So I just watched this video after enjoying their excellent commentary on Sonic Adventure DX.
I haven't actually played Sonic '06 yet, but I do count two major flaws in their criticism:
First, the very first point, where they claim giving Elise(sp?) the blue emerald means the entire series could not have happened. HOW SO? If Silver is from the future and he brought the blue emerald into the past, then essentially there are two blue emeralds, and obviously the other blue emerald is the one Sonic has been using all those other games.
Second... So Sonic '06 is bad from the storyline standpoint...
Especially considering that this is a series where for the first twelve or so games all Robotnik ever did was try to capture the Chaos Emeralds for whatever reason, except for that one time he decided to kidnap a bunch of magic birds, or steal sonic's shoes, or build a big fortress modelled after a pinball machine, and where Tails was twice able to catch up with a high-tech battle fortress using an old-fashioned biplane.
I'm not even going to mention that we're talking about the quality of the story in a series about a blue hedgehog who fights a mad scientist, whose inventions are constantly destroyed by said hedgehog jumping into them.
Story, I think, is given more credence in today's games than it really deserves. It doesn't really help that the video game industry has a totally effed-up notion of what a "good story" is anyway, but that's a rant for another time.
...And this couldn't have gone in the other thread becaaaause? Oo;
What, just because both topics are about Sonic '06?
"Why I like McDonald's food."
"How to cook healthy, natural food."
Both topics are about food, does that mean they should be just one topic?
Well, the other topic addresses the exact same issues - you don't need to draw attention to a seperate thread for it because you simply want to.
Plus, yeah, I think it's in the rules too.
Please, Sonic 2K6's plot was the LEAST of its troubles. When I think of why it sucked, I tend to think more about the ubiquitous bottomless pits which you're ALWAYS falling into, the awful load times, the fact you had to load the entire stage just for ONE LINE OF TEXT and then load AGAIN for the mission itself, the extremely touchy controls that threw any concept of momentum right into the crapper, the haphazardly-done loop physics (and physics in general, really), the fact you can't kill an enemy by just jumping into them (you HAVE to homing attack to do any damage), the shoddy Amigo mechanic (playing as Tails is a pain - what is a real ring and what isn't? Why do you have to go into first-person to aim? Why doesn't it remember the angle you had for ease of aiming again?), the horrid mach speed segments where hitting any wall loses you all your rings and where it often decides to show what's BEHIND you instead of what you're running toward and potentially about to hit, et cetera et cetera. Sonic and Elise getting intimate was just stale icing on an already mouldy cake.
The plot, in my most humble opinion, was not the problem. In fact, the story was perhaps one of the most well written examples for a Sonic game (provided we can forget certain parts of the story **coughElisekissingadeadSoniccough** ). As Shadow Hog said, the problems in Sonic 2K6 is pretty much everything else in Sonic's parts and the driving parts in Shadow's chapters (this game should have been named Silver the Hedgehog instead).
I hear Silver in the development stages wasn't going to be a hedgehog and his name was going to be Venice
Aye, Venice the Mink.
That might have been cool. I wonder what a Mink looks like sonic style.....I bet he'd look just like Mina the MONGOOSE Or Nack the Weasel. Mink Mongoose Weasel
Blah! I can barely tell one from the other!
Oh yeah. during the last CGI cutscene of 06 Elise does not have the blue emerald. So when she blew out Solaris Silver never gave her the blue emerald in the past. So the games in the past were not messed up. What I don't get. Is that Elise basically killed their god. Why are they still celebrating Solaris at the end of the game?
Either they are celebrating a different holiday or the princess does not know that she killed their god. My bet is on the former.
Her memory of everything that happened was wiped when she blew out the Solaris flame, so there's no way she could know what happened.
<strong class="quote-title"
B Vulpix wrote:
That might have been cool. I wonder what a Mink looks like sonic style.....I bet he'd look just like Mina the MONGOOSE Or Nack the Weasel.
From the sketch I remember, he basically looked something along the lines of a Sega hedgehog with slightly different ears and a longer tail.
I think that the second, third, and fourth images are what Venice the Mink might have looked like.
Well, the other topic addresses the exact same issues - you don't need to draw attention to a seperate thread for it because you simply want to.
Plus, yeah, I think it's in the rules too.
Granted I think the question has already been answered by the sheer fact that this topic has been online for a day and a half and the mods haven't done anything to it, but I'll explain the difference anyway:
The other topic is a guy explaining why HE likes 2006.
This topic is my response to one particular Youtube video.
Apples and Oranges.
I think that the second, third, and fourth images are what Venice the Mink might have looked like.
Meh. None of those look like anything BUT hedgehogs. Its like they weren't even trying to make a convencing Sonic-style Mink. They knew he was going to be a hedgehog in the end.
Sonic 06 deserved alot of the criticism it got - the gameplay wasn't finished, the story left something to be desired (Sonic nearly caught up with Mario on # of times saving the princess), but something it was criticized for that I felt it should not have been was the so-called "beastiality" between Sonic & Elise in the story. Since Sonic is sentient, he is not a beast - despite his design being based on an animal. And to condemn inter-species relations in Sonic means to condemn Shrek (ogre-human [sort of], frog-human), Star Trek (lots of human-alien examples), Beauty & the Beast (another sort of, but she didn't know that), Roger Rabbit (rabbit-human), Lord of the Rings (elf-human) and other popular and accepted stories. However complaining that the relationship wasn't how Sonic's character would act, or it doesn't fit his character, is a different thing entirely (although, short of running away he did seem to treat it like he treats Amy with a little more empathy - letting her know he was there for the short term and would be gone when the danger ended).
Kiiiiind of. But Beauty and the Beast and Shrek/ Fiona ...well Beast and Fiona basically became the proper species required for the relationship to not feel icky. The same for the princess and the frog. Although declairation of love could happen between two different species one of them had to change to meet the status quo before the relation could delve any deeper. Meaning of course, intercourse and all that. Roger and Jessica Rabbit are played totally for laughs so it doesn't matter that ones a human and the other is a rabbit. Besides they are both duly labled "toons" so basically they are the same "species" anyway.
And startrek's human/alien relationships or human/elf relationships of LotR. Well the aliens and the elves are by far much more human-like than animal in any fashion.
* Warning, this post is a joke.
Plus, with those things they're the same size. It's just creepy to think of a 5'6" woman going with a 3'6" hedgehog. Midgets have to breed with their own kind, dangit.
I am surprised that Shrek was brought up in a discussion on inter-species relationships without mentioning Donkey and Dragon.
^ And they had kids that weren't identical to either parent! I want a dronkey.
As far as Elise and Sonic are concerned, well we really have no idea what kind of fetishes either of them has.
Well....ok Donkey and Dragon. But STILL Donkeies and Dragons are usually labeled under "beast/animal/not a human being" Its the whole human thing that is the monkey wrench in the gears of human/hedgehog love.
Donkies and Dragons are animals. In that respect its not really rule breaking as much as it is just....strange.
OMG go back to Sonic 06 XD! This thread is full of beastialty win, and that =/= WIN!
There ARE two blue emeralds.
One's like, cyan or something, though. Didn't S'06 call it the Sky Emerald or something?
How 'bout Pearlescent?
Now that I think about it, the whole Time Travel thing probably explains why there were six Chaos Emeralds in Sonic 1 and then seven in Sonic 2.
I don't think Sonic Team was thinking ahead that far. Why would they explain why there are 6 emeralds in Sonic 1, 15 years later? That's giving them too much credit for which was most likely a hole in the story.
Who said they were thinking ahead? Retroactive explanations are fair game.
Does that also explain why there appear to have been 8 in (I think) Sonic 3D Blast?
You mean Sonic the Fighters..
Also, The events of Sonic 2K6 were wiped from existence so they wouldn't effect previous and subsequent game's stories.
How about we just say "Its magic" and let that explain everything.
"Chaos energy" surely?
Now you mention it, John, I'd forgotten Sonic the Fighters had 8. I still have this vague recollection that Sonic 3D did as well, but it has been an extremely long time since I played it on any format.
Nah, Sonic 3D Blast only has seven emeralds. Fighters and Spinball are the odd men out. Fighters has eight, and Spinball has 16, I think? All blue too. COINCIDENSE!?
The easiest way to explain Fighters is that the orange one was a fake. Which one did Nack/Fang have before the tournament?
As for Spinball, I think we can all agree that it fits more in the SatAM(With no canonical Chaos Emeralds) or Archie(with a virtually endless number of Chaos Emeralds) universes.
The emeralds in Fighters matched the characters that held them.
Red = Knuckles
Pink = Amy Rose
Yellow = Bark
Maroon? = Espio
Orange = Tails
Purple = Fang
Green = Bean
Blue = Sonic
Now that I think about it, the whole Time Travel thing probably explains why there were six Chaos Emeralds in Sonic 1 and then seven in Sonic 2.
I thought the real explanation is the following:
1. The emeralds in Sonic 1 are just for completeness junkies. 2. The emeralds in Sonic 2 are necessary for the real good ending in addition of Super Sonic.
Okay, so the team behind Fighters completely screwed up with the Chaos Emeralds?
Pretty much, yes.
Recently I've been watching HellfireComms' playthru/commentary of Sonic '06, and I must say now that... it does not look at all like an appealing game. And unlike them I HATED Sonic Adventure DX. I might just end up being one of those guys who only likes the 2D Sonics.
Nevertheless I propose more explanations for points raised in the playthru:
How can you keep a ten-year-old girl from crying?
First, keep her chronically dehydrated. This is only temporary, as she'll soon be moving in with these people called "Fremen" for about five years.
She's not really invisible--the Badniks are just ignoring her and hoping she'll go away.
She reads IGN.
Sometimes Knuckles gets mad, and... he hits things...
In Soleanna, having a demon in you makes you not-human, so anything goes.
Got any others?
Chalk up another one for you, but how did Blaze know what the Chaos emeralds were but not Silver?
And let's not forget the odd screw up of how Blaze was also from another dimension as well as from the future.
1. Blaze aced the Important Backstory quiz in high school. Silver slept through that class.
2. Blaze was drunk when she wrote her resume, put down two different origin stories, and Sega wasn't sure which one to go with. Both origins are false as Blaze is obviously from New Jersey.
XD @ the two different origins story idea
Uh...there are two different blazes and one of them is apparently dead now.
You know Sonic2006 makes alot more sense... well maybe a tad more sense, when you realize that the characters in it, are not our characters.
The Sonic we played as in 1991 was a hog who lived in a universe where Solaris never existed.
We only see that Sonic, our Sonic, in 'Sonic2006' for the very last scene in in the last story, after the timeline reset.
I mean 'our Sonic' went to the Little Planet, and picked up 6 time stones, and fixed time by dicking around with it. Would that really go down the same way weather the God of time was around or not? Hell for all we know, the (In a remarkable display of fanwanking) Time stones and even little planet are only a result of Solaris not being around any more. Who knows at the very least that would effect Sonic meeting Amy and Metal Sonic.
Every character that we play and interact with during 'Sonic2006', (with the possible exception of Blaze.) are not our lovable rodents. There some guys from an alternate timeline. The timeline change does happen from the start of the game. We blew up the god of time. Time did not start in 2006. Who knows what a lack of a giant plot filling bird of time would have on the Sonic universe. I personally believe that it would cause a red Echidna to be protecting his Master Emerald and Island instead of dicking around in the warehouse district. It would cause Eggman to be Eggman rather than, someone who actually looks like he is threading for once (and note, only once.). Also it would cause a genocidal robot remain sounding that way, rather than a generic talking household appliance.
I imagine that all the characters personalities in 'Sonic2006' are the same as our 'heroes', because you know its... just a game. And 'developments' due to this fact, are still relevant. Omega was still designed to kill Shadow if he got out of hand, Shadow still got over the whole '50 years ago' and joined GUN, and /shudder, Sonic and Elise would still be perfectly willing to create...
offspring ever if they ever spent time together.
What I believe is that the only events that are canon from '06 are a Hog called Silver will exist in the future, and Blazes backstory (Which was fudged IMO. It be neat if Blaze could only use fire attacks in Rush thanks to Iblis being sealed with in her, rather than her being able to use fire from birth as shown in '06.)
Blaze was transported to an alternate dimension by Silver at the end of her story, the one we see in Rush, and was brought to Sonics time and lost her memories as a result of Solaris and thus her timeline being caused to cease to exist.
So the Emerald problem, if there is one, is irrelevant, as we have no idea how the previous games stories played out in the alternate timeline that was presented in 2006.
As for discussions about Sonic the Fighters...
Riders suggests tahtb Fighters has been retconned to no longer exist, thanks to te fact that at the end of the Bableon story, everyone is shocked that Magic Carpets exist, though this would not be the case if fighters had happened due to the fact Amy's home stage was on a Magic carpet....
...I need to pay more attention to my girlfriend/social life/job, than this stuff.
Oh that said, still no idea how the Eggman Nega of Rush/Rivals work together.
Oh, ninja edit;
Now that I think about it, the whole Time Travel thing probably explains why there were six Chaos Emeralds in Sonic 1 and then seven in Sonic 2.
I think Emerl/Gizoid of Battle/Advance3 has the 7th as Gerald found and gave him one. They were all reunited after the 'chaos control' that happens in the ending of Sonic 1. Why? Erm... Quantum. Or magnets. yeah, quantum magnets.
She reads IGN.
from Elise's Wiki page: "Possibly as a side effect of the ritual that was used to seal Iblis within her body, Elise, at times, seems to possess a small degree of mental instability, as shown when she hallucinates Soleanna in flames during the Festival of the Sun and sees a vision of Silver surrounded by flames upon meeting Sonic for the first time."
This is a fairly viable explanation for that scene. She was unconscious during the event 10 years ago, she couldn't have met Silver then. Nor would she know her fair city would be engulfed by the Flames of Disaster. What she saw during the Festival and subsequent attack wasn't something out of her memory, but something akin to a precognitive vision... one induced, possibly, by the sealed Iblis within her body and again triggered by the arrival of Sonic.
When it comes to Sonic continuity, I like to think about it this way, regardless of any official statements:
Only the main Genesis trilogy (1, 2, 3&K) is "true." The rest are embellishments, legends, outright lies, or alternate interpretations.
EDIT: Speaking of "Alternate Interpretations" ever since my theories on last page I've been in love with the idea of Blaze being an alcoholic. Someone needs to write a fanfic using that.
I don't know. I still think Sonic2k6 renders itself out of existence as we know it thanks to Elise pushing the reset button, and that was the game's only saving grace.
Except, it doesn't render itself out of existence.
If Sonic 2006 never happened, Iblis would still be trapped in Elise's heart, Mephiles will still exist, and Elise will still bottle up her emotions
Don't take it literally. You get what I MEEN.