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The voice debate to end all voice debates?

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Posts: 1984
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At least in this guy's opinion for Sonic and Cream. He has rants--er- comparisons of Charmy and Vector if anybody wants to see them. I find his obsession to prove that 4kids is spawn of satan a little creepy and a waste of time (but everyone has their own opinion). And while I'll agree that Cream's 4kid's actor makes Cream sound so high pitched its hard to understand what she's saying, I'm standing on my opinion that while the 4kids Voice Actors are far from from the best, the Original cast chosen weren't all that great either. We just had them for so long that we got used to how they sounded. If given more time I am confident that the 4kids cast could improve. (Griffith did for Secret Rings. I like Griffith's version of Sonic. Yes. I said it, go ahead and rip me to shreds you newbies!)

Even when Sega drops 4kids to find a new group to cast Sonic and Co. People like this guy will continue to whine like cats in heat and will NEVER be satisfied. EVER.

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Can't we accept that he's just a sad nerd?

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I suppose he is. My question is why is it that the japanese cast has remained constant all this time while the english cast is constantly under fire from American fans and fans from other english speaking countries? They want the voices to live up to the japanese voices but I bet a large number of them don't understand a lick of japanese unless it is sub-titled.

Are there any genuine japanese people on this forum who can speak japanese fluently? Its always geeky, pimple faced, A-kon trolling American kids who act like they know it all about how a voice should sound compared to the original japanese but I have never heard a real japanese person's opinion about this.

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I bet Japanese people don't care since they're too busy dedicating their lives to work and honor or whatever they do when they're not flying giant robots around or shooting blood out of their faces when they spot a pretty girl or buying used panties and so forth.

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I'm actually impressed though that this guy went through the trouble of gathering voice clips and comparing them. Thats a lot more then what most other people do who complain. I can't deny he went through great lenghths to prove his point.

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I never really cared for the voice acting, so I never noticed the difference, but I think he did a good job showing them off.

I didn't know 4Kids had it THAT bad. Wow.

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I found his own voice more annoying than all of the clips. :/

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I was thinking the same thing, Robobotnik!

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I didn't click on the link, but I'm guessing the person who put this together wouldn't happen to be that spaction3 nutter, is it?

Posts: 1984
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*Gasp* You're right. How did you know? O.o

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Though he has a point, it scares me that he would go to this much trouble to prove a point that most fans would agree with. Who really does take a bunch of voice clips of ADD hedgehog, compares them, and his little commentary and expect to take him seriously. Yeah, Jason Griffth sucks, we've known that for 2 freakin years now.

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He's still better than Drummond.

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hah. I was certain I was the only person in the world who likes Griffith.

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I do prefer Drummond over Griffith (not by much), but I think part of the reason that people were up in arms about the replacement of Griffith over Drummond was because Sega didn't even tell Drummond that he wasn't the voice of Sonic any more until he asked them.

And Drummond is a nice man who occasionally talked to fans. So everyone was like SCRU SEGA MANG WE WON'T BUY UR GAEMS! They did of course, but the message was sent loud and clear.

They couldn't give a crap about the rest of them. Poor Vector. Not Mr Sonic HQ Man but the other one.

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yeah i don't think most people care about the other characters. Just Shadow and Sonic.

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What about Jaleel White? IMO I think his is the best Sonic voice, ever! :D

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I loved Jaleel White back in the era when his voice was the only voice Sonic had. But thats passed now. I can only picture his voice for the DiC cartoons, Sonic Underground and the very early Archie Comics. His voice matches sonic back when he was short and stumpy. Not now when Sonic is lean and tall.

Posts: 189
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Yeah, Jaleel's voice wouldn't work now. Plus, his voice wouldn't work with the friendlier, energetic Sonic now. I wish we had voice that actually sounded like teenager. Drummond did okay, but his voice makes Sonic sound 10 years older. The only one who sounds like 15 is Junichi Kanemaru, and he's only the japanese voice.

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*Gasp* You're right. How did you know? O.o

Because he has his own article on ED and I've seen a video of his that was the review the Sonic 2K6 over 6 months where in both, he complains about the same dang thing.

Gamer X


I wish we had voice that actually sounded like teenager. Drummond did okay, but his voice makes Sonic sound 10 years older. The only one who sounds like 15 is Junichi Kanemaru, and he's only the japanese voice.

Johnny Young Bosch for English Sonic!

Yeah,'s a case of typecasting but, it's not like the franchise is new to typecasted VAs *coughlisaortiz*cough*

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Bosch as Sonic? I'd kinda like to see that, actually. And I'm sure the irony of a former Power Ranger voicing Sonic the Hedgehog won't be lost on SatAM fans.

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The day I read his post about not being Sonic anymore, is the day I lost any respect I had towards him, and decided that Ryan Drummond really needed to get himself some professionalism.

I have friends who do acting and voice acting is an aspect of drama, and like all kinds of drama no company will have a loyal tie to you. Just because you get cast as something does'nt guarantee you a cast slot in the next show (or in this case, game). You're going to get turned down for work like EVERY other actor out there, and like most of them, they do what every single other actor does... they move onto another project... If he really was an actor he would have gotten over it, but the way that email spoke it sounded very unprofessional and more like a rally for sonic fans to re instate him (at least in a poor attempt to).

Sure, he was angry and upset. Who wouldnt be, he does'nt hold a pretty cool role anymore, but they have right like every other casting agency not to tell you why they dont want you for another job with them. Thats acting for you, its a cruel buisness (its the only industry that you can advertise for "A white male aged 16-25") but you've gotta be professional and at that time, Ryan was being very amateur, and I hold no sympathy for him.

Posts: 1984
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True. I don't know if maybe Drummond got attatched to the part. But I don't think he's entitled to the voice of Sonic as if it was supposed to be his forever.

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There was one similar to this on Youtube, but I can't find it anymore. =(

Posts: 189
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I think what it made Drummond angrier was that he wanted to be Sonic in Sonic X, but 4kids turned him down for their "wonderful" in-house actors. He was actually willing to relocate to NY for Sonic X just to do the part. I think he really enjoyed doing the voice and was commited to it. As for Griffth, He has his good days and bad days for me. In Sonic Rush he's decent, in Sonic Riders, he's so monotone and lazy with his lines, it's hilarious.

Posts: 1127
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Like I just said, he needs to mature a little and realize that it was'nt a role created specifically for him.
He's probobly better off using those years at mime school anyway. Less talking on his part. :crazy

Posts: 189
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He went mime school? Or were you being sarcastic? I can't tell.

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The :crazy should be an indication that he was being sarcastic.

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Thanks! *gives Full Metal Rayzor cookie*

Posts: 1127
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Actually, Drummond did indeed go to mime school. The fact that a mime does such horrible voice acting is highly ironic.

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Wait, does that mean you were being sincere and sarcastic all in one sentence or that you were being completely sincere?

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a mime being a terrible voice actor isnt ironic.

Posts: 189
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That would be something you would expect because mimes act out without their voices and you wouldn't expect them to be excellent voice actors. Since irony is generally saying something or something happening the opposite of what you expect (i.e. Firetruck on fire, accountant bad at math, ST making a good game), so it's not irony.

Yes. I know all this and still got a low B in English.

Posts: 1127
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Gimme a break, I'm running on three hours of sleep and mountain due, a bad word choice on my part.

Still does'nt change the fact that Drummond's a lousy voice actor.

Posts: 2809
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Yes. I know all this and still got a low B in English.

Yeah, so, a low B is still good, dude; do you know how many people would kill for grades like that; be proud of yourself especially if that's the best you can do. ;)

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Still does'nt change the fact that Drummond's a lousy voice actor.

So are you saying that Griffith is better? Or do you refuse to prefer one over the other? Half of me was thinking that all of you were going to jump me when I made this topic. Either out of annoyance or out of pure insane loyalty to the original Sonic cast.

Because every Sonic fan I know always tells me that the 4kids' cast needs to take a flying leap at the moon.

Posts: 1127
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I prefer the 4Kids cast.

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Well now that Sonic X is teh ovah. Its only a matter of time (or maybe its already begun)Sega/Sonic Team will start handpicking another "awsomely talented" array of people to voice in their next major sonic project. Too bad though. I JUST WANT CONSISTANCY *cries*

Posts: 1127
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Where's your proof that they'll be replacing them?

Posts: 189
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I think they should of kept Drummond, Shadow's voice, Knuckles's voice, Vectors's, and replace everyone else. Most of the characters that have annoying voices are annoying in the first place. *cough* Cream and Charmy* *cough*

Or they could just not have Sonic speak. With ST's "fantastic" line writing, this is probably the best way to go. Sonic was the dude with 'tude with everyone... until he opened his mouth.

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What ties does Sonic Team have with 4kids now that Sonic X is done?


Well maybe I can guess an answer to my own question. The dubbing for Sonic X may have been done long in advance and all at once. Which explains why it didn't go on hiatus or anything like that. The series just went straight through non stop on the 4kids network. So maybe this is why the 4kids cast still had time to voice for Sonic06 and Secret Rings. Just a guess. And yes, there isn't any real bonified proof that Sonic Team has dropped the 4kids cast.Those are just rumors.

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well you're right, Toby. I have no bonified proof. My only idea was that after Sonic X, Sonic Team would have no ties with 4kids. But you could counter that by asking why they kept the voice actors all the way into Secret Rings and Rivals? So yeeaaaah. Forget what I said earlier. I just hear rumors.

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The 4Kids VA's aren't exactly tied 100% to the 4Kids company anyway. They are employed in a independent VA agency called Taj Productions. 4Kids, Central Park Media, and now Sega seems to hire them.

Posts: 273
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I know Drummond's acting left much to be desired, but I liked him, if only because he was a guy who seemed genuinely interested in his role, and was willing to work to get better at it. Griffith, on the other hand, only seems to do it because he's payed to. He's a general jack-of-all trades.

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I know Drummond's acting left much to be desired, but I liked him, if only because he was a guy who seemed genuinely interested in his role, and was willing to work to get better at it. Griffith, on the other hand, only seems to do it because he's payed to. He's a general jack-of-all trades.

How can you make this assumption that Griffith doesn't enjoy it? Just bcause he was hired? Pfft. So what? Drummond was hired too. And Griffth has gotten better. Getting hired and laid off is part of their profession. They both have to deal with it at times I'm sure. And how is Griffith a jack-of-all-trades if his main profession is Voice acting? That cliche means a person is good at many things, right?

Posts: 189
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I think he means he feels that Griffth sees Sonic as just another voice to do. As opposed to Drummond, who seemed very devoted to the role. I can sort of agree, Drummond tried to stay close to fans as Sonic's voice, Griffth just does the voice, record his lines, and splits till next game.

Posts: 1127
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That's probobly because, unlike Drummond, Griffith actually has other voice acting jobs to do. =p

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And yet, despite all the acting jobs he's had, he still has that monotonic voice. 😛

Posts: 1127
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And Drummond did'nt? :crazy

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Compared to Griffith's, Drummond was King of Voice Acting.

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Drummond at least showed emotion in SA2 and Heroes. Griffth just reads the line. If you don't believe me, listen to any Sonic's line in Sonic Riders. They're so robotic it's FLAT OUT FUNNY.

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