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The Unorthodox Cheat Code

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Hey Everbody! Anybody miss me? Anyway, to the point: Last night I was skimming the Forum, particularly the new "Best Sonic BGM?" topic here at South Island. Wraith the Echidna brought up the absolute beauty and complexity of the Diamond Dust Zone (S3D). So, I went to my room, grabbed my copy of S3D, and plugged it into my Genny, prepared to enter the BARACUDA code to get the level select. I flipped on my Genny and watched my screen. It didn't work. I used the 7 magic words to get game cartridges to work :read (Take It Out, Put It Back In.) :read , and it STILL didn't work. So I took it out, blew on it, carefully shoved it back in, and I rocked it back and forth. I flipped on the Genny and was introduced to the most peculiar screen.

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !

:? Now I had encountered this Screen before, I just had no clue how I had. When you enter the BARACUDA code at the title screen, and you start the game, you go straight to the Level Select screen and this (up) never shows up. This Is a very strange code, and is much faster than the BARACUDA code. Apparently, if you touch/abuse your cartridge, which normally freezes up your game, you sometimes gain axcess to The "CONGRATS" screen. Not always tho. Just sometimes. Not always. Thoughts?

Posts: 622
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You have a genesis, do you? I didn't think they were around anymore...
but yeah- that IS rather peculiar.

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I sure do. I also have a Dreamcast.

Posts: 1567
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Maybe you were just playing with the controller and accidently input a code in...I've seen that happen before and I was like, "What the?"

Well I dunno how you did it, maybe your Gensis is possessed...

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No this happened as soon as the Genesis came on, and, as I said, If you imput the code, you do not get the "CONGRATS" screen.

Posts: 44
Eminent Member

Hey! Finally! Now I know I'm not the only one who got this. I got that weird screen too, the same way as well! Almost...

The only difference is, I did not input the code! It just went straight there... but hey, who was I to complaint?

Posts: 1631
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Hey Turtle, glad I inspired you ">

And yeah, I haven't seen this screen you talk about, but I've heard roumurs about it. I could never get it to work and have since sold my Megadrive(Genisis) to my brother, but I read something about it somewhere a while ago...can't remember where, and was like: "Wha???"

Goodness knows what it's about or why it's there!


Posts: 512
Honorable Member

Yeah, this does happen to me, but not often. Normally you can get to this menu using a secret code, but by 'jiggling' the cartridge around, on both my Nomad and Mega Drive system, this secret menu can present itself.

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The only difference is, I did not input the code! It just went straight there...

I didn't imput any code. It just appeared.

Posts: 209
Estimable Member

That has never happened to me but this is something I should check out later on tonight.

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

Haven't ever encountered the screen before myself, but I do have my Genises and Genises 3 still - both in mint condition, too. ^_^

*shot before goes off topic*

Posts: 286
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Never heard that before. News to me.

Posts: 731
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Actually that has happened to me before. In fact, a few years back the "secret level select menu" appeared and it kept returning to that screen. It would repeat it every 45 seconds or so (I'm not lying).

Posts: 261
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I was playing one time and it just appeared. I wasn't anywhere near the system either. Just POOF! CONGRATS!

So until I heard about the baracuda code I would always try to run into the same spot on the map from the same angle...but it never would happen again.

Posts: 1446
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That's happened to me, too. Everytime I've entered the BARACUDA code I've gotten the zone select screen, but once I accidentally bumped my Mega Drive with my foot and the screen came up. It's very odd.

Posts: 81
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Maybe it was a screen that was supposed to appear after entering the code, but was taken out. The screen was still lurking around in the unused memory, however, and if the cartridge was to be fiddled with (jiggling, say, or if it was accidentally bumped), the screen may accidentally appear. It happens.

Also, was 'congratulations' REALLy spelt 'congadulations'?

Posts: 3
New Member

I remember doing this on purpose many, many times. If you knocked the back of the cartridge just right, you get this screen. I couldn't beat the lava zone's boss, so the only way for me to get past it was to do this. Seriously, I discovered this all the way back in 1997, shortly after I got the game. I thought it was more of a well known trick. Guess I was wrong. I didn't hear about the baracuda trick until much later, but, on the genesis version of the game anyway, it did me no good. Plus I got a nice congratulations screen when I did it this way. Yay for helpful glitches!

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Also, was 'congratulations' REALLy spelt 'congadulations'?

I think so. That may have just been me misspelling it. I'd have to pull up that screen, and I'm too lazy, so, there you go.

Posts: 3
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Believe me, I've seen it enough times to know that it was spelled correctly. If it wasn't, it would have bothered me to no end.

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Oh crap, sorry. The lack of R is my fault. What I meant is that I don't know if the T/D is messed up, but, it probably wasn't.

Posts: 3
New Member

Don't be sorry. It was probably a direct result of tiredness or bad memory. Happens to me all the time. Anyway, I'd pull up the screen myself to give an absolute confirmation of the spelling, but after getting Sonic Mega Collection, I seem to have misplaced my Genesis. (Meaning I haven't seen it in over two years due to the fact that I haven't needed to use it to enjoy Sonic-y goodness. Plus, I can't be bothered to dig around the shed behind my house to look for it.)

Posts: 25
Eminent Member

i also encountred that screen as well by accidently tripping over one of the megadrive wires which jerked the console and that had come up
