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What does it REALLY mean to be a Sonic fan?

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Posts: 127
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I saw a topic like thist at SSMB. ANyway, the Sonic fandom these days just seems to be full of rants about how the new games aren't as good as the 'old days', and people complain about just about every character, save Sonic himself.

People flame some for liking Shadow or any other new character, others obsess. And then there's complaints about the new games. Sure they may not be perfect, but every character goes through similar things. I mean, Mario's games aren't always perfect. Lemmie quote concept Mobius...


You'll know a "SegaSonic" extremist right when you see them. They'll have no problem reciting their views on how sucky Sonic has been lately, how lame all the new characters are, and of course the giant tornado of apparent suck that is the comics. Vague signs include their habit of buying only the Japanese versions of the games (although a lot of them don't even understand Japanese), bickering about how crappy the English voices are (you know, as if we couldn't have already figured that out ourselves), and, of course, ranting endlessly about how Sonic is going down the drain and his fame has dissipated since he is slowly yet surely becoming more Westernized, losing the image he once had, and is turning into a corny catchphrase-spewing money grabber. Although Sonic was meant to be a character that would appeal to Western audiences anyway, I won't deny that I also liked the old rebel Sonic with an attitude more so than the cornball he is today. But unlike "SegaSonic" extremists, many Sonic fans have come to embrace the foreseeable changes that have been made to the series over time. That new Sonic the Hedgehog 3 or Sonic Adventure these people are always hoping for is never coming, but something equally as cool, but in a different way, will come. Their delusions, however, hinder them from seeing that.

So there's lots of characters, Shadow has his own game, and the new voices are bad(IMO). That doesn't mean we should go about bashing things.

So anyway, what does it mean these days to be a Sonic fan? I'm pretty much lost... =/


Posts: 3666
Famed Member

For starters, I just wanna point out that, as a basic answer, I don't so much see myself as a Sonic fan, morseo a fan of good games, which happens to include a number of Sonic titles within.

Speaking of Sonic specifically, tho, I don't like where the series is going. I have no gripe with the number of characters there are, so long as they are necessary and used to the best of their personality - for example, the addition of Cream has shown pretty well on the series as she's become a major character plot-wise in most of the games she's been involved in - mainly the only ones in which she hasn't are really Sonic Heroes, in which she's dumped in a dodgy plotline just to fill in a flight character, and Shadow, for obvious reasons to those who've played it.

Speaking of Shadow, I don't like where the character has gone. That's not to say I don't like Shadow himself - he's got a ton of potential, much more than most any character within the Sonic series, what with his broken past - but Sonic Team have completely missed a gold mine with that with the recent game, as well as Heroes, which have either posed more questions than given answers, or just made things horribly clich or confusing.

The main thing that's getting to me with the recent games is Sonic Team's drop of standards - the original Sonic games were excellent. Enjoyable, had impressive visuals for its time, and had a lot of replay value, among other things. Atop that, they kept the plot nice and simple. However, in recent endeavours there have been problems - parts of, if not all, recent games have felt like a chore to play, graphics are rediculously below the industry standard, horribly convulted plotlines riddled with plot holes get used time after time, and little actual replay value - okay, there are things to unlock, such as the Hard mode for Heroes and Shadow, as well as Shadow's Library, but they don't feel worth the effort. Of the current generation of Sonic games - that is, Sonic Adventure to now - I have only felt motivated to play SA2 for any extended period of time since completing the final boss (for the 2D games, that does not include the true final boss, except for with SAdv, which I eventually got all the emeralds to, and Rush, in which the Special Stages were so awesome that I had to get them done.).

On top of that, localisation of voices has never been exactly good - some of the voice actors were alright, but most of them didn't convey expression all too well. Now with the recent change to 4Kids' voice actors, things have gone downhill even further.

All I want Sonic Team to do now is get back into gear. Make their games fun, the stages enjoyable. Kick the graphics up a bit - I don't mind if they're not the best in the world, so long as they're not bland, lifeless, and generally just plain poor. Make it worthwhile for seeing your way through to the end - Super within normal stages, anyone? Sort out the voice actors - surely Sonic Team could do better if they tried?

Blah blah outro other stuff I could have put but didn't.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

I think what it means to be a Sonic fan is to care about the character and the franchise in all its many forms. Thus, extending to 'bashing' of recent endeavours, because we care about the character and franchise to such a degree that recent games and characters are lacking compared to previous endeavours.

We rant and bash because we care about Sonic and the franchise, and imo is what it means to be a fan, whether we applaud the new stuff or downright hate it, of us caring about the franchise to return, or as others might view it, remain at it's current standard.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

If you play Sonic games, watch Sonic cartoons, or read Sonic comics, then you are a Sonic fan, so long as you do it of your own free will rather than at gunpoint or something.

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In recent years, Sonic's really become an insignificant character in the grand scheme of things: His games are considered by most sane people to be lackluster and he's gradually sliding into obscurity. Long gone are the days when Sonic went toe-to-toe with Mario for domination of Videogamers' hearts, and poor Sonic now sits on the same back shelf as Crash Bandicoot; dusted off occasionally to make a game, but he's never really been able to capture the old magic the games once had.

I'll consider myself a fan of Sonic in general until the day I die, but all of us have to admit that the old blue hedgehog just ain't what he used to be.

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

I still like Sonic the Hedgehog and don't have any problems with the new characters. I haven't really played any of the 3D ones save a bit of SA2 (Stage 1 on the Hero Side rocked, especially when you get pursued by the truck) and played the classic and GBA games (except Pinball Party; I didn't like it too much), and I really don't find anything wrong with them. I don't like the 4Kids voices at all for Sonic X, but I try not to let that deter me from the show.

One thing I don't like is when people bash on the characters for no good reason, like Cream, for example. A lot of people keep saying, "OMG I dont liek Cream she's useless, blah blah." They don't see that she's only six years old and just a little kid.

Posts: 56
Trusted Member

I haven't had a problem with the old Sonic games or the new ones. I think they're all great. The newer ones are evn better because they have a story. But I enjoy the classics as well. Shadow is now my favorite character. I don't mind any of the characters, there's just too much, and many of them copy others.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

Well, Pachamac and Human Shadow took many of the words out of my mouth.

I like Sonic as a character. I like some of the other established characters in the franchise. I like some games in the series which are good games in general.

What I don't like how problematic the games have become with shoddy level design, unneccesary gimmicks, and with also the case of the 3-D games broken camera, outdated graphic engines, and bugs. It's quite embarrasing and undeserving to the franchise when they release an truly average product amoung other game franchises in the market that surprasses it. Why should I care about current Sonic games again when there are much better games on the market?

I liked the Genesis games because of the varied level design and the simple fast flowing gameplay and if there was any glitches, they didn't hinder the game(in most cases they made it more entertaining)

Sonic Adventure 1 is the only 3D game I like so far though it might be the notalogic glasses talking. I have a feeling if I played it now I wouldn't like it as much.

About the characters, why must Sonic Team try to cram every Tom, Dick, and Charmy in their recent games even if they are unneccesary to the plot/plot? And when they do create new characters, why do many of them have to be hero/anti-hero characters and most of the time they feel like clones of previous characters? Why can't ST just limit a game to a small cast and further develop them from there? When will we get a another game where Sonic has true different abilities(see S3&K shields), more levels, and overall the most important and powerful character in a game?

I mean it seems that Sonic Team forgotten what made Sonic great and he's on the level of being a simple-cash cow.

And yeah, if Sonic 2006 isn't an above average game, then I could see it sliding further into irrelevancy.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I didn't realise there was an entry test for you to be a fan of something. Don't you just say "I like this. I support this" and judge yourself as a fan.

A fanatic would be the type who over-evangelises, buys everything adn such.

A fanboy would be one who defends it from anything no matter how valid the complaint and hates anything else.

A veteran fan would be one who sticks to the old days and hates anything new BECAUSE it's new.

A sensible Sonic fan is one who judges things seperately and fairly and hates Shadow and Heroes because they suck, and not for any other reason.

I have no idea where I am on the scale. I just buy every Sonic game I can, adore Sonic X (ep 26 onwards, please), loved the UK comic, dislike the US, hate all 3 DiC shows and doesn't care too much about the whole Mobius Verus Earth debate, but stick to Earth, because I'm versed in the Japanese storylines which are more interesting.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

But did you like the Sonic OAV, Craig?

Posts: 222
Estimable Member

I think it you only eat pie if it's in the shape of Sonic's head, you're quite the fanatic. o.o

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I like the OVA for the upside down kick. That is perhaps the most awesome thing I've ever seen in anything made in Japan.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

Best part of OVA:

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As for the topic...nowadays, there's about 3 main kinds of Sonic fans.

The first group is mostly people between 25-17; they dropped out somewhere inbetween the revelation of the uber-hyped Heroes being crap and the announcement of the Shadow game. They despise what Sega have become, have completely lost all faith in Sonic Team, and revere the classics.

This group is the middle ground, and the largest of the three. They dislike Shad/Heroes but remain hopeful for the Sonic franchise; most like Battle/Rush and are hopeful for Riders and next-gen.

The last group is almost entirely made up of younger people who mostly started with Sonic Adventure or later. They love Sega/ST for what it is now, like Shad/Heroes, and will continue to love the Sonic franchise if the upcoming Sonic games continue the standard Heroes has set.

I don't like generalizing/grouping people like this but it remains correct nundalez.

I also don't think that this was all that on-topic, but hey, I'm a whore.

Posts: 679
Honorable Member

I'm a Sonic fan as opposed to a videogame fan. I bought a Mega Drive in order to play Sonic 2, then picked up the rest. I bought a GameCube to play Sonic Mega Collection and Adventure DX. I entered a Sonic competition and won a GBA SP with Sonic Advance 3. The only videogames I own other than Sonic are Animaniacs and Elite II for the PC.

From the games, I diversified into SatAM and Sonic X, plus the UK books. I also collect plushies.

Basically, if it's a Sonic game, I'll probably buy it, regardless of how it stacks up in gameplay etc. against other games on the market - cos it's Sonic. Chances are, I'll also like it - I like Heroes, even if it drives me nuts. Shadow's intriguing me, though I've had no time to play it recently.

I probably *do* prefer the classic games though - after all, they're what I grew up with (I'm 24 now).


Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Oh, wow, DK, you took what I've always thought and said it eloquently.:thumbsup

Posts: 127
Estimable Member
Topic starter


The first group is mostly people between 25-17; they dropped out somewhere inbetween the revelation of the uber-hyped Heroes being crap and the announcement of the Shadow game. They despise what Sega have become, have completely lost all faith in Sonic Team, and revere the classics.
This group is the middle ground, and the largest of the three. They dislike Shad/Heroes but remain hopeful for the Sonic franchise; most like Battle/Rush and are hopeful for Riders and next-gen.

The last group is almost entirely made up of younger people who mostly started with Sonic Adventure or later. They love Sega/ST for what it is now, like Shad/Heroes, and will continue to love the Sonic franchise if the upcoming Sonic games continue the standard Heroes has set.

I don't like generalizing/grouping people like this but it remains correct nundalez.

Oh? Well, that can't be correct, since I don't fit into any of those groups. I was very little when the first games came out, but I've liked (almost)every one. I enjoy Heroes and Shad, the classics, etc. I DON'T liek the gamegear titles, though, as they simply bore me. I have no GBA or DS, so I am not sure about Rush or Battle.

I'm more of a mix of the second and third groups. Also on the whole '17-25', I know someone who fits in that age group, but likes Shadow and sORTA likes Heroes. So, generalizing gets yeh nowhere, IMHO.

Anyway, it irks me that people flame games like SHadow and the people who like them, since there ARE fans of those. And saying 'you can like it, but you must accept it for a bad game' is kinda dumb thing to say, since I think Heroes and Shadow are fun, not bad But that's my opinion.

Bashing charas and stuff bugs me. It's ok to dislike something if yeh have a reason, but to rub one's opinions in other's faces is rude. Meh... that's all I can think of saying for now.


Posts: 178
Estimable Member

I really don't know how to class myself =S

Yes, I perfer sonic to many video game characters, and yes, I know a lot about the sonic franchise compared to many people.

However, my intrest has only truely been fostered in the past two years, and indeed, the past year, it has been lost thanks to a combination of the mediocraty (sp) of Sonic Heroes, and the fact that all the recent games have been on consoles I do not own.

I loved the sonic franchise when I was young, in fact, it was the fist game I ever played, before I could truely even hold a controller for the Mega Drive. Sonic holds a special place in my heart, and Tails is to my mind, one of the greatest characters ever. I got SA1 after played SA2, and loved it more. But this was all in the last year, when for some reason my mind whent "Oh, DANG! I need to read more StC!" (Curse my parents for disposing of my collection!)

I AM still interested in sonic, yes, and indeed, much of my internet interests originally spanned from my liking of sonic. And indeed I am looking forward to the next gen Sonic.

But Will I play it?

Unless I can borrow someone elses console, no.

Am I interested in most sonic games today?


Am I a sonic fan?

Well....That depends. I'd say, I'm more of some guy who like's, and happens to know a bunch about sonic, rather than a fan.

Much in the same way that I like and know more than many people I know about Xmen, yet I only have about 15 comics...

Posts: 4607
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Or IE7.

Which still isn't as good as FireFox, sad to say.

Posts: 139
Estimable Member

I also don't think that this was all that on-topic, but hey,....
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!
where's your head woman?!!!
hurry and edit that trash out before other people read it!!!
now if you excuse me i have to try and get my blood sugar back up before i faint. if i told my friends all the bad words i heard so far from this site they'll never belive it was from a sonic site. it's just horrible.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

Mega, I didn't say that everyone fits into those groups. Generalizations are about the majority. There are always exceptions. The majority of the second group is 17-25.

The irking is natural since you like the games, and flaming people over tastes is nothing short of laughable. As for what I said in the Shadow topic; I can see peoples' irks with it and understand them, but that doesn't make it faulted.

The fact that Heroes and Shadow are sub-standard games for their time is inextricable; there is absolutely nothing available to allay this truth besides personal tastes over the game's ineptitudes, which brings me back around to how there's nothing wrong with liking them.

However, attempting to channel these inclinations into factual arguments against the games' inadequacies is absurd. It's been tried and tried and it just ain't happening.

GOOD GIZOID do I sound like a stoned LoK writer when I dive into this crap. I hope I don't have to talk on this subject again...I got tired of it seconda fter starting.

I forget that versions of IE7 have existed for months every few seconds, SH. ;_; If it's take on things is more diverse comapred to Firefox than IE6 is, I'm going to cry. STOP MAKING THE DESIGNERS CRY! MAKE THINGS SIMILAR! MAKE THINGS SIMILAR!

...Well, sonicknight, after I got over the initial shock of you being the only person to realize that I'm a girl without being nudged about five times, I got blasted by a shockwave twice as potent brought forth by your predilections.

I'm above the notion of mocking you, but this remains true: Regardless of your preferences when it comes to these things, the board is run under the American PG13 thingamabob, and my post conforms to it. No editing will be applied.

Posts: 139
Estimable Member

The board? The board isn't responsible for your person, edit it for your own sake. your young and foolish but when your older you'll never forgive yourself for that word. I don't even understand why you brought it up! Why call yourself that? are you trying to sound older or trick people into thinking your attractive? why didn't you say "I'm off topic, but hey that's just me" or " hey, I'm like that" why use that word?!

What shock hyper? I'm the one that's shocked reading all that intelligent analysis and then
and mock me all you want but I'll stand down it's not fair for the both of us to be against you, I'll let you do that.

That's all I'll say about this. I'll edit all what I wrote in the two posts when you edit that word. if your not ganna edit out of pride than stupid girl you have no pride unless you do edit it, so hurry up and erase it.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member


- A prostitute.
- A person considered sexually promiscuous.
- A person considered as having compromised principles for personal gain.

Noting that HSW was saying that without any reference to sex at all, it's clear that the third definition is applied.

Stop showing your ignorance by believing that the word only applies to horrible bad things. That's like shouting at someone for calling a child born out of wedlock a bastard.

It's the correct and non-vulgarity use of the term.

Stop whining.

Posts: 139
Estimable Member

craig, there's a word for happy that means something dirty and ugly. i dare you to say "i'm happy" using that horrible word instead of happy. write it three times, proove to me your okay with calling yourself that, craig.
otherwise stay out of this.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

your young and foolish but when your older you'll never forgive yourself for that word.

Would it gall you if I claimed to be eighteen and that I've called myself a whore{in the meaning Craig illustrated} at least fifty times by now?

I'm the one that's shocked reading all that intelligent analysis and then

Aah, I see why it hit you so hard now. You're cute. ^_^, I'm not being sarcastic.

and mock me all you want but I'll stand down it's not fair for the both of us to be against you, I'll let you do that.

No mocking has been, or will be, machinated, and I don't really care how many people jump on my with this, since I'm reasonably confident that I am quite of the correctness.

craig, there's a word for happy that means something dirty and ugly. i dare you to say "i'm happy" using that horrible word instead of happy. write it three times, proove to me your okay with calling yourself that, craig.
otherwise stay out of this.

He's going to, you know. In fact, I can't think of a single person on this forum who would honestly have trouble doing that besides you and some people who barely post outside of Knothole and the Guild whom I haven't got to know through observation.

I'm gay, I'm gay, I'm gaaaay! Beautiful, happy, and briiight! The suuun is aaalways shiniiing~

By the way, regardless of your sentiments towards anal sex, the word "gay" refers only{or mainly} to the cultural and social aspects of homosexuality. "gay" doesn't really equate to "anal sex"; "gay sex" does.

...Unless you're truly suggesting that having the capability to be attracted to people of the same sex makes you disgusting. Hoo boy.

I would mildly suggest that we get back on topic at this point, but that would make me a hypocrite, and we haven't strayed that far...yet. >_>

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Gay means happy. That's the dictionary definition and it has only been linked to homosexuality in the past 30 years, so I may exclaim how gay I am that Scrubs series 3 has finally arrived on my doorstep, I'm sure my girlfriend will be gay to know I'll be gay all day and we'll sing West Side Story together.

Sonicknight. Accept this, your sheltered and protected world is NOT the same world the rest of us live in. Don't expect us to shelter you, if you don't want to hear these things, don't walk into a PG13 board. Would you care for a list of pre-approved words? Perhaps whore, gay, bastard, sex, breasts, penis, vagina, sex...

Would you like me to continue?

Notice how the censor didn't pick any of those up? It's because you're in a PG13 board and we're allowed to say these, and to be honest, Knight, I have no respect for your ignorance, I don't want to help you remain someone who thinks that love only entails walking hand in hand on the beach, I think it's sick that you were raised like that, so you'll excuse me if I go out of my way to make sure I never use discretion in your presence. You're the one who choses to be around us. We're just being ourselves.

It's you who should respect our right to say what we like. Not us respecting your right to pretend that the 50's are still going on.

Posts: 139
Estimable Member

I have one question for you Craig, after this I'll leave this site for good.
I can never stay here, it's too much. I just need to know this:
Why did you always talk to me? Not just at the normal times also when I'm arguing others like this time, why do you always have to show up?

and don't just write your anger, please calm down get a glass of water and think hard and write it honestly.
If you don't want to, that's okay :smile just say so.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I told you before. Your supreme ignorance and niavate always aroused my curiosity.

I never get angry, either. I'm trying to give you a cold slap of reality. You wont get far in the world the way you're going, the fact you're recoiling and going into yourself rather than venturing further into the unlit unknown proves this.

Feel free to do as you wish, but justy remember, free speach and all. Try growing up sometime :)

and plus. I reply to everything. I'm a posting-whore ;)

Posts: 139
Estimable Member

sorry I'm late I was feeding the fishes.....
you just HAD to end it that way...anyway...

about your answer same here, i never met someone so ...wrong in my whole life (i see you wrong, i don't mean it as an insult).
and you also remember, just because i'm religious doesn't mean i hate other people for being different. i just hate bad words and bad actions, not the people themselves a lot of people are like me don't misjudge us cause we always caring;) also, i always pray to god for people to be better and happy (tell that to your "friend" too).

i'm not staying, my ways are mine. bad language is unacceptable and i'll hold my ground on that till the end. this is my limit.
i just didn't think a sonic site could have such horrible words, sonic is like the most famous character to kids's just too mean. well, now i know better than to judge a book by it's cover. i also learned what PG13 is now, i'll stay away next time i come across it :nn; (i'm not ignorant i just thought PG13 means for 13 year olds).

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Sonic is also a symbol of nostalgia and the average fan is between 16-25. Trust me, we're the GOOD guys of the Sonic community, want to go to Artail or Sonic CuLT and tell me that we're all evil and bad?

Posts: 286
Reputable Member

I'm going to admit that at first, SonicKnight, I did respect you, and your beliefs. I look fondly upon having moral standards - it's something I'm big on myself, but I don't respect people inflicting their will upon others.
Personally, I don't like to see certain things myself - for instance, sometimes the quote of the whenever irks me a bit, but you know what? I don't own this place, and I have no right to enforce my 'standards' on anyone else. If I see something I don't like, I just scroll on and shrug it off.

Chill out a bit, dude - relax, and have some fun. Everyone understands your standing on such matters now, so you could probably just drop it and get on with discussing Sonic, because frankly, this 'innocence' stopped being an endearing quality and started approaching creepy a while ago. A teacher could probably be a bit more in touch with the world if they're going to be passing knowledge on to children. You're apparently a teacher, so.. yeah.

EDIT: I'm a slow typer. You guys have said a heap while I was busy, making this a bit redundant. Ah well.

Anyway, on the topic of being a Sonic fan, I'd say I fit fairly well into already discussed fan archetypes. I too continue to follow the series due to the fact I have a place in my heart for many of these characters, and whilst some of the character traits I loved now seem to be MIA, I'll always hold onto them as part of those characters, and believe those traits are still buried in the characters somewhere, even if we never get to see it anymore.

SA1, despite its flaws, is my favourite game in the world and I'm always dumbly optimistic that the next game might finally hand out the next Speed Highway, Red Mountain or Final Egg. I'm hoping StH '06 can capture the 'alive' feeling and charm of SA1, as well. I've frequently gone on massive speils about why I love this game on other boards, so I'm going to spare this one. For now... :evil

I loved the classics, enjoy much of the nowadays stuff, but am very disappointed when we're handed something sub-par, and am not going to let it slide just because this is my favourite series (and almost the only thing I play these days). I care about these characters and various related elements - that's why it hurts when something turns out bad. I don't want my favourite franchise to suck - I wanna have fun with it, especially as I'm one of those hopeless fans that follows Sonic wherever he goes and shells out for new systems just so they can play the latest Sonic. As my little scribble shows.


All that said, whilst I may not be happy with some of the recent games, there's always something for me to like there, and I guess that it's enough to warrant the purchase. Doesn't mean I don't want more, though :]

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

I'm also 'religious', and I don't see anyone here as 'wrong'. Craig has been trying to show you how the majority of people think here.

There have been many debates over the language and we in the staff are content with the way it is now, as long as the accepted words aren't over-used or mis-used. We try to make this place safe for all children and adults, thusly the PG-13 rating. this is one of the better sonic sites on the internet IMO, i've seen other places where flaming is rife, the staff have no idea what they're doing and the language is utterly in the gutter.

If you've a complaint about anything to do with this forum, start a topic in the EVC instead of dragging conversations off-topic and turning them to yourself constantly. If you've a complaint with another forumer, use the notes system.

and so, *sporks the topic back on-topic* try and drag this back to your own interests, sonicknight, and you'll get a warning.

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

One off topic note: IE7's available for download?


Back on topic, I don't consider myself a game fan nor a Sonic fan. There's this little group called "casual gamers". I think I fall on this group because, among other things, lack of money and other interests.

However, what brought me back to Sonic is Sonic Heroes. Although it keeps the style of old games, I wish they would have polish the game better. I have not tried Shadow yet unless it comes to the PC (I have no game consoles other than a Playstation 1).

At any rate, to be a Sonic fan in my humble opinion is to desire the game above other titles and characters.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member



Sonic is also a symbol of nostalgia and the average fan is between 16-25.

I'm willing to bet the average Sonic fan today is much younger than that however, those Sonic fans who are searching for a Sonic site(assuming that they ever will) would more likely go to than to participate in this message board. Your numbers however Craig seems to more likely reflect the average age group of Sonic fans who come and post here. And even if there are 9-12 year olds lurking, most likely they are already heard and know the definitions of the word "whore"--even in the context of HSW's post making SKnight's complaint even more ridiculous.

But enough about that.



I don't want my favourite franchise to suck - I wanna have fun with it, especially as I'm one of those hopeless fans that follows Sonic wherever he goes and shells out for new systems just so they can play the latest Sonic.

I'm curious, what's it going to be, X360 or PS3? Cute doodle.

Dreamer of Nights


However, what brought me back to Sonic is Sonic Heroes. Although it keeps the style of old games, I wish they would have polish the game better. I have not tried Shadow yet unless it comes to the PC (I have no game consoles other than a Playstation 1).

I have a feeling Shadow the Hedgehog and maybe even Sonic Gems Collection will eventually come to the PC(well, at least in Europe), but then again SA2/Battle has never had a PC release.

Posts: 286
Reputable Member


I'm curious, what's it going to be, X360 or PS3?

360. Of the current (or should I now say previous?) consoles, my bro and I have a a GCN and Xbox, but no PS2 (nor did we have a PSX. We were about Saturn and N64 in that generation). I have nothing against PlayStation whatsoever - it's just that there's more of the type of games we like to play on on the other consoles. There's a few PS2 exclusive titles that I wish I could have (eg; Disgaea, Sega Superstars) but not enough to warrant purchase of the console.

I did think about PS3, as it'd be nice to be on the 'winning' end of the console war for once, and it's certainly a sexy machine (both aesthetically and power wise) but I'm not sure I'd get much out of it games wise. 360 will likely offer more for us to enjoy. Though in fact, this generation will mark the first time we've not bought the new machine upon launch (same deal as the GHZ's webmaster there). There's no must-have 360 titles right now as far as we're concerned, and my brother is kind of 'getting out' of the console gaming scene in favor of PC-based gaming, and personally I'm more of a casual gamer anyway (Sonic's almost the only thing I play these days) so I'm gonna wait til Sonic comes out then get the console - hopefully there's been a decent price drop by then, too.

I'll likely get Rev too.. as much as I'm hating the whole repetitive cycle of spending heaps of time and money accumulating all the peripherals for each machine, only to find I don't use them enough to warrant the wasted cash, and when the thing finally hits its prime, it stays there for a few seconds before the new consoles come out... rinse and repeat. Such is the life of a hopeless Sonic fan like me, and thus the "inevitable death" in the doodle :D

Um, and to stay on topic, I am liking the looks of StH '06 (visuals are certainly satisying enough now, time to concentrate on gameplay, Sega), and hope with all my heart that it'll be the pay-off for being a rabid Sonic fan all this time. Riders is looking cool as well, I'm hoping that it doesn't disappoint, as well - obviously. Rush is pretty awesome, and finally justified purchasnig a DS.

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

I would like to say that I am Sonic Teams BIGGEST fan, and I worship them.

No, no. Don't laugh. I'm quite serious. I think Sonic Team are geniuses, and this increases every single time they release a new game.


Because they know that they only have to put half an effort into a game, make it look good only in advertisements, slap the Sonic logo on it and release a crappy, bug-filled, un-fun, shoddily designed game to the public and just wait for the money to roll in.

Genius. Bloody genius.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

Gyser, you crack me up. ^_^

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

lol Gyser's sarcasm

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

Awww, shucks. You guys make me blush.

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

I consider myself a Sonic fan. I enjoy all the games he stars in. Some more than others. I enjoy Sonic Heroes. *shot* I enjoyed Sonic 3 & Knux. That's the game right there. The only Sonic games I despised so much was Sonic 2 for Game Gear (too hard) and Sonic Drift (too easy). Heck, I even enjoyed Sonic Labriynth to a degree. *stabbed*

I watch the shows. All four of them that appeared in the U.S. I don't read any of the comics, but i was never interested in comics anyway.

But what disturbed me on this topic was what The Human Shadow said sometime ago.


All I want Sonic Team to do now is get back into gear. Make their games fun, the stages enjoyable. Kick the graphics up a bit - I don't mind if they're not the best in the world, so long as they're not bland, lifeless, and generally just plain poor

That's the point. They are trying to make the games fun, make stages enjoyable, and whatnot in the 3D games. But it's harder for them to pull it off for Sonic. And the gaming world can't go back to 2D. Mario was able to pull it off because he stars in slower paced platforms. Nintendo just had to stick him somewhere and make him find something. It's going to be hard for a 3D Sonic game NOT have many bottomless pits in the levels. Green Hill Zone in SA2 proved it.

Posts: 98
Estimable Member

Well I look at myself as a Sonic fan because I like Sonic. Well actually I like Tails more *looks around room that has at least 1 Tails thing on each piece of furniture*, what? I'm "not" a fanboy. XD But to like Sonic makes you a fan.

When you basically start going on memory lane and complaining about every game there is out there now, you turn into Sonic fanboy and then get on everybody's nerves.

I just like most people haven't really cared for most of the new games. Shadow could have had so much potential since the CGI was just beautiful [Sonic Team just needs to make a CGI Sonic movie with those standards and I'd camp out overnight at the theater for that] but they put their half-effort into the game and ruined something that could have gotten the franchise from going down. Riders looks promising [has any one played it yet actually?] but Sonic Team is only putting half-effort to milk us fans because they know we're going to buy it reguardless of how bad it is, except for Shuffle as not too many people own that one. XD A lot of people like the handheld games a lot, but what they don't realize is that Sonic Team isn't really doing much with those games. THQ and Dimps are handling those and they know how to make a good game even if it does milk a franchise.

As for other things Sonic such as the cartoons and comics, well what can you say? It's hard to make a character that's suppose to be fast look good with animation and comic cells, but hey things are looking up hopefully in the future especially with Sonic 15th on the 360/PS3 [of course I'll be picking up a 360 to play it because I cannot afford a PS3 no matter what the price is] and the "mystery" title for the Revolution.

So yeah, basically, you like Sonic you're a fan.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

Sonic V2:


That's the point. They are trying to make the games fun, make stages enjoyable, and whatnot in the 3D games. But it's harder for them to pull it off for Sonic. And the gaming world can't go back to 2D. Mario was able to pull it off because he stars in slower paced platforms. Nintendo just had to stick him somewhere and make him find something. It's going to be hard for a 3D Sonic game NOT have many bottomless pits in the levels. Green Hill Zone in SA2 proved it.

It's not just the level design that is there problem. There is also the issue of camera, not putting any real effort in the graphic engine, and an unpolished game due to bugs. They should let some other development team in Sega*coughAVcoughSonicTeamJapancough* or outsource to some other company the franchise because Sonic Team USA is looking like one of the B-Teams of Sega and it seems stupid to let one of your premiere franchises to be handled that way.

Also bout your Mario point, some people complaints about the 3D Mario is that it lacks the familar 'Mario'-feel like in his 2D games(no fireflower or any other permanant power-up 'til you get hit, a lifebar, etc). So their arguement is Mario is more than just plopping him(and releated characters) in a 3-D world.

Also who says 2-D doesn't have a place in this industry? What about Viewtiful Joe, Guilty Gear, and Alien Hominid? What about NIS's games? What about the 2-D games that are availible for the DS and PSP?

The Real Tails:


When you basically start going on memory lane and complaining about every game there is out there now, you turn into Sonic fanboy and then get on everybody's nerves.

Wait, I'm confused on this statement. Do you mean people who reminence about the peak of Sonic, 1991-1994 and complain about every other current franchise games that are popular today(i.e. GTA, DMC, and Halo) or people who complain about the current Sonic games?


A lot of people like the handheld games a lot, but what they don't realize is that Sonic Team isn't really doing much with those games. THQ and Dimps are handling those and they know how to make a good game even if it does milk a franchise

THQ's role is only publishing the games to the North American audience. They have nothing to do with creating the handheld Sonic. For the platformers, that is all Dimps work with Sonic Team supposedly "supervising".

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

Also who says 2-D doesn't have a place in this industry? What about Viewtiful Joe, Guilty Gear, and Alien Hominid? What about NIS's games? What about the 2-D games that are availible for the DS and PSP?

Of course 2D still has its place. It's just not as strong as it once was.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Sonic Team "Japan" is too busy with their adopted little girl series to bother with their aging man-child of a son. Everybody pities and adores the newcomer, her real parents having forsaken her in favor of the newborn son who's yet to receive a sequel. She's grown tremendously since the adoption and is now ready to break out into adulthood in her new title for PS2 and PC, her hopes for the future dependant on how well she will be received.

Meanwhile, man-child squanders his life away, barely able to make ends meet. Several failed marriages and an illegitemate son who scorns him lingers in his soiled past. He remembers his younger years, when the masses would flock to see him. Play with him. Hold him close. Appreciate who he was and what he stood for.

But no longer. The flood has become a small stream of one-time admirers who await his return to grandeur. Only a promising fling with a saucy little two-faced minx had kept him from totally losing it. The future is uncertain, but he trudges along, willing to try new things and new experiences. Only time will tell how he fares.


Posts: 1789
Noble Member

Perharps, after the promised adoptee finally makes her cameo appearance on the Xbox 360, maybe, just maybe they could help the man-child get back on track so he can age much more gracefully.
