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Today i finally beat sonic 2

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yup i finally did; after all these years of trying i finally beat it
I got all 7 emeralds and everything
but i kind of feal guilty, because i beat it on the sega genesis collection where you can save it any time you want to. do you know how many times i loaded on the final boss; well it was a lot, at least 20 times. but hey i finally did it, now to tackle the 1st one(i actually beat the 3rd my self).
I still feel guilty on the 3rd because i have a controller where you can put slo mo on and i got all 7 emeralds like that.

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Um... good for you?

Not sure of how much this deserves its own topic, though.

Posts: 261
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I really don't want to sound mean but geeeeez. The game isn't that hard! Do you, like, not have thumbs? Cuz then that would make sense.

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i'm awesome at the game until i get to the sky chase zone; I always choke, i'm thinking wow i'm almost there and i slip and fall then i start going really fast then fall then that keeps repeating untill i'm so fed up i just turn of it off, in anger. and yes i have thumbs

Posts: 4607
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Truth be told, Sky Chase isn't that hard. Wing Fortress slips me up, but I'm not that bad at that, either. Death Egg Zone, though, is really damned hard. Doable, don't get me wrong, but one wrong move and you have to start it all over again... it's a pain.

Posts: 534
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Heh, I was playing Sonic 2 last night. My lil cousin has it, and since I'm the "Veteran Sonic Fan", he kinda expected me to be excellent, you know? But for 4 consecutive tries...I couldn't get that @#%$ 5th Emerald >_<.

So good job! Congrats on a succesful wi.

Posts: 4885
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I have a theory that the older a person gets, the less they rock at videogames.

I beat Sonic 2 on Christmas day. I remember, my dad was annoyed that he was all "MUST FIND GAME!" and spent 40 on it and everything and I win in a day.

Fair play, I went through it a berjillion times and it earned it's keep, but the point is, it was EASY to lil' pre-pubescent Kitty.

Now I'm a 22 year old jaded hack, my reaction times and memory must suck, because you can hear how much I fail in the audio commentary of Sonic 2. It took me an hour to do what should be half an hour's work.

Give me back the ability to play 16 bit games and I'll trade all the complex button configurations for every game I've learned since the PS1.

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It probably didn't help Craig that you didn't get Super Sonic. o.o

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I was going for speed, not awesome. Any good S2 player can get him by Chem Plant Act 1.

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It took me over 8 years to beat Sonic Spinball, so I feel ya buddy.

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I've never actually completed Sonic 2 in one sitting, I've gotten up to Death Egg numerous times, but always fail. But when I useed the level select just to skip straight to Death Egg, I eventually won.

However, I cannot do the special stages for the life of me. I'll be extremely lucky to get even 3 emeralds through the entire playthrough.

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i still havent beaten spinball yet but i got the last emerald on the last level when i was 5; my proudest moment ever in gaming. sadly my game doesn't work any more i don't know what happened it just wont work

Posts: 33
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Congrats, Abac Child. I still remember how I felt 12 years ago when I finally beat the Eggsterminator...

Of course, the funny thing is is that boss seems impossible to beat at first, but once you find his weak spot it's easy. Unless you're playing as Knuckles...curse that echidna's crummy jumping range :grr

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Any good S2 player can get him by the end of Em Hill Act 1.

Of course, you'd have to be fortunate enough to own a version of the game that didn't have a particularly lucrative bug fixed.

Posts: 4885
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Tell me of this holy version of Sonic 2, Psx? I've never heard of such a glitch.

Posts: 534
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I think Craig meant "Chemical Plant" and not Em. Hill.

I do not believe there are 7 Signposts in the very first act o_O
Let alone ...50x7...350 rings...

Posts: 4885
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Psx likes to correct quotes *laughs* he's referring to some kind of glitch I've never heard of before, thusly I want to know this, so my power over Sonic 2 will grow like one of Rita's moon monsters.

Posts: 1241
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I'm sure Psx meant the version where you DON'T lose rings after entering a Special Stage.

But now that you know, I have to kill you.

Posts: 3756
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Sounds like Knux in Sonic 2. o.o There was version where that happened without Knux?

Posts: 55
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THIS GAME IS NOT HARD LOL the only hard things are
1Doing the Special stages with Tails (he screws up all the time + you need more rings which is unfair)
2 Final boss as Knuckles it is horrible and extremely easy to die but i have done it on mega collection +

Posts: 4885
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Some people have difficulty, getting past the final level was hard enough for Sega to update it with rings for Sonic Jam, so you cannot really criticize anyone for it.

Posts: 679
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I take it we're not talking about the cheat where you keep hitting reset on the MegaDrive, then start the game with all the emeralds you had before you hit reset?

That little trick enabled me to get all the emeralds for the first time, on the morning before my second year Spanish exam at uni :D


Posts: 4885
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Oooo! You're right!

YES! I remember that. *Laughs* With all of the Saturn, Playstation and Gamecube re-releases I had forgotten all about that!

Thanks for the refresher! :D

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Going miiiiiles back to Craig's first post, it seems to be the opposite for me, on the losing skill as you get older account - I used to be poor at games, and I seem to be getting better as I go along.

As for Sonic 2, the game itself is reasonably easy, although I'll admit I've never beaten it with all emeralds before - mainly because I've never tried. I'm not entirely sure why any more, but I'm sure I remember that after the special stage it eats all your rings (I'm probably wrong), and that sorta put me off. I should give it a go some time.

Posts: 33
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The other problem is that unlike the other games, you only have to single-tap to become Super, unlike in the others where you have to double-tap. I like to be able to control it.

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that was a problam for me especially in sky chase act 2 were you have to make some really acurate jumps and as super sonic its a lot harder to guide sonic to a specific small platform

Posts: 4885
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There's only one Sky Chase act...o.o

and getting to be Super Sonic in it is hard, though not impossible, but when you do turn Super, it's common sense to stand still and not do anything at all.

Posts: 534
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^Aww, but that's no fun!

I've never gone sup3r in Sky Chase - but wouldn't it be HELLA fun? I've never been able to defeat all the badniks in it, it's like you gotta choose which targets ya gotta go after.
Hmm...I should grab my ol' "Sonic Mega Collection" and give it a shot.

Posts: 1446
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It's fun, but Super can move to fast for the plane to keep up, so you can quite often go careening off the side. And don't even think about spin dashing.

Posts: 534
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Ooh, good point. I had thought that Tails will ALWAYS be there to catch you, like it was a programmed fact.

I guess you can't always trust the lil guy =P.

Posts: 4885
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Pressing up and down as Super (or regular Sonic) is more effective than running about, anyway...

Posts: 534
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There's effectiveness and then fun ^_^
Not to saying jumping up and down isn't one enthralling ride, of course.

Posts: 3756
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Whaaaa? Playing with Tails makes you collect extra rings? WTD ALL HE DOES IS LOSE RINGS ANYWAY


There's only one Sky Chase act...o.o

You probably have figured this out, but just incase, he's most likely refering to Wing Fortress.

Posts: 2809
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But there's only one Wing Fortress act as well.

Posts: 1127
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He was probobly reffering Wing Fortress as Sky Chase act 2.

Posts: 2809
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Ah, I see.

Posts: 534
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I luv Wing Fortress. Except for the parts where you have to make that hella big jump and hope to GOD that you don't fall x_X

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yeah i meant wing fortress, I always get the zones messed up especially during the end of this one

Posts: 33
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Ah, Wing Fortress. Home to possibly the only area in Sonicdom where you can be killed by a 1-Up box...

Posts: 488
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I try to beat this game

But that Wing Fortess Boss.....

he always gets me


why does he do this to me


Posts: 1446
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Does anyone else do the thing where you kill the Clucker at the start, jump up onto a ledge, jump through a fan, and skip the entire "underside"?

Posts: 4885
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Yup, every time. I'm usually Super by then so I don't even lose the conviniently placed shield! :D

Posts: 955
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You're telling me there's an underside to Wing Fortress Zone?

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 4885
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*Giggles* I'm glad that they gave us all an option to skip the very annoying and stupid hang jumps and timed platforms and stuff. I assume if I didn't skip it every time it'd be the most annoying part of Sonic 2.

Wing Fortress Zone happens to be the only annoying level in the game, and the first one to begin Sonic Team's love affair with offing the player via endless pitfalls.

Damn you Wing Fortress. You ruined the franchise!

Posts: 5772
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I RETURN! Sorry for the delay, but I've been DVD-ifying some high-quality Reboot episodes and it takes up precious cpu cycles, making internet browsing a chore.


Tell me of this holy version of Sonic 2, Psx? I've never heard of such a glitch.

'Tis the fabled pack-in Sonic 2 that came with a Genesis (along with Streets of Rage 2) here in the states, at least in my experience. My first Genny... *sniff* ... how I miss it so.


I do not believe there are 7 Signposts in the very first act o_O

Actually, you're right. I goofed when I "corrected" the quote, there are exactly seven starposts within the first two acts of the game, not one.


I'm sure Psx meant the version where you DON'T lose rings after entering a Special Stage.

Hu-whah? This is new to me.


I take it we're not talking about the cheat where you keep hitting reset on the MegaDrive, then start the game with all the emeralds you had before you hit reset?


Oooo! You're right!

Nay. The particular glitch I'm talking about was the one that restores all rings in the act after exiting the Special Stage. This makes it possible to achieve Super Sonic before completing Emerald Hill.
