making cracks at. And I don't care if it's sorta angsty. My favorites are "All Hail Shadow" by (though not the new version) and "Almost Dead". Some other songs I like are "What I'm Made of" and "Live and Learn" by Crush 40, and "Super Sonic Racing". "Open your Heart" is okay, but "His World" gives me a headache... The only song that realy made me go, "what the heck?" is Team Sonic's Song, which I've heard too much...

"Together we can do something do something special, the secret is sharing your dreams!" O_o
