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The voice debate to end all voice debates?

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Posts: 273
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That cliche means a person is good at many things, right?

In my dictionary, that cliche means that a person is servicable at what he or she does, not necessarily real good at it. And that's how I see Griffith, as servicable. He gets the job done. That's all.

I think he means he feels that Griffth sees Sonic as just another voice to do. As opposed to Drummond, who seemed very devoted to the role. I can sort of agree, Drummond tried to stay close to fans as Sonic's voice, Griffth just does the voice, record his lines, and splits till next game.

Yep. That's the gist of what I meant.

Posts: 1789
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Drummond at least showed emotion in SA2 and Heroes. Griffth just reads the line. If you don't believe me, listen to any Sonic's line in Sonic Riders. They're so robotic it's FLAT OUT FUNNY.

It could be argued that it is the voice director's or even Sega's fault. The reason I mentioned the later is that there have been reports in the past of Sega not giving any of the voice actors/director any time to pratice and master their lines. The could be the reason why all of their games have terrible English voice acting. I have yet to hear a Sega game with decent English dubbing and the little exclaimtions from Skies of Arcadia don't count. :lol

Even Yakuza who has stars like Mark Hamill for god's sake, contains bad voice acting.

Posts: 189
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Geez, if they're not going let them practice, why even bother? I rather read texts or hear Japanese voices then hear Vector again. Bad dubbing can make a game from bad to worse.

Posts: 1984
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We'd have to talk to a real Sonic the hedgehog dub VA to get the facts. And even if we could snag one I bet they aren't allowed to talk much about it. On a forum called NarutoFan a good chunk of the Naruto dub cast post there from time to time. But there are some things they aren't allowed to talk about.

But since Sega loves to crank out their Sonic games so fast I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't let the VA's practice. Anything with good acting needs practice. Even commercial voice overs.

Posts: 189
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Maybe Drummond could shed some light about it. If this practice has been as long as Sega has had dubbed games, he could of been subject about this. However, since he was fired, he's hasn't said anything to the fanbase.

Posts: 1984
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Why do a lot of VA's work under alias? In Secret Rings Griffith is credited under "Adam Caroleson". This suprisingly, actually tricked people, making them think Sega had replaced Griffith. Griffith also credits himself under this Alias in another 4Kids show he voices in called Chaotic.

Posts: 189
Estimable Member

I think it has spmething to do with voice actor unions or something.

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