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Two games that haven't happened/been anounced that I'm pretty sure we'll eventually see.

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Who here agrees that we will see a Sonic Chronicles sequel in the future, and possibly a Sonic Adventure 3? (Seeing is thats what Sonic Unleashed was going to be when titled Sonic World Adventure.)

Posts: 1827
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We will probably see Sonic Chronicles 2. Especially seeing as that ending demands a sequel. Whether it'll be on the DS or made by Bioware is a different matter.

Sonic Adventure 3 probably wont happen in name. But we have had at least 2 Sonic Adventure 3s. Sonic The Hedgehog (2006) and Sonic Unleashed.

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I think Sonic Team well and truly finished the Adventure series many years ago. No need to revive it now.

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I'd heard that Heroes was meant to be SA3, but the franchise has had so many changes of style since then that it feels like a moot point.

The storyline for SC2's allegedly been being written since the start of this year, but it's not something that people seem to be talking about much.

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Sonic Heroes was more of a throwback to the 16-bit titles: stage progression, lack of permanent power-ups, Chaos Emerald collecting that wasn't forced by the plot, extraneous cutscenes severely cut down, etc. were reminiscent of the older titles but the gameplay followed Sonic Adventure 1 and 2's lead and added team functions. Shadow the Hedgehog returned to the forced C.E. collecting and introduced branching stage progression while going back to one playable character.

Now, if you're looking for a possible SA3 candidate look no further than 2006's Sonic the Hedgehog. A hub world with NPC's you can speak with (Soleanna), permanent power-ups (shop items), a return to multiple PC's (Sonic, Shadow, Silver), a large focus on game plot... it's SA1: Reloaded.

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yeah but that game sucks lulz. Sonic Unleashed was ALSO about to be called Sonic World Adventure, to be a part of the SA series, but they changed it for some reason :/

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Sonic Unleashed is called Sonic World Adventure in Japan. Mostly because Unleashed in Japanese means explosive diarrhoea.

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Sonic Unleashed is called Sonic World Adventure in Japan. Mostly because Unleashed in Japanese means explosive diarrhoea.

Well than the name was pretty appropriate, ZIIIIING!! But in all honesty the game was actually pretty decent.

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Yeah, it had a few redeeming qualities, but I don't understand why they're bringing him back for another game. Maybe its because Sega still has faith in the idea, and understands that they're constant hurry to make games is almost the same as crapping on them, and is maybe going to try better to make the Werehog better.

But if thats the case, not only will SU players that became Werehog haters (there are many of them) will skip the game, but they'll find another way to crap on it again.

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but I don't understand why they're bringing him back for another game.


Posts: 1984
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I'd love to see a new Station Square for the current Gen

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Posts: 1984
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I just thought Station Square had charm for a hubworld >.> Might have just been the music. Twinkle twinkle twinkle park....

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Now, theres another game that I cant tell if the ending was a joke or a hint at a sequel...

Sonic Rush Adventure.

In the end, you see Eggman's silhouette behind the jeweled scepter and hear a "He he he he ho..."

Posts: 5772
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Sounds like someone didn't collect all of the emeralds.

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Sounds like someone didn't collect all of the emeralds.

All fourteen emeralds, to be exact.

Also, LWS, when you wrote:

Yeah, it had a few redeeming qualities, but I don't understand why they're bringing him back for another game. Maybe its because Sega still has faith in the idea, and understands that they're constant hurry to make games is almost the same as crapping on them, and is maybe going to try better to make the Werehog better.

But if thats the case, not only will SU players that became Werehog haters (there are many of them) will skip the game, but they'll find another way to crap on it again.

Rishi was asking:

but I don't understand why they're bringing him back for another game.


You know, just in case you weren't stating an opinion or something.

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I have a thread called "Yep, you'll see him again." Google search: Sonic Unleashed 2. Scroll down a bit and click "Sonic Unleashed's Werehog Will Return" There are also videos on Youtube regarding the topic.

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I guess I'm the only one who's glad that the Werehog wasn't a once in a lifetime gimmick and could actually improve on him.

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Well, I guess maybe if they improved him it wouldnt be so bad.

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I guess I'm the only one who's glad that the Werehog wasn't a once in a lifetime gimmick and could actually improve on him.

I agree that the gimmick could be improved, but its time has already come and gone. Like team play, like guns, like swords, the problem is that the gamers have been exposed to it once. There won't be much stomach for it a second time.

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Not to mention that the plot will have to jump through hoops and stretch the suspension of disbelief past its breaking point to explain why he's going all Werehog again without Dark Gaia in the picture.

Or do much the same if they decide to bring Dark Gaia back just to bring the Werehog back, too.

Posts: 464
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Yeah, I believe I said this earlier, but people who already dislike the werehog will skip the new one, so... it wouldn't be a smart career move.

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Everytime SEGA tries to introduce a new gimmick, it fails on varying degrees. The werehog is no exception. Now, if the next 3D game were like the day stages in SU (without all the medal collecting crap) then I'd probably be more likely to play it.

Another thing that seems to be a bit of a problem is Loads and Loads of Characters. With just about every new game since Sonic Adventure, there's always been a new character. Some of them are one-game wonders, but they're still there.

Posts: 464
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Yeah. Very true. The same interview where the guy talked about them bringing back the werehog, he also mentioned that the next Sonic game would involve more careful platforming.

Careful Platforming + Sonic the Hedgehog = Epic Fail.

Seriously. What makes Sonic games more enjoyable for me is the speedy game play and the ability to rush through levels and kick robot butts.

Posts: 1789
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What do you mean epic fail? The dang MD/Genesis Sonic games was full of platforming, hence they were catagorized in the platformer genre.

If anything, the Sonic series needs more real platforming to get to an alternative route and an absence of button prompts to do the same thing.

Posts: 513
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With just about every new game since Sonic Adventure, there's always been a new character.

Actually, that has been true since Sonic the Hedgehog(16-bit), though the cast remained at a reasonable size up until Heroes.

I have not played a home console Sonic since Heroes(lack of funds and preferring handheld gaming in general), but it seems the biggest problem, gameplay wise, is that Sega starts from scratch with nearly every game when they should be taking the 'good' stuff from previous games and polishing it.

Posts: 1984
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Hedgehog Engine.

Sonic R 2

*tarred n feathered!*

2D platforming in Sonic is great fun for me. 3D platforming in Sonic makes me go aaaaaaaahhhh!

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Careful Platforming + Sonic the Hedgehog = Epic Fail.

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Quiksilver09 wrote:
Careful Platforming + Sonic the Hedgehog = Epic Fail.

Remember when I made that rant about so called Sonic fans claim that Sonic was all about speed?

Yeah, he describes my rant down to the bone. >_>

Now I would explain why your post is fail, silver. But Ashide already said it. And if I said it the way I wanted to, I would have to give up membership here and possilby my religion.

Posts: 1055
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Careful Platforming + Sonic the Hedgehog = Epic Fail.

In 3D and the portable games, yeah. Back in the day, they knew how to design levels where you can actually see what the hell you're doing and can avoid/take on whatever pits and enemies are in front of you.

Seriously. What makes Sonic games more enjoyable for me is the speedy game play and the ability to rush through levels and kick robot butts.

That's fine, but what about a happy little thing called exploration? The Genesis Sonic games were never purely about speed. Speed was optional, and they had a HUGE amount a hidden goodies to look for, like hidden items and passages that really are never utilized in the newer games. SA1 and 2 had a measure of that, but Heroes on, you're more or less on a fixed path. Whatever is "hidden" can't be unlocked by ramming/walking through a wall, or simply screwing around.

I know, I know. It's all been said, but that kind of thinking makes me keyboard mash.

Posts: 464
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The genisis games were different, they wer 2d

Posts: 1827
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So is Sonic Rush and yet that gets it wrong. Mostly because giving Sonic a fast forward button was the worst thing since giving Shadow a gun. Its been beaten by giving Sonic a Hedgehog-wolf form and a Talking Sword.

So, you like the Sonic that is hold Up/Left to win?

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Careful Platforming + Sonic the Hedgehog = Epic Fail.

lololololololololololololololololololol etc.

Seriously though, if anything, the Sonic franchise needs MORE careful platforming - not LESS of it! Therefore, I shall alter that equation:

Careful Platforming + Sonic The Hedgehog = Epic WIN


Posts: 200
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Another thing that seems to be a bit of a problem is Loads and Loads of Characters.

There's no easy way to fix it since even mainstay characters (Knuckles, Tails, and even Shadow) are sometimes rendered completely useless from game to game because of a mix of there being completely too many characters and trying to hype the new character. Knuckles suffered the worst of it up with the exception of Sonic Chronicles in my opinion. What they need to do is re-evaluate the total cast (Look over at Sonic Channel.) and cut the recurring cast by half.

There's 25 characters at Sonic Channel not including Chao and Sonic's two alternate forms. 12 recurring not including Dr. Eggman is more then enough.

Posts: 513
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Personally, I would like to see the recurring cast reduced to:

Playable: Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, maybe Shadow.
Supporting: Amy, Cream, Rogue, maybe the Chaotix.
Villains: Eggman, Metal Sonic.

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Nah.... I think they shouldn't really delete any characters, just quit making new ones. And I sort of think Sonic should be the only one playable :/

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Sonic, Tails and Knuckles - the original trio. I don't mind if all three of these characters are playable, just as long as they can each run like hell and have their own unique abilities and storylines too.

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Sonic has been the only playable one for the past two console games (Unleashed, Black Knight). If nothing else, if there are other playables, they shouldn't play like exact clones but each have their own abilities to get through the level. In turn, the levels should be designed with branching paths which would probably include hidden goodies, as mentioned in other posts, ususally with one or two exclusive ones for whatever character you'd be playing as.

Sonic Adventure was sort of close to it, but some parts of it didn't work.

-Big the Cat: If you're going to stick in a fishing mini-game, at least make it fun. I HATED playing as Big the Cat because the fishing mechanism was horrid.

-Tails: Seriously, "Get to the goal before this character" got really old after a while. If anything, Tails' levels should have been mostly the same as Sonic's, just add branching paths that only Tails could get to or something to add a bit more variety.

- Knuckles: My grip with his levels also applies to SA2. NO MORE TREASURE HUNTING. The radar is unreliable as heck. Besides, the Master Emerald doesn't have to keep getting broken each time as an excuse to give Knuckles a role. Granted, in SA1 it was okay, as the Monster of the Week was related to his tribe, but in SA2 it was an excuse to give him a rival.

- Amy Rose: Thankfully she was only playable here and in Heroes, but her levels felt too much like sneaking missions. Sure, she was running away from a robot, but there was definitely something missing there. This applies to everything else in the game as well.

- Sonic: His levels were too straightforward, I think. From here on I too much emphasis was put on speed. It wasn't really fast here, but it only got faster from here. This was probably the closest it got to the classic Genesis games. I could be wrong here, though.

- E-102 Gamma: The precursor to Tails' mech shooting levels in SA2. There was a time limit which I didn't like, but at least shooting the little Sonic dummies was fun for a bit. Just a weee bit.

Posts: 899
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Sonic has been the only playable one for the past two console games (Unleashed, Black Knight). If nothing else, if there are other playables, they shouldn't play like exact clones but each have their own abilities to get through the level. In turn, the levels should be designed with branching paths which would probably include hidden goodies, as mentioned in other posts, ususally with one or two exclusive ones for whatever character you'd be playing as.

Well, to be fair, Shadow, Knuckles, and Blaze were playable once you got to a certain point in BK. I don't know if they were required to use, though.

Coincidently enough, those are the only playable characters I want besides maybe Tails, Amy and Rouge. I also really want branching paths. I'm not sure how I would do it, though; start each character at the same point in the level and have different obstacles that only they can get through leading to their own areas (ie. Knuckles underground part of Angel Island Zone Act 2 or the Fakery Way in Amy's version of Twinkle Park), or give them the same level in name, with all the same textures and such, but an entirely different layout of the level specifically designed for them and their abilities.

Posts: 3756
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Well, to be fair, Shadow, Knuckles, and Blaze were playable once you got to a certain point in BK. I don't know if they were required to use, though.

Pretty sure they were. You had to run around, setting up the swords to build a magic barrier around the castle after the fake first ending.

Posts: 513
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I think Sonic Adventure did a great job of differentiating the Triple Threat in abilities while making them all fun to play with. Give me Soinc, Tails, and Knuckles with their SA1 move sets, a sprawling world ripe for high-speed platforming that takes advantage of the Triple Threat's abilities, and make all the technical stuff rock solid, and I think the result would be awesome.

As far as alternate styles of play are concerned, Big and Amy where definitely the low-points of Sonic Adventure, though I quite enjoyed the third person shooting and treasure hunting, especially after the coat of polish they got for Sonic Adventure 2. I would like to see Tails use the Tornado/Cyclone in-game again, though I would want his game to be less than half aerial and shooting missions. As for Treasure Hunting, I would rather enjoy the occasional mission, though it would be quite annoying to see another game where Knuckles does nothing by Treasure Hunting.

Posts: 464
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The Knuckles treasure hunting was Epic Fail. It was completely unenjoyable. If you have Knuckles in a game AT ALL, you need to have him punch out robots and walls.

What I meant by prefering speed gameplay...

Lets compare:
In Sonic Rush, you can activate a spring by just walking on it. No jumps, nothing.
In... say, S&K, you ran up to it- stopped- then had to jump on it.
In Sonic Rush, you can use really cool moves to go really fast and destroy enemies, like the Y Button Move. It zips right through enemies faster then you can ACTUALLY see it.
In S%K, you had to spin dash, or jump.

And when I said that careful platforming would be bad, I was talking about 3-D Sonics.

Posts: 1055
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In Sonic Rush, you can activate a spring by just walking on it. No jumps, nothing.
In... say, S&K, you ran up to it- stopped- then had to jump on it.

Actually, you can jump on a spring while running. Always been the case.

In Sonic Rush, you can use really cool moves to go really fast and destroy enemies, like the Y Button Move. It zips right through enemies faster then you can ACTUALLY see it.
In S%K, you had to spin dash, or jump.

Spin Dash is actually useful though. It's a speed generator for getting up steep hills and going through walls blocking the way, as well as finding hidden rooms and items, and it doesn't run on a gauge like SR's dash button.

Design is everything, and when you're being practically forced to run like a bat out of hell, you don't have much of a choice but using the dash button for taking out enemies. Enemies that can't be seen until you run into (and take damage from) them. It's really quite halfass game design there.

And when I said that careful platforming would be bad, I was talking about 3-D Sonics.

It's because they're doing it wrong.

Posts: 464
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True, very true.

I think Unleashed's werehog stages were VERY carful platforming, but then again, that isn't reeeally Sonic :/

Posts: 2723
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I think Unleashed's werehog stages were VERY BAD platforming

Fixed. Because there is no reason that a werehog can have a double jump and still can't grab on to a designated ledge or pole even while mashing B when the green target appears. |:<

Posts: 464
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I know that part is always SO DAMN ANNOYING. It would frustrate me to death. That damn path of darkness just... ugh.

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Fixed. Because there is no reason that a werehog can have a double jump and still can't grab on to a designated ledge or pole even while mashing B when the green target appears. |:<

Yeah, I know what you mean. The werehog controls were annoying as hell. It took a while for me to get used to those controls.

Posts: 464
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It was like Sly Cooper, but WAY worse. Sly was actually a decent series.

There was WAY too much Werehog, not enough real Sonic, and on the rare occasions where it WAS Sonic, it was either a tutorial that you wont even need or really hard, maybe really bad.

Posts: 2723
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There were actual times you played as Sonic. Most of that time was spent holding up/right and the speed boost button in those stages. Occasionally he'd end up stuck in a wall or fall through the ground. Other times he went so fast he'd careen off the stage. The rest were spent mashing buttons in a certain order before time ran out and a life was lost.

The bad thing is, when you wanted to move the camera around to get a better look at things, you couldn't.

Posts: 464
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I KNOW! That was so frikkin' anoying! It frustrated me to death.

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